
I Became Pregnant After Performing Sugery for the War God!

After finding an injured imperial big shot in a cornfield, Qiao Jing took him home and performed full-body surgery on him. When he woke up, he searched all over the world for the daring woman who had done something audacious to him. He searched the entire Imperial Capital, only to find out that the person was actually his wife from the countryside. Not knowing the truth, General Zhan was disgusted. " After 100 days, we're getting a divorce!" The medical expert said, "Master, there are still 90 days left until the divorce. I know a prince from the empire who has always wanted to meet you." The agricultural expert said, "There are still 60 days left. The position of my granddaughter-in-law has been vacant." The famous actor said, "Just one day left. The engagement ring is ready." General Zhan couldn't bear it anymore and jumped out, pulling Qiao Jing in his arms. "You performed full-body surgery on me, and you still want a divorce?" Qiao Jing replied, "We agreed on getting a divorce in 100 days. Aren't you a responsible man who'll keep his word?" General Zhan said, "I am, but... I just want to be responsible for you..." Nine months later, the onlookers thought they had divorced. But to everyone's surprise, General Zhan appeared with Qiao Jing, who was pregnant with triplets, leaving everyone stunned!

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40 Chs

Zhan Qipei Searches for Qiao Jing, Unaware She’s His Fiancée (2)

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"She's someone who has nothing to do with me. After 100 days, she'll go back to where she came from," Zhan Qipei said with a lack of interest.

Zhan Qipei seemed indifferent, while Lu Zijiao appeared excited.

"Hehe, let me tell you, your wife of 100 days is not simple! The moment she arrived, she scolded your mother and even beat up your sister!"

"Nanqing got beaten up, so why are you so excited?" Zhan Qipei complained.

"What are you saying? I just find it interesting. I really want to see her. She hit someone the moment she arrived. She must be big and strong..."

Before Lu Zijiao could finish his sentence, Zhan Qipei lay down and pulled up the blanket, looking disinterested.

"Young Master Zhan, I'm not done yet."

"I want to rest. Get out," Zhan Qipei closed his eyes and said dismissively.

"No, it's not—you—"

"Get out."

Lu Zijiao shrugged his shoulders. "Alright then, rest well. I'm leaving."

Lu Zijiao stopped when he reached the door. He turned around and said, "There are still three days to the wedding. Can you attend with your injuries? If it doesn't work, tell your family."

Zhan Qipei opened his eyes but did not turn around. "You can't tell anyone about my injury."

"Are you afraid that your family will worry?"

"Also, I won't be attending the wedding in three days."

"Are you serious?" Lu Zijiao was shocked by Zhan Qipei's words.

"When have I ever joked?" Zhan Qipei closed his eyes again.

"Huh? No, Young Master Zhan, you're not joking. This..."

"You can leave now."

Lu Zijiao was rendered speechless.

Zhan Qipei had this temper since he was young. If he didn't want to talk, no one could make him.

Forget it. This was Zhan Qipei's wedding and had nothing to do with him. What did he have to worry about?

"Tsk tsk tsk—" Lu Zijiao smacked his lips. Things were going to get lively in three days.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Qiao Jing stood alone in her wedding dress, looking down at the watch on her wrist.

According to the time, it would be eight minutes before the clock struck. If Zhan Qipei still did not come, she would leave.

The guests who came to the wedding banquet pointed and discussed among themselves.

"The bride is really good-looking. Unfortunately, if you want to marry into a wealthy family, just having a good appearance is not enough."

"That's right. I heard that she was born in the countryside and has been farming there. On the contrary, the Zhan Family is the wealthiest family in our Imperial City. These two families can be said to be worlds apart."

"Anyway, there's still 100 days left. After 100 days, this bride will be chased out of the Zhan Family."


Zhan Nanqing couldn't help but let out a cold snort in her heart. 'Qiao Jing, you had it coming! Did you really think you were worthy of marrying my brother? Now, it's all catching up to you!'

Meanwhile, Zhan Qipei was rushing to the hotel where the wedding was being held.

He had no choice. Just ten minutes ago, Zhan Yuanshan called him and said that he would jump off the roof of the hospital if Zhan Qipei did not attend the wedding today. The old man even video-called him, standing on the rooftop of the hospital. The wind was blowing, and one of his feet was on the rooftop's edge. He looked like he was about to jump off at any moment.

Considering that it was only 100 days anyway, Zhan Qipei thought that he could just grit his teeth and get it over with.

Eight minutes passed.

"Time's up." Qiao Jing muttered to herself, then raised her hand to pull off the white veil.

"What is she trying to do?" Su Manhan stood up.

Qiao Jing ignored everyone's gazes and walked toward the hotel entrance in her wedding dress.

"Qiao Jing, where are you going?" Su Manhan chased after her aggressively.

Qiao Jing pointed to the watch on her wrist. "It's been more than a minute. I have something to do and have to go."

Su Manhan's entire body trembled. She suppressed the anger that was about to explode at any moment and growled, "Don't you know any manners? Today is the big day of the wedding. There are so many relatives and friends watching, and you're leaving just like that? Is that reasonable?"

"I don't have manners? I say, Madam Zhan, are you mistaken? It's your son who's late. He's the one who doesn't care about your family and friends. He's the one who treats this wedding as a joke. Why are you pointing at my nose and scolding me? Is this how a wealthy family is? So overbearing and unreasonable?

"Do you think an orphan like me is easy to bully just because you're from a wealthy family?!"

Qiao Jing spoke with such clarity and directness that her words left no room for misunderstanding. 

Her powerful words seemed to catch Su Manhan off guard, leaving her momentarily speechless. As she felt the curious stares from those around her, a flush of impatience colored her face red.

By the time she reacted, Qiao Jing was already gone.

Was she really going to leave just like that?

Qiao Jing walked to the road in her wedding dress, ignoring the gazes of the people around her, thinking about the corn in her field.

At this moment, her phone rang.

"Sister Jing, congratulations on getting married today!"

"Did you call just to tease me?" Qiao Jing said with surprise.

"How would I dare to? I'm 100% sincere."

Qiao Jing raised her eyebrows, her eyes smiling. "Alright then, send me some money."

Fourth Brother slapped his own mouth for his mistake.

"Anyway, it's only 100 days. You'll get married again in the future."

"Well, I'm married now. So what about that money you were supposed to send me?"

As Qiao Jing was talking on the phone, a black Maybach sped along the road. 

"Huh? Young Master Zhan, look at the woman in the wedding dress by the roadside. Is she your fiancée?" Lu Zijiao pointed ahead.

 Just as Zhan Qipei was about to look, Lu Zijiao suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no!" 

He violently turned the steering wheel, causing the car to lose control and crash into the side of the road. 

Qiao Jing, still on the phone, heard the commotion and turned her head to look. In the next moment, she saw the out-of-control car crashing toward her.