
My Guilty Pleasure

She worked her whole life to escape from the pain and the scars of the past. She ran away from things and buried herself in work just so she wouldn't go insane. However, madness finds its way, for her, it was when she met Damien. She was crazy for going into that club. She was crazy for letting him talk to her the way he did. She was absolutely bonkers for letting him into her life and eventually her heart. She was never supposed to fall for someone like him. He was the perfect definition of a jerk. He isn't someone you should trust, because he brings nothing but bad news. However, rules are meant to be broken, and along the way, he taught her how to survive, how to become stronger... He was her guilty pleasure and she would always find a way to come back to him.

DaoistzIx5Bg · Thành thị
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15 Chs

2. Party

Three weeks later...

Some could say I would get used to my current situation, some would be wrong. I used to be a person who is looking forward to going to work, but not now. Since I got a new boss I'm pretty sure if had an offer to work in hell, I would consider it as a better option than going to my job. I am not exaggerating when I say that he is trying to make my life miserable. Almost every day he finds a way to insult me or embarrass me. I'm really becoming suspicious about his reasons. Maybe it's just pure hate, which is not based on anything I did to him since I didn't do much. He has his moments when... How to say this... He crosses the line. Three weeks ago, he unbuttoned my jacket and left me standing half-naked in front of him. Luckily I was smarter and reacted quickly so my modesty was preserved. My mindset is going into some bad places and I feel more and more agitated with Zachary. I often lose control and that's not good for me. It's definitely not good.

- Gabriel, I'm telling you I'm not sure why he hates me. Since he came here he has had some rage against me and he objects to anything I do. I can't tell you how hard I'm trying to control myself. - I crossed my legs looking at the scene in front of me. I love the view from my office. You can see all the beauty and elegance of Miami. My anger slowly decreases just like the sea after the storm. I need to calm my urges. I won't let an arrogant fool like Zachary upset me.

- You are strong. Just don't let him throw you off your balance and you'll be fine. Simply ignore whatever he says and let him talk. It's all nonsense either way. You know how much you invested in work and how hard you tried for it. He can say whatever he wants. - Gabriel's words always calm me. Most of the time, when I talk with him, I'm doubting whether I hate him or love him. He certainly always helps me. He is some sort of a conscious for me, with his constant nagging and advice, also he's making sure I don't stray from my path. I can envision him as Jiminy the Cricket. But there are times when he behaves like a psychotic husband. He checked every guy that I dated, he's rude to everyone with whom I went out, and sometimes he makes decisions that are not his to make. I know that that wasn't from bad intentions but it's irritating. I can't always be patient and deal with his overprotective behavior.

- I know Gabriel. I have the rest of the day off so I will see some of my friends, probably.-

- Hmm... I don't think that's how your day will go. Open your office door. - I frowned assuming what is happening. I got up and opened the dark wooden door and found myself face to face with a smiling Gabriel. Still holding his cell phone pressed to his ear.

- Hello love. How about a hug? - He tried to hug me but I deftly escaped. I hate when people touch me. That's why I haven't had a boyfriend for more than a week. In fact, even that long is a blessing.

- Fiiiinnnneeeee... - With clear exaggeration and a puppy face, he made sure to throw himself on my couch. 

- Gabriel, did I invite you to come? I have plans.- One look from him is enough to make me seem crazy and then he even had the audacity to roll his eyes. Why does it always have to be so hard with him? I don't need him to constantly make decisions for me.

- Change of plans. Today is our day. - I looked at him with raised eyebrows. Does he really think it will pass with me?

- Yesterday was our day! And the day before and the day before that! - Again he rolled his eyes and started to play with his fingers.

- So what! Yesterday was our day so is today... - When he looks at me with that sweet face I could almost fall. If I wasn't already used to it. Jerk.

- Well... But tonight is the party and I'm going, and you are going too. - I told him seriously, and he realized that he couldn't put me off of it. From time to time I can't stand these parties but it helps me relax. When I'm busy all day then that means that I don't have a break and don't have time to turn to the past. I prefer it when I just fall into bed from exhaustion. Maybe I'm not really a conventional method but hey... Whatever works.

- Okay, okay... But what I'll never understand is why you even bother with the parties when you don't like them. You are so weird. - Now it's my turn to roll my eyes. He knows why I go to these parties. He knows me better than anyone in the world.

