

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs



[The weather was still chilly]

DASE members squeezed into the car, three people at a time. They were in the middle of a conversation about their grocery list.

[Yuyeon: Let's eat meat too!]

[Yulmu: Meat sounds good~ When camping, we should definitely have samgyeopsal, right?] //TN: Samgyeopsal = Grilled pork belly

[Baekya: I'm good at grilling meat! I can grill it for you.]

[Chung: I can roast marshmallows!]

[Jihan: What about ramyeon? We should have ramyeon too.]

[Minsung: Hey, snacks! We need to buy snacks!]

The atmosphere was lively.

Baekya, seated in the middle of the front row, was using his phone to make a list.

Fortunately, DASE was informed of their destination today. Thanks to that, they were able to film with peace of mind.

The place they were heading to now was a camping site in Yangpyeong. The campsite was famous among campers for its location in the mountains, fresh air, and beautiful scenery.

[Baekya: I'll read out everything I have written down so far. Let me know if anything is missing.]

The list included items like chicken, pizza, pork belly, instant rice, ramyeon, mushrooms, lettuce, mac and cheese, marshmallows, carbonated drinks, snacks, kimchi, and more. There were more than 20 items on the list of things to buy.

When their manager questioned whether they could actually eat all of that, DASE members began re-evaluating their grocery list. They decided to eliminate unnecessary items, but as they each insisted on the necessity of various items, they found themselves back at square one.

In the end, under the mediation of their leader, they agreed that each member could only choose one item they wanted to eat, significantly reducing the list to half.

Meanwhile, the vehicle arrived at the supermarket.

None of them were wearing masks, but perhaps because the supermarket was a private shop in a remote place, no one recognized DASE.

[Baekya: What's with these French fries? Who put these in?]

[Chung: Those are really delicious! I used to eat them every day back in the US. No regrets. Trust me.]

[Baekya: …Really? (Intrigued)]

[Jihan: What are you two doing? Take the potatoes out. How are we going to fry them at the campsite?]

The Maknaez were caught red-handed by Jihan, who had just returned with two bags of ramyeon noodles. Realizing that Jihan had a point, Chung had to go back to the freezer section.

//TN: Maknaez = What the fans decided to call the youngest members a few chapters ago (in case you forgot)

Even after that, Minsung, who had tried to sneak in a few more snacks, and Yulmu, who tried to buy some strange toys, failed one after another under each other's strict scrutiny.

[Grocery shopping complete!]

[Finally, entering the campsite~]

[Lush greenery and fresh air]

[A quiet and cozy place]

The DASE members got out of the car and ran around excitedly shouting.

The production team had rented an entire area just for DASE. With the caption that this place was going to be DASE's shelter for the day, the members began to unpack their belongings.

Baekya, wearing an earmuffed fur hat, and Yuyeon wearing a winter bucket hat, divided snacks and food supplies into folding boxes. On the opposite side, Yulmu and Minsung tinkered with a portable gas burner, while Jihan and Chung were engrossed in a wrestling match with the Bluetooth speaker.

[Jihan: Why isn't this working? It must be broken.]

[Chung: This is yours, hyung.]

[Jihan: Yeah. It seemed to work fine at home… Should I just play it loud from my phone?]

[Chung: Give it to me.]

Fiddling and tinkering…


The crisp sound of the connection echoed through the campsite, and DASE's debut song filled the air. The speaker that had been causing Jihan trouble for over 10 minutes was swiftly resolved in less than 2 minutes after Chung took over.

Chung gave Jihan a stupefied look. His eyes seemed to say, 'You have to be kidding me right now.'

[Chung: The power was off.]

[Jihan: …]

Jihan stealthily turned his head away.

[Jihan: Bae- Baekya-ya.]

Jihan suddenly escaped, looking for Baekya. Baekya came running hearing the voice calling for his name, and Jihan grabbed him and brought him away from Chung.

[Lunchtime approaches]

[DASE decided to cook ramyeon]

Two large pots were placed on the burner as if they were planning to boil all ten packs.

Some DASE members were in a heated debate over the amount of water. Minsung and Chung were today's chefs. The two of them couldn't agree on whether to use a lot or a little water.

[Chung: Too much water! Is this the Han River?]

[Minsung: Just eat it.]

However, they quickly settled the matter with the leader's decision.

Yulmu rummaged through the box of ingredients, telling the frowning Chung to eat it with kimchi. But no matter how much he searched, there was no sign of the kimchi.

[Yulmu: Did we not buy kimchi?]

[Baekya: Kimchi? I thought we did buy it?]

[But no matter how hard they looked, it was nowhere to be found!]


The screen reverted back to the grocery store where the members were shopping earlier.

[Minsung (the culprit): I can pick up and place the items from the cart.]

[There is kimchi in the cart!]

[However, he just skipped it without seeing it...]

[That was how the kimchi became a missing child.]

[Yulmu gets serious when he can't find the kimchi even after searching the car...]

Although it was a shame, Baekya tried to console him by suggesting that they eat it with pickled radishes instead. But unfortunately, Yulmu was a hardcore advocate of kimchi.

Baekya was at a loss, asking where they could get kimchi that they didn't have. Yulmu then boldly declared that he would get it from an acquaintance.

[Nothing is impossible for the insider puppy!]

Baekya, bewildered, questioned how he had an acquaintance at a campsite they were visiting for the first time today. In response, Yulmu said that there was someone he had met in the bathroom earlier and promptly disappeared before Baekya could say anything.

And moments later, he indeed returned with kimchi in hand.

