
I Became Pregnant After Performing Sugery for the War God!

After finding an injured imperial big shot in a cornfield, Qiao Jing took him home and performed full-body surgery on him. When he woke up, he searched all over the world for the daring woman who had done something audacious to him. He searched the entire Imperial Capital, only to find out that the person was actually his wife from the countryside. Not knowing the truth, General Zhan was disgusted. " After 100 days, we're getting a divorce!" The medical expert said, "Master, there are still 90 days left until the divorce. I know a prince from the empire who has always wanted to meet you." The agricultural expert said, "There are still 60 days left. The position of my granddaughter-in-law has been vacant." The famous actor said, "Just one day left. The engagement ring is ready." General Zhan couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out, pulling Qiao Jing in his arms. "You performed full-body surgery on me, and you still want a divorce?" Qiao Jing replied, "We agreed on getting a divorce in 100 days. Aren't you a responsible man who'll keep his word?" General Zhan said, "I am, but... I just want to be responsible for you..." Nine months later, the onlookers thought they had divorced. But to everyone's surprise, General Zhan appeared with Qiao Jing, who was pregnant with triplets, leaving everyone stunned!

Picky Eater · Tổng hợp
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40 Chs

Zhan Qipei Searches for Qiao Jing, Unaware She’s His Fiancée (1)

Dịch giả: EndlessFantasy Translation Biên tập viên: EndlessFantasy Translation

The sound of a crisp and resounding slap echoed through the air.

The force of Zhan Nanqing's fall left her lying on the ground, blood trickling from the corners of her mouth, and her face swollen like a pig's head.

"You… How dare you hit me!" Zhan Nanqing clutched her face, seething with hatred.

Su Manhan rushed to help Zhan Nanqing up, and then angrily pointed at Qiao Jing, "How dare you strike her!"

"What's wrong with that? She insulted my mother, and I won't let her get away with it," Qiao Jing's eyes glinted with determination. "As a daughter, must I pretend not to hear when she insults my mother? She's always claiming I lack manners, but what about her own upbringing?"

Qiao Jing's words were aimed at both Zhan Nanqing and Su Manhan.

"You're telling me off for not raising her properly?" Su Manhan gritted her teeth.

"Well, what do you think?" Qiao Jing replied with a rhetorical question, her eyes bold and unyielding.

Su Manhan was so angry that she held her chest, feeling a little breathless. At that moment, her phone rang. It was a call from Old Master Zhan.

Gritting her teeth, Su Manhan answered the call.

"Has Qiao Jing arrived?" Zhan Yuanshan impatiently asked.

"Dad, I'm afraid this family can't tolerate her!" Su Manhan looked at Qiao Jing and complained.

"What's wrong? Did you bully her?"

Hearing Zhan Yuanshan's words, Su Manhan almost bit her tongue.

"She was the one who bullied your precious granddaughter and slapped her face until it was swollen!"

Zhan Yuanshan let out a sigh of relief. "You scared me to death. It's fine as long as Qiao Jing is fine."

Su Manhan almost vomited blood. "Dad, Nanqing is your granddaughter! She was beaten up, how could you-"

"Then she must have said something she shouldn't have. I know Qiao Jing very well. She has a cute personality and is very likable. Nanqing, on the other hand, has been spoiled by you. She's always causing trouble outside! From now on, discipline her well. If she dares to provoke Qiao Jing again in the future, I'll cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough-"

Su Manhan's husband's voice could be heard from the other end. "Dad, calm down. Don't get angry! Doctor! Doctor!"

The call was hung up.

Su Manhan was scared out of her wits. If anything happened to Old Master Zhan because of them, they would be the sinners of the Zhan Family.

Thinking of this, how could Su Manhan dare to continue to find trouble with Qiao Jing? She pulled Zhan Nanqing and walked out.

Although Zhan Nanqing was unwilling, she was worried that if she continued to make a scene, she would really anger the old master, so she could only forcefully suppress her anger.

Before she left, Zhan Nanqing glared fiercely at Qiao Jing.

Just wait! She would not let this matter go so easily.

"Close the door," Qiao Jing reminded as they turned to leave.

Both Zhan Nanqing and Su Manhan were left almost speechless from the encounter.

The scene shifted.

Inside the VIP ward of a hospital.

Zhan Qipei suddenly awoke from a deep sleep, sitting up with a start. He was drenched in cold sweat, his breaths weak and labored.

After taking a moment to recover, Zhan Qipei lifted the sheets and looked down at himself. Memories of the girl's audacious behavior while treating his wounds flooded his mind.

Upon entering the room, Lu Zijiao noticed the less-than-dignified sight. "Ahem, Young Master Zhan, did you wet the bed?"

Zhan Qipei shot him a disdainful glance and pulled the sheets back up.

"Where is the girl?" he asked urgently.

"Which girl?" Lu Zijiao was puzzled.

"The one who saved me."

"I rushed here as soon as I received the hospital's call, but I didn't see any girl," Lu Zijiao replied.

'She left?' Zhan Qipei's brows furrowed. "Investigate who brought me here."

"I've already looked into it, but they didn't leave a name. After bringing you to the hospital's entrance, they just left. I also asked at the front desk; it wasn't a girl, but a few masked men who brought you here," Lu Zijiao reported.

Zhan Qipei's thin lips tightened, his face as cold as an icy wind.

Unsurprisingly, she was deliberately avoiding him!

She dared to touch areas she shouldn't and then attempt to hide? No way!

He would find her! 

"Review the surveillance footage. Find her, and don't disappoint me," Zhan Qipei ordered.

"Sure," Lu Zijiao scratched his head, observing Zhan Qipei's furious demeanor. The way Zhan Qipei was acting made it seem like the girl hadn't rescued him, but rather had developed some kind of grudge with the young master of the Zhan family.

"Oh, by the way! I almost forgot to tell you," Lu Zijiao added.

"What is it?" Zhan Qipei pinched his brow, his mind filled with images of surgery. He wasn't in the mood for anything else.

"It's about the marriage your grandfather arranged for you. Your mother brought your fiancée home today."