
My Guilty Pleasure

Tác giả: DaoistzIx5Bg
Contemporary Romance
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What is My Guilty Pleasure

Đọc tiểu thuyết My Guilty Pleasure của tác giả DaoistzIx5Bg được xuất bản trên WebNovel.She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her...

Tóm tắt

She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her, it was when she met Damien. She was crazy for going into that club. She was crazy for letting him talk to her the way he did. She was absolutely bonkers for letting him into her life and eventually her heart. She was never supposed to fall for someone like him. He was the perfect definition of a jerk. He isn't someone you should trust, because he brings nothing but bad news. However, rules are meant to be broken, and along the way, he taught her how to survive, how to become stronger... He was her guilty pleasure and she would always find a way to come back to him.

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Enigma ;the beginning of the end.

''Oh no!oh no! ,stop it ,stop destroying everything!!" ,"stop destruction,its not helping,everything we treasure and everthing we live for will melt away, please stop" Leah screamed and yelled with all she had,she was crying and was running after this ,this....she thought it was an android ;a robot ,but now she couldn't describe it ,the world around her lay in ruins and he was still wrecking more havoc,she saw buildings and skyscrapers and domes melt down kn split seconds ,he was unstoppable. She felt an itch in her throat and her as she yelled after him ,her voice felt croaky bit she could care less.she found herself running towards him with all the speed she could gather;she was really fast; "SHE HAD SUPERSPEED" ,it was a big bold thought in her head ,she ran towards him,managed to get a grip on his machine arm and started yelling and pulling at the arm but it didn't come off. She didn't even relise that he wasn't struggling,yet he didn't push her away . "Why are you doing this" ,"are you crazy?", "can't you see all the damage you've done?," "what's your gain in this ?,you gonna kill everyone" she was saying as she struggled with the arm trying to pull it off ,she didn't even realise they were two machine arms. He pushed her and she landed hard ,she tried to stand but she couldn't, she yelled in terror when she felt a bolt of pain jolt through her ,he knelt down to look at her,he held her broken leg and squeezed the broken part so hard she ran mad with pain . "I should stop,huh? ",the voice felt so hard and harsh,she had to look up at the face; she thought it wasn't a face at all,it was scarred and half of it was tattooed, it was gruesome, "You're asking me what my gain is ?huh", this voice felt so familiar she felt she had known it all her life,she felt as though she had known him all her life ,like he was drawn out of her; the voice;it was filled with rage and consumed with emotions . "You're asking if i can't see the damage i've done" "Do YOU know what damage you have done" ; there was so much emphasis on the "YOU" "But i don't know you" she tried to speak,she was fidgeting "you should have stopped,you should not have taken that decision" she had started moving back but then she felt a hand round her neck ,she felt jerked ;her body rising slowly ,she struggle to come down but his grip was too strong "Its all your fault ,you could have stopped it ,you could have averted this destruction but now its too late" "I was supposes to build this world but now i have to destroy it,better to be dead than suffer invasion and self destruction" She tried mumbling wordsbut she couldn't speak,life was slowly leaving her body. "It's all over,goodbye" "noooooo!!!" She screamed as he flung her on a rock,she stood from afar and saw her shattered bones,she tried to stop him but she no longer had a body,she was dead. He walked through her and saw nothing. Last thing she remembered was an explosion and hot lava . She woke up.

okeke_chinwendu · Khoa huyễn
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20 Chs

The All-Knowing Uchiha

Akane, a name given to a boy despite being feminine. Akane, a boy hailing from if not strongest, one of the strongest clan in the Shinobi World. The child of the two overseers of the Uchiha library. Akane, the genius who can comprehend things at the age of a month and form his own thoughts at 2 months old. Akane, the child who can comprehend from simple to beyond abstract at 3 months old. The child who can talk fluently from his very first word at 4 months of age. Akane, the boy who can run at age of 5 months, even in stealth at that. The boy who learn his first jutsu at age of 6 months old. Akane, the boy smart enough to establish the very foundation of all Science in the World of Shinobi at of 7 months old. Akane, the boy who created his own gaming console at age of 8 months. Akane, the boy who learned all jutsu that can be learn, at the age of 9 months. Akane, the boy who awaken his sharingan at age of 10 months out of the very strong emotions of boredom. Akane, the boy left by his parents who went to buy his favorite warm milk, but never returned. At the tender age of 11 months, he was abandoned. Akane, the boy refuses to go to an orphanage and took over as the overseer of the library despite his very young age. Akane, finally a year old, awaken his Magekyō after losing his progress on an rpg game he created. At age 6, Akane was killed by Itachi in the Uchiha massacre ...is what Itachi know after falling to Akane's genjutsu without him even knowing... Akane, a boy too overpowered, the author's creativity in writing has been 'slightly' challenged ........................................................ Brief more specific summary: - The MC is not reincarnated nor transmigrated -The MC does not think with his dick. -The MC is multiversal OP at the start but still growing more powerful every ten or so chapter. -The range of fiction is not just Multiversal, it's Omniversal. Meaning, powelevels are also high. - Powers does not just come from fictions, I'll also make something like Biokinesis or something more 'Sciency'. - An AU World of Naruto is the MC's main world, only occasionally visiting other worlds for fun. -The enemy may came from all direction of the Omniverse, like futile attempts of Ultimate God's wanting to eat the MC for reasons that would be counted as a spoiler.... What? 'slightly' different from what you expected from the description above, isn't it? ‐--------------------------------- For those who are braindead enough to leave a bad review without a proper constructive argument, see the example review below.

Deaxth · Tranh châm biếm
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1 Chs

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