
Sith Ascension

In the echoing silence of the void, a soul was reborn. Ripped from the clutches of a mortal existence, a young man found himself cast into the ethereal realm of the Sith. With eyes that burned with newfound power and a heart pulsating with unyielding darkness, he embarked on an epic odyssey that would forever etch his name into the annals of galactic legend. From the desolate wastelands of Korriban to the towering spires of Exegol, his journey would be fraught with peril, seduction, and the ultimate test of his allegiance. Beware, for this tale weaves threads of forbidden love and erotic encounters that will ignite your senses and leave you craving for more. Let the adventure begin, but tread carefully, for the path you tread is treacherous, and the temptations that await you are as intoxicating as they are dangerous.(NUDITY AND SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING)

Darkhorse99 · Movies
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18 Chs

Sith Insanity

The air on Ord Mantell crackled with the raw energy of the Force, a tangible tension that vibrated through the crumbling buildings of the outpost and the bodies of the combatants. Darth Krayt, a whirlwind of crimson fury, cleaved through the ranks of Republic troopers, his double-bladed lightsaber a deadly ballet of crimson arcs. He felt the dark side surge through him, feeding his rage and fueling his thirst for power.

His boots, adorned with intricate gold embroidery, thudded against the dust-ridden concrete, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The stench of burnt flesh and the metallic tang of blood filled his senses. His crimson eyes, honed by years of Sith training, scanned the battlefield, searching for his next target.

The air hung thick with the stench of burning flesh and cortosis, a sickly sweet perfume that permeated the ravaged landscape of Ord Mantell's besieged outpost. The once-proud fortifications were now little more than crumbling rubble, testament to the relentless onslaught of the Sith. The sun beat down mercilessly, baking the ground into a dusty, ochre-colored wasteland, reflecting the crimson glow of a dozen lightsaber clashes across the battlefield.

Amidst the chaos, Darth Krayt was a whirlwind of rage and fury. He moved with the grace of a predator, his crimson eyes scanning the battlefield for fresh targets. His double-bladed lightsaber hummed with raw power, leaving a trail of severed limbs and smoking armor in its wake.

His opponent, a grizzled veteran of the Republic forces, struggled to keep pace. He was a seasoned warrior, his years of experience honed in the crucible of battle. But against the raw, untamed power of Darth Krayt, he had no chance.

"You fight like a blind fool," Krayt snarled, his voice a deep, guttural growl. "Do you not see the futility of your resistance?"

The veteran's face contorted in a grimace of pain as Krayt's lightsaber sliced through his shoulder. He crumpled to the ground, his armor clattering against the scorched earth.

"What a pity," Krayt said, his voice devoid of any remorse. "You were a decent soldier, but you were on the wrong side."

He turned his attention to the rest of the battlefield, his gaze swept across the scene of carnage. The Republic army was on the verge of collapse. Their ranks were thinning, their morale broken. Krayt savored the victory, the taste of power as sweet as the blood that stained his armor.

Across the battlefield, a different kind of chaos unfolded. Raidy, a warrior of the Rattataki species, was a whirlwind of primal energy, her sleek, white skin glistening under the harsh sun. She danced through the battlefield, her crimson body paint smeared with the blood of her victims, a testament to her savagery.

Her massive breasts, bared and bouncing with every move, were a spectacle unto themselves, a source of both fascination and fear for the soldiers she encountered. Her weapon of choice was a pair of crimson sabers, which she wielded with the grace of a predator and the ferocity of a wild beast.

She moved with the agility of a panther, her black high-heeled boots leaving no trace on the dusty ground. With each kill, she shed a layer of clothing, reveling in the sensation of her body against the rough fabric of her armor. By the time she was done, she was a vision of naked fury, her red sabers slashing through the air, a testament to her primal pleasure in the act of violence.

"Come on, you pathetic scum!" she shrieked, her voice a raspy, guttural growl. "Let's see what you're made of!"

She charged into a group of Republic soldiers, her crimson sabers whirling like a deadly storm. The soldiers, caught off guard, were no match for her fury. They fell one by one, their bodies crumpled and lifeless on the battlefield.

Krayt, his eyes narrowed with a primal hunger, watched this spectacle unfold. A strange mix of fascination and desire coursed through him, a potent cocktail of lust and power.

'Look at her,' a voice hissed in his ear. It was Ryla, the Twi'lek warrior, her eyes narrowed with jealousy and a hint of fear. Her pale skin, adorned with intricate tattoos, was flushed with a mixture of anger and desire.

'She's…something else, isn't she?' Krayt murmured, his voice a low growl.

The sight of Raidy, naked and powerful, triggered a primal urge within him, a desire that had been dormant for too long.

'Why are you even looking at her?' Ryla snapped, her voice tight with suppressed rage. 'She's a disgusting creature. We belong together, Krayt. Our destinies are intertwined.'

Krayt turned his crimson gaze upon Ryla, his expression a mixture of amusement and irritation. 'Are you jealous, Ryla? You know I only have eyes for you.'

'Then why are you staring at her?' Ryla challenged, her Twi'lek head tails whipping around her like angry serpents. 'You haven't even looked at me all day.'

Krayt sighed, his dark features softening slightly. 'I'm sorry, Ryla. I'm just... drawn to her. The Force whispers her name in my ear, urging me to claim her as mine.'

'The Force? That's a lie,' Ryla scoffed, her yellow eyes narrowing. 'You're just a Sith lord with a bad case of lust. You're not listening to the Force, you're listening to your cock.'

'Ryla...' Krayt warned, his voice a low rumble. 'Do not speak to me in that tone.'

'Why not?' Ryla retorted, her voice rising in defiance. 'You're a powerful Sith lord, yes, but you're also a slave to your desires. You're a pathetic puppet, dancing to the strings of your own urges.'

Krayt's lips curled into a cruel smile, revealing the sharp edges of his teeth. 'Is that so?' he whispered, his voice a dangerous caress. 'Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I am a slave to my desires. But it's you who I truly crave, Ryla. It's you who I will possess.'

He grabbed her by the chin, his touch rough and possessive. 'And don't worry, my love,' he whispered, his voice a seductive murmur, 'we'll have plenty of time for both of us to revel in your… affections.'