
My Hero Academia: Blue Burn Dabi

A story of a hopeful boy, Toya Todoroki. Who against all odds wanted to be a hero. This is his journey into being a Hero. . Author's Note: This is a system fanfic, but the system will be introduced much later. Also don't expect an overpowered MC, he will eventually get there, but it's the journey that matters. The story will start in an alternate world, where Toya didn't snap and become a villain. But a vigilante/hero, and also Endeavor is a real shitbag here, not a sissy shitbag like in the manga. Another thing, in the mange Toya is around eight to ten years older then Shoto, but not here. Here Toya is only 6 years older then him. If you have any suggestions please post a review or a comment. I will try to get back ASAP. Also in future, I will add villains or heroes from Marvel, DC or even the Boys. And later on, I will add powers from other animes. But don't worry, I will balance them out. That is the reason for the tags.

Anas_Nazim · Tranh châm biếm
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44 Chs

Chapter 1-5

When Toya saw himself getting engulfed by the sea, he thought that this was the end. But life had other plans for him. Call it a miracle or something else, but he just couldn't bring himself to believe what he was seeing right now.

It was hard to breathe, or do anything right now, seeing himself in a bed, attached to multiple layers of medical equipment. His legs were plastered in a way that made it difficult to move. But it was more harder to believe that he had a floating blue screen in front of him.

He had a guess what it was, as it showed a few information about himself, but he couldn't believe it.

'Did I hit my head fighting Overhaul? No, that's a stupid question.' He thought. He did hit his head a couple ot times but… 'Did I hit my head to hard fighting Overhaul.'

Even though Toya knew what it was, he just couldn't wrap his head around it. The floating blue screen had few words and it said.


Name: Toya Todoroki (LV. 0)

Vitality: 38/155 (Warning!)

Ether: 220/220

Strength: 12/54

Agility: 17/74

Stamina: 19/69

Intellect: 83

Willpower: 74

Balance: 00

Special Skills: Appraisal(LV. 1), Recovery(LV. 1), Heat Resistance(LV.1){*}

Abilities: Quirk (Cremation), Cold Resistance{*}, Strong Will]

'What the heck is this?' Toya said in his mind, but looking at himself wrapped in bandages laying in bed he just sighed, 'Well, at least I am alive.' He would think about the whole 'System' thing later. He tried to swipe it away, but even his hands were to weak to move. Yet the screen disappeared. 'I am just going to pretend that the blue screen never existed. And its all in my head.' Toya could have sworned someone scoffed at him.

But then, he heard a small click coming from the door, and it opened. A nurse got in for a regular check up, but seeing Toya look at her. She became wide-eyed, and called the rest of the medical staff. Soon, the doctors started pouring into the chamber and doing a full check-up on him.

While this was happening. Toya started remembering what happened. He couldn't save Eri. But did the heroes catch up to the Yakuza? He did manage to damage the ship as far as he remembered. But he wasn't sure. Several thoughts started popping into his mind.

His mind was still heavy so, he could only rest in bed. But every time some one new came Toya saw the blue screen appearing, giving him their name and other stuff. Like the 'Appraisal' skill thats widely popular in games. Whatever the whole system was real or not, he would look into it later.

Toya thought that the system thingy was all in his head. But when he saw the information matching with the ideviduals he was a bit shocked. It was impossible for him to know what a person's quirk was even before they showed it to him. And that made Toya's head spin.

After maybe an hour or so, two members from the Hero-association came to his room, questioning about his last mission. But with how fast they came, Toya knew that they didn't trust him with their shit.

Well, for them he did fail their mission. But with how cold their whole act was, Toya was very keen on getting out of the Hero Commission. It was his last shot of being a hero.

But he wanted to do it with out getting a bullet in his head, so didn't say anything. He did ask, how he got help, however.

It just so happened that Gang Orca found his body and brought him to the emergency.

"I have to thank Gang Orca, personally," Toya muttered, it felt almost foreign to speak, so his voice came out rougher then usual. "Oh, sorry I didn't get your name." He asked even though the system screen thingy was showing him the man's information.

