
ancient saiyan in mha

just another saiyan isekai with a training system. I dont own MHA or dargon ball.

Peter_Gatis · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

The Bank

Its been a couple months, around half a year.

During this period I have made considerable progress. Continuously getting myself beaten by a mannequin with permanently double or more strength than me did wonders.

For starters I honed my martial arts by a lot. Reduced unnecessary movement as much as possible while learning to take advantage of more openings the enemy might have. It is the only way to even slightly keep up with the mannequin. Something which is still impossible for a extended period. 2 times power level is quite a big difference when the enemy actually knows how to fight.

The mannequin is a very good fighter. It doesn't have a specific style but its footwork as well as positioning is more than enough to be considered top class.

I wonder how it would fare against Aizawa if they had similar power...

I also tried recreating Bangs Water Stream Rock Smashing Fist. Needless to say I am failing miserably. You cant just copy a martial art of that degree without some broken ability or a teacher. But by focusing on using it against the mannequin I was able to get used to redirecting blows faster than mine.

So its partially a success I guess?

I didn't try to raise my power level by training with weights or increased gravity. But getting my bones cracked each fight I have with the mannequin and healing did boost my strength by a lot. With the time in the training space reaching 3/1 (3 days inside = 1 day out) around 3 months ago I had more than a couple hundred beatings. Including my endeavor to keep up with the mannequin my muscle where being tempered as well.

My power level reached 1176.

I can easily solo most of the world with only my base strength. When powering up my power reaches around 1400. I can make it a shorter burst and reach almost 2000, but my body is still too underaged and weak to withstand it for long. My mastery also isn't as good as the main cast in dragon ball z is. That's why the boost isn't as strong as in the series. And I definitely leak out a lot of ki.

Its not a issue when I can just charge it back almost instantly. But its more flashy than it should, more tiring and it limits a good amount of the potential the technique has.

By accident while training I was reminded that I have telekinesis as well. Something I had completely forgotten about.

I did try training it. But I didn't concern myself with it much. I understood how to control objects effectively and with detail. But I noticed that the weight of the things I can control and the range was directly affected by my power level. Probably due to the system. So It doesn't take priority over my training with the mannequin.

Now as for my exploits as a vigilante

I initially was trying to stop the trigger research but that is impossible. They have labs all around the country, so what happens in this part of the city doesn't affect it much. So its only periodically that trigger activity takes place here. I am usually there to stop it though.

At the start there was a sudden increase in activity. More shipments with a couple labs spread around. But I dealt with them quite fast. They where just thugs after all. It is very easy to pin the locations of the labs if you just follow the shipment or beat the information out of them.

Faster than the law enforcements could.

The police and the heroes where not happy that I was (and still am) taking their job. But there isn't much they can do.

I take care of everything for them before they even make a entrance. I Usually use some criminals phone and inform the police of the location of the lab and the criminals I have tied up and ready for them.

I should be getting paid for my services.

Heroes did try to apprehend me a couple times. But hero attacks have almost completely stopped over the months. Which is quite logical honestly. I think I have a answer why to.

Its impossible for the weak heroes to stop me. Meaning they would have to order a couple very strong ones from their perspective. That is bad because villainy is rampant everywhere in japan, likely because all for one is still at his peak. And because All might is currently in Russia hunting a strong villain organization.

So why send strong heroes when they literally have me here cleaning the place up every night? It would be a huge waste of man power.

So I was left here. With nobody to fight and nothing worthwhile to stop. Bored out of my mind.

It was kind of annoying but those weak heroes at least used up a bit of my time. Seeing them try their best is entertaining in a way.

Th last thing that happened is that I changed my outfit. I didn't like relying on a cloak, gloves and a mask with a beanie to keep my identity secret.

It wasn't cool either. Call me chunni but in MHA your outfit is important.

I bought one from the system. It is almost unbreakable but it doesn't provide any defense whatsoever. That doesn't matter though, I dont need armor. My body is enough.

(outfit here)

I also bought a item that changes my hair when I want it to. It only costs 20 SP and its quite vital when my hair is a enormous give away. Saiyan hair can be spotted and discerned a mile away.

Same with my tail. But because there are many mutation type quirks that give tails there is a chance that they wouldn't be able to pin me just because of my tail. Unlike my spiky and long hair. Only someone blind wouldn't be able to connect my real identity to me.

