
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Phim ảnh
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28 Chs

Chapter 5

I stood outside the unassuming building that had several people flowing in and out. only the people inside and myself knew it was SHIELD HQ. how had I found it? well, several sources in my past life directly mentioned its address as 219 West 47th street, so I just headed there. I took stock of what I had, that being no directly helpful abilities besides hacking and only 400 points left after the week 272 had been in containment and the maintenance cost had come through. it wasn't enough for anything big, but I could buy a simple laptop and a small connection device, though that would take over half my points to get a laptop with good enough hardware to even try to do what I wanted. after that, I invested in my hacking skill to bring it up to the next level.

[Ding, one of your skills has passed level five, please choose an upgrade path, to gain the other paths you will have to buy them directly

-High-speed hacking

a hacking technique focused on fast and hostile takeovers of a system and has the highest detection chance

-Stealth hacking

a technique focused on a hidden takeover that at higher levels is completely undetectable

-Relay Hacking

a technique that while not undetectable, relies on routing your signal through several different sources making your location extremely hard to trace]

while all of these were good in their way, only one was suitable for my plan.

[You have acquired Stealth Hacking

all future Hacking will be 30% harder to detect]

I walked around the building till I found a mess of wires and cables in the ally behind the building. then I changed back into my rags and propped up a cardboard box against that wall, so that way anyone on cameras would see me as a homeless man, while not being able to see my equipment inside my 'home'.

after a couple of minutes of struggling I managed to remove enough of a cover plate to allow my connection device access. I made sure to take my time not to be discovered, I first placed some backdoors in the system for the Foundation to keep an eye on SHIELD, and after I had eyes on everything except a few more secured files that I assumed were Hydras, I began implementing my current plan, I entered myself as a level 9 deep-cover agent who had been on assignment since before Furys time. being a deep-cover agent on assignment would explain my lack of identification and formal attire.

changing into my decent clothes again I walked around the building, there was nothing I could do to repair the damage to the covers, but a bit of graffiti and random broken pipes would make it look like a homeless person on a rampage.

I entered the building and was immediately stopped by security. "stop there sir, do you have an appointment." he spoke, the phrase was practiced meaning it was a passphrase for SHIELD, I had no way of knowing it, another benefit of my false persona. I leaned into the officer and whispered as best I could. "fresh out of deep-cover from the Ten Rings, I need to report to Director Keller" the man stepped back in surprise, taking a once over. "follow me sir" he spoke again.

I was led to a conference room, I sat there for nearly an hour before a bald man with an eyepatch walked in flanked by Romanoff and Coulson, he walked across the room slowly, "kinda hot in here don't you think" he spoke, slowly opening the windows along the side of the room while Coulson closed the blinds showing the corridor. I could vaguely make out a dark figure across the street perched on a window-washing platform, probably agent Barton.

I leaned back and smiled, "Director Fury, I didn't think that I required this heavy a response" Fury sat across from me, pulling a file from under his trench coat he started flipping through it "when I took over SHIELD, I made sure to go over every active agent above level six, so imagine my surprise when I was alerted that a deep-cover agent who was watching the Ten Rings under Operation Skrull with the Codename Agent Danvers, do you even know what those words mean."

of course, I did, but by having them dig into my false persona it would reduce the risk of them finding one of the many backdoors I had left myself, it may also cause Fury to find Hydra sooner, which wasn't a bad thing, although I would require them to still survive long enough for Strucker to create Wanda and Pietro, while Quicksilver was only showed for one movie, Wanda was a huge factor in the final fight against Thanos, and with Strange only seeing one victorious outcome, I would prefer that I stay as close to that timeline as possible.

"let's see Director, Carol Danvers was a superhuman that nearly singlehandedly fought back the Kree invasion. the Kree are a race of aliens with the ability to perfectly mimic the appearance and vocals of anyone in the world under certain conditions. and the Ten Rings, well, there's info there that your organization doesn't quite know yet, and I'd rather not reveal cards that aren't mine, after all, the Rings are much more than what you see on the surface" I said smugly "I also know the names of every person in the room and agent Barton, who has been perching way to still across the way, too used to hunting in the woods and the middle of nowhere I suppose, it's good to move a bit when hiding in the city."

Fury stared at me without saying anything, I nearly lost it as that glorious meme face glared me down. "Are you done staring there Fury?"

"Why are you here?" he said, I could see Romanaff playing with her Widow-Bite, I smiled again "a simple warning Director, you see our Organizations want the same things, protection of the people, although instead of just America, we focus in a planetary level. so a simple truce is what I seek, stay out of our way, and we stay out of yours, I want all of your agents out of the sewers in two days, and in return, ill owe you a favor." I said, realizing there was nothing I could offer at the moment that wouldn't derail the story irreparably.

it was Fury's turn to laugh as he processed what I said: "let me get this straight you want me to stop looking for you and your colleagues for an IOU, what's to stop me from shooting you now and hunting the rest of your group to extinction? one less threat from where I'm sitting."

I leaned forward, a sudden thought occurring to me, "fine, instead of an IOU, how about the location of Steve Roger's?"