
One Piece: Rune Master

Woman?! Status?! And Wealth? Hm? Who put that?! *Clears Throat* Woman?! Status?! Power?! Nah I'm not interested in that ! Just let me relax in peace!

HeavensLight · Tranh châm biếm
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Rune Master System

I woke up inside my cave holding a deck of cards and a red ominous book

I inspect the cards back is red with a star like shape and the front is.. blank?

next I inspect the book it have many Chinese like letters and a crystal like object in the middle

*wonder what's written inside?

well here goes nothing*



I can't open it, I started looking for a maybe a lock or something?

17 minutes later


"should I throw this book??"

*hmm the crystal looks valuable tho*

"well better than nothing "

as I tried to get the crystal,

my fingers got cut in the sharp edges of it,

suddenly the book started to glow again this time the pages started to flip on their own, then I hear a voice inside my head

•Inheritance Of The Rune Master Has Been Activated•

•Analyzing The World Risk




Analyze Complete

World Risk: Planetary Level

Danger To The Inheritor: High •

• Looking For Energy Source

• Looking For A Solution



The Inheritance Will Be Weaken Until the Host Have Enough Energy •

•Analyzing The Inheritors Body•





•Analyzed Complete

• Rune Master System •

Lvl: Low Apprentice

Energy: 10

Body: 1

Mind: 1

Soul: 5

Rune Slot: 3

(You Can Save A Rune In The Slot And Can Use It Unlimitedly As Long As You Have Energy)

Skills: Rune Enchantment, Rune Apprentice Knowledge Lvl 1, Focus

Rune Enchantment Low:

+10% Physical Damage

Rune Apprentice Knowledge Low:

Knowledge To Building Foundation To Become A Rune Master


Accelerate Your Reaction, Sensitivity and Thinking Speed


Cooldown 30 minutes:

Duration 3 minutes:


Deck Of Rune Cards:

A Rune Compatible Material

Can Grow Along With The Host

Can Only Be Used Using Rune Slot

Death Shot:



"Is This For Real?"

I stared blankly at the status panel in front of me, looking at the glowing

Low Apprentice

I can't help but touching it

then information about runes started popping up in my head

17 minutes later...

I was sitting in the corner and eating some oranges

remembering the knowledge I received about runes I can't help but become excited,

*Finally!! I can burn those puppies BWAHAHAHA*

I laughed like a villain for a few minutes,

yup! embarrassing.

but thinking about my situation, indeed I have knowledge but what can it do?

so I need to practice how to make runes

and because I don't have energy so

I need to level up my profession but I don't know how to do that yet,

so I'll just train my body.

time skip - 2 weeks)

day 1) I explore the surroundings and start training my body

day 7 ) I discovered the wolf pack they are in the south of the island but I just ignore them for now I'll get my revenge later

day 10) I tried to make a rune but I almost collapse from exhaustion

day 12) I discovered a big bad tiger in the west

day 13) there is a freakin Bear in the east

day 14) I nearly died of heart attack because there really is a snake on the north of the island!!! and damn fortunately it's sleeping or I will surely die

and now here I am roasting a pitiful rabbit,

"sigh sorry buddy, don't worry I'll try to find your whole family so they can company you so don't be sad"

I can only comfort the rabbit soul

well no need to feel depressed

today I'll try to make a rune

looking at the +1 in my body stat I know all my hardwork have paid off

let's start with a fire rune

this rune can only deal fire damage

unlike fireball that can also deal explosion damage

but the more powerful the rune the more energy it requires,

*well here goes nothing*

putting all of the cards in one slot I started to write the 'flame' rune using my blood

after using 2/3 of my energy I successfully manage to make my first rune!

Rune Slot 1:Flame

Single Target Rune

Can Cause Fire Damage

+10% physical damage