
Harry Potter: The Overpowered Mother-Con

In this reality, Harry Potter is an godly powerful wizard who is a mother-con that married his goddess of a mother Lily J. Potter AU HPVERSE, Adult Harry, Incest

StormWolf16 · Movies
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14 Chs


"Unless dragons of this world have only two legs and a set of wings, then no it's a wyvern. An old one at that." Harry stated, he could tell the difference between wyverns and dragons with a quick glance.

True to his words, the creature was a wyvern. Its length is around 30 feet, large yellow scales covering its body. While its life force seems to be dwindling, they can still sense the powerful magical power inside of it. Definitely stronger than any beasts they've encountered so far.

"Oh you're right, definitely not a dragon. Still this has the be one of the most powerful wyverns I've ever seen personally." Lily said.

They sense that the wyvern is still very much alive for the time being, slowly they walk closer to it. 

As for the weakened wyvern, it sensed two powerful presences approaching it. The wyvern was laying across the ground showing no signs of getting up. Its body looked riddled with blood and severe injuries. This particular wyvern was not young, it was intelligent from a young age and learned to communicate verbally. Identifying itself as a male.

'Humans…' The male wyvern was shocked, reason being in the magical power he senses within Harry and Lily. In his many years, he rarely if ever came across humans who exude such powerful aura. He knew that even at perfect health at his full power he would be easily destroyed by the two walking toward him. He also senses that they hold no ill will towards him.

Seeing the intelligence within the wyverns' eyes, Harry decided to speak to it. "Hello my name is Harry and this is my wife Lily." He gestured to his fiery goddess. "If you answer some of our questions, I would be willing to heal you completely."

Sensing no deceit in Harry's words, the wyvern spoke up. "Greeting humans, my name is Toru." Toru was surprised that he could hear Harry communicating with him in wyvern language instead of common tongue. Of course he didn't know it was because of the universal language spell that Harry and Lily are using. "I'm willing to answer any question you may have by reading through my memories. However instead of healing me, I request that you end my life instead. I've lived long enough in this world and decided to succumb to my wounded form." 

Hearing his words surprised the married couple, it's not everyday you come across someone who requests you kill them.

"I don't mind, but are you sure?" Harry wanted to confirm.

"Very much so, do you have an ability to allow you to view memories? If not, I can project my memories into your heads." Toru asked.

"No need, we have the ability." Wasting no time, together Harry and Lily watch through many memories. They are not using Legilimency since Harry always felt that spell was too crude. Over time he came up with a better mind-reading spell, he felt that Devils in High School DxD always seem to be able to causally manipulate a person's mind. Same could be said for members of the Uchiha clan, as long as a Sharingan is matured enough it's easy to mess with the mind. 

Thankfully for the incestuous lovers, their minds were strong enough to handle the influx of memories from a wyvern who is older than a thousand years old. After about 10 mins they had all the information they needed etched into their minds. 

"I've fulfilled my end of the agreement humans, now you fulfill your part." Toru stated.

"Thank you for this Toru, know that your actions have greatly helped us while resting peacefully in the afterlife." Harry nodded, first he used soul magic to completely destroy Toru's soul which effectively killed the wyvern. Afterwards he effortlessly healed the now deceased Toru's corpses before storing it away in his inventory. 

A millennium old wyvern would sell for quite a high price according to Toru's memories. 

"I was right about us getting lucky today." Lily pointed out cheekily.

"You certainly were." Harry replied with a grin.

"It kinda sucks we didn't get to even have a real conversation with Toru though. His memories showed him to be exceptionally wise." She's still a bit surprised by just how random this entire situation turned out. 

Usually powerful intelligent creatures would not be willing to open up their minds to humans. 

"Yeah, though it'd be a lie to say we didn't benefit the most going this route. I highly doubt he would've been as forthcoming with information if we met on different terms." Harry thought of the amount of time they saved by not having much of a conversation with the dead wyvern. 

Lily nodded. "So, this planet is called Xana. It's similar to earth but 4x bigger in size with more suns and moons and numerous different types of species. Plus it's definitely medieval times mixed with a bit of advanced modern technology, which is good and you know why?" She looked at her husband.

"Please enlighten me, my dear wife." He was curious.

She smirked. "Not only we can be adventurers, it's possible we'll end up having front row seats to witness how much of a shit show nobles and royalty will put on. I'm not one for senseless killing of the innocent, but I would be a liar to say I was never entertained by how stupid nobles are in medieval stories. Who knows, maybe me and you will somehow end up becoming nobles ourselves. We'd be the best damned power couple if I have anything to say about it."

'Yeah, I'm positive my son is going to have a little harem of his own. In a world like this full of beautiful women of different races. I would be a failure of a mother and wife if I didn't help my son experience a little fun. I was already aware of Hermione and Alice joining in, plus at the end of the day I will always be his mother and main wife. I will always be his number 1.' Lily stated internally to herself. 

She was extremely confident in her thoughts, she knew Harry loved her too much to ever put another woman in the same stratosphere as her.