
One Piece: Rune Master

Woman?! Status?! And Wealth? Hm? Who put that?! *Clears Throat* Woman?! Status?! Power?! Nah I'm not interested in that ! Just let me relax in peace!

HeavensLight · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 2: Wolves

Hearing the sound of waves I slowly woke up from my sleep

opening my eyes I see an endless ocean

and I look in my back to see many trees

*where the hell I am?*

*I hope there's no freaking snakes here or I'm dead*


hearing a loud sound I look back in the ocean to see a freakin Sea monster with a head of a cow and body of an eel

"what the hell!?"

I watched it jumped a few times and then everything went silent again

I just stood there flabbergasted of what I just saw.

"Damn it looks like a fuc**** Sea King am I in the pirate world?"

*nah I can't go into conclusion yet*

staring one last time into the ocean I walk in into the forest behind me

I cautiously walk into the tree's and picking a few fruits that looks edible

after walking a few minutes I started to feel that there is something following me

trusting my instincts I started walking north when I passed a big tree I started running.

run run RUN!!

My muscles are screaming in pain

but I didn't stop running I heard a howling of a wolf behind me and I know


seeing dozens pairs of red eyed wolf

I started to run faster

as I starting to feel like dying I saw hope!!

there is a mountain of stones in front

and I saw a little cave that can only entered by my little self,

as I get nearer to the cave?

the biggest wolf is also getting near me

*almost there, almost there! jump!!*

I didn't think twice I jump straight to it

the wolf also tried to bite me but failed

looking back to the hole and the wolf who tried to widen it by using it's paws and teeth, I start to feel glad I survived and angry at the same time.

looking at the eyes of the wolf

I swear to my ancestors I will turn this wolf to ashes someday.

the wolf realizing it can't do anything it gave up and walk away

I waited for a few minutes before looking outside and seeing that the wolf pack is gone I sighed in relief

I started looking around the cave

and it's quite spacious enough for a person to live in


hearing my own stomach that like a wild beast,

I started to think about how to get some food

*Meat is out of the question since it's alret3 to 4 pm so fruits are my only option for now*

fortunately for me there are few fruits not far away from my cave

after eating a few fruits I started to think about my situation,

*if that wolf is already that big how about the tigers? lions? how big will they?*

*how can I survive in this island?*

as I go deeper in my thoughts I noticed something in my mind, I don't know how to explain it I just know that there is something in my brain or soul?

with a sudden flash of light I enter a red space in the middle of it floating a deck of cards and a red ominous book

before I can move an inch the book started to move as it got closer it suddenly accelerated

"Oh sh*t not again!!"