

Everything is fine but you will die no matter what you do Synonym for a shitty game of luck Is there anyone who has seen an ending other than death? Death due to failure to debut, death for being caught up in rumors, death due to a traffic accident while trying to escape stalker fans, death due to stress, death due to a concert hall accident. An idol, or rather, a sunfish cultivation game, with an App Store rating of 1.2. However, my life got synced with this damned game?! Synchronizing 'Baek-Ya' Passive: R Sunfish Passive cannot be disabled. 99% chance for a bad ending. The only way to survive is to succeed as a genius idol!

VadVitchVelat · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
44 Chs


Naturally, the status window was only visible to Baekya. Minsung asked Baekya if he was okay, but the Sunfish could only calm his mind by reciting 'Bunshinsaba.'

[Baekya: No? I'm not okay.]

- The Peach is angry!!!!

- Ghost, you're in big trouble now. ㅠ

- He's really grinding his teeth ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Baekya required the ghost would help him. He seemed to have slightly overcome that extreme terror.

[Baekya: Where is the peach?]

[Ghost: …Peach?]

It was then that Baekya's obsession with the peach began.

[Course 2 - Operating Room]

An operating table was placed under green lights, but there was no mannequin in sight. The setup was slightly different from when the first team passed through.

[Baekya: P-peach! Peach!]

[Minsung: Calling for it is not going to make the peach appear…]

Baekya entered the operating room using Minsung as his shield. As if in response to his calls, the sound of a baby crying began to echo through the room.

[Baekya: Aah! Agh! Agh! Agh!]

Abruptly jumping in place while flailing his arms, Baekya looked like a freshly caught fish. Minsung's eyes shook as he looked at his fellow member. He seemed more afraid of Baekya than the ghost.

[Minsung: Bae-Baekya-ya, why are you like this… Calm down, and let's find it quickly so we can get out.]

Minsung showed signs of bewilderment for the first time after entering.

- [System] The peach is affected by a status abnormality and disappears from view

- Aigoo ㅠㅠ Since you're a peach, wouldn't it be okay to just leave?

- Minsung stuttering for the first time ㅋㅋ

- I guess he really hates ghosts

Baekya running wild and Minsung trying to restrain him. With the continued loud cries of the baby mixing in, it was chaos itself.

And then, at that moment.

Thud. Rolling.

Along with the heavy sound of something hitting the floor, something was rolling in the corridor leading to the next course.

- It's a peach!!!

- Why did the peach come from there?

- Maybe the production team just threw it out since he looked so pitiful ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[Baekya: …A peach!]

Minsung couldn't stop him in time. Baekya, with his eyes flashing, dashed into the corridor.

However, someone was also rushing from the opposite side. A ghost in a white doctor's gown, holding a baby doll and trying to pick up the peach.

And then, their eyes met.

[Baekya: Kyaaagh!]

[Ghost: Huwaah!]

[Minsung: Baekya-ya!]

Staggering backward, tears streaming down. The floodgates of sobbing had opened.

- This is crazyㅋㅋㅋㅋ What kind of chaos is this? ㅋㅋㅋ Baekya is crying?!

- Ah, this is seriously so funny ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

- Why did the ghost get startled? ㅋㅋㅋ

- Kyah, Baekya is so cute, I'm dying ㅠㅠ

- Meanwhile, look at how he's still trying to hide the peach so that it won't be taken away ㅋㅋㅋ

- It's all because of the Bunshinsaba, you dummy! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ That's an incantation to summon a ghost.

[Baekya: Bohohooo. I'm- I'm sorry. I'm sorry.]

[Minsung: Are you crying?!]

[Baekya: Waaah, I'm crying!]

The peach he was holding in his arms while sobbing was bruised. It was unclear what on earth Baekya had done wrong, but he kept asking for forgiveness while Minsung helped him up and tried to reassure him. His clothes were a mess.

On the other hand, as if the ghost had dropped its peach by mistake, it kept trying to snatch the peach from Baekya's hands.

As a result, Baekya was a complete mess.

[Baekya: Gaaah! Go away! Go away, pleaseee!]

Rattle! Rattle!

