

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Kỳ huyễn
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44 Chs


- That's right, if you're an idol, you should visit a haunted house at least once

- But I heard they say real ghosts come out there. Even the staff perform rituals every morning before starting...

- If it were me, I'd probably wet my pants.

Before they knew it, the youngest ones had reached the door of the hospital room. Red light leaked through the small pane of glass above the swing door.

[Chung: Ah… There's something else in there.]

[Yuyeon: I found the pizza!]

Yuyeon swung the door open carelessly.

Caught off guard, just as the seal on the ghost was opened, Chung smacked Yuyeon hard on the back. It was because he had opened the door without counting to three.

[Yuyeon: Then, I'll take the lead. Follow behind me.]

[Chung: Yeah.]

Yuyeon began to step forward, keeping an eye on the wheelchair ghost.

However, Chung didn't want to get too close to the mummy in white bandages. He pretended to follow Yuyeon for a moment, but when his friend was fully inside the room, Chung quickly slammed the door closed.

[Yuyeon: Hey!]

[Chung: I'm sorry, my friend!]

- Oh, wow ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ he closed the door ㅋㅋ

- Yuyeon-ah, you're trapped with the ghost!

- He told him to stay loyal but then betrayed Yuyeon right away ㅋㅋㅋ It's hilarious.

Yuyeon was momentarily furious. Glaring at Chung through the window, he grabbed the pizza first.

Meanwhile, the wheelchair ghost had moved even closer. However, Yuyeon showed no fear.

[Yuyeon: I'll just pass through.]

A composed response.

Rather, it was the ghost that seemed bewildered, as if experiencing déjà vu. For a brief moment, the image of Minsung, who had been standing next to Baekya earlier while clutching his forehead, appeared. Then, subtitles appeared at the bottom of the screen.

[I sense a strange scent of a rabbit from my target.]

The wheelchair ghost lost interest and decided to switch targets quickly. At that moment, a scream echoed through the corridor.

[Chung: Aaagh! Ah! Ah!]

While he had enjoyed trapping Yuyeon and the ghost in the hospital room, this time, Chung was screaming while telling someone to die. When the door opened again, there was an uninvited surprise guest.

[Yulmu: Puhaha! Ah, this is fun.]

[Chung: You're bad! You're so bad!]

Yulmu was laughing even while Chung was grabbing him by the collar. Being aware of the cameras, Yuyeon hastily separated the two and pushed them towards the exit.

[And so, the last team successfully escaped!]

Afterward, the members gathered in front of the haunted house again. While eating the pizza brought by the youngest members, DASE finally concluded their shoot unharmed. Only after this were they able to return to the dorm.

* * *

Meanwhile, DASE members were watching the first episode together during the break time in the practice room. As soon as the video ended, the members teased Baekya and Chung, leaving the two of them in a state of extreme embarrassment.

"Our wittle bwabies were really surprised it seems~ Baekya's eyes seemed to be very watery, huh?"

Yulmu was the first to initiate the teasing.

"I didn't cry! I really didn't cry! And my eyes are naturally watery!"

"Mine too!"

Ever since his birth year was revealed, Baekya had been classified as the youngest within the team along with Chung. When Yuyeon reinforced that it seemed like Baekya did really cry, the sunfish felt like he was unfairly treated.

"It just sounds like that because of the audio. Am I a kid? Why would I cry over a ghost?"

"If you're 18, you're still a kid. It's okay for you to cry."

The approaching choreographer signaled that they had rested enough and should resume practicing. The two youngest members gathered in front of the mirror with pouty lips.

By this time, on social media and in various communities, gif images and videos from the first episode were spreading rapidly.

[The Excited Jihan Making a Fuss with a Flower Bouquet]

[A Peach Catching Ghosts]

[DASE's Age Lineup Recap]

[The Peach's World Crashes]

[Chung Chung's Soulless Pizza Mukbang]

Among them, the post titled 'DASE's Age Lineup Recap' had particularly high views.


[ISSUE] DASE's Age Lineup Recap

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A lineup recap for the male group DASE who made their hot debut at Imjingak at the end of last year.

The profiles of the members are organized in the order of their birthdays.

//TN: 'XX' is supposed to be the birth year.

1. Do Minsung (20)

Birthday: Jan. 10th, XX / Height: 179cm

2. Na Yulmu (19)

Birthday: Nov. 8th, XX / Height: 185cm

3. Han Jihan (19)

Birthday: Nov. 24th, XX / Height: 181cm

4. Han Yuyeon (18)

Birthday: April 2nd, XX / Height: 182cm

5. Han Baekya (18)

Birthday: May 3rd, XX / Height: 175cm

6. Chung Chung (18)

Birthday: Dec. 12th, XX / Height: 183cm

As fans might know, Baekya was initially known to be the same age as Jihan/Yulmu. (He actually graduated from high school this year)

But, looking at the registered birthdates on the portal, he's actually a year younger.

So, it turns out to be a situation where Yuyeon/Chung, who are the same age as him, calls Baekya 'hyung', and Baekya is friends with Jihan/Yulmu, who are a year older.

//TN: 'Being friends' = Being the same age or being in the same hierarchical level

They might have thought they could just go along with it if Baekya had an early birthday, but Yuyeon's birthday is a whole month earlier than his. The fans are starting to have a mental breakdown.

What's going on with them…?

It was confusing, but it seemed like Yuyeon/Chung just decided to be laid back and treat Baekya as a school senior… That's what we thought, but… in today's newly released reality show, Yuyeon spoke informally to Baekya.

Chung kept switching between calling him "hyung" and then "Baekya" (it seems like he just calls him whatever he feels like, haha).

