
Harry Potter: The Overpowered Mother-Con

In this reality, Harry Potter is an godly powerful wizard who is a mother-con that married his goddess of a mother Lily J. Potter AU HPVERSE, Adult Harry, Incest

StormWolf16 · Phim ảnh
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11 Chs


"You know something is telling me that this forest is far from normal, even by wizard standards." Harry commented while smashing a demonic looking boar's skull in with a stomp of his foot.

Lily spewed a high-pressured stream of water from her mouth that easily cut through several boars like they were paper. "I haven't noticed." She commented sarcastically. "It's only the third time you've said it since we arrived in this bloody forest."

'Deletrius,' Harry chanted in his mind, he disintegrated all of the remaining alive boars. "Sorry, I just can't seem to help but keep commenting about it." He chuckled.

It's been three days since they arrived in this world, during these 72 hours they continued traveling through this forest. They discovered plants, fruits and vegetables that were vastly different and similar compared to their home world. They tried several different choices of fruit and vegetables, of course prior to tasting they made sure to magically scan whatever they ate for poison or other harmful substances. 

Some food they collected into their inventories if they liked it enough. Lily had suggested they collect some herbs as well. She was talented in potion-making so she wanted to see what kind of potions she could make using the herbs in this forest. Though she intends to wait until she actually learns exactly what she needs to know about them. 

Unfortunately, they quickly learned they would not be able to explore 'peacefully' throughout the forest. On the first day they were attacked by a group of bees that were larger than birds. Ever since the first attack they've been attacked by random beasts about 7 more times, this was the second time they had to kill off a group of boars.

Fortunately as the beasts may look strong and terrifying, Harry and Lily were able to handle each encounter effortlessly. During the night, they set up protection wards around their camp to keep any beasts from attempting to bother them. Speaking of the night, it was discovered on the first night in this world that this world has two moons. One is a large green colored moon and the other is white and slightly smaller in size. 

"It's understandable." Lily said as she levitated all the corpses. "We didn't expect such a beautiful forest to contain such scary looking animals. Like you said last night we must be very deep in the trenches of this forest." She sealed away all the corpses within her inventory.

This isn't their first rodeo in exploring dangerous forest, over the years both gained experience in hunting for food. Meaning mother and son both know how to properly cut, clean, prepare and cook freshly dead animal corpses. The main reason Lily put the boar corpses in her inventory is because their inventories have a temporal stasis effect to prevent the bodies from decaying. 

Of course, Harry is the one who created such an inventory. Without her son's guidance Lily would have never been able to obtain her own.

"Hopefully today we can come across somebody who can actually communicate verbally. We have the whole day ahead of us since it's only been daylight for an hour." Harry commented.

"Since it's our fourth day here, I feel like we'll be lucky today." Lily said.

Harry looked at her. "You know that usually the opposite usually happens when y-"

"Hush! Just trust your mother on this like the good son you are." She kissed his cheek then grabbed his hand, leading them down the trail. 

"Fine, who knows maybe we will get lucky today." Harry shrugged. 

Hours go by as they continue to trek through the forest, sometime after their lunch break a sudden multitude of faint energy signatures popped up in their senses that caught their attention.

"Harry?" Lily glanced at her husband. 

Nodding to his wife, he replied. "Let's go check it out."

Normally they would've picked up on this much sooner but since they weren't focused on their sensory ability. Their range of detection was only stretched to 1 kilometer radius. 

Arriving at the nearest fading energy signature, mother and son were greeted to the sight of a dying tiger. The tiger had mainly black fur mixed with white stripes. Both could instantly tell that this tiger is much stronger than any normal magical tiger they've seen. 

Another thing they noticed is that it seems this tiger was involved in a battle. Judging by its dire wounds, the splattered blood in multiple nearby areas and small craters. They weren't surprised to see no damaged trees, over the past few days they learned that the trees in this forest are insanely durable. 

"Poor thing, we should put it out its misery if we're not planning to heal it." Lily suggested. 

Harry decided to put it out of its misery, he would be a liar if he said he honestly cared whether the beast lives or not. He sent a shock of lightning into its brain to finish it off. Then he stored the corpse into his inventory. "The corpse probably has some valuable worth, hopefully this isn't the only tiger, I'm curious as to how they might taste."

"Let's hope we come across a bear, camping out in the wilderness is making me crave bear meat." Lily commented.

"Bear meat huh? We haven't had that in awhile." Harry noted.

Waking in the direction of the other fading energy signatures, they found a streak of black and white colored tigers. All of them either dead or in the process of dying, the last tiger they came across was a dead black tiger that had a much bigger size compared to the other tigers. It could be assumed that this particular tiger might've been the leader of this group.

They stored every dead tiger within their inventories, then killed the ones who were on the verge of death and stored them away as well. 

Eventually after walking further down, mother and son found themselves upon a shocking sight. 

"Harry, is that a dragon?" Lily asked in a surprised tone.