"You can call me Naka Riyo. So, Mr. Toya could you tell us about what happened that day." A raven-haired thin man said as he took a seat near his bed. He had tanned skin with sharp eyes.

The agency knew almost everything about him. So even though he failed the mission. They didn't or shouldn't suspect him. But…

[Appraisal (Active)

Name: Naka Riyo

Vitality: 125

Ether: 85

Quirk: Lie Detector(Active)]

Toya didn't know if all of this was in his head, but so far the info it provided was true. Like half an hour ago how he found out the lady doctor had a scanning quirk, and it was before she used it on him. So now when he saw the information, he was rather frustrated.

Looking at the information if it was true, then came the obvious question. Why was the agency using a lie detector on him? So, those bastards didn't trust him, even after all he did. He was beyond angry. No, no, Toya, calm yourself, this just might be some illusion. Still, he felt frustrated with how the two men looking at him. There was suspension in their eyes.

But Toya didn't let any of his emotions show on his face, and the men from the agency thought it was due to his injurious.

But he started to explain what happened, not leaving out any part. They didn't trust him, but if the Agency could save Eri, then this information could be useful. After the explanation was over, then came the obvious question.

"…even though it might be not the right time to ask, but how did your cover blow up. Even though taking out that many members of the Yakuza is admirable." Naka said, his voice staying even. "Still, you were only tasked to gather information." There was stern in his voice, but Toya was used it.

"Well, one of the hero interns of UA was caught in the Yakuza area. The kid made a fuss when he saw some of them carrying Drugs on them, and tried to be a hero." Toya said, he wasn't lying. There was a kid that almost got himself killed, so Toya had to step in and save him. The only reason he knew that the kid was an intern, cause he started threatening the yakuza member with his reputation.

There was no question in mind, that the kid would be a great 'fake' hero, just like his father. But he just couldn't let the kid die. Maybe he would change, UA did have a reputation of bringing the best out of people. But then again his father was a jack ass that studied at UA in the same class as the number one hero. And look how he turned out to be.

Anyhow he wanted to save the kid, which blew his cover. Luckily he knew where Eri was kept at the time, so he brought her with him when leaving. "So, I had to step in. Is he alive though?"

Naka raised an eyebrow. "A UA student? We didn't find him there… But we will take your word for it."

Toya wanted to scoff, this guy had a Lie Detector for his quirk. Like he would take his word.

As Toya was done, Naka stood up ready to leave. Even his associate got ready to open the door.

"I have a question," Toya said making both men stop. "Could you tell me what happened to Eri, the small girl? After I was out, did you guys find her?"

"You mean the girl they held captive. We have to apologize, but when we got there, it was too late." Naka said, "When Gang Orca brought you here six months ago, we had little information to work with. Sorry, we…"

"Wait! What do you mean six months?" Toya asked, blood running cold. He just couldn't believe what he was hearing. So he was in a coma.

Naka's professional face broke for a second, "I am sorry. But you were in a coma for the last six months. With those severe burns and injuries of yours, it's a miracle that you are alive." He said. "And we did receive an SOS from your location, but when the local heroes got there it was too late. We couldn't find her. The only reason why Gang Orca could save you was because you were out in the open sea, floating. Almost a mile away from the port."

"So, you are saying that the Yakuza is still out there. But I uploaded all the info I collected before the incident…" Toya said, his voice strained, but there was anger in it.

"Still, it wasn't enough for us to track them down." He said with a stern voice.

Hearing that made Toya regret his weakness, they were hiding something from him. But it was his fault that Eri wasn't saved. He was weak, that's why he couldn't save her.

Even after six months, he wasn't in the condition to go and save her. He still had severe burns and injuries that would need time to get fixed.

"Oh, before I forget. You have finished your contract with the association. So, when you are back up and running, contact the Association, you will get your end of the bergen." And with that they left the room.