- Gabriel, you know why I go to these parties very well. I just don't want to go back to an empty house to sit alone and think about my life. Who knows where that could lead. - He looked at me with compassion and understanding, knowing what I meant. I smiled at him gently, and he returned a small smile, already halfway up to come and stand beside me.

- Okay, you win. Let's get ready and go to the party. Maybe this will be my lucky evening. You need to introduce me to some hot chick. If it goes well, I'll tell you all the details in the morning. - He whispered in my ear and I shuddered from his breath.

- That's like the last thing I would ever want... Just no. Don't you ever, and I mean ever, feel the need to tell me about your sexual experiences. It's just ... Gross. - My whole body shook, showing that I really meant every word, and he began to laugh.

- I won't ... Come on now. You'll complain later about your boss from hell. - Together we left the office and I locked it, then I went to the elevator with Gabriel by my side. Of course, the devil himself who is determined to ruin me these days, suddenly appeared in front of us...

- Ah, Desiree. Who may this be? You do know fornicating is forbidden at the workplace?- Zachary said with a teasing voice and I barely refrained from rolling my eyes. Why must he torture me?

- Hi. I'm Gabriel, Desiree's boyfriend. And don't worry, we know about the workplace, so we did it outside. - Gabriel put his hand on my waist and I stopped myself from moving away. I have to admit that Zachary's expression amused me. First shock and then annoyance.Suits him well. If he thinks that is true, he doesn't know me one bit.

- Really? Oh, well. Since you did it "outside", I got nothing to accuse you of. - He said with a smile and pretending to joke but somehow the smile didn't reach his eyes. Gabriel just smiled back and we walked to the elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed Gabriel began to laugh uncontrollably. I must admit that it was funny. He didn't know what to say to that. He probably expected me to try and explain myself, and tell him why is Gabriel even here.

- He has a serious crush on you. Why didn't you tell me that your boss from hell is so hot? - He winked at me and pushed me a little with his shoulder. I looked at him with wide-open eyes. He couldn't sound gayer.

- Wow... I didn't know you play for that side... - I said with fake enthusiasm and he rolled his eyes. He became serious and pursed his lips as a five-year-old child. I bit my lip, to try not to laugh in his face. If I do, then he'll start accusing me of being a bad friend and I won't have fun tonight. Ah... I don't want to go through that again. I better keep my mouth sealed.

- I'm not gay! You don't have to act mean, you know. I just thought you should try and see if he has a crush on you. You do know that promotion can be much easier than with work. Oh, you could have done it before and now you would have been a boss and not him.- His whole face transformed into a beaming one as we continued on our way. The building is almost empty and it would be quiet if Gabriel didn't start to laugh at his own joke. Who could even say a suggestion like that to a friend? Only Gabriel...

- Just think about what you're saying. You are practically forcing me to whore around. Also I'm beginning to think that you really are gay but just don't want to tell me. Not that I have anything against it. I would be more comfortable with you if you were gay. We could have coffee together and gossip about the guys together and go shopping... - Here I paused for a moment and then laughed out loud.

- I guess that wouldn't be much of a difference. - I said with a smile, and he snorted offended by my words.

- Fine! Then find someone else who will go shopping with you and listen to you complain about men. Trust me it didn't pay off to be your friend. At first, I thought that I would occasionally get lucky but you just don't give in. I'm beginning to question this friendship. - He said in a serious voice but with a hidden smile. We both know he wouldn't get much from me. Not that he counted on it, for sure. 

- Yeah... Well, sorry to spoil your plans. You knew from the beginning that there was no chance that you'd get lucky. – 

-Of course, I knew. However, I want to make a deal with you. Don't you ever question my manhood? Is a matter of pride for me, come on. I come from a family of traditional alpha males, you'll ruin my reputation.- I tried to smile at the joke but somehow I realized I got anxious instead. I know what he meant but the truth is that the common "alpha males" only brought me misery. If anything I like the guys who are the complete opposite of it. 

- Shit! It's not that I approve of the "alpha male" behavior, but it's not what I meant. It can also mean someone who is working hard for the family, to provide for them, you know. It was just a joke, don't worry. - My mood worsened but I managed to smile, even tho it's fake. You know what they say, fake it until you make it. I actually read somewhere that you should fake a smile every morning until you really feel like smiling. 

- I know, I know. I promise I won't question your manhood. You are a macho guy through and through. I know how much of a... big man you are. - I winked at him and it's like he knew exactly how to react. He probably does know, since we've been friends for so long. That's why I love him. He let it all go, and just smiled broadly, obviously letting the whole subject go.