As the two passed by, as if the sensors were activated by them, the empty operating table noisily moved.

In this chaotic space. Baekya curled up into a ball and even rolled onto the floor. But then, the ghost changed its tactics and started tickling him relentlessly. Now, Baekya was falling apart in a different sense. There was no comedy such as this.

[Baekya: Gahaha! Stop, please stop! Kyahah!]

[Minsung: Ah… Why is my head suddenly hurting?]

The leader complained of a headache. He had a face of deep concern, wondering if it was okay for this to be aired on broadcast.


[Team 2's Escape Successful!]

Baekya's face was a mess as he held out the peach to the gatekeeper with both hands, begging to be let out.

His eyes were slightly teary, his hair disheveled. He was stained with mysterious soot from rolling on the floor, his stuffy nose making sniffling sounds.

The members burst into laughter when they saw the two leaving the exit. In particular, whatever it is that happened to Baekya, he was being dragged out by Minsung's hands, looking like a shipwreck victim who was miraculously found and saved by a rescue team.

[Jihan: Puhup. Your face…]

[Yuyeon: Puhaha! Hey! Your face!]

[Baekya: …Dun laugh.]

//TN: The spelling is intentional.

[Yulmu: Aigoo~ Did you fight with the ghost inside? How on earth did you end up looking like that?]

[Minsung: Well… something like that. Crying then laughing.]

[Yuyeon: Puhah! Hey, you cried? Where? Let me look at you.]

[Baekya: I didn't cry! Ah! Stop it!]

Upon Minsung's revelation, Yulmu and Yuyeon pounced on Baekya. The two tried to check his face to confirm if he really cried or not, while Baekya, swearing on his life that he didn't cry, ran away.

Amidst all this chaos, Jihan silently patted Chung's shoulder.

- This is happiness ㅠㅠ

- But wasn't Baekya one year older than Yuyeon? Why was he speaking informally?

- Waaah the scene of Baekya giving up the peach is making me crazy! It's so cute I almost smashed my head… A gif of this is urgently needed!

- They say that if you cry and then laugh, you'll grow horns on your butt! Come here, little baby. ㅠㅠ I'll check it for you.

[Jihan: You don't have to be that worried. It's not as bad as you think.]

[Chung: …But Baekya became a beggar.]

[(Interpretation) Roughly means, he was in bad shape]

[Minsung: You have Yuyeon with you. It will be okay.]

[Chung: I think he's going to abandon me…]

Seeing Baekya's condition when he came out after going in first, Chung was more worried than ever. However, time didn't wait for him.

The third team was to follow.

[Team 3, The Maknae Team, Entering]

Chung and Yuyeon disappeared into the darkness. As the door closed, the outside sounds were completely blocked. The eerie sound of the wind and occasional artificial screams could be heard.

[Chung: …Hey! Keep your meaning.]

[Yuyeon: It's 'loyalty', not 'meaning'. What do you see me as? Just wait. I'll get you out of here the fastest.]

//TN: Chung confused the words "meaning" and "loyalty" because they sound slightly similar in Korean. The word "meaning" is "euimi" and the word "loyalty" is "euiri".

The two people's flashlights illuminated the floor. Due to the intensified fear caused by the red lighting, Chung kept looking back with every step.

[Course 1: Emergency Room]

A broken emergency room sign hung diagonally. The blinking red lights heightened the ambiance. Tugging at Chung, who lagged slightly behind, Yuyeon walked into the emergency room.

Unlike the two previous teams who were searching behind the beds and curtains first, Yuyeon headed straight for the desk. It seemed like he was planning on starting the search from around the desk area first.

[Yuyeon: Where could the pizza be?]

The item that the Chung&Yuyeon Team had to find was a pizza. As they searched for places where a pizza might be, Chung approached the cabinet.

[Chung: …It's not likely to be here, is it?]

[Yuyeon: I don't see it, and it doesn't seem like they would've left it here. Try opening it.]

For someone as cowardly as Chung, he wasn't very suspecting. He opened the door without much thought, not even considering the possibility that someone might be hiding inside.


A ghost appeared with its hands folded over its chest like a mummy. It would be natural for the startled Chung to black out.


