
jujutsu kaisen half man half lizard

a young boy becomes the succesor of an ancient sorcerer and he will grow up to be strong

Blue_Boy_2656 · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Kevin's awakening

The 3 jujutsu scoceres were walking around the halls of the school bulding and maki noticed that the curses are hiding from them she thought it was because of Yuta's percents but it wasn't just from yuta Kevin's pretense was doing some effect to the curses. Yuta: hey kev why aren't the curses attacking us. Kevin: it's probably because of 2 things one they are afraid of us because they are yeah or it's because of rika. Maki stopped and looked at Kevin and yuta. Maki: hey what grade are you two in? Yuta looked confused. But Kevin knew what she meant. Kevin: that grading system you sorcerers have I don't think I have a rank. Yuta: yeah I don't I have one either. Maki took a breath to calm her but she couldn't blame them because they are new at this. Maki: you have i.ds right? Show them to me. Kevin and yuta got out there i.ds and maki took it and she saw the grade that yuta and Kevin had. Maki: considering that these two don't have much experience in this there ranks are probably-. Maki's eyes widen at seeing the grade. [Yuta okkotsu grade: special grade.] [Kevin marks grade: unknown.] Maki: yuta is a special grade? And how come Kevin's grade is unknown? He is strong with bearly any curse energy. Kevin didn't known why but he felt a bit of pride seeing maki surprised of course Kevin didn't know his own rank. Yuta: um maki are-. Yuta didn't get to finish ask because a curse spirit was rushing at them and thanks to the force of the giant curse they were launched to the air maki was sweating a bit because she wouldn't be able to kill this thing is too big. Yuta and Kevin were panicking. But yuta did an unexpected move with strength that he didn't knew he had he threw Kevin out of the way and maki and yuta were eaten by the curse Kevin was rolling on the ground and after he stopped he realizes that yuta saved him but now yuta and maki were eaten by the curse and when he finished processing the sinerio he was livid. He saw the curse rushing at him but he was livid to the point that he was in a like an animal and as if possessed by a beast he rushed at the curse but since the curse is bigger then him so Kevin had the faster advantage. Kevin now aware about his own state thanks to gojo.he jumped beside the curse and he scratched the side of the curse and it cried out in pain but it wasn't because of just the scratch it was of something that Kevin didn't know but his claws were not normal but he didn't care right now he was gonna slice this thing to pieces if it means saving maki and yuta he would no let yuta and maki die inside the damn curse. Kevin: I'm going to slice you to pieces to save those two. The curse charged again but it was faster and so did Kevin. Kevin decided to jump in front of the curse and gouge its eyes out but the curse swipe him away and Kevin was slammed and his eyes were covered in blood he wiped it of to see the curse slammed Kevin through the school walls and since he bearly fought something like this he lost consciousness and the curse was getting closer. Inside Kevin's subconscious he was floating in a blank void with streaks of red Kevin didn't think he was dead because he could still feel the pain in his body. Then a voice that sounded like he was expecting something from Kevin. Voice: good you can family hear me well at least enough that you can tell what I'm saying anyway. Listen up kid I'm going to unlock your power and after this you will be more stronger and we can family meet each other but now this. This power of mine is yours after you are my next successor and I won't let my successor die to a low level curses. Kevin was still floating in the void but after the voice finished his speech he felt a surge of power but it wasn't cursed energy it's more pure Kevin didn't know and he didn't care the moment his opened his eyes were pupils were slided and his eyes were completely red.[Inside the curses stomach] maki: damn it I dropped my cursed tool outside. Yuta: I have to summon rika if do maybe we can get out. Maki: do it I have nothing to get us out. Yuta was about to grab his ring but there was a tremor inside the stomach and yuta dropped the ring. Yuta noticed and he grabbed it and he put it on and rika manifested and she ripped the cursed to pieces but when they got out the saw a curse like lizard killing other big curse with its big crimson claws it shredded them like paper and it looked like he was just hunting every big curse and 4 were already dead including the one rika busted through. Maki: what the hell? how is this thing killing semi special grade curse like is a walk in the park and where is Kevin? Yuta: I think that's Kevin. Maki: what? Yuta: when gojo came for Kevin fought against him buy the more he found the more i noticed that Kevin's nails grew a bit and had red marks and his eyes were red but more than usual. I don't know how but that's Kevin. They saw how the lizard now that maki knew as Kevin was roaring at the sky as a sigh of his domination and authority as one would of an apex predator and maki for the first time felt like she found someone that she didn't would regret meeting.