
Harry Potter: The Overpowered Mother-Con

In this reality, Harry Potter is an godly powerful wizard who is a mother-con that married his goddess of a mother Lily J. Potter AU HPVERSE, Adult Harry, Incest

StormWolf16 · Movies
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14 Chs


Finally the day of their departure has arrived, Harry and Lily prior to this moment have informed their friends that they will be away for a significant amount of time. Since wizards and witches are able to live up to a few hundred years, if they departed for 10 years it would be seen as an insignificant amount of time being away. Out of everybody, only Alice and Hermione know the truth of their departure. Just as Harry promised to bring Hermione after a few months, Lily promised the same for Alice. 

Harry did not mind, he got along really well with Alice, plus she is his godmother. 

Everything that they needed was already stored in their personal inventories. Yes, just in case it wasn't mentioned before Harry created an inventory to store living and non-living things within it. Because there's no physical object to tether the dimensional space to, the dimensional space is tied to the individual's magical power. Similar to an invisible link connecting two objects together. 

According to Harry, the individual will always be able to access their inventory as long as they have access to their magic and the connection isn't destroyed. Unless done so by the owner of the inventory, destroying the link is not a simple task. 

Lily was dressed in a plain blue blouse, black paints and brown boots. Harry wore a black tank top with gray pants, his shoes were a pair of black dragon scaled boots. 

"Are you ready mom?" Harry asked her. They were standing in their bedroom.

"Ready as I'll ever be my love." Lily grinned in excitement.

Harry nodded, while he's only truly perfected world travel recently, he's has more than enough practice in forming portals using only his intent and will power. 

He was never one to rely on a wand to wield his magic, to him it's embarrassing trying to mimic the magic spells of worlds such as the Fairy Tail universe by relying on a wand. Still to this day he has no idea how wizards and witches find it so difficult to perform wandless magic.

With a single hand motion, golden energy appeared quickly forming a perfect circle in front of them. A second later, mother and son saw a clear picture being formed. They could see a vast land full of grass, trees and mountains. By finally mastering this ability, Harry was able to easily shuffle between different worlds of different universes while keeping a firm connection to said world.

Also let it be known that even attempting this spell would be highly draining in magical power for a normal adult wizard. Even Dumbledore and Voldemort would not have an easy time considering fully opening a portal is even more draining.

For Harry however the amount is negligible at best, that's just how much magic Harry has in his reserves. Lily and Hermione would also have a much easier time compared to others due to their own insane reserves of magical power. 

The results of extreme training can produce great benefits.

"So can you tell which world is which outside of what's partially shown through this portal?" Lily asked, intrigued by the completed version of this spell.

"To some degree yes, if I open a portal with a specific intent and picture of a specific world then yes. For example I can open a portal directly to the DC universe to the watchtower. But I wouldn't know exactly which universe or timeline it would be until I go there to see for myself. I can overcome this hurdle with more practice over time." Harry answered.

"Hmmm so you could essentially go to a different version of our world where you grew up as an orphan if you chose to do so?" Lily replied.

"Yes, it's just that version of me could be born in 1990 instead of 1980 like myself. Think of it like this, it's much easier to open a portal to a world within our universe than one to a different universe." Harry said.

"I see, well I'm assuming this portal leads to a world that has adventurers in a different universe right?" Lily asked.


"Well, let's go to this one then."

Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "You don't want to at least shift through different options?"

Lily shook her head. "We could but it doesn't seem like much of a point. If we don't like it we can also choose a different world." She shrugged. 

"Fair point." Harry agreed. 

Wasting no more time, they walked through the portal. The scenery was a true breathtaking sight. Lush green grass, huge trees, a huge body of water and sunlight. It was clear they were in some kind of woods. 

Harry closed the portal behind him, he reminded himself to make sure to key his portal to a set destination once they find somewhere to settle down. This way he can always instantly open a portal back to this world from any other world.

"Look up at the sky, Harry." Lily pointed up.

Following her words, Harry looked and saw this planet orbited more than just one sun.

In the sky there are three suns, though they noticed the temperature doesn't seem to be any different compared to their home world in terms of heat. But that could just be for this specific region of wherever they're currently at. 

"Three suns, well that's certainly something you don't see everyday. I wonder if they have more than 1 moon or a moon at all for that matter." Harry mused. 

"The air also seems breathable, more than that it feels much cleaner and purer than the air in our world." Lily noted.

"Meaning this world either hasn't experienced much pollution yet or the air here is just naturally superior compared to the air back home." Harry said, highly interested in learning more.

"How fascinating." Lily saw how clear the water looked, she felt curious about what sort of sea creatures live under water.

"Well let's go, it's no use standing here." Harry suggested. 

"Ok, are we flying or?" Lily asked.

Harry shook his head. "Not yet, we aren't in a rush. I'm very curious about the monsters in this world compared to other adventuring type worlds I've watched or read about."

"Does this mean we are setting up camp in the wilderness?" She replied.

"Probably, the life energy signatures here feel different compared to what we are used to. I don't sense any human energy signatures anywhere within 20 miles from us. It's possible that human energy signatures have no similarities to the humans of our home world." He acknowledged. "You're not scared of sleeping in the wild, are you mom?" He teased knowing full well she's not.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Please, like I haven't already done that with you in the past. I only brought it up because the thought of having sex with you in an unknown forest is turning me on."

Her words made Harry laugh. "I look forward to pressing your naked back against a random tree while I fuck you like no tomorrow. Now, let's begin our travels. Who knows for all we know we could be in some kind of widely-known dangerous forest." 

They started to walk down a random trail within this unknown forest, alert to any possible threat that could show itself to them.