Toya didn't say anything, his mind was thinking about something else. He was here for six months. That means Eri was there somewhere still being a test subject of the Yakuza. He grited his teeth, it was all because he was weak.

But that wasn't right, with how much he damaged the Yakuza they would have been easy to scrape off for the heroes. So how the heck were they still out there.

The information was uploaded before he tried to save Eri. And that should have been enough info for them to search and put an end to the Yakuza. Toya felt frustrated. Something wasn't right.

'Huh! Its a good thing that the stuck up priks are gone. Now I can finally speak.' Toya heard a voice in head. But the thing was, it wasn't his.

Suddenly the blue screen popped up yet again.

'Of course it isn't yours. Its mine, you chump.' The voice said, Toya could simaltelisly hear the voice in his head and the words were being written down on the screen.

"What the heck are you?"

'Now thats rude. You didn't introduce yourself, but oh well. I won't give you my name right off the bat, but can think of me as your new guardain angel or something.' The voice was bit rough, almost as if it had a metalic ring to it, like an AI or something, 'As you can see I am a similar to a system. So do you have any questions?'

Tons. But Toya still wanted to believe that this was a illusion. Or was someone using a quirk on him, a mind reading quirk.

'Oh! For the love of.' The system said, 'I ain't a quirk. Those things are weak as fuck. And can a quirk user do this.'

The blanket that was over Toya dissapared. Toya's eyes widened in shock. "What the fuck!"

'Now do you believe me.' The voice said, almost a bit of smug in its voice, before the blanket reappeared again. Above Toya's injured body, making the boy winch. 'Um, sorry for that.'

"What the fuck are you?" Toya said, biting back at the pain. He looked around his room, he was damn sure that he was alone in the room.

But logic couldn't explain what was happening.

'Oh, Please! You can shoot fire out of your ass. How's that logical to begin with.' The Voice said.

The system did have a point there.

'Listen, Bub. I ain't got all day. So I will cut it short.' The voice said. 'You could say, that I am the reason why you are still alive. You should have drowned in the ocean if I didn't make it there in time.'

"T-Thanks, I guess." Toya said, "But what are you. And why are you in my head."

'That's simple, I chose you to be my host.'

"What the fuck are you… a parasite?" Toya said.

'Parasite? Really?' the voice said clearly unamused, 'I am just going to ignore that comment… As you can see, I am what you guys call a 'system. Anyhow, I can help you with your dreams what that might be. Powers, fame, money, all that is possible. Though there are limits with what I can give you, but it should be suffice for you. All you have to do is, prove me right.'

"I am not getting half of the things you are saying." Toya said. "Also the last thing I want to do is listen to a voice in my head. I still think you are some quirk user, and all this is a scam."

'Ah! This is annoying.' The voice said, irritation in it. 'Why don't they just trust me… Let me demonstrate it again. Look to your right.'

And so Toya did, this time the benches that were on the side, disappeared before appearing at the end of the room.

This time Toya wasn't shocked as much, though still skeptical about the whole thing. And it seemed like a one trick pony, kind of a thing.

'Why you!' It basically growled at him.

He almost forgot the whole system thing could read his mind and stuff.

"Listen, If you really say what you are… you should be able to do much more then you know, making things disappear." Toya said, he almost wanted all this to be just in his head and move on with this.

'Fine. I will do you a favor. But this is a one time deal. Only one time you hear!' The voice said. 'I heal you. And you take on my trail, and prove me right?'

"Heal me?" Toya said. "And trail, what Trial?"

[Quest Notice: The Hidden Secrets

Due to insignificant information, the Hero Association couldn't take down Yakuza. Find the hidden secret behind the inner workings of the Hero Public Safety Commission/Hero Association.

Hint: The Hero Association has a hard data safe in Tokyo City. Infiltrate the Hero Commission undetected and return without getting caught.

Quest Reward:

3,000 EXP and ???

Please finish the quest in three days.]

Toya frowned. Heck, now he was getting mission quest. Suicidal ones at that.