- Good. I'm glad we understand each other. Now let's go. - We are now at the underground garage and he stopped suddenly and turned to look at my face, all serious.

-Can I ask you something real quick? Do you think... Do you think he is a potential boyfriend? I mean, do you look at him like that?- He tried to smile but something about it was bothering me. His smile is faulty, I know it's not his real, genuine smile. 

- No way. I wouldn't be able to bear that jerk for five seconds. If not for that, dating at work is too complicated. I made that mistake once and learned from it. I will not make it again.-

- Yes... I remember Paul. Good boy. He begged you every day to get back together. Poor thing. Eventually, he quit. Stick to your regular celebrities. That shouldn't be too complicated.- The last bit was thrown just for fun and I must admit it made me laugh. It made me laugh so much that my sides started to hurt.

- Right, not complicated at all. But don't worry Gaby, the whole point of dating them is to make them realize they are not so high and mighty after all. - I winked at him and he chuckled.

- Yeah, luckily, you are sent here to Earth to make us more humble. - I smiled at that. You could say I broke some hearts. Maybe a couple of times, but with most of my exes I remained friends. Even Gabriel is one of my exes. I went out with him when I was fifteen years old, but we stopped after five days. I just realized that I prefer a good friend to a boyfriend or something more. That's what I told him and we both decided to just hang out. Also, I was too young to even be in a serious relationship. And we are still best friends. He is more like a brother. Actually, no... It would be odd to talk about him as my brother. Let's say like a best friend.

The elevator stopped and we went to the door of the building. I briefly glanced at Gabriel and smiled. I have to admit that he is a sweet guy. Maybe we aren't lovers but I can't deny that he's good-looking. He has delicate facial features and long black hair, his whole appearance is calming. There are guys who at first glance seem like they would ravish you. But Gabriel isn't like that. All he represents is gentleness and safety. Gabriel turned to me and caught me intensely looking at him. He just winked at me and went away. I shook my head, and we left the huge glass building together. Of course, journalists immediately surrounded us. I made a face when I saw that there were more journalists than when I came. They probably noticed when Gabriel came too. He is a model and a quite familiar one. That's how we met, we posed for a newspaper together. Now I don't remember the paper's name, but I know that after the shooting he asked me to go to coffee and I said yes. After that we started dating but as I said it only lasted five days. Since then we have been inseparable. Gabriel calls me at least five times a day, his excuse is that he's just checking on me. A bit annoying but I secretly like it. He was with me at my most difficult moments, and he never gave up on me, so I'll be eternally grateful to him. I returned to the noisy reality and tried to push through a group of journalists. I didn't call either security or my driver.

- Miss Diamond, is this your new boyfriend? -

- Miss ... - I didn't want to answer their questions, so I just continued on to Gabriel's car. As soon as he opened his blue Lexus, I jumped into the leather seat and exhaled deeply. These journalists are really boring. I just want some privacy but I can't have it. Gabriel came in after a few minutes and I guess he answered the questions. He's always such a goody-goody.

- And? Where do we go now? Is it seven o'clock when your party begins? -He asked me gently and I began to think about the party. I don't want to go but it's better than sitting at home.

- At nine. Let's go to my place. I have to change and you can get some clothes and fix yourself a little, too. - He nodded and started the car. He turned on the radio and loud music began. I turned down the song "Animals" by Nickelback and received a scowl from Gabriel. One thing he loves the most is music. I think he can't live without listening to music. He always wears headphones around his neck, and he hates it when someone changes or decreases his songs. I sent him a little kiss and he smiled, letting me know that he forgives me. Whoa. That was easy. I turned to the window and quietly started humming along with the voice of a song. We drove past the beach and I was dreamily looking at the area around us. It's been so long since I've been to the beach to just relax and swim. I don't have time to go on holiday and I don't have a great desire to. I hate the looks of men when I am at the beach. I know that that is normal but it is just terrible for me when I see a group of old men looking at my cleavage.

I shuddered at the thought and turned to Gabriel. He is a desperate driver, not that it bothers me. I closed my eyes and went back to singing these songs. When the car began to slow down, I opened my eyes and saw that we were at the gate of my house. Gabriel looked at me and I took out the remote from my purse. I unlocked the gate and walked to my yard. From a large driveway, we came to the entrance of the underground garage. I took the automatic remote and unlocked the door so Gabriel could park.

