
Sith Ascension

In the echoing silence of the void, a soul was reborn. Ripped from the clutches of a mortal existence, a young man found himself cast into the ethereal realm of the Sith. With eyes that burned with newfound power and a heart pulsating with unyielding darkness, he embarked on an epic odyssey that would forever etch his name into the annals of galactic legend. From the desolate wastelands of Korriban to the towering spires of Exegol, his journey would be fraught with peril, seduction, and the ultimate test of his allegiance. Beware, for this tale weaves threads of forbidden love and erotic encounters that will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more. Let the adventure begin, but tread carefully, for the path you tread is treacherous, and the temptations that await you are as intoxicating as they are dangerous.(NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING)

Darkhorse99 · Phim ảnh
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18 Chs

The battles begin

The crimson glare of Darth Krayt's double-bladed lightsaber sliced through the air, carving a path of destruction through the ranks of Republic soldiers. Each swing was a symphony of violence, a brutal ballet of death. The soldiers, hardened veterans of countless battles, stumbled and fell before him like puppets on broken strings. Their blaster fire, once a deadly hail, was now mere sparks against his dark energy shield, a testament to his power.

Krayt's boots, augmented with Sith technology, propelled him forward, leaving trails of scorched earth in his wake. He was a whirlwind of fury, a living embodiment of the Dark Side, his crimson eyes blazing with a cruel, hungry passion. He reveled in the terror he instilled, feeding off the fear that pulsed through the battlefield like a dark current.

He spun, his lightsaber a blur of red, deflecting a volley of blaster bolts as he charged towards a group of soldiers huddled behind a crumbling wall. He roared, a sound like thunder, and the wall crumbled, burying the terrified soldiers beneath a cascade of stone.

Krayt's gaze swept across the ravaged battlefield, searching for a specific target - a target that he hadn't seen since their last encounter, a duel that had ended in a messy stalemate.

Then he saw her. Elara Therane, her Chiss features hardened by the shadows of the Sith, her red eyes glinting with the same ruthless hunger he felt. She was perched atop a fallen transport, her sniper rifle humming with dark energy as she picked off enemy troopers with surgical precision. The sight sent a jolt of adrenaline through his veins. A primal thrill, a yearning for their shared history of passion and bloodshed.

'Elara,' he called out, his voice a rasping whisper that cut through the din of battle.

Her head snapped up. Recognition flickered in those crimson orbs, a hint of something akin to pleasure. She adjusted her sniper visor, a smirk playing on her lips. 'Krayt,' she replied, her voice cool and collected.

He strode towards her, his lightsaber still humming with dark energy. 'It's been…too long,' he said, the words heavy with unspoken promises.

'Indeed,' Elara agreed, her gaze locked on his. 'But time is a fleeting concept in the grand scheme of things.'

'And you are still as beautiful as I remember,' Krayt said, his voice laced with a dangerous sincerity.

Elara laughed, a low, throaty sound that sent a shiver down Krayt's spine. 'Always the charmer, Krayt. You still haven't learned to separate your desires from your duty.'

'Perhaps not,' he admitted, a smirk playing on his lips. 'But I enjoy the company of a beautiful woman, even in the midst of battle.'

Elara raised an eyebrow. 'Even a Sith Lord needs distractions.'

'Especially a Sith Lord,' Krayt countered, his gaze hardening. 'Tell me, Elara, have you missed me?'

'Missed you? No,' she quipped. 'I've been quite busy.'

'Busy with what?' Krayt asked, a hint of possessiveness creeping into his tone.

'Doing what I do,' Elara replied, her gaze sweeping across the battlefield. 'Eliminating the Republic's little lapdogs.'

'And are you enjoying it?' Krayt inquired, his eyes gleaming with anticipation.

'Immensely,' she said, her voice edged with a cold satisfaction. 'But enough of this idle chatter. We have work to do.'

She gestured towards a group of Jedi, their lightsabers flashing in the twilight, a beacon of light against the encroaching darkness. The Jedi, outnumbered and outgunned, were making a desperate stand against the Sith onslaught.

'Those Jedi,' Elara said, her voice laced with cruel amusement. 'They're blocking our path.'

The bloodlust in Krayt's eyes intensified. 'Then let us make them pay.'

He ignited his lightsaber, the red blades flaring to life like angry tongues of flame. The air crackled with anticipation as Krayt and Elara charged towards the Jedi, a wave of dark energy surging between them.

The Jedi, sensing their approach, turned to face their attackers. Their expressions were etched with a mix of fear and defiance.

'Let's show them the power of the Dark Side,' Krayt roared, his voice echoing across the battlefield.

Elara, her sniper visor glowing with a deadly red light, aimed her rifle at the Jedi. Her finger tightened on the trigger, and a bolt of dark energy shot out, piercing the heart of a Jedi Knight. The Knight stumbled back, his lightsaber sputtering and dying, before collapsing onto the cold ground.

Krayt, his double-bladed lightsaber a blur of red, cut down another Jedi, his cries of pain swallowed by the din of battle. He moved with an almost supernatural grace, his movements fluid and deadly.

Elara, her rifle spitting out bolts of dark energy, took down another Jedi, her crimson eyes narrowed in focus. The Jedi, caught between Krayt's fury and Elara's precision, were quickly overwhelmed. Their defenses crumbled under the relentless assault, their lightsabers falling silent one by one.

