
My Guilty Pleasure

She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her, it was when she met Damien. She was crazy for going into that club. She was crazy for letting him talk to her the way he did. She was absolutely bonkers for letting him into her life and eventually her heart. She was never supposed to fall for someone like him. He was the perfect definition of a jerk. He isn't someone you should trust, because he brings nothing but bad news. However, rules are meant to be broken, and along the way, he taught her how to survive, how to become stronger... He was her guilty pleasure and she would always find a way to come back to him.

DaoistzIx5Bg · Thành thị
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15 Chs

5. Face the world princess

- Why are you so pushy on this? Let it go.- I feel so uncomfortable right now. My mind is lost in its own world and that man has really messed me up. His face is constantly bothering me. I see images of him smiling, teasing me... I didn't tell anyone about that night in the club, not even Gabriel. He doesn't know it was Damien's place I ended up in. The thought of that makes me feel like a liar. As if we had some secret that's only ours like it's a bigger thing than it actually is. Turned out, Damien is an even bigger handful than Zachary. 

- Yeah... It's like you are obsessed with him. The day doesn't go by where you don't mention him. And you say there is nothing going on. Fine, I'll let it be but bet there is something you're not telling me.- I rolled my eyes.

I'm currently on my lunch break, drinking coffee with Aylen. This morning, I called her and she insisted that we should meet. It was not such a bad idea, I missed her.

- All right, knock it off. Let's change the subject. What's new with you? - I asked with a grin, and Aylen just lowered her head, hiding a smile from me.

- Mmm, you know... The usual. - She said shrugging but I didn't miss the secret smile that she's so persistently trying to hide. Interesting...

- Yeah... Who's the guy? - I asked suddenly, and she looked at me with wide eyes.

- No... Nobody... How did you know? - I smiled maliciously.

- Come on dear, who do you think you're deceiving? Of course, it's a guy. The question is who? Talk... - I took another sip of coffee and sat back to listen to Aylen.

- Fine. I'll let on my secret, I can't stop smiling anyway. But that doesn't matter now. Let me start my story... Four days ago, when you messaged me from the party, I went to the store to buy popcorn and lollipops. You know my strange obsession with lollipops. - She said, making hand gestures and I just nodded, rolling my eyes. Of course, I know.

- Yes... Well, as I was saying. I went to the store and I got a little carried away, so I bought all sorts of nonsense. So I was carrying around fifty bags, okay not fifty, but like five bags. I slipped and some of my things fell. I'm trying to gather all of that, but my leg started to hurt, I must have stepped wrong. Suddenly, in front of me appears the most handsome guy I've ever seen. Well, I'm exaggerating a bit. But he is SO hot. He was wearing a white sweater and dark blue tracksuit, and he had honey-brown hair and blue eyes. He was out running when he saw me slip. And he grabbed me by my waist to steady me. Then he picked up all of my bags and helped me to my apartment because my leg was still stinging. I invited him to coffee to thank him, he agreed and I don't have to tell you what happened next, you can imagine... So we agreed to see each other tonight. - Aylen was talking with a beaming face and a million-dollar smile. I chuckled at her story.

- Very romantic. - I said with sarcasm since I know how quickly her relationships progress. Not that I judge but I just think she should be more careful. 

- Oh you don't know the half of it... Desiree, you've got to relax. You need a relationship and sex. I can't understand why you never talk about it. Are you a virgin? You can tell me, I won't judge. Okay, I'll judge a bit, but only because you wouldn't know what you're missing on. No one should stay a virgin at your age.-  I couldn't help but scoff at it. I highly doubt sex could solve my problems. I could even say, that sex was the beginning of my problems. There is nothing but the pain connected to the act. Not that I want to talk about it to Aylen, or to anyone. 

- Funny. I'm not a virgin, and I think you asked me that at least ten times. Let's get back to your story. What's the name of your prince Charming?- I asked, raising my eyebrows and she just giggled.

- His name is Peter Lambert. I googled him. He's rich but not really a public figure. He has a shooting range and he travels often. There are no pictures of him with any women as a matter of fact. He's perfect.- she said excitedly squealing like a little girl and a couple of people around us turned to give us the glare. Aylen returned the same look and then smiled at me again.

- I'll let you know what happens after the date. I can't wait for tonight. I thought of wearing something sexy. But I think maybe I should wear something innocent. Although he already knows that I'm not anywhere near innocent so... Something sexy. – I rolled my eyes at it.

- Aylen... You don't really know the guy, don't get ahead of yourself. You shouldn't rush things. Get to know him first and see where it leads. It can also be dangerous. Especially with strangers. - Aylen immediately frowned and rolled her eyes. I'm right, why doesn't she listen to me?

- Oh my, God, you sound like my mother. Maybe even she doesn't say things like that. - Oh, I doubt I sound like her mother. She doesn't care what Aylen does as long as it doesn't spoil her reputation.

- Someone needed to tell you Aylen. I won't insist on it, since I know how stubborn you can be, just take care of yourself. Think it through and be careful.- She rolled her eyes but still nodded at my words. I guess that is good enough.