And I bought a voice changer as well. It is part of the mask. I set it so that It changes my voice to sound older and digital.

With this new outfit and measure I dont have to worry about being exposed and I can now be active during the day as well. And expand the locations which I'm active in. As long as I can be at the orphanage in time for food that is.

Like I'm doing now.

Im at the top of a tall building close to central Musutafu city.

Three buildings away a big crime is happening at a bank. Seriously how bad do they protect banks in this world? Are the bank executives working with the villains or something?

The situation is quite bad.

I can sense a total of 8 life forces close and in the building. Two are inside what I presume is the treasury of the bank. 3 are at the counter. one has a pretty strong signature while the other two are at his/her legs, both extremely weak signatures. A couple meters away from him is another signature with decent power. Likely a hero. But they are not fighting.

The last two are outside duking it out.

The one outside has a mutation quirk making him a lion beast man. He is fighting what seems to be the a Tiger beast man. both are quite tall with muscles bulging everywhere.

Both men are quite mad at each other. Giving it their all in the fight. But they are evenly matched.

The Lion man takes a breath and shouts

"Come on tiger! Dont tell me this is all you've got Hero! To think you are considered my rival, you are just a disappointment! Unworthy of the title of the strongest beast man!"

The Tiger hero is enraged at his comments.

"YOU!! I why would you betray our families trust and tread the path of destruction!?"

Oof, now its a family matter as well.

The lion man scoffs in between his growls and responds.

"Why would I care about their opinion? This is my life! This is a world where the strongest rules!"

His attacks are becoming heavier and heavier as time goes on.

"I am a Lion! The king of the Jungle! I will not be shackled by your beliefs!"

His sharp claws extend, the light reflecting from them shinning. He swings at Tiger, but he evades backwards.

Tiger scoffs at him back and responds with a smirk.

"One hell of a king you are!"

Lion gets angry at Tigers words and Roars loudly. Tiger Roars back with his own majestic declaration of dominance. Both big cats get back to duking it out.

"The Hero Tiger king is fighting the great villain Lion! Both have amassed many achievements in their combat history! Tiger Is a well known hero recognized by everyone for his strength, with hundreds of criminals apprehended.

But his adversary is equally famous! Lion is a notorious villain, being the killer of numerous pro heroes and more than a few robberies under his belt!

Now the question remains! Who is the true king of the jungle?!"

The news reporters are getting a good show. Im sure that the Tiger heroes fans are pissing themselves in excitement, seeing their second favorite hero fighting someone with soo many similarities yet being polar opposite.

Their first favorite is of course All might. That guy is on another level by default.

I remove my attention from the fight and place it on the four signatures at the counter of the bank.

I can slightly hear the cries of a kid from there but even my enhanced hearing cant help much more when you have police sirens, a helicopter and two Big cats cutting and breaking everything around them.

I run to the alley at the side of the bank and peak through the broken window inside.

The villain is a woman at 1.90-2.00 meters tall in some futuristic looking metal suit, it reminds me of Halo spartan armor but way less bulky. I am certain that her suit has almost no features to help her other than looking cool and the enhanced protection from all that metal on her. Science hasn't progressed that much in the last 200 years that quirks appeared. So a suit with a rechargeable force field all all the necessary features a futuristic suit requires to be considered futuristic are not currently possible.

Her left hand is holding a high caliber rifle and pointing it towards the unresponsive woman on the ground. next to the limp woman is a crying little boy around the age of 7.

There is a hero a couple meters away from her with a dire look on his face contemplating something. He is around 1.70~1.75, way shorter than her. He cant move to beat her because of the hostages. He looks very young, Is he another hero student? Wtf are the hero agencies doing?

"Oh come on! you are still thinking about it? What are you gonna loose? Its just a kiss!"


Da fug?

Im stunned for a moment. What am I hearing? what is going on here?

"Im not even ugly! Just because I have a helmet doesnt mean im ugly!"

Her body movement shows she is slightly angry and so is her voice.

She uses her right hand to press a button on her headpiece, the glass protection opens up to show her face to the young hero. I cant see her face as her back is turned toward me. But with her being so desperate she is most likely very ugly.

