
Bio-Mechanical Monster

Kane, a loner highschool student, has a rough life but a few things will soon change that. What follows is a moral struggle between his wants and his thirst for revenge against those who've wronged him.

Monkey_Godking · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs


Kane was out if the forest and working on his control of his powers. He closed his eyes and pointed a single finger, before focusing on the finger only and activating his powers. All the metal flew towards him and Kane clicked his tongue before repelling them all away.

Venom quipped "Didn't work." Kane said "Yeah, I saw that. Thanks Venom." Venom said "I was just saying..." Kane shook his head and tried again, only to get the same results. He really just refused to give up and continued all day for a few days.

Venom was bored watching the same thing happen over and over and said "You know, the definition of Insanity is repeating the same actions and expecting a different result." Kane retorted "Somebody took up reading in their free time?" Venom said "Learnt it from you." Kane coughed and ignored Venom, continuing to control his powers to a finer point.

After a week

Venom suddenly said "Someone's watching." Kane had his eyes closed and said "Feels like that kitty cat." Venom said "It is. I wonder how her brains taste.." Kane chuckled and said "Why don't you ask her? I'm sure she'll be willing to let you try a bit."

Venom sighed and said "If only.." Kane shook his head and said aloud "I can see you, you know.." the white haired woman popped out from a tree and said "Hmph! Only because I let you!" Kane was speechless and the white haired woman said "Now quickly apologize before I kill you!"

Venom shook his head and said "This girl doesn't have any brains, what a pity." Kane sighed "Guess you'll just have to stick to chocolates. Burning a hole in my pocket.." he looked at the woman and said "Apologize for what?"

The white haired woman said "Bumping into me, and then ignoring me! You think playing hard to get, will get me to notice you but it won't!" Kane almost spit out blood and said "Who's playing hard to get?! Also, if you aren't noticing me, then why did you follow me here?"

The white haired woman turned green and she said snappily "I came to tell you that I haven't noticed you, and I never will! Anyway, apologize quickly, this young lady has things to do!" Kane rolled his eyes and said "Sorry. Can you leave now?"

The white haired woman huffed and said "Not sincere at all!" Kane was starting to get angry and said "If you don't leave, I'll open your head to check if you have a brain." he immediately turned into Venom and grabbed in front of him, catching the woman's paw.

Kane looked at her and grinned "Fast, but we're faster!" he formed a metal fist and punched her in the stomach, sending her flying into a tree. Kane stood up and said "We haven't had fun in a while~" his metal arms grew and he slapped towards the woman.

The woman disappeared and slashed at Kane's back, but Venom formed a shield and blocked it. The metal ran down his body and formed a metal leg as Kane kicked out behind him, sending the woman flying again.

Kane walked over and said "Weak. No fun." he formed a spike and said "Goodbye, kitty." the woman grinded her sharp teeth and roared, white ears popped from her head and a white tail popped out from her behind. Her arms turned into complete white tiger arms, as did her legs.

She pounced and tackled Kane at an incredible speed, Kane was hit extremely hard. He almost flew out of Venom, but Venom sank back into his body.

Kane landed on his back and the woman had her hands next to his head while sitting on top of his body. Their faces were close together and Kane, for the first time, got a good look at her face. He went into a daze, this girl was extremely beautiful.

It was strange he hadn't noticed before.

She had long flawless white hair, big crystal clear blue eyes, beautiful milky white skin, a cute and small nose, and perfect full cherry lips.

If Kane had to use a single word to describe her it would be 'perfect'. Honestly she looked like she was made perfectly, a little sculpture crafted from god. A thought hit him 'Divine being' he didn't know why but that's what he felt to be true.

Naturally, Kane had never been in such close proximity to any girl before and as such, a smooth blush creeped on his face as he said "Can you umm.. get off now?" he looked away from her face. The woman recovered and saw her situation, she blushed and got off quickly, reverting to normal as she said "Pervert."

Kane sat up and scratched his neck as he said "I'll just.." he stood up and started walking away, trying to reign in his emotions. For all he knew, it could be the same as last time. With that thought, he stabilized but was a little colder. Venom sang "Just the two of us~" Kane was silent, but he was getting colder by the second thinking about the last girl he come into contact with.

Truthfully, he didn't trust anyone except Venom and Megan. Venom had been with him the whole time and he MADE Megan so he knew they both wouldn't hurt him. The rest however, it was basically a give and take relationship, just a deal, nothing more.