[DASE's first camping food is ramyeon.]

[I don't know whose children they are, but they sure are handsome even while eating~]

DASE devoured ten bags of ramen with all six members. Only the traces of the ramyeon were left behind. At this point, Chung proposed a contest for dishwashing. After a short discussion, they decided to play a puzzle-flipping game.

It was one of the games the production team had prepared for them to have fun today. They divided into two teams of three, with 50 puzzles printed in blue and white being divided to each team. They had to flip as many of the puzzle pieces as possible within a limited time. The team that flipped the most puzzles in the allotted time would win.

The teams were simply divided according to their roommates.

[Team Blue (The Han Family): Jihan, Yuyeon, Baekya]

[Team White (DoNaChung): Minsung, Yulmu, Chung]

With the help of the production team, 25 puzzle pieces of each color were evenly laid out on the floor. The time limit was 3 minutes, and the game began with the sound of a whistle.

DASE members quickly started flipping the puzzles in a frenzy, and at a glance, it seemed that both teams were evenly matched.

However, Yuyeon suddenly lay down across the puzzle board. Minsung and Yulmu rushed to grab his arms and legs, leaving Yuyeon suspended in the air where there were many blue puzzle pieces.

But with both Minsung and Yulmu occupied trying to handle Yuyeon, Jihan and Baekya quickly flipped more puzzles. Soon, the time limit expired.

[Team Blue wins!]

[Team White protests that Team Blue had cheated, but the opponent pleads innocence]

[Yuyeon: I was just lying down because I was tired, but you hyungs just came to me by yourselves~]

Minsung and Yulmu, feeling indignant at the shameless Yuyeon, eventually accepted the outcome and quietly began cleaning up.

[After finishing the cleanup, DASE gathers again]

[Team Blue offers cocoa for reconciliation]

[The sky is already glowing from the setting sun]

The members sat down in chairs, taking a moment to rest while gazing at the evening sky. After eating to their hearts' content and playing around, some members started getting drowsy.

The eyelids grew heavier and heavier as they tried not to fall asleep. Baekya and Chung eventually fell asleep, and the other members, upon discovering this, burst into laughter, unable to contain their amusement.

[Jihan: Look at them. They're asleep.]

[Yuyeon: Should we start a fire now? They're going to be cold once the sun sets soon.]

[Minsung: Let's do that. Are there blankets in the car?]

[Yulmu: I'll start the fire~]

The members who decided to make a fire for the sleeping youngest members moved quickly. Thanks to Yulmu's proficient handling of the torch, the fire was lit in no time. When Minsung expressed amazement at how well he was doing, Yulmu shrugged and said he used to go camping frequently with his parents when he was younger.

Now, the sun had completely set. As the lights decorated both inside the tents and between the trees, began to shine, the camping site took on a different atmosphere from the daytime. The cozy ambiance was filled with what people would call 'social media sentiment'.

[Baekya: …When did I fall asleep? You should have woken me up.]

[Chung: Wow! Campfire! How did you do this?!]

The two people who woke up at the right time admired the completely changed scenery.

On one side, preparations for dinner were in full swing. Baekya and Chung quickly joined the group to lend a hand.

[Baekya: Give it to me. I can grill the meat.]

[Minsung: No, it's okay. I'm almost done grilling anyway.]

[Baekya: No, but I still want to-]

[Jihan: Ah, I have something for you two to do.]

[Chung: What is it? I want to do it!]

[Jihan: Go over there and sit.]

At Jihan's mischief, Baekya and Chung punched him in the arm while glowering at him. There was a smile on Jihan's lips despite claiming that it hurt.

The two sleepyheads hovered around the members like hyenas searching for prey. However, even the plates and the wooden chopsticks were already prepared, and in the end, they returned to the campfire with nothing to do.

Crackle, crackle.

The two were squatting in front of the fire, counting the flying sparks while diligently poking the fire with sticks.

[Baekya: Should we do the cleaning?]

[Chung: Yeah. By the way, is Pi**chu tasty? You said you caught it back then.]

[Baekya: That was just a pork cutlet.]

[Chung: So, was it tasty? I want to try it too. Let's go catch some.]

[Baekya: …Sure. Let's go catch some when we're back in Seoul.]

A somewhat peculiar conversation between the two continued, and finally, the dinner was ready. The meat was piled up like a mountain, with various vegetables and drinks. The table was magnificent.

[Let's dig in~!]

[DASE's Samgyeopsal Mukbang START]

When Minsung asked how it tasted, Baekya enthusiastically praised the meal by giving it two thumbs up. When Chung asked if it was better than Pi**chu, everyone burst into laughter.

The members were briefly seen sharing the food amicably. And this time, with Baekya and Chung taking the lead, they all worked together to clean up.

The blazing campfire and the illuminating string of lightbulbs. Just looking at the scene made one's heart feel warm.

[Minsung: Isn't this the first time we've traveled together like this?]

[Yulmu: That's right. We used to talk about going on trips since our trainee days, but we never actually went.]

[Jihan: At that time, all we knew was practicing.]

[Chung: The end-of-month evaluations were so tough. But now, I'm so happy!]

[Yuyeon: Oh, right. Now that we're talking about the evaluation, there's something I'm curious about.]

[Jihan: What is it?]

[Yuyeon: Baekya, what on earth did you do during the end-of-month evaluation?]

Baekya, the subject of the question, tilted his head and replied that all he did was sing.

He didn't remember doing anything outrageous, but as he continued talking, he quickly found out the reason why the other members said it was strange.