"See sweety? Im quite hot right? The only reason I still dont have a boyfriend is because im in the wrong line of busyness to find small cute and righteous boys like you~. Villains and military personnel are either brutes or too f*cked in the head to be likable."

Her words make sense but she is probably ugly as well. I look at the boys face to confirm is she is pretty or not.

Surprisingly his face becomes less tense as a almost indistinguishable blush appears.



She is actually good looking? Damn.

Being a incel while being pretty. What a bummer.

"Will you really allow me to take the hostages if I kiss you?"

Says the young hero. He is getting more composed and by his body language more open to the idea.

The Villain incel is elated as she realizes she has a good chance of kissing the boy.

"yes! Just come here and give me a good French kiss and I will let you take the civilians to safety."

She is beyond desperate. She is selling of her teams only way to prevent a full blown attack on them for a kiss.

The young man stops to think for a bit. His embracement shows as his blush grows.

Is this kid serious? I know she must be his type but she is a villain for gods sake. You cant just trust her. The fact that she is desperate doesnt make her more trustworthy at all. It makes her less trustworthy since she will likely demand more, especially when she gets him close to her and gets a grip on him.

But I can use this situation to my advantage actually. When he gets close to her and her attention is completely on the boy I can make a surprise attack without risking the civilians life.

"Come on little boy~ Mommy is waiting for her kiss. And she doesnt want to wait any more."

At the end of her words she moved the gun in her hand to show him what is at stake if he doesn't comply.

He quickly approaches her and she extend her right hand on his shoulder. I can see the face of the boy. He is trying not to show it but he was clearly happy. I cant even blame him too much. Hormones.

Right as they are about to kiss I make my move and grab both the civilians and take them with me outside the building. I use ki to form longer hands to get a better grip on them as I run.

My Initial plan was to knock out the Vilainess the moment she was to kiss him, where her guard is at its lowest, and make the boy take the the civilians out of here. But seeing the boy happy to kiss her made me feel bad taking this experience from him, Its likely that its his first kiss anyways. With how much he was blushing.

I make a turn in the alley towards the road. I find myself behind the police barricade.

I see the group where the leader is and shout to gain their attention, informing them of my existence.

"Hey! I got the hostages here!"

The group of police men turn around to see me. The leader takes a look at the hostages and gets slightly relieved for a moment. Then he takes a better look at who is actually carrying them.

"Imp! What are you doing here!"

He is surprised by seeing me here with the hostages but doesn't waste any time. He takes out his gun and points it towards me. The rest of the crew follows their leaders move and point their guns at me.

Yep. Imp. That has been my name by the police ever since I changed my attire. Of course that is because of my height mostly. The police and the news has painted me in a very ruthless light. Plus some of my exploits with the laboratories I wrecked where shared with the people to show my dangerousness.

But because of my effectiveness in hunting criminals and having a record of zero civilians injured during my fights their endeavor to make people hate me had the opposite effect. Instead I just gained some degree of popularity.

How I know this? On the news it was once a subject that there where groups of people sharing footage of me beating villains. usually taken through cameras from outside or inside shops. Some rarer cases where the people that I was saving took videos rather than leaving the vicinity.

Accounts on social media and a couple articles posted on the internet and reviewed by the news.

I'm not as famous as most heroes but there are a couple hundred people following the Raddit page about me. And some times there seems to be small talk of me every once in a while.

Imp is the name used to refer to me by most. It makes me angry that they call me imp, but its quite fitting with my mask, size and nimble movement.

"Put down the hostages and surrender yourself!"

I tun my head side to side slightly.

"I can do one but you know I cant surrender myself."

I put the unconscious civilians on the ground slowly.

The police men are relived I left the civilians but the keep their guns pointed at me.

"Imp! I repeat! Surrender yourself or we will open fire!'

I dont head his words and start walking towards the barricade.

"Dont waste time and just send the hostages to the hospital. Im gonna go save a horny boy from a even hornier incel. See ya next time!"

I leave the policemen confused at my words as I jump across the barricade and run back inside the bank.

The first thing I see is the Villainess from before shouting at another woman with a similar outfit. The young hero seems to have left already..


Shouts the other woman. She has two swords placed on her back. Making her distinct from her coworker.

"I told you! I want to have a break from mercenary work and have some fun with some cute boys! I dont want to continue this line of work if it means that I never get to enjoy myself with some young guys every once in a while! I want romance!"