Cracking into the Hero Association main Headquarters was as good as calling All-Might to bust your ass. Forget about being a hero, he would have to watch out from every corner from both heroes and villains. Having that high-class info on you would make anyone with a knife come after you.

But he was a bit of spooked out at this. The only reason why he knew about the location where the Hero Association kept their dirty secrets was cause he wanted to grab them, and take that as a bargaining chip if things went south. But how the heck did that thing know about it.

'For your kind information, I can read your mind, you know." The voice scoffed, "And I can also check your memories at that.' The voice said, almost having a sinister edge to it. 'I gotta admit, you are quite ambitious, do you really think you can pull the 'Info-Hist' off? Many have failed before, you know.'

Toya didn't want to answer but a part of him wanted to say yes. Many people wanted to infiltrate the Hero Commission, but failed miserably.

He wasn't a fan of doing crime against the government or anything, the only reason why he even made that stupid plan was if things went haywire. He wanted to go down with a bang.

When Toya joined the Hero Commission as an undercover agent, he was almost freaked out about how many things that they knew about him. And as the years went on, Toya started to grab onto things more.

If the Commission knew about him so much, that also meant that the Commission knew about Enji. Specifically his wrongdoings against his family, and yet they kept shut. That was why he made a stupid plan in the back of his mind to do it, yet now the system wanted him to do that. It was suicide.

But… it wasn't impossible. It could be pulled off if he got a few more information.

'Well, its your lucky day. I will give you a few hints. But you will have to do it alone, with out foreign help, it should be enough for you to pull the hist off.' The voice said, almost amused about the thoughts running in Toya's mind. 'Finish the trail, and prove me right.'

"Wait, you want me to do it alone, thats way more tough. You know… what if I fail." Toya said raising an eyebrow, for some reason the system had a lot of trust in him.

'Well, firstly, I chose you as my host. For such I believe that its a task that with your current capabilities should be possible. And if you fail… do you honestly believe that you can fail that mission and come out alive. You ain't robing a bank, but the Hero Commission. They will hunt you down if you fail' The system said. 'And even if are alive, I won't help you for shit. Heck, I would even pray that you die. That's the only way I can separate from you. But if that's the case, maybe your father is right. You are a failure…'

And that hit hard for Toya.

"I am damn sure I can get the job done even without your dumb hint!" Toya said, "And you honestly want me to believe that you can just heal me, I know my body. I won't be able to move freely for weeks even if I wanted, not to mention the recovery period…'

Toya was cut off mid way, when he's skin started glow like a bulb. He thought for a second that he accidentally activated his quirk. But that wasn't it.

Rather then felling the bite of burning pain that he was well acquainted with, an unfamiliar warmth spread around his body. It only lasted for a second, before it was gone.

But when the light cleared, Toya could barely believe what he was seeing.

"W-What did you do to me…" Toya barely spoke his body was shaking, almost refusing to believe what he was seeing. The build up scars that was caused by his blue flames were gone, and now it was replaced with healthy skin.

Toya pulled out his shirt, looking at his chest, and the same thing. He didn't have any scars. Not only that, but felt strong, almost as if he could run a marathon.

Toya pulled off the blanket before getting the bandages off from his legs. Both of them were plastered and should have had long scars in it. But there was none. Heck there was should have been a small scar on his thigh —one he got when he was a little— yet it was gone, with the rest of the scars.

'You are welcome.' The voice said.

Toya got off the bed and stood for the first time in six months, but he could barely fell any pain in his body. No he felt wonderful.

But just to make sure, he wanted to activate his quirk…

'Oi, Oi, Stop!' The voice said, 'This is a hospital you moron, you will trigger the fire alarms. Don't call for attention that you don't need. How the heck will you explain how you suddenly got healed.'

And Toya stopped himself, but… all this was over his head.

'Okay calm down, smarty pants before you do anything stupid.' The voice said, 'I kinda don't get why you are so emotionally attached to your skin and what not. Neither do I care, I don't want you to fail your trail right off the bat.'