-Oh, Aylen. I think I need to make a few phone calls and return to work, sorry.-  Aylen only nodded and I quickly pulled the mobile from my bag dialing Travis's number. I just remembered that I didn't call him for two days. He called me a million times, but I was always busy with something. I'm an awful friend.

- Desiree? Hey... How are you? You didn't call me after the club... - I can feel how on edge he is and there is a slight annoyance in his voice before he takes a sigh and calms down. Honestly, I feel guilty. I feel like I lead him on. Oh, I definitely led him on. I remember the kiss and I remember I insisted... God, I'm awful. 

-I'm so so sorry, Travis. I even know where to begin with. I messed up. I'm really really sorry.- I said with an honest guilt in my voice and after a couple of seconds of silence I heard him sigh. 

-It doesn't matter now... I am a bit hurt by your behaviour but I guess I can move on. I was also scared something happened to you with how you disappeared on me. - Now this made me feel even worse. He didn't deserve it. 

- I'm sorry. I can't explain but I... I freaked out, it must have been the alcohol and I was upset with something. You didn't deserve it, I'm sorry. – 

-Okay, okay... I'll let this one slide but please, don't be a stranger. If you want to talk we can meet and talk. We can repeat the date if you would like.- Now that put me in an awkward possition since I don't really want a date with him but with how guilty I feel I can't really say no. 

-Hm... We'll see. I need to go now, I'm on a lunch break, but I'll definitely contact you, okay?- 

- Okay... See you soon. -

- Bye Travis, see you soon. - I ended the call and just when I got up to go I caught Aylen looking at me with a wicked smile. I frowned and looked at her uncertainly.

- Aylen? Stop with the expressions... Don't! – I said while holding a finger in the air warning her. Seriously. I can't even describe how this expression looks.

- What is going on with Travis? - She asked, and her smile became like the one that the cat from Alice in Wonderland wears. I think it's called the Cheshire cat.

- Nothing. Two days ago I asked him to keep me company at the bar and I was drunk and ran away from him. - I'm hiding the small fact that we kissed, but it's better that way.

- Good. I don't want you to cheat on Gabriel. The poor thing would have been devastated. It's bad enough that you like this employee at your company. - She said nonchalantly and continued to drink coffee.

- Oh God Aylen! I.Am.Not.In.A.Relationship.With.Gabriel. And no I don't like anyone. Could you listen to me for once in your life? - I told her louder than I meant to and a couple of people turned to look at me and immediately scowled. Oh, screw you...

- I won't ... But I'll call you tomorrow. Give Gabriel a kiss from me. Bye! - She waved goodbye and then got up and left without giving me a chance to say something else. Uh, she annoys me. I breathed deeply to calm down and went back to the company. Before I got to Zachary's office I saw the call from Gabriel but I ended it. I nervously knocked on the door and went inside. Oh no. There are too many people in the office for my liking. There are Zachary, Damien, George, and several other colleagues. But that's not what worries me. What worries me is that we have a meeting and that I had forgotten. How does this keep happening to me? I am pretty organized.

- Hello, Miss Diamond. Tell me, Zachary, does she have a habit of being late? - I frowned at Damien who watched Zachary with some kinky smile. Zachary laughed out loud, but I noticed that he seemed somehow angry. His hand is forming a fist and that laugh is so different from this usual one. I nervously watched Zachary, wondering If he'd just humiliate me in front of everyone. it's not like I don't deserve it. 

-I think she developed it recently... However, you have to give her credit for her part of the job. She can afford to slack off. Not that I approve of such a behavior but nothing we can't get ahead of.  - I swallowed the lump in my throat and just stood still. I can't deny that I am more grateful than I am annoyed with him. He praised the way I work, which is new. But he had to add that I slack off. Stupid bipolar man.

- I can't say I imagine her as hardworking. I mean, some things say a lot about a person. I found out a lot about our Miss Diamond here. Quite a life you lead, Miss...- Damien commented with a sinister smile and I frowned. Yesterday he was cuddly as a kitten, and now he has turned into a panther. Why is he suddenly so rude? I'm tired of this bipolar behavior. I clenched my hands into fists with my eyes on Damien. I have a feeling that he's worse than Zachary. Zachary has never publicly addressed my reputation. He prefers to tease me privately. Everyone in the office began to laugh nervously to appease Damien. 

- Oh you can't judge a person based on that. We all have our hardships.- Confused, I looked at Zachary. His face gives nothing away. He only stared coldly at Damien. Why is he defending me? Two days ago, he was the one insulting me. I watched Zachary trying to understand his expression and a sudden change of behavior. I don't understand what has changed his mind...

- Hardships? Feel free to share, I couldn't imagine what hardships could one heiress have. Tell me, Miss Diamond... What can be difficult in your life? - Damien asked, provoking me and I just squeezed my fists harder. What difficulties did I  have in my life? Oh god, I really can't think of anything (note the sarcasm).