The Villainess from before shouts to her coworker with exaggerated movement.

"And you exchange our hostages for a kiss and a feel of his ass?! What sort of professional are you?"

" The sort that has needs unfulfilled! The sort that is tired of listening to her crazy mother that doesn't allow her to have any ounce of fun! Instead she is forced to be a mercenary all her life! "

Wait that is her mom? And they are mercenaries rather than robbers? That means they are getting paid by somebody to help the villains robbing the bank.

"Well if my daughter needed it soo much why couldn't she wait for a couple hours when her work is done and go have fun with Jeffery?! Instead she f*cked up the whole plan and gave away our best card to get out of here!"

The daughter seems insulted by her mothers words

'Jeffery?! That scum? He is not cute at all! He is the polar opposite of cute! He is a complete scumbag as well! I prefer staying a virgin rather than f*cking with him!"

"Why? He is muscly and his crazy grin is very cute! plus he is at your height, you wont have to literally bend down to kiss him! The best men are the dominant men with a strong attitude full of confidence like him! If I was you I would be using my looks to bed him years ago!"

Wow. Its like im watching a TV drama series and the things are heating up. Its the perfect chance to beat these guys but this is too entertaining.

"Mom! I dont like that sort of guy! I want a short thin cutie to dominate! I want to be the top, I want a defenseless guy to take care of and use! And you are the one at fault for this! if you didn't take me on missions all the time I would be able to enjoy my life more!

The mother seems stunned at her daughters declaration. At this point she seems to be at loss of words as she doesn't respond for a bit. But she seems to be too prideful to accept her daughters views and recognize that she is in the wrong.

"Well yeah?! I bet he wasn't even cute you cheap whore!"

yep, she is going in a childish tantrum now that she doesn't have anything to defend herself with.

"Yes he was! He was like a prince dedicated to saving those hostages! You should have looked at the blush on his face while I kissed him, or how he squirmed in my arms when I grabbed his ass! It was DELIGHTFUL!"

"I have to give it to her there. No homo but that boy was kind of cute."

I spoke my thoughts out loud by mistake. oops.

"Thank you! At least somebody under- WAIT WHO ARE YOU?!"

Both womens attention is pinned to me as they both equip their weapons. The daughter ha a automatic rifle pointed at me as the mother duel wields a set of thick but sharp black blades.

I place once hand on my waist and the other on my chin.

"How was the kiss? I take it that it was good?"

"It was perfect~ He was really good at using his ton- Wait you didn't answer my question!"

I shrug both my hands to the side. I wanted to tease her more but it seems like I cant.

"The kind soul who allowed you to kiss the boy. And the vigilante that will put a end to your careers as mercenaries."

I dont allow them to respond as I jump forward and plant a punch on the daughters stomach. I hat being a kid. I had to jump to punch her stomach correctly. Its comedic in a sense.

Her armor shatters from the impact with pieces flying everywhere. She gets lodged into the wall behind her. Big cracks appearing everywhere around her.

The mother looks at her daughter stunned. Rage takes over her as she lounges at me with her blades crossed in front of her. when she reaches close to me she tries to cut me with both blades simultaneously but I lean backwards and evade saitama style. making her fly over me.

I grab her leg midair and use her and swing her body to the ground.

Her body jumps of the ground due to the force of the collision.

She gets back to her feet as fast as she can but the damage from the collision is evident, her footing is unsteady.

She takes the offensive again making a spinning motion from her left with both blades. she swings them both from down to up but I evade by rotating my body and leaning to the left. At the end of her movement she changes her grip to a reverse grip and stabs the sword in her left hand towards me.

I redirect it to the side and she goes to slash me with her right hand sword in a bigger swing motion.

I step in to her. Too close for her to swing at me with those big swords. I grab her left knee that was to my right and break it. Over 1k power level is more than enough to break reinforced steel with just a grip. The bones of the combatants in this world are strong but not strong enough. Only the people with extremely strong muscles can withstand the power. She might be a veteran but its not enough.

"GAAAA!" She screams in anguish and falls to the ground. I give her a chop on the neck and knock her out completely.

now that I'm done with these two I check up on the fighters outside. It seems that they both are very tired. But two new signatures entered the fight outside. They must be the reinforcing heroes that finally arrived.

