
A Hero by the Name of Silk

Tác giả: Lightblade23
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Updates Every 2 Weeks Sunday around 1:00PM - 2:00PM Pacific Time. I had a regular boring, lonely life. HAD as in past tense, I woke up in a box not really remembering anything until it happened a date, followed by a name and it all came to me. But that's impossible! Captain America exists, Tony Stark is real and I got bitten by a spider that gave me powers. I'm not a hero, I don't want to be one, yet... why is it fun to swinging through New York.

6 thẻ
Chapter 1Chapter 1

Let's not get ahead of ourselves. There's a thing about people and their vision of power. Some want power to rule people, others want power to make them fear you. Then there's people who fight fear using their power to keep people's hopes up. 'heroes' that's the term people use.

I on the other hand believe that if a person with power can do something they should do it to improve not harm.

Yet I know for a fact that there comes a time when someone has to act when no one else can. In those times it's up to you to realize that maybe you're the hero.

I don't really know how I got here first I was just a regular guy, skinny, healthy and of average height. I felt a pull on my arm and then just like that everything stopped working my mind went blank and at the time the Last thought I had was the one of my grandmother being diagnosed with a deadly cardiac disease.

Necrotic Myocardio; a heart disease that makes the heart tissue die, and slowly thinning until your heart die if not treated... 'Oh.' No last words no nothing, just me lying in the ground, dying as people looked like they were worried about me. 'Huh. So boring.' I looked back to my life, a graduate top of the class, no friends, little to no family, no father, only mother and my brother. 'Will they miss me?' Nah, maybe they won't after all we ended up in different points in the argument, each on their own side.

After just darkness I slowly felt myself lose the consciousness and thoughts that made sense, touch, smell, taste, sounds, everything dimmed down like a light slowly being turned off. But just as fast the lights came back in, only this time they were yellow and unfocused, my senses came to me in seconds everything at once, pressure, relief, warmth, cold, then warmth again, my skin felt like it was so sensitive.

It's weird because I feel like I'm in the back and my abilities to think are slowly dimming them like something is pushing them down. Making my intellect become dormant like slowly seeing something or someone fall asleep, I feel grasping for straws but just as fast it dissipated my memories only thing left is my consciousness and some things but not my memories.

"W-t -ll -u do?" A voice I didn't recognize said aloud.

"-n't -ow, I -n't t-e -re of -er." A woman's voice sounded so close to me.

"She looks like me, but I don't have the ability to take care of her." The same voice rumbled. I didn't hear her voice, I felt her speak. It's English but... what's English and how do I know it?

"We take her to the Fire Department, it's around here."

"It's a crime to leave a baby abandoned there."

"No, if you leave it in a government building, or public service."

Next thing I knew I was being left in a small box wrapped in blankets that were uncomfortable which made me complain, the whole sky is dark and other blurry lights. I could hear a bark, loud yet far. I feel nervous, my body is not responding, I can't move, I can't do anything except babble in a call for help.

"Did you guys remembered to give Cindy her meal?" I heard it far it's a babble but I made out the words, not really how far since this makes no sense. I could hear something moving the box and then a bark that could've been thunder for all I knew.

"What's wrong Cindy?" I heard a male voice that sounded too rough. I let out a small cry from my lips not like I could make words, my mouth is too unresponsive to me.

"Oh shit. SCOTT GET HERE NOW!" I heard how he yelled out it was deafening I whimpered in fear. I could see how giant hands went to me, I tried to fight but the blankets were too obstructing.

"It's okay little one, you're okay." I heard his voice rumble he placed me near his chest which is warm and comforting.

"Boss what's... what the fuck?" I let out a groan from the peace I was getting.

"Don't yell Scott, she was in that box Cindy found her. Look for a note." The silence returned and I was slowly easing up as my eyes were slowly drifting from the tiredness in them.

"No no note boss, someone left her here and only left a box and those blankets." The man came close to me. "Sorry little one, but life is hard make sure to fight it with tooth and nail." He said as my eyes cleared a bit, he has blonde hair and green eyes.

"We have to take her to the nearest orphanage, she can't stay here."

"Yeah, but first let's get her to a hospital." The other guy said, but did he say baby? It suddenly dawned on me, no movement control, no tongue control, blurry things and my ears barely work. 'I'm a fucking baby.' At that moment I bawled and cried until my heart was out.

"Shh, it's okay... Cindy... yeah, you look like a Cindy." I grimaced at the name. 'I have a vague feeling that wasn't right. I remember having short hair and being a male... I think.' I cried harder until I fell into a peaceful slumber.