- You're right Mr Moore. I have no problems in my life. I can say that my life is perfect. However, I find it a bit hypocritical of you to address that. You are not the only one who could google a name, and a lot comes out with yours as well.- I said it with bitterness and Damien just smiled, but I saw his dissatisfaction and he seemed like he's trying to control himself. I frowned at him and looked away at Zachary who just looked at me with compassion in his eyes. It made me a bit upset and I started to nibble on my lip. Why? Why Zachary changed his behavior so suddenly?

- I think we should get back to business. We're behind schedule. – Zachary ordered and we all just agreed and got down to business. Although the whole time, something was disturbing my peace. Sometimes I felt eyes on me and met with Damien's blue eyes. It seems that he's not my biggest fan. I don't understand these people. Neither Damien nor Zachary. I sighed when the meeting ended and went to my office. I was walking down the hall when suddenly the hand grabbed my upper arm, dragging me into a side hallway. I started to panic and I was just about to hit the attacker when I heard a whisper from a familiar source. 

-I don't like to play, kitten. You know nothing about me to comment on my life. You are the one to call me out, hm? You, really? What was it you had to struggle with? What to wear, a broken nail? You go around swinging your spoiled ass with your head raised high but you know nothing about the real world princess.  There are people who have real problems and you aren't qualified to comment on it.- Damien hissed his words into my ear and let his hand fall away from me. My heart is pounding but strangely I don't only feel fear. I don't even know why but I feel more angry than scared. How dare he? Who is he to corner me like this and insult me?

How can he say all those things without even knowing me? Just because I have money I am spoiled? I don't know the struggles. Why is everyone so bothered with me? I didn't do anything wrong in my life. I tried to be a good person, I even tried to double the money my parents left me, and it wasn't that much. Most of it went to Alexander. I know very well how is it when you're poor. When I lived with my biological parents, there was a period when I was hungry for days. Nobody's life is perfect, that's what I learned.

- Get down to Earth Damien. Everyone has problems, stop feeling sorry for yourself. I don't know what you had to endure in your life but you can't act innocent. One search of your name was enough to find out just how reckless, spoiled, immature boy you are. - My words must have hit a nerve since he approached me so that my back is now against the wall and he's towering over me. I could feel his breath on my face and I shuddered from it. His breath... I closed my eyes and felt the beginning of a panic attack. I don't want him so close to me. I want to get away from him. My breathing became deep and I felt like I was going to vomit. Why doesn't he move away? I suddenly don't have the strength to move myself or my hands. I'm just leaning against the wall, my body paralyzed with fear. The helpless child again, watching the world show it's true colors...

-Oh Desiree... I doubt you found out anything usefull about me. Even if you did, so what? You realize that the World is a different place for a man and for a woman. For example, I could afford to be a player, I could afford to have a reputation, it's alright. You on the other hand... The clock is ticking and when the time comes for you to have someone, it will be too late. Noone will want you. A soiled, spoiled brat with a reputation of a whore. Not so desirable, don't you think? – His voice is low and dangerous. He is obviously mocking me but I can't find it in me to answer. I can't stand it. I can't stand his closeness! I concentrated on my breathing ignoring the heath of his body close to me. Suddenly his hand is twirling a piece of my hair before tracing my cheek and going lower to my neckline... I feel nauseous.

-For a brat, you are not so bad-looking. No need to be so petty. If you want a piece of what you read about me, all you need to do is ask. Maybe that would lessen your bitterness.- His face is now so close to mine and I really started to panic. 

-W. .. W... What... What are you doing? Leave me alone, dick. - I gathered some courage and tried to move away but he is still standing in front of me. 

-Come on now, how would I be any different from the others you had? Don't play hard to get now.-  So many familiar scenes are going on in my head. I could feel myself starting to shake and just as I closed my eyes I heard Zachary's voice.

- Get away from her! Now! - Suddenly I'm back in reality and I never felt more grateful to see Zachary's face. He is standing next to Damien and he looks dangerous. Anger is evident on his handsome face. I'm trying to relax and to calm myself but it's like my body has a different idea. My mind is getting hazy and I feel cold and hot at the same time. 

- I think you should mind your own business, Zachary. - Demien said with a cold and threatening voice now getting a bit further away from me.

- Damien, just get away from her! - I shuddered from the dominance with which Zachary spoke. Damien looked at me for a second and then finally moved away from me. I still stand pinned to the wall, unable to move any part of my body. Fear and pain are the only feelings in me but I do feel a bit of relief.

- It's over, get up. You should go home Desiree, I'll make sure he doesn't bother you. - I looked up and met with Zachary's crystal blue eyes. I didn't even notice when I slipped on the floor.

- It's okay Desiree. Stand up ... - I was able to regain feeling in my body and slowly with uncertain movements I stood on my feet. I looked a little further into the hallway where Damien is motionlessly looking at me. Anger built up in me again and I squeezed my lips now standing at my feet. You didn't break me, Damien, not yet. I turned and walked into my office leaving Zachary and Damien behind...