Toya wanted to thank the system or whatever it was, but that thing was a jerk beyond comprehension. After a few minutes of calming himself down, Toya could think a bit clearly again. So the system continued.

'Listen, yeah. I don't have all day and you only have three days to do the job. So I will keep it fast. Check the blue screen out,'

[For now, you have:

STATUS Function

QUEST Function

MAP Function

SHOP Function


'There are still few things that are locked, but when you level up. You will unlock them. Also as you have already checked on your STATUS Function, check out the other functions. You don't have to move your fingers or anything, just think about it. And it will happen. You can also communicate with me with you mind, you don't have to speak it out loud.'

So he did, he thought about pressing the QUEST Function.

[QUEST Function.]

[Main Quests:

1st Quest The Hidden Secrets———(72 hours left )

Sub Quests:

Daily Quests——X

Weekly Quests——X]

Toya found that the Daily Quests and Weekly Quests were grayed out. 'So they will be green like the rest when I level up?'

'Yeah. Something like that. If you have any question, shoot. I kind of got all day for that…' And then the system started explaining what the basic functions are.

One thing he found out was that some of the quests the hard ones would have an option of declining. While some would be mandatory. This was awfully similar to a video game, and that made Toya question reality itself.

Even though it was hard to believe, Toya was a bit confused about the whole situation. If what the system claimed itself to be, maybe he could take the necessary steps to save Eri himself.

Toya didn't want to point fingers just yet, but it seemed to him that the Hero Commission didn't take save Eri for some reason. Even while with the Info that Toya reviled, he was sure one of the top ten would be on this case. And the criminals would be caught.

But they didn't, maybe it was for some twisted reason, reasons like how far could the trigger be enhanced. Even though the theory was far fetched, in these years of working under the Hero Commission, Toya kind of knew that they had minimal moral lines they wouldn't cross to gain some boost over the villains. Some of the tacticts that even the said villains themselves felt to taboo to use.

'Its still a wonder why my dear host still plans to be a hero.' The system scoffed.

"You know that stupid trail of yours has a big flaw. Even if I get in and suppose I do get to where they keep their hidden secrets, how am I going to access them?" Toya said. With how much technology improved, Toya was damn well sure they didn't keep hard copies of their well-kept-secrets. They mostly used some offline servers, and that the info would surely be heavily encrypted.

'You underestimate me and overestimate yourself. I know even the most world class thieves would need to work together to infiltrate the Hero Commission. And that's with out adding the fact that they would need a few world class hackers on their team, to crack the encrypted data to extract the necessary info.

'But you don't have to worry about that. You only need to fulfill the first part. You do that and your trail is over. As for how your going to decrypt the data, well I will explain it later on.'

'You know I should have started off this question in the first place. So why exactly are willing to help me? I mean what's your goal?' Toya asked in his mind, no need to move your lips when you can communicate with your mind.

'Well, I don't have a goal exactly. My goal is related to you, my dear host. If you want to take over the world, so be it. I will help you, if thats what you want that is.' The system said, 'But to do that, you would first need to complete the trail. If not I won't be able to help you. And I am pretty sure you would need all the help you would need to save that small girl… what was her name again, Eri.'

'Why am I even surprised, of course you would know about her.' Toya said. 'But shouldn't you give me some more time to pull the hist off or something. Three days aren't that enough. Heck it will take almost a day to get to Tokyo.'

'No can do. Only three days, if you somehow pull this off, it will clear out a lot of questions that you have.'

Toya raised an eyebrow, 'And what kind of question…'

But the system cut him off, 'Okay lets cut to main question in hand, what path in life do you wish to chose my dear host. A path of a Hero or the path of a Villain.'

'Of Course I want to be a hero.' Toya answered it immediately. His will still burnt of a hero.

'Oh really. What if it means that you won't be able to save Eri.' The system asked, clearly amused. 'What if time comes when you have to look the other side, when you fellow heroes fall into some shady stuff. What will you do.'

