
My Guilty Pleasure

She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her, it was when she met Damien. She was crazy for going into that club. She was crazy for letting him talk to her the way he did. She was absolutely bonkers for letting him into her life and eventually her heart. She was never supposed to fall for someone like him. He was the perfect definition of a jerk. He isn't someone you should trust, because he brings nothing but bad news. However, rules are meant to be broken, and along the way, he taught her how to survive, how to become stronger... He was her guilty pleasure and she would always find a way to come back to him.

DaoistzIx5Bg · Thành thị
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15 Chs

1. Just one more thing...

I watched the tender scene in front of me trying not to let the tears slide down my face. I bit my lip until I felt the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Only if I could...No, I shouldn't go in that direction. I tried to stay strong. I'm stronger than this. I'm better than this. This is my life and I am in charge. This will not ruin my life, I will not let it ruin my chance to be normal. I looked at the shelf with drinks and before I realized, the bitter liquid was deep in my throat. This is the first and last time. Only this time...I promised myself that, but in reality, I just knew I was lying to myself. Yet I chose to ignore it and continue to drink...

Three years later...

I am calmly going through the paperwork not wanting to allow myself any mistake. There should not be mistakes. A loud knock interrupted me. Ah... It's time.

- Miss... It's time to go! - My driver is standing at the office door. I nodded and neatly packed all the papers in the folder. Today, I will definitely be late. Last night I was busy and didn't have time to take care of all the documents. I just hope that it won't be a big deal.

With a sigh, I took a look outside the large window that takes up an entire section of the wall and smiled, looking at my perfect, neat, garden. Many gardeners, architects, and famous artists took hours and hours to bring this garden in front of me to perfection. Not that I do not appreciate it but... Over time, it becomes insignificant. In the blink of an eye, I would give all I have for just one day without pain and memories. But that is not possible. Instead of such thoughts I smiled, faking happiness, and went to my driver.

Of course, I tried to look as good as possible today. Too provocative clothes are not really my style, but a knee-length skirt and white shirt with a jacket over it are fine. With a last touch on my outfit, I continued along the corridor, my mind wandering towards the pictures that are on the walls. They reminded me just how precious this stupid house is. If that isn't the most ironic thing I don't know what is.

I don't have time for it anyway so I just made sure to go to a garage. Large, white, double doors opened and I stepped into the cold concrete underground room which I call a garage. My driver is already holding open the door of my car and is patiently waiting for me to get inside. I thanked him and settled comfortably in the leather seat. This is not very usual but today is a special day. I need all the best. Today I will become CEO of the company that I work for.

The smell of leather and cleanliness is all that I can feel in this car. I can even smell my own perfume a little, but not so much, I guess I'm used to it so I lost sense of smell for it. Again, I went through all the documents purely to make sure that they were perfect. As we got closer to the building where I work, my nerves got worse. It's not full anxiety, since I know I deserve this spot and my work is proof enough for it, but still. It's a big event in my life, I am excited and nervous. I sighed when the car stopped and waited for my driver to open the door for me. Some journalists surrounded the entrances but I just ignored them and continued to walk. They are just hungry for news.

-Miss? When should I come and get you? - Asked Alfred, my driver, a little nervously. I told him that I would let him know, and continued. Most people are afraid of me. I guess they fear me because of my coldness or just think I'm as vile as people represent me. I'm sick of these descriptions. They don't know me but they already have a vivid picture of me that can never be changed. I will always remain a spoiled, stupid rich girl.

With a sigh, I pressed the button on the elevator to the top floor. Why doesn't this stupid elevator go faster? I looked in the mirror on the wall, and without emotion, I watched my reflection. A relatively beautiful woman looked back at me with her greenish eyes. People always tell me how beautiful my eyes are, but I don't see it that way. I see all the pain that is hiding in those eyes. I have my mother's lips, full, wide green eyes, blonde hair... People find all of these attractive but I only find it disgusting. I'm disgusted with this reflection of weaknesses that are with me every day. If only I'm someone else, someone stronger, better, smarter... Maybe then I could have avoided many unnecessary things. I could have done so much more in my twenty- four years... My life could have been better... But I don't have time to think of unrealistic nonsense. This is me. This cold, half-dead reflection staring back at me is... well, me. And I have to live with that.

The elevator opened and I stepped out of it. Suddenly my ringtone interrupted the silence on the floor. I pulled the phone out of my bag and answered quickly.

- How many times have I told you not to call me at work? I'm busy, please don't interrupt me - I wanted to hang up but his voice interrupted me again. Such a lame excuse of a man. He keeps spoiling my plans. He never wants to let me live my own life. And he has done that ever since I can remember. Why does he care so much? I will never understand what is it in his head, but I know that I hate him(not really, but hey! He can be a nuisance!).

- Sorry, sorry, I know what you said. I won't call again I just wanted to check on you. - He said simply, and my fingers formed a fist.

- Stop that! I said I'm fine! I'm already late for a meeting and talking with you doesn't help! Just... - I didn't finish the sentence when the weight came down on me making me lose my balance and I fell on the cold floor. The heat went through my body and I felt wetness, Then I let out a scream of pain. I opened my eyes and found myself looking at blue ones. What? My breath stopped because of his presence and I noticed his eyes were looking away from mine and they were going lower. I followed his gaze and saw that mine, once white shirt, is the color of coffee and now I understand where the heat and burning sensation are coming from... I returned my eyes to a man who was above me. It seems that he doesn't intend to get off.