The girl was startled and said "Hey wait!" Kane stopped and said "What." the girl was once again startled by the coldness in his voice but she said "I didn't get your name." Kane was silent, thinking about all the possible scenarios that could have led to their meeting. He frowned, could Keith have found him already? He sneered, using the same trick twice, seemed like Keith was an idiot.

Kane said coldly "Tell Keith, I won't fall for the same trap twice. Now get the fuck out of my face before I really kill you." the woman was confused and said "Who's Keith?" Kane sneered "He really got a good actress this time, Cassandra could learn from you. If you have amnesia maybe you should go to a hospital." before disappearing into the forest.

The woman felt confused and a bit lost. He was fine before, why did he suddenly change? Who was Keith? Who was Cassandra? She didn't know either of these people, she frowned and left. She was curious now, she had to find this Cassandra person. He looked pretty young, so she went to schools around town.

Kane was not in a good mood and walked into his lab before closing the door. Megan said "In a bad mood today, Kane?" Kane nodded and put his goggles on before going back to work on the Ironman suit.

Megan kept silent and played the news on a big monitor Kane had Installed when he came back. Kane looked up and saw a bunch of aliens running around on the screen, he said "What movie is this?" Megan said "That's live."

Kane took off his goggles and said "Maybe we can get some alien tech! Let's go looting, buddy." Venom chuckled and Kane picked up an earpiece saying "You in?" Megan said "Yup~" Kane grinned and left the lab, locking the door behind him.

Kane transformed into Venom and jumped on a roof top, heading towards NYC.

A while later

Kane arrived in the middle of the battle and looked at the superheroes then at the aliens. Kane chuckled and lifted his arms up, forming giant Metal arms before climbing up a building and leaping to a giant flying alien. Venom said "What are these?"

Kane said "Giant flying alien snakes." as he grabbed the snake's mouth and ripped it's jaw off. Venom said "I don't think that's what they're called.." Kane formed a spike and stabbed the alien in the eye, destroying its brain as he replied "Does it matter?" the alien fell from the sky, and smashed into the ground as Venom said "I guess not anymore.."

Kane chuckled and ripped the metals off the alien, looking them over. He attracted more and the metal from the alien's corpse flew towards him, merging into his arms. Kane continued to rampage around, until finally someone noticed him.

Thor shouted "Hey Klyntar!" Kane said "We are Venom!" Thor grinned and said "Right! Anyway! What are you doing here?" as he swung his hammer and blasted an alien through a building. Kane said "Looking for new metals, from these alien snake things."

Thor said "Ah yes! Science stuff! I have a friend who is good at that." Kane chuckled and said "We would love to chat, but we need to move. Shield doesn't like us. See ya, unworthy man!" before jumping onto Stark tower and scaling up the side of it.

Thor shouted "I'm worthy again, heathen!" before slapping an alien saying "I'm speaking here!"

Kane scaled the building and got to the top, seeing a machine with a floating blue cube. Kane said "Ouu! Floating things are always good!" Venom said "Dangerous." Kane said "Same difference." as he punched the machine and took the cube before leaving.

Kane landed back on the ground and put the cube into his metal arm, hiding it. He didn't want his new toy to get stolen after all. He continued to fight against the aliens, stealing guns, metal, and glowing crystals. Kane was overjoyed at all the new things, he even kidnapped an alien for testing.

Ironman flew by and said "Hey! Thought you were in Alaska." Kane responded "We're on vacation, should've picked a better time. I forgot it was alien season." Tony said "Maybe you should check your calendar next time then. Also, where's my suit?"

Kane punched at a group of aliens and said "Suit? What are you talking about?" Tony said "You know, the one you took from me after our break up." Kane gasped and replied "That was a gift!" before jumping in the air and ripping an alien snake right out of the sky, smashing it's head in the ground before stabbing it in the head and stripping it of all it's metals.

Tony fought off a group saying "Har har. Very funny, I want it back." Kane said "No can do chief! I never spit out what I eat. You gotta find me, if you want it back... If you do decide to visit, don't come empty handed, yeah? Bad manners." before throwing the alien snake at Tony, who was in a group of them, and running away.

He got what he came here for and more, now it was time to leave and fast before they found out where he was. Tony flew up and over the alien, before looking for Kane but finding nothing. He grinded his teeth and said "Again! Is this guy Houdini?!"

Kane reverted to normal and made all the metal piled into a line on his back as he ran towards the base. He went inside and dropped everything in the lab quickly, before everything attracted to himself. Kane closed the lab door and said "Megan, ghost mode." Megan said "Okayy~"

Kane sifted through the metals and separated them into 'Alien' and 'Normal' categories. He placed the blue cube onto a table and the alien on another on, scrapping it inside and putting on his goggles saying "Megan, show me the anatomy please."