- Ah great. I just love your garage. I really need to buy a house. My apartment does have a nice view, but this is way better. - He said cheerfully, and we got out of the car. I stood next to him while he was looking at my motorcycle.

- This is a new one. It wasn't here last time. – Gabriel said more for himself than to me, but I heard it and laughed at it. He is obsessed with cars and bikes. Classic man.

- Yes. I got it as a gift. I was at the launch of the new motorcycle and since I promoted it they gave me a gift. - I shrugged because these things are normal in my world. Gabriel continued to study my garage so I had to kick him to get him to leave with me.

- Leave it. Let's get ready. - He gave me a scowl but obeyed. As soon as we entered the huge hall I felt the smell of vanilla and honey. I love this scent, it's kind of endearing but refreshed.

- I like the smell, it's honey, right? - Gabriel asked and I smiled at him, nodding. We had casual conversations until we got to my room.

- You go to your room and get ready while I find something to wear, okay? -

- Okay, okay... We'll meet in the living room, but I'll probably be ready before you. - Gabriel winked at me and went to his room. Yes, he has his own room in my house. He often stays here to sleep and finally, I just told him to bring some clothes so he can stay in some room. He is here more often than in his apartment. The thought made me smile as I made my way to my room. All it took was a long bath to relax my mind and body, so with more ease I started to look through my walk-in closet to find something to wear. I chose a simple red Prada dress with black Louboutin heels, after some more accessories and make-up I went into the living room to meet Gabriel. Of course, he is ready and it seems like he's sleeping on the couch. I knelt beside him and watched his features. He looks so tender while sleeping. I put a lock of hair away from his face and kissed his forehead. Maybe I should just go without him. He can stay here, he seems to be tired. I got up off the floor and headed for the door when a hand grabbed me around my waist and I shuddered a bit uncomfortable with the touch. 

- Hey, hey... Relax, it's only me. Sorry if I scared you. You didn't think you could go without me, did you? As I said, this is our day. You're not going to get rid of me so easily. - He kissed my cheek and I gave my best not to react. His breath is so hot... I shook my head as if it would help to get unwanted thoughts to disappear. Gabriel looked at me with a pained expression on his face.

- Please don't give me that look. I hate when you look at me like that, I find it somehow... Disturbing. - I shook my head quickly and smiled falsely. I don't always have to drag him into my problems.

- No, I'm sorry. I was lost in my head for a second! I just remembered something and I forgot where I was. Don't worry, I could never think badly of you. - I gently put my arms around his waist, giving him a brief hug before I moved away.

- Come on now. -We quickly came to the garage, and I went towards my car but Gabriel stopped me.

- No no ... Let's take my car. - I rolled my eyes. He loves his car. I don't even know why. I think it is a good car but mine is better.

- How will you drive when you get drunk, huh? Let me just tell you that I'll call a cab and leave your baby there alone in a parking lot. At least here, your baby will have company and it will be safe. - I said it with a sweet and mocking voice, even making sure to add a little pout and blink so that Gabriel would change his mind. 

- Fine! But next time we'll go by my car. – I knew I would change his mind! I just smiled at him and nodded. We got in my car and I sat in the passenger seat. I love driving but now I want to relax and watch the environment. Unfortunately, it seemed as if the ride was over sooner than I wanted to and before I knew it, we were in front of Travis's house.  He is also my ex but we are friends. I noticed Travis, and he noticed me, so we ran to each other, and he kissed me on the cheek. I love this guy. Not as much as I love Gabriel of course, he's still my favorite.

- Desiree baby. I Haven't seen you in weeks. You barely remember I exist, I guess we can't all have the same privileges as Gabriel to remain your friends once you're done with us. - Travis said with obvious frustration and crossed his arms.

-It's not like that... I had so much to do so I was laying low. Gabriel is just much more persistent than the rest of the people so he squeezes his way into my schedules. I promise, once I have more time we'll meet. You can't be mad at me, come on. - I made an innocent face and slightly pursed my lips. He just shook his head and exhaled. Yay! I won.

- I knew you couldn't stay mad at me. - I kissed his cheek and went into the house. Gabriel is, of course right next to me and I doubt he will leave my side all night. As soon as I entered the house loud music started making its way into my ears. Song Lollipop by Framing Hanley just started singing. I laughed at the choice of the song and pulled Gabriela to dance. I don't usually dance. I don't like the sweaty bodies constantly clinging to me, but now it's not like that. Almost the whole room is empty and each pair of people is a little separated from each other. I put my arms around Gabriel's neck and turned my hips together with Gabriel's. This boy really knows how to dance. He put his hands on my hips and looked at me to see if it was okay. I don't like it but I'll manage, and this is Gabriel I could trust him with my life.

