
Gacha No Life (Fan-Fic)

~WARNING! USER ALREADY HAS A ACCOUNT THAT'S REGISTERED! WOULD YOU LIKE TO LINK DATA NOW? Y/N~ He just didn't know what to make of this. How was it even possible in the first place? It just didn't make any sense.... He literally just awakened.... Didn't he? Curiosity got the better of him and he couldn't help but click Y to see what happened.... He wasn't disappointed. The moment he clicked the button to accept, the screen returned to normal and the errors disappeared and were instead replaced with a loading screen and timer. ~TIME UNTIL DATA TRANSFER COMPLETION: 47 Hrs 59 Mins 59 Secs~ His jaw dropped at this. YOU CAN'T ACTUALLY BE FUCKING SERIOUS!!! He waited his entire life for this moment! And now he has to wait more?! What kinda bullshit was that?! And he didn't even know what he was waiting for nor what type of Gacha he has in the first place! Damn his curiosity!!!

PuckZCat · Tranh châm biếm
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43 Chs

Chapter 12 - Filler

When Puck first regained consciousness, the first thing that his brain was able to register was an agonizing pain that seeped all the way to his bones.

It felt like every bone in his body was smashed repeatedly with a hammer and stitched back together without any anesthetic.

It hurt to even breathe.

The next thing his mind was able to register was the beeping of a heart monitor.

He was in a hospital....



That was all he was able to choke out.

His throat felt like the Sahara desert during a drought.

He struggled to open his eyes, only to immediately come face to face with....

The Black Hawk Guild Master herself.

Rebecca Washington.

She didn't seem that much worse for wear, if the full body cast was anything to go by.

But you would never be able to tell that she was hurt if the huge grin splitting her face was anything to go by.

"Heh, you're way tougher than I thought, kid! Only took ya 2 days to finally wake up!" She exclaims, though she tried her best to stay hushed.

Puck winced at the sound of her voice, not being prepared for it at all.

He let out a small groan as he slowly sat up, the female Guild Master flopping back into her own bed as he did so.

He could immediately tell that he wasn't in a normal hospital by the way the room was set up.

It looked more like an office or self study if anything.

There were books thrown about haphazardly and a desk sat underneath a pile of, what he presumed to be, unfinished paperwork.

Luckily the lights were turned off, he don't think his eyes could take it.

The only thing left to light up the room being the moon which cast it's rays through the blinds behind the desk.

"W....Where the hell are we?" Puck managed to question, grabbing his still dry and hoarse throat, only for Rebecca to present him with a cub of water.

He noted how she moved oddly well despite being in a full body cast....

"She must be used to this....I guess?" He thought while gulping down the offered water.

"We're in my sister's office." She says calmly, letting out a small pained grunt. "She's the head of our healing unit. Fuck....you sure did a number on my ribs, kid." She chuckled.

Puck nearly choked on his water at this, causing a huge grin to form on Rebecca's face.

"I'm guessing you don't remember what happened after I kicked your ass into that wall, huh? Well let's just say.... someone helped you get a bit of revenge...." She eerily.

Puck had absolutely no idea what she was talking about, a confused look appearing on his face as he inspected the female Guild Master for a moment before wincing.

He held his head as the memories of what happened the other day came flooding back.

But it was weird....

Like he was looking through the eyes of someone else.

He blinked as he tries to sort out the information, only for a chuckle from Rebecca to tear him out of his thoughts.

"Looks like I lost this one...." She says with a small sad smile.

Puck gave her a shocked look at this, only to finally notice that, despite being sore as fuck, his body was completely fine.

Hell! He didn't even have a scratch on him!

He immediately gave her a questioning look, only to receive a smirk in return. "Yeah, whoever you were at the time, took the liberty of dragging me us of the crater our last attacks made.... I gotta say though.... That had to be one of the greatest fights I've ever been in. So I'll look past the fact that you used a summon against me." She says with a cheeky grin.

Puck looked taken aback by this before a tick mark appears on his forehead. "The hell do you mean?! Technically you didn't say a thing about possession! You just said I could summon anything!" He snapped back, causing a tick forehead to appear on Rebecca's forehead as well.

"Well I guess that just means we'll have to have a rematch! Doesn't?! This time I'll finish you before you even have a chance to use a skill!" She snaps, leaning over the side of her bed.

Not backing down, Puck leaned over as well, getting in her face. "Fucking bet! Anytime, anywhere! I'll be sure to choose a fitting opponent for y-?!"

Their banter was interrupted as the door to the office slammed open, revealing a carbon copy of Rebecca herself....

Albeit a much shorter version.

Puck thought it was a underage clone of Rebecca at first, his jaw dropping at the sight of the small loli.

They watched as the small loli marched into the room, a small army of attendants in nurse attire following quickly behind her.

She stood in front of the two, fists on her hips as her two different colored eyes glowed ominously in the dark room.

One eye was yellow while the other an eery red.

"Now what're you two doing up so late?! You're supposed to be resting!" She exclaims sternly.

Puck was taken aback once more by how mature she sounded.

One of the attendants turned on the lights in the room, causing Rebecca and Puck to wince and let out a small groan/hiss respectively, holding their heads as the bright light irritated their senses.

Once Puck regained his senses, he was finally able to take in the sight of the loli.

She was at most 5'0 even. Her hair was held up in two pigtails and she was wearing a black frilly dress. It looked like she was cosplaying as a goth or vampire, complete with makeup, long black gloves ending just before her elbows, and knee high laced black boots.

All in all....

Puck thought she looked like a doll.

Rebecca seemed to think otherwise however. "The hell do you want, squirt?! We were resting until you barged in here!" She growled defensively.

The loli's response was to let out a small scoff. "Yeah right, sis! We could hear your conversation from the first floor! And I'm not a squirt! My name's Roseline and you know it!" She snaps in return.

They both growled at each other while Puck was busy being checked up by several of the attendants. He could only let out a small nervous chuckle at the sibling's antics.

"Wow.... Who would've thought the Rebecca Washington had a sister.... And she's absolutely adorable!" He exclaimed in a hushed tone.

This seemed to grab one of the attendant's attention as they quickly tried to cover Puck's mouth, but it was too late....

Both Rebecca and Roseline set their fierce glares in Puck's direction, causing him to sweat fiercely.

"O-Oh! U-Um....h-hi?"


Puck's scream could be heard all the way to the Awakener Bureau's main branch.

To be continued~


End of Chapter 12~