
Phil in Marvel Universe (On Hiatus)

Phil was reborn in the Marvel World and using his knowledge he changed the future events. His shadow knights rule the MCU and his kids will be future avengers. I don't own any rights. This is fanfic anyway.

ayrus2011 · Phim ảnh
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110 Chs

Destroying HAND

I called the number ancient one had left on the magical agreement and I guess it was the London office that picked up the call.

"Hello, this is London Sanctum. Master Sol Rama will pick up the call shortly. Be on line…." An automatic voice greeted Phil when he tried that number. He nearly laughed at this absurdity.

After a few minutes, while Phil was on the call, a golden ring appeared in his office and he put down his phone and walked inside the space portal.

On the other side, Master Sol Rama was waiting for him and tea was placed on the table.

"Good evening, Master Phil. The ancient one told me about you. Please feel free to ask anything. Tea?"

"Sure, more honey please," Phil said smilingly. Ever since coming back from the trip to the quantum realm, he cherished food a lot and would regularly eat new delicacies.

"Well, the main reason I am troubling Kamar-Taj today is because of a group we are facing right now. It's called 'HAND' if I am not wrong. We have no solid information about them apart from a few ninjas we captured in our last mission. These guys should be dead but they are alive and kicking. I don't think science is at play here."

"Well, what you are facing is an old enemy of the sacred place of martial arts, K'un-Lun. Just as we are teaching Mystic Arts to those who seek us, they teach Martial arts to those who are destined. Even though they keep to themselves and do not interfere with our world, they do share their gateway on this dimension. Something, if someone is destined, can come across after every decade.

However, we do not interfere in each other's matters and hence our contact over the years have now declined."

"Well, that's bad but the ancient one protects this earth from any outside dimensional being and invaders and something that can make dead bodies alive, I don't think it is friendly or holy in nature. Surely there must be something you can do." I questioned them deeply this time.

"Just because they are an enemy of K'un-Lun, it does not mean we give them a free pass from Kamar-Taj. What we have been doing is basically cutting off their access to the dark dimension from where they seek their power and over the years, we have managed to block several channels and access points.

Their actions in the human realm are beyond our control just like any other human group. We do not interfere with what normal humans are doing or will do in future and we cannot manage or control it."

Sol-Rama, this guy basically said we cannot do anything to their group since they are basically involved with human conflicts and the mystic part is something we are already working on. This must be the reason that group of 5 undying bastards are still alive and can grow to this point.

"Well, let's divide our work then. You can assist us in the mystic parts and leave the marital conflict to us. I think my group can do far more damage than martial artists from K'un-Lun." I proposed our plan.

"Well… I see no issue in this. I will send you a few sorcerers and sorceresses from our temple. They will help you in your quest. Tomorrow morning, then?" he finally said after thinking something.

"Sure." After the confirmation, the agreement was set and I needed the team to handle the rest.

I came back to our base, called a team meeting and informed everyone about this. Fury also asked for a personal meeting with these sorcerers and sorceresses and well, knowing Fury he was going to do it anyway so I agreed.

The next day just after breakfast, a few golden hoops became visible around our operation base and Sol-Rama came out with six middle-aged people dressed in their monk attire. Nothing fancy and simple but yeah, can't be underestimated.

This was the first joint mission between Kamar-Taj and Shadow Isles and I think ancient one must have sent good ones to not embarrass Kamar-Taj in front of my big sis.

My big sis 'Singularity', after our last trip to Quantum realm, has become a lot silent and would only become visible to me a few times. I think her protective nature could not handle the fact that she failed to protect me after making tall promises. And even though, we have talked a lot, it is something she is personally dealing with.

Anyway, back to the topic, with all team assembled, my shadow knights were divided into four teams.

Each team was led individually by Steve, Bucky, Hope and Me. We have five knights and one sorcerer in our group. Fury and Rama were in the operation room to oversee everything while another two sorcerers remaining were supposed to be back up with our 10 knights.

Rama pulled a spell and by chanting certain names and using some sort of hand movements, he was able to locate five different places on a projection of a world map. Fury checked these places on the digital map and then he also took the remaining backup people with him for the fifth place.

In short five-team, five places, fighters along with sorcerers jumped into five golden hoops and disappeared from the operation room.

I came out in a jungle in Cambodia. This was a place occupied by a local warlord and now it is clear that is just the cover. I and my team silently infiltrated their camp and we kept moving at a steady pace.

However, I think we triggered some alarm or something, all of their guys suddenly came out with heavy firepower. I was already waiting for the main guy. I kept shooting and motioned my group to spread out.

I asked the sorcerers to locate the HAND operative here and they pointed towards a certain direction.

It was then I saw this guy - A black guy dressed in a fancy suit and white hat smoking a cigar. I think he thought this was just normal African warlords who attacked him for territory. Well, his arrogance is good for me.

I rushed towards him, he spits his cigar and took a battle pose. I jumped high towards him like a cannonball and punched him with my full force. This was not just my physical force but even my quantum energy was channelled into my punch.

I was going to end this fight in one punch and that was my goal.

I think it was not until the moment I jumped, that he took me as a treat and tried to use his 'CHI' to create a barrier for himself. Well, he fuc*** up.

"Booommm!" It was like a bomb went off and blood and bones were splattered when my punch connected to his chest. His barrier could not even hold up for a second and he was seriously not ready for me.

The Sorcerers who came after me, made hand gestures read some 'mantras' or 'spells' and there was a black energy thing that they collected in a dark energy ball.

"It seems, we got the one we came for, right?" I asked them and they nodded. Gunfire around me also came to half after a few minutes and I guess that was the end of it.

I think we just took no more than 5 minutes to end this guy. Not sure, how others did. Well, it is not a competition anyway. If it was, I would have won, I think.

"Well, everyone search this place properly and find anything worth looking into. Take anything and everything we can and let's leave. We should reach the base first." I commanded into the comms channel and was making my way back to the hideout of this guy.

"Sir, there is something here that you should look at." One of the knights said in the comms channel and it made me curious what it was that they had to personally call for me.

When I reached that place, I could see almost 100+ bodies of young kids, dead and their organs harvested into some jars. These kids were barely more than 8-years-old and they were cut like fucking pigs and thrown into this dark pit at the centre of camp.

"What the hell!" I could not believe what I was looking at. This is not something I was expecting to see in a Marvel world. Fuck! How could be there someone so cruel and inhuman?

"A sacrifice ritual to awaken and channel the power from a dark dimension. These kids were murdered and their souls were offered to open the dark dimension. Now, their souls will be forever trapped in there. They will never find peace, ever. This is so much worse than it looks." The sorcerer whispered to me and I launched a strong energy blast from my hands and it basically started a huge fire that burned the bodies around.

We burned this camp and came back to our base.