
MCU: I am 05-1

a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

The_Noobulas · Movies
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28 Chs

Chapter 6

I sat in the Overseer's office with lights off and everything shut closed leaving not a sliver of light. my head hurt and I could feel every pulse of blood through my body as my skull throbbed.

the negotiations had lasted far longer than I thought, I had used Thoughtful Management after suggesting giving Fury the location of the Captain knowing that he would try to squirrel the info out without giving up anything. but they just wouldn't stop, the entirety of the day had passed before the negotiations were over, for my side they would leave the sewers be and stop investigating them, in return, they got the approximate location of the Captain, and we would be meeting once a month in various locations to try and foster a positive relationship, what baloney, they would probably try to ferret out info from me about my background and pull my organization into their fold as if I didn't already have a headache.

at least it's not as bad as when I tried to Examine them, trying to use Examine while Thoughtful Management was active sent a huge bolt of pain through my head that hurt so bad it made my head spin and caused nausea.

"system why does using two abilities at the same time cause so much pain"

[Answer-because you don't use mana, all abilities and anomalous effects cause strain on the part of the body they affect, since they both affect the brain and partially the eyes the pressure was much higher than they would be on their own, remember that you can use most abilities as much as you want assuming there's no cooldown but every one of them will take physical effort and your body may not be able to handle the backlash. my suggestion is to strengthen your body to be able to handle the use of multiple abilities]

that was exhausting, good to know I didn't rely on mana though. I got up and started scrolling the shop, taking note of a few things I wanted as soon as I could and a few....ambitious wants.

[Abilities Bookmarked

Warped Signal<minor>-- 1500 points

warp the brain waves of your mind to make them impossible to read for level 1 mind readers and below

regeneration<minor>--750 points

regenerate 1% of your maximum health every 10 min, cannot replace lost appendages

Darkvision- 450 points

when darkness falls you can still see, vision will be reduced to greyscale coloring, but still requires .1% of the standard amount of light

Super Strength <Minor>-- 700 points

grants permanent strength equal to a level 1 Super-Soldier

Reality Stabilizing <minor>-- 2000 points

you exude a field of Stability that prevents Reality warpers up to level 1 from exerting their influence upon you or anything within 5 ft of you

Bookmarked Anomalous Items

SCP-006 water <1 dose>-- 10000 points

one drink of this water heals you to your top shape in seconds, this item automatically uses itself on the host if a sufficient critical injury is detected, and cannot revive the dead

The flesh of a dead God-- 30 Trillion points

a small piece of an ancient God contained within a necklace pendant, prevents all reality warping from all sources below Primordial Cosmic level 5 for the wearer and all things within 200 feet]

well, these were what I wanted, but first I needed to capture more anomalies because right now I was only making one hundred points a month after maintenance, meaning I could get the cheapest thing after five months, and it was essentially just built-in night vision goggles.

I sat there in the dark, head pounding, slowly realizing how much work was needed right now, I required mobile task forces of which I had none, I needed my abilities for my safety, and I needed techs to run the computers and monitor the net of cameras I had across the city, and I needed some sort of security, things like the Skrull existed and I don't know if they could copy the staff.

"Sir, we've located possible anomalous activity" an early morning Commander Jones said walking through the door and flooding the room with light, the Staff had gained a name, and he had become more human-like after his level up to three, he would still zone out sometimes, going about his tasks like a machine, but it was now possible to have a full conversation with him. "what's the details Commander," I said, my head in my hands as I did my best to shade my eyes. "well sir, we have a few possible sightings, the first is an incident at a local gas station, everyone there seems to have lost their minds and gone rabid, the only survivor seems to be a four-year-old child, the second is a street brawl that led to a man dressed in robes coming out completely unharmed, and the last is a man who we caught on camera slaughtering the police with little effort and countless blades that seem to appear from nowhere," he explained, going over his notes.

judging from the descriptions we had Cain and Able loose, I had a suspect for the gas station incident but had no current confirmation. I didn't have the ability currently to contain Able, so the question became who to track first, the gas station or Cain. I stood up and turned to Commander Jones, "Alright Commander, tell the Overseer to prepare two humanoid containment chambers and furnish one with Non-organic furniture, there is not to be a single organic plant or anything made from them in this room, the second should be furnished for a child and must be at least sixteen by sixteen meters. I'm going to investigate these two possible anomalies when I wake up" I said, although I didn't need to sleep I had to try to get rid of this migraine and buy myself some time to decide where I would go first.

it took a while to fade to dreamland, my body felt like it was actively fighting it since it wasn't needed, but slowly things faded to black.

Authors Note---

okay for real, I have major events line the Chitari invasion and others planned out (mostly) but the stuff I have planned needs set up, I don't have these early chapters planned much so idk where to send the MC



Gas station anomaly that I don't wanna reveal what it is but yall probably already know

thanks for reading, enjoy your day