As an extra note, in the same agency, Mayoung of Rose Day is friends with the XX-line Yulmu and Jihan because of her early birthday. But Mayoung is also friends with Minsung.

※ In conclusion: Minsung = Yulmu = Jihan = Baekya = Yuyeon = Chung are all friends, and Baekya is the hierarchy breaker.

(Baekya's Biting Heart.gif)


//TN: Explanation about the whole age system at the end of the chapter.

- Aigooya

- What's with their hierarchy? It's a complete mess ㅋㅋㅋ

- Hierarchy breaker ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- ㅋㅋㅋ Wow, this is not organized at all

- But seriously, from their looks to their height, these kids are perfect, perfection itself.

- I got it. So Baekya is in the Maknaez-line, right? Ha… it got even cuter.

- By this logic, it's only a matter of time before ID's biggest seniors and Chung become friends ㅋㅋ

- Sigh, my head hurts. Won't ask, won't argue. Baekya-ya, well done, my little punk.

* * *

Assistant Manager Na has been working with her company for five years. Working at a web agency in Yeonnam-dong, she was under quite some stress these days due to the new team leader.

"Ah, it's annoying. Will this pass?"

As soon as she got home, Assistant Manager Na opened a can of beer. Beer always tasted the best after work.


She sipped her beer and lay back on her bed, wiping the corner of her mouth with the back of her hand. She wanted to postpone taking a shower for a while and just relax.

Out of habit, Assistant Manager Na turned on her phone and opened her messenger. There were several messages piled up, but she didn't feel like responding right now.

With nothing else to do, the procrastinating office worker started scrolling through her phone and eventually pressed on YouTube. A few days ago, a coworker had recommended a song by a new idol group, and it suddenly came to her mind.

"It was called 'No Games' I think."

She had reluctantly listened to the song upon the persistent recommendations, but surprisingly, it had suited her taste. She hadn't deleted it and had kept it in her playlist.

Thinking of her coworker who had highly praised the music video as a work of art, she entered 'No Games' into the search bar.

[DASE 데이즈 '놀이(No Games)' MV]

[Music Note, DASE Baekya Vertical FanCam 'No Games']

[Best 10 Paper Cup Games]

The search results appeared in a row.

Not sure what to click on, she randomly selected a thumbnail that seemed the most eye-catching. Someone who looked like a white sparrow stood dazedly on the stage.


Clearly, it wasn't a music video. Assistant Manager Na realized she must have clicked the wrong link and attempted to go back. However, a grand introduction began, and the white sparrow on the stage started singing. That intro immediately captured her ears.

'He's the one singing that?'

The moment she heard the song, Assistant Manager Na's ears were hooked with the song's killing part.

Whether or not the part was a chorus, she wanted to listen to that part for the entire three minutes. Before she knew it, she was sitting upright on her bed, mesmerized by the screen.

As the other members and the camera stands occasionally blocked the view of the white sparrow, she even tilted her phone to get a better look. Of course, that didn't make him visible.

"No, why does he keep moving to the back!"

The little figure only came forward when it was time for his part. The rest of the time, he was perfectly tucked away in the corner of the stage. It was starting to frustrate her.

After the dance break, the sparrow came back to the front. Just as her face was about to brighten again, the performance ended.

In just four minutes, which passed by in the blink of an eye, she only got a glimpse of his face.

Below the paused video, the music video that had been skipped earlier was listed as a related video.

Without even realizing it, her finger had already clicked on the thumbnail.



The majestic music. The gorgeous video. And even more gorgeous faces. She had been used to seeing old-fashioned bosses like her team leader, but now, there were six beautiful people who were obsessed with her, telling her to kill them if she was going to leave.

Before she knew it, she had absorbed just about every stage video there was.

'So why am I still watching this?'

With a belated reality hit, she switched off the search bar and quickly returned to the home screen. But during that brief moment, the algorithm had already misunderstood her preferences.

Her feed was flooded with thumbnails that were different from her usual recommendations.

'It's doing this just because I watched a few videos?'

It wasn't just a few videos, but she was oblivious to that fact. No matter how many times she refreshed, the results were the same.

"Give me back my feed…!"

The infectious nature of idol videos was incredible. It felt like every time she refreshed, the stages of all the idols in South Korea were taking turns, like a zombie virus spreading.

However, among them, she saw thumbnails of a slightly different nature.

[EP.1 | One day, I was suddenly dropped in front of a haunted house | DASE HAPPY DAYS]

A frightened sparrow was holding out a peach in his hands, on the verge of tears.

'…A Puss in Boots?'

She couldn't resist pressing on it. What started as a momentary curiosity quickly spiraled into something more…

[EP.2 | Would you like to go stargazing with DASE? | DASE HAPPY DAYS]

She found herself clicking on a thumbnail of a group of people gathered around a campfire, singing songs.

//TN: To explain the whole age thing in Korea; Basically, those who were born in the same year can be considered "friends" with each other because they're the same age.

However, because Korea also partly follows the lunar calendar (which is based on the monthly cycles of the Moon's phases) those who were born early in the year (Before March) could be considered older than those who were born after March in the same year. This is because the Lunar New Year is usually around late January to mid-February of the standard calendar.

And if you were born early in the year, you could also be considered to be the same age as those born one year before you.

For example, just like mentioned in the chapter, Rose Day's Mayoung is friends with Jihan and Yulmu because all three were born in the same year of the standard calendar. But because Mayoung's birthday happens to be early, she is also friends with Minsung, who is a year older than Jihan and Yulmu and who is their hyung. That's why the whole age thing can get pretty confusing.

And that's also why Yuyeon and Chung would have had no problems considering Baekya their 'hyung' if he had been born early in the year. But turns out his birthday was in May, so it doesn't count as an early birthday.

Hope this explanation was clear enough.