
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Chapter 14 - Legendary

"These stats look more focused towards mages or priests than rogues or thiefs...." Puck mumbled to himself as he walked down the rather empty street towards his favorite cafe that was newly rebuilt.

He had given Rebecca quite the earful after she untied him and even managed to make her give him some money for "emotional damages".

It didn't take long after him storming off for his thoughts to immediately drift back to his inventory.

He was taking a closer look at the daggers he got from the Fire Dragon King, and the more he looked at it....

The more he realized that it was perfect for him!

Sure he didn't use mana, but maybe the Mana Regen also translates to cost?

But his cost doesn't regenerate over time and comes back once his summon does....

But why else would the daggers have a hidden stat like luck attached to them?

The more questions he asked, the more that popped into his head until he finally decided to give it a rest and move onto the next item in his inventory.


Name: Lich's Great Staff

Type: Staff

Grade: Epic

Rank: B


Attack 135 ~ 155

Int +160

Mana +500

Mana Regen +300%

Skill Attached: March of the Undead

Skill Description: You're able to summon forth a small army of undead creatures that last for 30 mins and have half of your total HP (without the use of titles or equipment)! CAUTION! Some undead may refuse to be resurrected due to the user's skill level! - Rank: B+ - Cooldown: 1 hr - Mana cost: 200 - Must have a dark elemental affinity.

Requirements to use: Int 600 - Mana 1000

-May be Enhanced- 0/10

Rank Can be upgraded once requirements are met! - Affinity: 0/1000


Puck let out a small hum in thought as he looked at the stats and requirements.

All in all, it looked like a regular pretty highly quality staff.

Even the stats seemed to be pretty mediocre based on other staffs of it's grade.

Though the grade seemed to be way higher than it's rank, which was weird for multiple reasons.

The skill wasn't bad either.

But what really caught Puck's eye was the part about it's rank being able to be increased.

Now that was even rarer than it's actual grade!

There were only a few items with the similar ability that came to mind, and one of them was currently being kept by the world's number one guild's leader!

So, with a wide grin on his face....

Puck headed towards the place where he knew he could sell the staff and make a quick buck!

The Awakener's Market!

A place where all sorts of things can be inspected and sold at unbelievably high prices!

It was also managed and protected by the Awakener's Bureau!


A Few Minutes Later~

Puck grinned widely as he walked past a huge crowd of awakeners.

They didn't seem to give him any mind, despite the few that saw him at the Awakener Bureau with Rebecca.

Though the most they did was whisper about him as he passed.

Puck wanted to find a merchant, blacksmith, or appraiser that didn't have over a hundred awakeners surrounding them.

All he needed was even more attention....

"Fuck.... Maybe I should've came on the weekend?.... I hear this place is pretty dead since most guilds offer more for items and equipment.... What's got everyone so excited?" He thought as he pushed through a tightly packed crowd of people that was surrounding something.

As soon as he popped through the front, he wished he hadn't, trying to blend in with the crowd as he watched none other than Rebecca argue with what looked like an old dwarf.

"Speak of the devil...." Puck couldn't help but curse his luck....

"As I've told you time and time again, I'm not for sale! I'm retired! Now keep it moving, girly. I'm sure there are plenty of other blacksmiths who can waste their time talking to you." The old dwarf says sternly, his look hardening as he crosses his arms.

Now that Puck got a better look at him, he recognized who it was!

His name was Victor Willhammer and he was one of the first dwarf blacksmiths to ever appear!

Unlike Gacha users, blacksmiths primarily are dwarves and their skills are centered around appraising, upgrading, and repairing equipment.

So having a skilled blacksmith is crucial to any guild growing in power!

Especially with the random stat boosts that are received when upgrading equipment!

A skilled and experience blacksmith can help boost the chances of getting more onto a specific stat or even unlock a hidden skill!

But why would Rebecca want someone like Victor who's been retired for years?

Sure he was a legendary blacksmith responsible for creating some of the most powerful weapons in the world currently....

But Rebecca's guild is known for their extensive force of skilled blacksmiths!

They shouldn't need someone like Victor in their-

"And like I keep telling you, old man! I'm not leaving until you upgrade my equipment! You're the only one capable of doing it!" Rebecca growled back.