Furthermore, even Yuyeon stopped in his tracks when the phone happened to ring.

[Chung: Kyaagh!]

[Yuyeon: Uargh!]

Before you knew it, Yuyeon and Chung found themselves hugging each other tightly. In the face of danger, the two friends were brought together.

However, as soon as the ghost disappeared, the youngest members realized that the distance between them had become quite close and immediately began to distance themselves.

[Course 2: Operating Room]

Relying on the dim red light, Yuyeon and Chung moved on to the next course. This room was bathed in green light, and with curtains drawn from the entrance, only silhouettes could be vaguely seen.

Seeing that the setup of each team was slightly different, it seemed like the production team had requested it separately.

- Oh, it's different from earlier again!

- This seems to be the scariest one so far, though…?

- The doctor ghost is going to pop out if they open that.

[Yuyeon: I think it's some kind of bed?]

[Chung: Nonono. I can't go in.]

[Yuyeon: Then do you want to live here for the rest of your life?]

As Chung slowly retreated, Yuyeon grabbed his arm. It was to make sure he wouldn't run away.

The sweet deer told Chung in advance that they would open the door on the count of three.


Taking a deep breath, Chung nodded his head. He had a determined look on his face.

As Yuyeon counted to three, he pulled back the curtain, revealing an ordinary operating table. The mannequin was still in place.

On the other hand, Chung's fussing began.

Convinced it must be human, he adamantly refused to step inside, saying it would surely move. Clasping his hands together, Chung stood against the wall, his gaze fixed on the mannequin.

[Yuyeon: …What are you doing?]

[Chung: Oh, Lord. Why dost thou subject me into this trial? Look upon thy innocent lamb… (omitted)]

Suddenly, he began to recite a prayer.

- Suddenly he speaks Korean so well ㅋㅋㅋ I think he's even more fluent than me

- A prayer? Here? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Yuyeon looked at him somewhat in disbelief. The deer grabbed the wolf by the back of his collar and forcibly led him forward.

[Chung: Let go of me! I can't go in! I can't gooo!]

[Yuyeon: Stop the nonsense and follow me.]

A bizarre scene was unfolding as the wolf was being dragged by the deer. The operating table rattled terrifyingly loudly as soon as the youngest members passed by.


Chung's scream echoed, but Yuyeon continued to walk his way. Beyond the green light was a blue hallway. The long hallway was bathed in blue light, but the picture frames on either side of the wall were empty.

Walking down the hallway with Chung, who was still screaming that he couldn't go, Yuyeon saw the third course in front of him.

- Still, Yuyeon is doing a good job not leaving Chung behind.

- It would have been really worth seeing if Chung and Baekya had gone together ㅋㅋㅋ It would be a sobbing party.

- Chung Chung… what are you going to do about your image now? This is so cute.

But at that moment.


A hand suddenly reached out from the frame and grabbed Yuyeon and Chung.

[Chung: Aaagh!]

[Yuyeon: W-what?!]

It was the first appearance of this trick.

The first team to enter, the Jihan&Yulmu Team, thought the long hallway was suspicious and ran through it at full speed, so there was no time for the 'Ghost Hand' to appear.

During the Baekya&Minsung Team, the hand appeared, but it did not receive much attention.

Back then, the sight of the hand didn't rattle Minsung, thanks to his own uneasiness, as Baekya fought the ghost for the peach.

Nevertheless, the reaction from the last team, though belated, was worth the wait.

[Course 3: The Ward]

To make up for the mistake made by the previous team, the patient ghost this time was well-prepared. The pizza was placed on the bed furthest inside the room, awaiting the last guest.

[Yuyeon: Looks like this is the last one.]

[Chung: I want to go home... I want to go back to the dorm...]

[Yuyeon: You said you wanted to hurry and get to filming the reality show. This is the reality show.]

[Chung: How is this a happy reality show!]

Beneath Chung's sulky face, subtitles on the screen confirmed that the current shoot was indeed for DASE HAPPY DAYS.

The fans didn't expect that the production team would take them to a haunted house right from the beginning but in all honesty, as long as they could see DASE's raw reactions, they were open to anything.