It seems I wont need to help mr good kitty. Both kitties must have a lot of stamina to fight all this time all out from when I first came. They where fighting before I arrived too.

I step deeper in the bank in the restricted areas and navigate through the building. I can sense a really big dude in the treasury, It helps immensely with finding my way through the halls. This building is very big.

I find the treasury just as a giant figure exits it. Its a giant man with grey ish skin and two rhino horns growing from his head. One from his temple and the other following behind it. The one at the front is noticeably bigger.

He is wearing shorts and a very tight tank top. A biological tank wearing a tank top? Tank top master would be proud. His muscles are quite big, but they aren't as visible as they should be because of the very thick skin covering it. I have a feeling that bullets wont be able to go through that and reach his muscles.

He slowly steps out. Watching me with a menacing gaze.

"What is a little shit like you doing here? I didn't know that they employ pipsquicks like you in the law enforcements."

His deep voice booms through the hall, crystal clear even though he wasn't shouting.

"Oh nothing much. Just beating a group consisting of a oyakodon and two unruly animals that escaped the zoo. Regretfully the heroes beat me to the stray cat so I am left with a measly horned meat head to pass my time with"

I say with playfulness in my voice

His eyes widen as he seems to be processing my words.

"What? Cat got your tongue? If you want to we can go take it back from the bad kitty outside currently fighting 3 heroes."

He looks at me amused and starts laughing

"HA HA HA. It didnt even pass me that someone with the height of a toddler would have the guts to even speak to me. Never mind calling me a measly pass time! HA HAAA!"

He uses his hands to clutch his chest as he almost cant breath from the laughter.

The laugh strengthens as he tears up.

"Hey, I might be a good comedian, but I am not a good liar."

He continues to laugh but it dies down fast. He regains his posture and speaks again.

"Boy. For making me laugh I will allow you to leave unscathed. Leave and go back to sucking on your mothers tit. On your way out call inside those dumb mercenaries and remind them they are to rip through the police and the heroes and make way for us to escape to the port."

His voice is serious. He is not considering my threat seriously. He doesn't even consider the fact that to get in here I had to have already passed through/defeated the mercenaries.

Instead of checking what I am doing he turns around to grab a big metal box filled to the brim.

He honestly thinks I'm leaving? I haven't even taken a step back but he has already concluded that I'm leaving?

I'm getting a bit angry. Only a bit because with my stature his view of the situation is quite justified.

I take a fighting stance and ready myself. I look at him with a serious but slightly mad glare.

"I wasn't joking. Today you are going to be beaten harder than you will ever be. Im putting your ass behind bars and I'm gonna have so much fun doing it that my smile will me carved in your insignificant mind to haunt you for all those miserable years you will be living in Tartatus. I hope you are gay because you will only be finding horns harder than yours in there."

My words seem to have worked as he is fuming in anger.


eh? Did he seriously just call himself that?

"Banger? what shitty ass boring low-effort turd of a moniker is that?! I knew your brain is defective but holly shit! You should go get it checked by a professional. I think the government pays to support families with mentally retarded kids like you. Its a steal!"


Rhino shouts as he strides towards me. The ground quakes with each step. He is easily over 1 ton.

He punches towards me with his right hand. I evade back and as the hit lands on the ground I was standing on before I jump to his shoulder.

I bend my knees and enter a slav squat position.

"Poor you. I just realized why you are stealing all this money. I didn't know mental retardation professionals where so expensive. Your parents must be quite burdened by it..."

I say in a melancholic tone

"GUAAAA!!!" He shouts in a rage. He tries to grab me but I easily evade and jump of him.

"Its hard to beat such a good boy who resorts to crime to help the financial stability of his family..."

I say teasingly. He already has reached the limits of his rage. He seriously lost his mind over a couple comments on his mental stability. He might not be retarded but he does have anger issues.

This is gonna be fun.



4940 words

Another long one.

honestly this is enough words to be 4 chapters.

Thank the user funmaxwell for it. Without him this chapter would have come out later.

The whole situation with the mercenary ladies and the young hero is entirely for comical purposes.

I hope you are satisfied with this for now.

its been two days continuedly where I am sleeping 3AM+ to write this. I haven't even played games with my friends....

Have a nice day people. I hope I entertained you with my jokes.

please point out any errors I make, I dont think Im gonna fix em but still do point them out.