Suddenly a full view of the alien's inside were shown to Kane, he grabbed a scalpel and cut into the alien's chest. Kane grabbed a jar and filled it with purple-ish blood before setting it aside, as he continued to looked through the alien's body.

Suddenly the alien turned to dust.

Kane was startled and looked at the news to see the rest of the aliens turning to dust as well. Kane frowned and lifted his goggles saying "What happened?" Megan said "It seems like Stark sent a nuke into a portal and killed them all."

Kane cursed "Fuck! I wanted to look at them more!" He cleared the table and rolled it aside before getting a stand with vials in it and filling a vial with alien blood. He capped the jar and set it aside before drawing a bit of his own blood and pouring it into another vial.

Kane left it and dropped a drop of alien blood into a petri dish along with a drop of his own. He watched as his blood devoured the alien blood and turned to a strange grey color. Kane took this grey blood and put it under a microscope to see black cells taking over the purple ones, becoming grey.

Kane sat back in his chair and wrote something down saying "The black cells are Venom, yeah?" Venom confirmed and Kane said "Perhaps our cells can assimilate anything?" Venom said "In theory. I wouldn't test on myself."

Kane said "I won't. But I do need a living subject.." he stood up and left.

A while later

Kane came back with a bunch of cages with mice in them. He placed all the cages on a table and grabbed a single mouse, before injecting it with the grey blood. He closed the cage and left the mouse alone, as he observed it.

The mouse trembled and grew sharp fangs, turned black and grew an extra set of arms. It lost its eyes too, which was surprising. The mouse, if you could even call it that anymore, started speaking in an alien language.

Kane frowned and said "Venom do you know what it's saying?" Venom said "Not a clue." the mouse suddenly turned violent and smashed against the cage repeatedly. Kane grabbed it with a metal arm and strapped it down to a metal sheet before inserting wires into it's head.

When he was done, he said "Megan, show me the brain activity and it's vitals on monitor A and B." a line with sharp rises and falls appeared on one monitor and the other showed the mouse's vital signs.

Kane looked at the first monitor and said "Loss of reason? So just a killing machine? Interesting.." he injected another mouse with the alien blood alone and another with just his own blood.

The alien blood only mouse directly died and the other mouse just turned black and squeaked. Kane rubbed his chin and strapped the black mouse to the table before checking the same as the other mouse.

Kane compared the two and muttered "M-2 is stable with cognitive function and vitals, M-1 is stable in vitals but is a mindless killing machine..." he wrote it all down and said "Megan, electrocute M-1." M-1 writhed for a bit before falling limp, Kane frowned and said "It fried it's brain? That shouldn't have happened.. How many volts?"

Megan said "10." Kane frowned and said "Less than a car battery.. Why did it die?" after spending a long time thinking about it he looked at the news remembering the explosion in the portal and muttered "A hive mind? They all run on a single connected network? Then it's not possible.. Unless.."

Kane grabbed a few tools and started working on a small chip, he synced it to Megan and grabbed a fresh mouse, knocked it out and surgically inserted the chip into the mouse's brain, connecting wires to the mouse's brain before sealing him back up and giving him the grey blood injection.

The mouse writhed and mutated like the first. Kane said "Megan, take control." Megan started moving the mouse around and it was working! Kane grinned but froze as the mouse inexplicably died.

Kane cursed "What happened?" Megan said "Ummm.. The electricity was too much for the mouse brain to process and it shut down completely.." Kane mumbled "Where am I going to find a human subject..." he finally threw the dead mice into the incinerator and put the black Venom-Mouse into the cage again, he fed them all with food and water before deciding to shelf the project for another time.

He closed the Jar and the vials and put them in a cooling fridge before moving on to the blue cube.

(Author's Note)

Aiya, please don't be angry. Those mice were on death's row, for severe atrocities they did in the mouse community. One of them was even a Pupophile, really terrible mice! They were going to die anyway.

You can check out my OTHER books while you wait:

Twins of the Sea -Remastered (Completed)

One Piece: Another Chance (Completed)

Saiyan in Marvel (Completed)

My Hero Academia: Quirkless (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Price of Freedom (Going to be Re-Written)

One Piece: Shadow King (Going to be Re-Written)

Another Dragonball Adventure (Completely Dropped)


https://www.pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking (Remove the . between Pat and reon)

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