
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Chapter 13 - Guild Meeting

If you were to ask Puck how he got into his current situation....

He'd be hard pressed to come up with a clear answer.

Hell, he couldn't even remember how he ended up from being treated in the Black Hawk Guild's medical center, to sitting in front of the top 5 guilds in the world, hogtied and gagged.

He couldn't help but sweat profusely as he was started at the guilds, like a pack of wolves starring down their prey.

For some reason the lights were turned off and the only thing lighting up the room was a huge screen behind him with the Black Hawk Guild's logo floating on it.

Rebecca sat at the head of the table, but that was the end of the recognizable faces he could see.

Everyone else was shrouded by shadow so all he could see was their menacingly glowing eyes.

Puck wasn't even able to see the Wolf Blood Guild Master! He had sent a representative in his place!

So Puck had pretty much been thrown to the wolves....

And the worst part was that he didn't even know why he was there for! Or more so how he got there!

"We shall now begin the meeting of the recent events that have happened this week. More so.... On a certain someone." Rebecca suddenly says, obviously being the the one in charge of the current meeting.

Puck didn't like all the attention that was suddenly thrown his way, if he didn't like their states before, he absolutely hated the ones he was receiving now!

He gulped audibly, beginning to sweat profusely as they all seemed to sneer towards his location.

He could practically feel the dollar signs in their eyes....


10 Minutes Later~

Puck had to try and keep himself from falling asleep.

After the few minutes of panic and fear induced hallucinations he had of the guild leaders, he soon came to find out that they were all pretty chill.

That's when the meeting got boring however.

All they talked about was him, his abilities, and how he'll turn the awakener world upsidedown.

It was everything that he was told before on repeat.

Sure, his abilities were weird and new, but he didn't really see the big deal!

Like c'mon! Someone with a priest class type was literally able revive the dead at will!

Not to mention the fact that the same priest was able to advance into a necromancer job!

Now that shit's cool!

But Puck could see their point.

Most classes had to evolve or be leveled up to see their true value.

His was the only one that was able to summon creatures that were already absurdly powerful.

Not to mention that they were pretty recognizable characters, by those who watched anime anyway.

It's almost like they were historical figures....

Anyway, Puck had tuned them out halfway through, not finding any point in continuing to listen.

He instead decided to do something he should've done a long time ago....

"Inventory." He thought simply, causing the system screen to pop up before his eyes.

It was rather easy to use the system without talking or even hand movements, it only took practice.

But nothing could've prepared Puck for what he saw in his inventory.

His eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets when he saw that, out of the 100 available inventory slots, 40 were being used.

Most of it were random items, junk, and crafting materials he received from the lizardmen, reapers, and other mobs that were used as fodder for the bigger bosses.

That stuff made up about 32 or the 40 slots being used in his inventory.

Luckily multiple of the same item stacks.

But the materials and actual items he received from the main bosses....

Those were really got his attention.


Slots in use: 40/100

Weight: 676 lbs

The first item that Puck decided to check were a pair of daggers he had received from defeating that dragon from the other day....


Item Type: Weapon

Class: Unique

Name: Crimson Scaled Daggers of the King

Rank: A+


Attack - 165~205

Dex +85

Strength +60

Int +125

(Hidden stat): Luck +75


Mana +100

Mana Regen +150%

Health Regen +150%

Threat Generation +75%

Skills Attached: Flames of Annihilation

Description: Daggers made using the teeth and scales of the First Dragon of the Apocalypse as a catalyst. The weapons still hold the old dragon's majestic and indomitable presence, causing the wielder to generate more threat to nearby creatures.


Puck's heart was quite literally beating out of his chest.

He was lucky the guild leaders were sti too busy talk to notice him practically wiggling around with joy.

Selling a rare drop from a boss could get you enough money to live in luxury for the rest of your life!

But getting something to drop like an Epic or Unique....

Now that's entering the range of being able to buy your own country!

No one's ever seen or even heard of a legendary weapon dropping yet!

But there has been rumors circling that someone in South Korea may have their hands on one.

Puck couldn't stop breathing heavily as he tried to get a hold of himself.

Sure! The item was even more rare than a epic weapon, which are seen as myths or legends! And sure the item has a ski attached that makes it ten times more valuable!


He completely lost his train of thought as he excitedly checked the skill's description.

Puck never once thought twice about the fact that he had killed a boss labeled as a the literal "First Dragon of the Apocalypse"....


Skill: Flames of Annihilation

Rank: A+

Description: The flames of the First Dragon were known to burn hotter than anything else on the planet. Being able to scorch anything in their path and leave not even ash in their wake. They will burn for several days and night without ever being able to be extinguished without the command of the caster.

The user coats the blades in the blood of said dragon which is said to burn even hotter than the flames he produced.

Be careful however! For this fire is intense! Even for the user!

Type: Buff

Attack +175%

Burn +500%

Cooldown: 1 hr


Puck was nearly crying tears of joy by the end of this.

Sure, it may have some drawbacks, but the stat boost, plus the actual stats of the weapon by itself....

It's no wonder why A Ranked Gacha Class awakeners are so sought after!

If he were able to produce anything even relatively close to a unique weapon like this....


He couldn't be thinking like that! He had to think on the bright side!

If he sold this thing he could make enough to never have to enter another dungeon for the rest of his life!


He could use the weapon himself.

Quite similar to how a game works, once you equipped an item, it is bound to you until death or until you lose it during a duel.

There were items to get around this of course.

But there was never a reason to really use them since most think twice before equipping something of potential value.

So Puck had to think looooooo-

He decided to go with the second option of course!

Sure, he had skills to help him in a pinch....

But there's be times where he couldn't rely on luck or his summons to always be there to bail him out of those situations!

So he'll need to learn how to use a weapon and defend himself just in case!


It was a really badass weapon that he'd never give up!

He's a fucking loot goblin damn it!

So with that in mind....

Puck moved on to the next weapo-

"I think that'll be all for today."

These words spoken from Rebecca immediately snapped Puck out of his thoughts along with the flicking on of the lights.

Once he was able to actually see, he was met with the sight of....

Only Rebecca?

She let's out a soft chuckle, rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "Damn! And here I thought I was the only one who hated meetings...." She says before blinking in surprise at the sight of the hogtied Puck. "Huh? How long have you been down there, Puck?" She asked cluelessly.

The tick marks that appeared on Puck's forehead looked close to bursting as he began to flail about and let out loud muffled curses at the female Guild Master.


End of Chapter 13~