The battle raged on, a deadly dance between the light and the dark. But in the end, the Sith proved to be too powerful. The Jedi, outnumbered and outmatched, were forced to retreat, their cries of defeat echoing through the battlefield.

Krayt and Elara, their bodies slick with sweat and blood, stood triumphantly over the fallen Jedi. The air crackled with the residual energy of their dark power. The battle was over, but the fight was far from finished.

'They will try again,' Elara said, her voice cool and collected.

'And we will be ready for them,' Krayt replied, his gaze burning with an unwavering determination.

He reached out and took Elara's hand, his fingers closing around hers with a possessive grip. Her skin was cool and smooth beneath his calloused touch.

'I thought I might never see you again,' he said, his voice low and husky.

'You know I can't ever truly escape you, Krayt,' she replied, a playful glint in her red eyes.The air crackled with the raw energy of the Force as Ryla, a Twi'lek with a mischievous glint in her yellow eyes, danced through the fray. Her lithe form was a blur of movement, a whip of purple-ribboned head-tails blurring around her as she spun, slashing with a red lightsaber. Republic troopers, clad in white and orange armor, fell before her, their blaster bolts deflected with a flick of her wrist, their bodies bisected with clean, swift strokes.

Ryla reveled in the chaos, the adrenaline pumping through her veins. The outpost on Ord Mantell, once a beacon of order, was now a battleground, a testament to the Sith's relentless push. Around her, fellow Sith fought with a savagery that sent chills down her spine.

Suddenly, a dark figure, radiating with raw power, cut through the fighting, sweeping aside two troopers with a flick of a red lightsaber. The blade, a crackling inferno of crimson energy, was wielded with effortless precision, leaving behind a gruesome trail of severed limbs and charred flesh.

'Well, if it isn't Kali'Nae Vhane, the Blind Fury,' Ryla said, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. 'Fancy meeting you here. I thought you were stuck on some backwater planet, meditating your way to enlightenment.'

Kali'Nae Vhane, a tall, elegant Sith with piercing yellow eyes and a custom-made armored dress that clung to her sculpted form, turned to Ryla. She didn't need to see to know who it was. The Force hummed around her, a tangible presence, revealing her surroundings with a clarity that surpassed sight.

'You're as loud as ever, Ryla,' Kali'Nae said, her voice a low, husky purr. 'Not exactly the way to blend in with the shadows.'

'Who wants to blend in?' Ryla scoffed, her voice tinged with a manic glee. 'This is chaos, my dear. We're letting loose.'

Ryla, her laughter echoing through the carnage, leaped onto a mangled piece of debris, her eyes darting across the battlefield, locating the nearest enemy. It was a trooper, his back to her, his blaster trained on another Sith.

'You know, I've always loved making people snap their own necks,' Kali'Nae said, her voice a chilling whisper.

Ryla watched, fascinated, as Kali'Nae's hand shot out, fingers extended, her eyes locked on the unsuspecting trooper. The Force surged from her, a palpable wave of dark energy, crashing into the trooper's mind.

The trooper, his face contorted in agony, dropped his blaster, his hand flying to his neck. His eyes bulged, and his body convulsed as he snapped his own neck with a sickening crack.

'Nice,' Ryla commented, a touch of admiration creeping into her voice. 'It's always a good day when you get to exploit the weak.'

But Kali'Nae was not finished. Her gaze, sharp and laser-like, shifted to another trooper, a young woman who was firing wildly at a group of her own comrades.

'Isn't it funny how the mind can be controlled?' Kali'Nae said, a chillingly playful note in her voice. She extended her hand again, focusing her will on the young woman.

The woman, her face contorted in disbelief, her body jerking erratically. She was firing wildly, tearing through her own allies, her face contorted with a horrifying mixture of fear and rage.

Ryla watched, a morbid fascination creeping into her eyes. She couldn't help but admire Kali'Nae's raw power.

'I've always been a fan of a good mind-control show,' Ryla said, her face illuminated by a manic grin.

Suddenly, the sound of a lightsaber igniting pierced the air, a blue glow cutting through the darkness. Two Jedi, their faces obscured by their hooded robes, appeared from the shadows, ready for battle.

Ryla's eyes narrowed. She was out of her element here.

'Jedi,' she said, a slight tremor of fear running through her voice. 'Not my favorite kind of party.'

'Jedi are just Sith with better PR,' Kali'Nae said, her voice cool and calm, her lightsaber humming with a deadly energy.

'Let's have a little fun,' she added, her eyes flashing with a predatory gleam.

Kali'Nae, with a flick of her wrist, summoned two lightsabers from across the battlefield, blades spinning through the air, impaling two troopers before they even had a chance to react. She sent them spinning again, each blade arcing towards the two Jedi, piercing through their defenses with terrifying accuracy.

Ryla watched, her jaw slack with awe. She had never seen anything like it.

'I'm going to try that sometime,' Ryla said, a mix of fear and admiration in her voice, as she leaped into the fray. Her lightsaber spun through the air, a deadly ballet of silver and crimson energy. She sliced and diced through the remaining troopers, her movements a blur of agility and chaotic fury.

As the Jedi fell, Ryla and Kali'Nae stood above the battlefield, surveying the carnage, a chilling sense of power emanating from them. The outpost was a shambles, a graveyard of shattered bodies and broken dreams.

'That was…intense,' Ryla said, taking a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.