'Oh shut up. I am still going to be a hero.' Toya answered, 'I have been working for the Hero Commission just to get the opportunity to get a Hero Liscesnse exam where my old man couldn't interfare. And now have the opportunity of being one, and I will be one.'

'So, you see a hero as one who has that fancy card provided by workers of a shady government. Wow, I actually expected more from you host.' The system laughed, 'I won't stop you in your goals, but please think over my words.'

'Not all heroes are like Endevor.' Toya bit back, a bit frustrated. 'There are people like All Might.'

'You mean the Man-Might. Pfft…' The system started laughing. 'He's a fool that couldn't save anyone. Not his family, not his friends. Not even himself.' And the system voiced mockingly laughed.

Toya frawned, 'Do you know something that I don't know.' The laughing stopped abruptly, but the system didn't answer. So the system had some outside source of information. That was odd.

'Anyway, why don't you check out my other functions.' The system said, changing the subject.

Toya shrugged he had nothing else to do. So, he looked at the MAP function. It's almost like a video game map, it would stay in the bottom part of the screen in a circular icon. Once he is in an area. The MAP would record it and also show how many people were there. It even tells you if some of them have hostility towards you or not.

This could be really useful. If Toya could be hero, this could help him infiltrate villain hideouts…

'Or the Hero Public Safety Commission.'

'Can you not suggest me that.' He rolled his eyes. But this could really be useful.

'Even if the map did show you who are hostile to you. Its slow, like if a person with speed quirk wanted to back stab you. The Map would show it after you have a few stabs in your back.' The system said. 'So don't relay on it too much in battle.'

Toya nodded. So the Map is a bit useless against opponents that are a bit fast. That's good to know.

Carrying on he looked at the SHOP Function.


Ability Store

Skill Store

Equipment Store]

'What's the difference between Ability and Skill?'

'Skills are things that you can gain by doing something repeatably. While Abilities are inherent in nature.' The system said, 'Some skills after leveling up to a certain point can even evolve to become an Ability.'

Then Toya remembered something that he noticed in the Status window. So he brought it out, while still keeping the SHOP window open. He could actually use multiple windows at the same time. Pretty neat trick.

'Is that why I have Heat Resistance in Skill and Cold Resistance is in the Ability section.' Toya asked.

'Wow, so you do have brains. I thought with all that heat it was all boiled up.' The system answered. 'But you are right. You should also notice the (*) sign. It's actually an error in your status.'

'But wait,' Toya said. 'I thought it was just unnatural mutation or something. That it was my quirk working against me. Well, that's what the doctor said.'

'Well, he was wrong.' The system snorted. 'I don't know about the doctor. But your quirk problem could have been fixed a long time ago. If you checked some real doctors from abroad and also if you stayed true to using your blue flames regulated with some good Quirk Equipment. Your father was a dick and stupid. Your problems could have been long sorted out in your childhood if you just built up small amount of resistance everyday with Support Equipments.'

'Wait, can't it be fixed now. I don't have a lot of money, but I could get some good people…' Toya was stopped mid way.

'Hold your horses. First you are too old for that old trick to work.' The system said, making Toya's throat dry. 'An secondly, with me being here. Its possible in a much easier way. But its only after you my friend complete my trail.'

"I just forget sometimes, that I am going to commit one of the biggest crime in Japan in a few days." Toya muttered. 'Also now I know why I didn't feel cold in the winters. I just thought it was my fire quirk. But it was actually from my mother's side.' A warm smile spread on his face remembering about him mother. He hadn't meet her in almost three years. Maybe after all this was done, he could visit him.

[Quest Alert!]

[Side Quest: Fix your heat.

You have a problem with your uneven skills. Fix it. No time limit.


10000 Exp

Would you like to accept the quest? (Y/N)]

'Wait, aren't you the one who's going to fix that.' Toya said in his mind.

'Nah, I'm just going to help you in the process.' The system said, 'You are the one who's going to do it.'

Toya shrugged before accepting it. The window went away after that. He looked at his status once again, there was a question he had, 'So vitality is like my HP and Ether is like my MP.'