I really hate that I'm so troubled. I want to solve the issues haunting me, they can't control my life forever. The world won't stop because I have problems. I can't just ask people not to touch me or get close to me. So this will be the first step, I want to be close to people familiar to me, and I need to trust Gabriel. For a while, we danced while some songs played and we finally decided to sit down for a little bit.  It came at the right time since I was getting a bit frustrated from his touch. Not that he did anything bad, it's just me that felt overwhelmed. 

We went into another room with two sofas, where are mostly couples, kissing, and the room had a disco ball instead of a lamp. In this room, there is a bar with a couple of chairs that are surprisingly empty. I sat on one and Gabriel immediately took his place next to me. He ordered vodka and I ordered carbonated water. I hate the smell of drinks. That smell...I watched as he approached the glass to his lips and gently absorbed more than half of the content of the glass. My throat started to sting from the famous taste and I swallowed nervously. I hate this. I took my glass and drank whatever was in it. This will never replace the bliss of alcohol. That feeling that all the problems are gone, that finally, you can forget anything. I sighed and ordered another glass of water.

- Are you okay? - Gabriel asked, close to my ear and I smiled and nodded. He returned a smile and took another drink. A cute blonde girl walked past us and I watched as Gabriel turned to look at her. Men!

- If you want to try your luck with her go ahead. I was supposed to come here alone anyway. – I told him I wanted him to leave. He is just disturbing me. I prefer to just sit and watch people around, or possibly flirt with some guy who thinks that he has a chance. I smiled at that thought and looked back at Gabriel.

- No... I don't want to leave you alone. - He looked at me anxiously, and of course, it immediately started to annoy me. He always acts like I can't look after myself. I can fight better than him, if we are being attacked I would be the one who would defend us.

- Gabriel, go! - He realized that I was upset and made a face before he drank his drink and stood up from his chair. I rolled my eyes and continued to watch people around. Some were knocked out in the corner of the room, while some struggled to stand on their feet. Yes! That's the beauty of parties. Everyone can forget problems and focus on just this one night.

I looked at a girl who was just about to fall asleep, appearing to be too drunk. Her arm is hanging around the boy's neck and her eyes are half-closed, she is in some distant corner of her mind. The young man's hand is in her shirt, obviously playing with her breasts. The girl barely tried to remove his hand, but after some time, she gave up and just closed her eyes.

I feel nauseous. I hate these men who use women in their weak states. Why don't they try to take their chances when women are sober and not wait for the alcohol to numb their senses? Pathetic! I turned to look somewhere else no longer interested in watching the scenes in front of me since they are just getting on my nerves. I got up and went into a room that was a little quieter. It wasn't easy, but I found a small sitting room where the music was barely audible. Except for a few guys and a girl passed out on a sofa, there is no one. I sat in a leather chair and began to text one of my better friends, Aylen. She always makes me smile. The girl is fun and cares about everyone. Fortunately, she's not like Gabriel, she's not so overprotective, which is good. I couldn't bear another Gabriel.

- Hello, beautiful... : * <3 What is happening there? Will I regret not coming? -< strong> I laughed out loud. She is obsessed with having fun. I swear everything is a game for her. Her father owns a company, and her mother is a housewife but they have money so she doesn't have to do anything. Aylen has her future secured so she doesn't lift a finger. Not that I judge her, I would just find that kind of life boring. Even tho I have money left from my parents, I still prefer to work. 

-Noooo... There is no one worth mentioning at this party, and it's not even that fun. Also, how is John btw? - Last time I checked, she was so into this guy, he was all she could talk about.

-Broke up. Too much snoring. I hate it when they snore. :/ - She is definitely something. I laughed out loud and replied.

-Pity. Don't worry, you are not missing anything.-

-Well then. Have fun with Gabriel. ;) <3< strong> – Aylen has the insane idea that Gabriel and I are meant for each other. She is convinced that it's adorable when best friends turn into lovers. That is just... Wrong! I'm always annoyed when she hints at that.

- Yeah...  I'll see you soon... <3 :*< strong> - I just put down the cell phone when somebody touched my shoulder. I jumped from an unexpected touch and turned back to the person who did it. A man with thick black hair and blue eyes looked at me with a seductive smile. I smiled back but then I went back to looking at my mobile.