It's been a year of being here, I hate how my life is right now, I hate the fact that I don't know why I feel uncomfortable, everything I do is sluggish, I feel useless. And worst of all, I hate this place the cradle; it took me a few months to learn how to walk... something I feel like I knew how to do. I can only sigh as my life will be really hard, I am a girl and it feels wrong, like its not my body but I do have one advantage and that is that I'm in America a land where I know something, and that it sounds familiar.

English is the name of the language we use, it is still foreign to my tongue since it doesn't go long after just babbles and incoherent words come out of my mouth, which yet again feel wrong for me to do. The orphanage which is a place I learnt where I am can only described as a gloomy run down place, walls with old paint, floor that creaks when you walk by. I get food regularly because I'm a baby. Some kids turn mean looks towards me but I can't do or say anything.

I'm fed and bathed something normal for a baby. But I hate how everything is foreign to me how every single person and thing is much bigger than me. The reason why I came to hate this place is the treatment, how some kids look at me in disgust in jealousy. I do try to cheer them up by smiling which are still gums with teeth coming out slowly.

It's been three years of me staying here I can move and speak, I can also read which a real relief to me is I felt like meeting an old friend that I don't know why I have that friend, this discomfort of not knowing why everything around me is uncomfortable eats at me. I feel so disconnected from the outside world, while coloring in the group of kids my age, mostly three year olds who were ordered to draw and not color outside the lines of the newest page which has a dinosaur. It feels dumb, I feel so stupid as if I knew I was smarter than all these kids. But this feeling of not knowing why those feelings are eating at me, every answer to every question made by teachers is always at the tip of my tongue and when the answer is made it feels incomplete, too basic for me. But why?

"Cindy can you hand me that newspaper?" I looked up remembering how my name is Cindy no last name, do I need a last name? Why is my new name Cindy? Its my name after all its not new it just is. Stretching my arm and looked at the date. 'November 12 1995.' Wait 1995 wasn't that almost twenty years ago. 'Why twenty?' I felt my head beginning to spin.

I remember a little boy, getting bullied, making friends, a diploma in my hand then loneliness, then a discussion with a woman and a man and lastly him falling into the ground clutching his chest. "Agh!" I felt years returning to me, as if it was in a safe that burst from the pressure filling my head, but only a really small section is getting filled. I remember math, books, songs, movies, tv shows, videos, trends.

Opening my eyes which didn't feel like they were closed but it all became so clear. It's like things became simpler, easier from a mental standpoint.

"Cindy, sweetie are you okay?" I looked up as I felt something warm ran down my nose. I could hear a girl freaking out from the sight, as well as another kid saying 'Gross' in the background but it was slowly coming back to me.

"Oh my, come here sweetie." The woman said as I stood up slowly and a tissue was placed under my nose.

"What happened? Did you get hit by something?" Miss Patty said in worry.

"No, I feel weird. My head hurts but now no, I feel clearer. I feel fine but my head hurts."

"Alright Cindy, just keep this in your nose." She placed a piece of tissue in my nose,

It happened so suddenly, the change was palpable I was smarter. But my brain felt different, and just like that; I can feel how and where I am.

I didn't realize how bad the orphanage is, this place is horrible and I've wanted to get out of here with all my soul but it doesn't matter what I do no potential adopter wants me. I remember the last four years worth of interviews, a normal-ish new born and yet none were interested. That same night, I cried in silence, mourning my life, mourning my family which I will never see and last but not least cried out in loneliness.

At age 4 I was sent to the room with the other girls, With nothing that I can call my own. Except for a plain white dress for when I am interviewed. But it doesn't feel right; couples didn't want me as a baby, usually they look for babies. I thought of myself as an ugly little girl, it was logical, I am an average looking asian kid nothing makes me stand out, besides everyone likes a cute kid; which makes it that by this logic I'm not as cute as I thought. But I can't give up, when people were scheduled I woke up first, by 6:00 am sharp, I was awake and taking a shower preparing myself for the day hoping with all my heart that I would get a family like the one I lost.

Remembering those days when I feel so hopeless, when this life becomes too much. Memories of my family, the happy moments before everything went to crap.

The first day of school which is where all the other kids in the orphanage go it was grueling, everyone pointed at us since we're from the orphanage, everyone leaves with the adult in charge. By the time we were graded I excelled in math and science, everything else is so easy, well mainly because I already knew this stuff out of the top of my head. But there was something different in history, no drastic changes but one thing that I thought like a joke "Captain America."