'Yeah, you catch on quickly.'

'System, does everyone use Ether?' Toya asked. Even Naka's status had Ether in it. 'Or is it just me?'

'Ether is basically world energy, like Oxygen for you qurik in a way. Everyone has stamina, but when one awakens his quirk, he awakens his Ether. It helps him using his super-powered ability. Or better known as a quirk.' The system said, almost felling board.

'So, is there something exclusive that I have?' Toya asked.

'Of course there is. Unlike everyone you can level up.' The system said.

Oh he completely forgot that part. Toya then started exploring the SHOP function.


Ability Store

Skill Store

Equipment Store

Dungeon Store]

Toya tapped the first option.

[Ability Store:


And it was empty. The system said something about getting to a higher level he could buy Abilities. So he opened the skill store next.

[Skill Store:

1. Combat Skills

2. House-hold Skills

3. Ability Skills]

[The last one obviously are the skills that can become Ability later.]

Toya nodded before pressing the first one.

[Combat Skills:

1. Basic Swords-shipman —— 10000$

2. Advance Swords-shipman —— 30000$

3. Basic Hand to hand Combat —— 10000$

4. Advance Hand to hand Combat —— 30000$




'Okay I have several question. But the most important one…' Toya said narrowing his eyes. 'Why the heck is it so pricey.' If he applied the standard Dollar to Yen ratio. The price was outrageous. He was broke, how was he going to pay for all of that.

Toya heard a sinister laugh.

'Figure it out my dear host.' It said. 'But its pretty balanced if you ask me.'

'With that price tag, I would need to rob a bank.' Toya bitterly laughed.

'Hmm… not a bad idea.'

'…' Toya was speechless. This system was going to make a devil out of him.

'Yes, come to the dark side.' The system made a snorting sound at the end. 'Anyway the first two options, the Combat skills and Household skills are useless if you ask me. You just don't need them. You should focus on the Ability skills. That would work fine in getting strength.'

And Toya did just that. But when he saw the number of zeros each Ability skills cost, he wanted to cry blood.

'Wow, you look pathic.' The system snorted. 'Don't be a crybaby. I will give you an idea of getting tons of money the easy way.'

'Do I even want to know how?' Toya asked. But the system continued anyway.

'Rather then robbing a bank. Why don't you kidnap young Shoto, and ransom you father for the money. He's rolling with cash anyway.'

'Why am I even surprised.' Toya shook his head. Even though he didn't like his little brother that much. He wouldn't do that, with how bad their father's training worked, Toya was sure that he had a traumatic childhood already.

'Oh and why don't you like your little brother exactly?' The system said, 'Is it your ego that he has a better quirk then you.'

"You know nothing." Toya lazily muttered. He wasn't someone who was driven by jealousy or anything. He just didn't like him.

'You know there is a man who is just like you.' The system said, 'He had an amazing quirk. But his friend or class mate had an even better one. And when he was outshined by his classmate, he became the number second hero. In a way, you are almost similar to your father, Toya.'

"Shut up!" Toya said in anger, even then his voice was low. He didn't want the nurses to come in right now. "I am nothing like him."

'Yeah, yeah fine.' The system snorted, 'But know one thing Toya, if you can't look at your past, you will never be able to look at your future.'

'What do you want me to do.' Toya snapped in his mind, 'Do you want me to go and meet him or something.'

'You know that's not an bad idea.' The system said in a thinking tone. 'But first look at your last function. I will save your cheap ass from looking at the Equipment Store. Its just as pricey.'

[Dungeon Store:

C ranked Dungeon key —— 10,000$

B ranked Dungeon key —— 30,000$

A ranked Dungeon key —— 50,000$

S ranked Dungeon key —— 100,000$]

'And you are saying these are not pricey?' Toya scoffed.

'No, I am saying rather then spending your money on other thing. I would recommend you to buy Dungeon keys. If you finish a dungeon there is a likely chance that you will get an Abality-skill at the end.' The system said, 'Its an easy way to level up of course.'