- You know ... a pretty little thing like you should never be alone. - The stranger sat on the edge of the chair, too close for my liking.

- Who said I'm alone? - I asked with a sarcastic smile, now looking at the guy in front of me.

- Now you're alone, whoever it is with you must be a fool because he left you alone. But it was lucky enough for me. If he was here I would not have had the opportunity to enjoy this wonderful talk with a beautiful girl. - I laughed out loud at this. A real charmer.

- Your attempt to win me is charming, but no thanks. I'm not interested so you better find someone else. - I smiled and got up from the sofa. To my regret stranger followed me.

- I'm not the kind of guy who easily gives up. Can I at least hear your name? - He asked, already annoying me so I just rolled my eyes.

- I'd rather not say. Goodbye. -With quick steps, I went away from this persistent guy. I can't deny that he is handsome, and blue eyes are my weakness but I don't want anything at the moment. Usually, I wouldn't refuse but now I have too many worries about my job and Zachary drained the last drop of happiness from me.

I shudder at the thought of Zachary. The very thought of him made me start to shake with rage. I went to check on Gabriel and go home, but I couldn't find him. I guess he got lucky with the blonde. Good for him. I rolled my eyes and went to my car. I was just about to get in when Travis stopped me.

- Desiree! Leaving already? Come on... This is the first time I've seen you in a while. You didn't even let me have one dance. - He looks sad, his lips are pouty and a frown on his face tells me I can't get away from this one that easily. Also, I feel guilty. He was always a gentleman towards me and I had a good time with him.

-Sorry. I was a bit bored. You know I'm not exactly a party girl, but I do like to check out the scene from time to time. I needed a break, probably you don't know but I have a new boss... It's enough to say that the man is difficult. - I bit my lip and looked at his disappointed face. I feel sorry for him but now I just want to go home and sleep.

- Well... I understand I also have a difficult boss. At times I feel like I could kill a man with how annoying he gets. Nothing is good enough for him, he always criticizes everything and he does his best to make you hate your life. Trust me, you're happy he's not your boss. - I made a face at him. The only man who reminds me of this description is Zachary. Maybe we are talking about the same person.

- Are you sure you're not talking about my boss? Zachary King. Son of Philip King and his wife, the famous actress, Michelle King. - His face changed from sad to dissatisfied. Apparently, he knows him.

- I do not know Zachary but I know his father. Philip is just... So to say a bit overbearing. But all the same, he's not my boss. My boss is actually called Damien Moore. Trust me, this Zachary is a piece of cake in relation to Damien. So anyway, I'm sorry for keeping you. I hope I'll see you soon. Remember to call me sometimes.– He briefly kissed my cheek and with regards walked away toward the house. I got into the car and headed back to my destination. I was thinking about my life and the things that made me unhappy. A lot of little things can throw us off balance and disrupt our "haven". I made a face and noticed that I was in my street. I opened the huge gate and went into the garage to park my car and continue inside. My help, William met me in the living room. William is a good guy. He was working for my parents before they died and he was constantly around. He is so old now and I try not to burden him with too much work.

- Miss. I made dinner and don't you even dare to try to skip it. - I smiled and walked into the dining room.

- Don't call me Miss, William. You know I don't like to talk to you like that - I said seriously with sadness in my voice. Somehow I look at him as a family. And when he calls me "Miss" something tells me that he doesn't look the same at me.

- I can't promise that Desiree. In my free time, I look at you like my daughter. But here I realize that I am an employee and, believe me, I love you, but that is how we should behave towards each other. - Sadly I sighed and nodded. If that is what he wants. I sat at a huge glass table with beautiful leather chairs and began to eat something that looked like tomato soup. I'm a vegetarian so anything with fruit or vegetables is enough for me.

- Thank you, William. You can go now. You're free until next Monday. -

- OK miss. Have a nice night. - When I heard the door closing I just sat in my chair and listened to the sound of silence. I can hear my own breathing and the wind gently hitting the windows. I sighed because of my thoughts. My whole life was like this. My whole life I've heard the same sad silence. The picture of my biological parents came to my mind. Sadly I smiled at their faces remembering my life with them. I'm not in the mood to eat right now so I left it and went to my room. I walked past the home bar located in the dining room and the same as always, it left me with a dry mouth and a longing for a taste of it. I came to my room and threw myself on a giant king-size bed. I closed my eyes and waited for a restless dream to come...