Puck could tell that she was holding herself back valiantly, but the veins on her head looked like they were about to burst!

He felt bad for the dwarf....

But Victor didn't seem worried in the least. He simply let out a defeated sigh before reluctantly nodding.

"Fine then. I'll take a look at it, but I won't be joining your guild. Got it?!" He growls gruffly, stepping behind what looked like an old anvil.

The dwarf dusted it off as Rebecca threw her arms up in the air in a cheer.

That was the first time Puck had ever seen the usually tomboyish guild leader act like a excited school girl.

He watched with wide eyes as a pair of glowing gauntlets appear out of thin air in front of the guild leader.

The golden light that blinded the crowd caused everyone to go silent as everyone inspected the black and silver gauntlets.

They looked like something straight out the lowest pits of hell. They were pitch black with only the palm and spiked knuckles being silver in color. They reached all the way to your elbow and the fingers ended in razor sharp claws. The entire gauntlet itself was rigid and evil looking, so all in all....

It suited Rebecca perfectly.


Puck was shook from his thoughts as Victor began to speak.

His hands were shaking and he was sweating furiously as he took a shaky step backwards.

"I-It's a legendary!" He exclaims, causing loud exclaims and murmurs to spread through the crowd.

Rebecca puffs her chest out proudly at this, her nose stuck up in the air and a wide grin splitting her face.

Puck could immediately tell that all the attention was stroking her ego, but he couldn't help but admit that she has every reason to be proud.

A legendary....

One of the first to be discovered, or at least shown publicly like this.

And Rebecca of all people has it....

Puck's hands balled into fists as he thinks about how excited he was to get a few rare items from the dragon he killed.

Just what he'll did she have to go through to get a legendary item?!

He still has a long way to go to become a official ranker....

"What's this?" Victor suddenly exclaimed, getting everyone's attention, including Puck's.

Victor was using an item to appraise the gauntlets, letting everyone get a look at the item's stats.

Not that Rebecca minded since....


Name: Gauntlets of the Forbidden King

Type: Gauntlet Weapon

Grade: Legendary

Rank: S


Attack - Hidden due to a mysterious power.

Str - Hidden

Dex - Hidden

Health - Hidden

Health Regen - Hidden

Mana - Hidden

Mana Regen - Hidden

Skill Attached - Hidden

Special Stats - Locked

-This items are currently hidden behind a veil of mysterious power, a blacksmith with incredible skill is required to reveal it's true power!-

-Title acquired once item is identified: Legendary Blacksmith!-

-Title acquired once equiped: Legendary Weapon!-

Description: A weapon used by a unknown king of hell, it was made using an unknown material and wreaks with the stench of death! All shudder at the sight of these legendary gauntlets. All bow under the fist of the one true king of hell. Demons will instinctively fear the wearer of such terrifying gauntlets!


"W-What?" Those were the only words that Puck could choke out and his thoughts seemed to be shared by those in the crowd.

Now that was new....

No one had ever heard of a item being sealed after acquiring it.

"So does this mean that in order to actually use a legendary grade weapon.... You need a blacksmith of equal grade?! No wonder why Rebecca wants Victor so bad! Wait.... Fuck! She wants to monopolize him so people have to come to her guild in order to reveal a legendary item!" Puck thought, cursing under his breath as he looked at Rebecca in a new light.

Who knew the headstrong guild master would be so cunning....

Puck wasn't the only one who seemed to realize this.

If the Black Hawk Guild were to monopolize a legendary blacksmith....

They could ask for literally anything in order for him to be used by people outside the guild.

Any price they wanted....

Who could even argue with that?

But before Victor could say anything, Rebecca suddenly picked up the gauntlets from the anvil.

"We should probably head somewhere private in order to discuss the price, no?" She says, giving a small glance in the surrounding crowd.

Victor sweated nervously, doing the same before nodding in understanding and leading the guild leader into the back of his store/house, which consisted of a large black tent.

Leaving the anvil and stand outside of it unattended.

Puck and Rebecca's eyes met for a moment. She smirked as she held his gaze before disappearing into the back with the dwarf....

He couldn't have gotten away from that area fast enough.


End Chapter 14~