'Last but not least the the INVENTORY Function.' The system said. And another blue screen popped up. There were five slots in it. But one of them had a box in it. A mystery box.

'Wow, its that like a bigener's gift or something. Very original system.' Toya snorted. As he tapped on the box.

[Mystery Box Opening!]

[You have gained.

A shinigami mask, Cover Letter, and 3 days Illussion.]

Okay, so it wasn't a cultivition pill, that was nice. But the frist scared him a bit. He didn't want to cut open his belly and trap a fox inside it. That would be absurd.

Toya could swear he heard a snorting sound from the system.

'…You have a vivid imagination. But for your sake you should stop seeing animes.' The system said, 'Those things don't work in real life. Well, Never mind.'

'Stop being a smart ass, and explain it to me.'

The shinigami mask looked like a plain white mask that would cover the upper part of someone's face, leaving his mouth exposed.

'Ahem… the shinigami mask will make it hard for people to recognize you. You can adjust your looks after wearing it. Even the mask appearance can be adjusted.' The system said. 'You can save three appearance in it. For now, it's a rank A item.'

'This thing will be pretty useful in the long run.' Toya thought. He was going to use this mask to bring back his scars so that people won't just get shocked about it. But I can't be wearing the mask all day.

'You can change the mask's appearance to just a necklace.' The system said, 'And then bring back your scars and what not.'

'You could do that.' Toya spoke in his mind, 'That's quite the handy item. And I am guessing I can only have three appearances on it.'

'Yeah something like that.' The system said, 'You could even make dramatic changes like having horns and stuff. But not tails. That's a thing that it can't do. But its not quite durable, so keep it out of damage. It will take a lot of cash if you damage it, yeah.'

The system continued, 'Also other then the mask, the other items are only for your trail. The Cover Letter is something that will come super handy in your trail, its your ticket inside the tower and the last one is an Illusions that will be here while you roam around Japan.'

'You know I have a question about the trail.' Toya said, 'What will you do after I succeed my trial.'

'That is if you succeed.' The system scoffed, 'Why aren't you still encouraged enough. Fine! Lets make a deal. Well, if you succeeded, I would have helped you saving that girl. But even if you fail, I will give you all the known locations of the Yakuza where the girl might be kept. But if you fail, I won't help you though…'

"What! If you know where she is, then we should save her." Toya burled out.

'Stop you flammable roster. I don't know where she is, I ain't God.' The system said. 'I only know where the locations of the Yakuza are. My underground network isn't that specific.'

'You even have that?' Toya said calming down.

'You know you have a lot of questions. Let me ask you one.'

Toya raised his eyebrow but didn't stop it.

'If there is a option on you being a hero or saving that girl, what was her name again. Eri.' The system said. 'What if you had to choose between her and you being a hero.'

'Of course I would choose to save her.' Toya said.

'Yeah. Then I dare you to complete the trail with out the mask.' The system said. And Toya feel silent.

'Is that a quest or something?' Toya asked.

'No, its not.' The system said, 'Your dream of being a hero is fundamentally flawed. You want to be a hero so that people may recognize you. You do have a heroic spirit and what not, still when you see conflict between the two ideologies you ignore it. And you should know what I am saying is related to the Hero Commission.'

Toya sighed. He didn't like the Commission, when you work for them for such a long time, you tend to pick up clues. They were into the dark as the most of the villains were. Using underhanded tactics, killing witnesses and even fabricating lies if needed.

But they held the society together. They were like a necessary evil so to speak. He didn't like their methods, but he wasn't going to be an Anarchist and destroy them and what not. The only reason why he wanted to steal those documents in the first place was cause he wanted a way to get some shit on his dear old dad.

So that the man wouldn't be a thorn in his life anymore. Still he wasn't comfortable with it.

But at the end of the day, he wanted to be a hero. That was fact. And he was going to do it. In his own way. "If things come to a point I do need to quit being a hero to save some one. I will do it. I will quit being a hero."