- When you're done watching my breasts you can get up! - I said softly but with clear displeasure. The man looked at me in surprise as if he had just now realized that I was there, but he then clenched his jaw and got off me. I thought he would at least help me up, especially because it was his fault that I fell, but when I realized that he had no such intention. So I got up from the floor on my own and then grabbed a cell that is a few steps away from me. I didn't get a chance to check If Gabriel is still on the phone when the man who knocked me down spoke again.

- You could put your royal head down from your throne and make us worthy of your time, or at least pay attention to where you walk! You don't own the world, little one, face it and move on, and next time you better watch where you're going, moron! - Stunned, I looked at the man in front of me. Is he joking? I came to my senses and realized that he just offended me. Me! This... The arrogant moron just insulted me. Marching, I went towards him and grabbed his arm, turning him around.

- Do you know who I am? The crash was your fault, not mine. You better apologize to me right now and we won't have a problem. – I said with a threat in my voice, crossing my arms, and looking at the tall man a few centimeters away from me.

-Girl... If you weren't talking on your phone and weren't so concentrated on your own selfish world you would have seen me and none of this would have happened. But obviously, you have no intention of paying attention to the world around you, I'd say it's all your fault. But don't worry! I don't ask for your apology. Although you do owe me a new coffee. - He said all of that with a smile and then he quickly winked at me and walked into a room while I recovered from the shock.

I have to say that I am even more shocked that his closeness didn't bother me. This may be the first time I don't mind it... but I do not have time to analyze this. I looked at my messed-up blouse and started to think about what to do. In addition, my skin is probably already burned from coffee. I went to my office at the end of the hall and took off my shirt and bra. I wore a black jacket and buttoned it to hide the truth that there is nothing underneath. One looked in the mirror told me this could actually work. The jacket, thank god, doesn't show too much, so you can see the features of my breasts but do not see the fact that I have no shirt.

I smiled at my cleverness and walked to the conference room. I glanced at my Rolex watch and saw that I still have time. The meeting starts in a minute and I'm not even late. I remembered Gabriel and bit my lip. He'll just have to wait. My phone went off during the fall, but that can come in handy at this point. I sighed and walked into the room.

The moment I stepped into this huge room, my face changed to shock when I recognized the man who is at the head of the table. I quickly recovered from current events and I posted a fake smile on my face. I sat down next to the arrogant prick and he smugly smiled. I know that smile has something to do with me. For a moment his eyes went down to my chest but then he looked back in my eyes and quickly winked.

- As you all know, Mr. King had a heart attack and he won't be returning to his place as head of the company for a long time. I guess you all know Miss Diamond, deputy director of the company. My father didn't think that she had enough experience and qualifications to take the place of the director and because of that, I am here. I am Zachary King and from now on I am your leader. - He said with arrogance and confidence, and every word cut me deep like a blade. I don't believe it... Everything for what I worked, someone crashed in one sentence. We both know I am good enough. This job is my whole life and everybody knows it.

I clenched my fists angrily letting my manicured nails scratch my palms. The pain is almost nothing to me compared to what he said. It means nothing to me. What is important to me is a chance to prove myself once and for all. But I haven't got it. I just know that it is because of my reputation. The reputation of promiscuity follows me around every corner. I knew it was only a matter of time before that would destroy me. But no... If they think I would give up then they don't know Desiree Diamond. I'll make life a living hell for this arrogant prick.

- ...So it is necessary to unite the company and for now we're just looking for worthy investors. That's all for today's meeting. You can return to your regular jobs... Except you Miss Diamond. You can return to your seat. - Zachary said with a commanding voice while I was getting ready to get out of the room. I cursed him in my mind but did not object. I sat back down and waited. Even I'm not stupid enough to give him a reason to fire me, not after all the work I've done...

- So, Miss Diamond... Rich girl, model, companion of many famous men... Should I continue, miss? - I looked at him coldly, now without anger or any emotion. I'm better than this, he will not break me.

- I think you forgot to add the deputy director of the largest company in Miami. - I told him smugly. His ways to humiliate me are funny... Maybe I am rich and I have dated many men, but it is not my description. A hardworking and determined employee is! Every job I've ever had I have done flawlessly. And that is how he should be looking at me.

- Yes, of course. I do not deny that you got to this position so far. I just said that you have an interesting life, that's all. But it doesn't matter. We'll move on to the next topics, such as where is your shirt? We don't want this jacket to somehow unbuttoned, who knows what we can see below? - His pathetic attempt to flirt with me, made ​​me roll my eyes. I should have controlled myself, but now it's too late for that. And he knows why I have no shirt!

- Miss Diamond, I thought I saw you rolling your eyes in front of your boss. But surely I am mistaken. You would be such a bad girl if you really did that. - Again he began to laugh at me and I refrained from punching him in the face. I took self-defense for two years and I still like to remind myself of some of the moves. Maybe he wouldn't survive my knockout. I cleaned my mind and just fake smiled then looked him straight in the eyes. It's really a shame for a monster to have such beautiful eyes.

- Of course, I didn't do anything. I'm sorry but I don't see any special purpose in my presence, can I go to my office? - I asked still smiling but he certainly can recognize the bitterness in my voice.

- Yes, yes... Sure. I just wanted to talk to you a little. You can go. -

- Thank you. - I got up from the chair and slowly went to the door, but his voice stopped me again.

- Miss Diamond, just one more thing... - I turned around but he was already past me and I didn't even notice what was happening until all the buttons off my jacket found their way to the ground...