The book mentioned him and his efforts on winning the war. I dismissed it as it was only one chapter, I didn't really care as I knew a bit of history but I now I only have to read everything once and that would be enough for me to remember.

I don't really want to stay put in an orphanage, so I did the next best thing to get ahead of everyone. I got permission by the matron to go to the library with one of the adults who supervised. Some kids came along a few times but slowly fewer and fewer went along until it was only me.

The cost is kinda high, with me cleaning dishes for 2 weeks in order for me to be let out to the library with an adult.

My knowledge in engineering let me understand heavy topics. I had to know if this was my chance to rise to riches by getting ahead of everyone in the market of mechanical improvements.

While I knew the adults in the orphanage suspected I was a small genius they had no idea who or what to do with me. But it all changed on the moment I read a book about how a certain "Howard Stark" who was the head researcher in the revolution of technology in the 1940s onward. As well as his participation in the creation of the Manhattan Project and of his direct descendant who is alive right now, under the name of Anthony Stark who is in charge of a Stark Industries. That realization hit me like a truck, he is the man who is meant to become Iron Man.

I freaked out that moment and those memories came in a flash to the front of my memories, those movies I saw, all the characters, events, catastrophes, fights, everything got reignited into my brain. It can't be real, yet here's a book that explains the bases for an improvement in the use of electrical intervals in a fully wired system that has already power running through it. It also mentioned how the public thinks he's a waste of talent, but he keeps the merit as a genius in his own right.

My thirst for knowledge just grew bigger and bigger; A genius made an armor out of metal scraps in a cave in a movie. Which made me ask this question "Can we go to the Stark Expo?" I asked to the tutor as I held a book that detailed Howard's creations, also I wanted to see the man who is Tony to actually see a genius.

But I got rejected from it, they said it was a long trip, I begged literally begged in my knees expecting for an answer. I even pulled the heartstrings in the matriarch by saying that I would be a good girl if I went to the expo. After 3 whole weeks of begging and 4 months of dishwashing and washing clothes they relented.

I was ecstatic from getting the chance to see Howard and Tony Stark's inventions. I have to go because it's his last expo until he becomes Iron man, which maybe somewhere in around ten years, and it will be my chance to get something that I desperately need.

And that day came; it was only me and a few kids who volunteered out of boredom as well as the supervisor whose name is Sally a volunteer college student who looks like she'd rather be anywhere else. Which gives me the chance to get my way on doing things, AKA steal a plan of something Howard considered trash.

As we were on the way taking the bus to the expo on Manhattan I remembered that it only took one glance on the arc reactor schematics, actually I could try and remember Iron Man 2 and start from there but that is plan B. As we descended the bus Sally began explaining. "Okay kids we will be going together and don't you separate yourselves if you do. Get to a security guard and tell them that you are to wait until the end of the expo around five in the exit number five. Five of Five. We will follow the buddy system, but we're seven in total." I looked to my left to see everyone already had a buddy giving me dirty looks, even sally had molly a girl a year older that hates my guts.

"I'm safe from the freak, thank god." Molly said in relief. 'Ouch. I'm not a freak, I'm just smarter than any of you, and any of you will ever be.'

"It's alright, I can go by myself. I remember everything I see, so don't worry about me I can handle myself." I said in a confident tone and my gaze never faltering. This would make me as confident in my words and I would make a bond with Sally. Who shrugged and gave me the go ahead. I received the badge and I was free to do what I wanted which meant my mission began.

After a few minutes of walking around looking at the mechanics in everything, it's awesome. I had a major in electrical and mechanical engineering before dying trying for a master on physics. But I can only say that things here are awesome but outdates as hell.

I looked at the exposition for Howard Stark, looking around I analyzed the patterns and the entry points. There are 3 guards one for each important part in the expo for no one to get backstage. But I can make a distraction; I looked at the closest things from me. A machine that is supposed to give better signal for TV's, what looks like a portable and unpractical telephone, and lastly an engine for a new car which is supposed to be a 1999 Ford Truck from the pick-up truck parked beside it and all the people in ford uniform standing around it.

My grin grew at the sight of the engine working, from my knowledge I know 2 things if the electrical input in an engine overloads the rest of the engine is stimulated to go faster. But if a single cable is out place just 2 inches to the side then it overloads and works as if the car is constantly pushing the pedal.

As the guards were distracted I enacted my plan, amping up the current by first moving the cable and bending it in the way for it to be stuck and stimulated the electrical output by changing the battery that its connected to give current directly to the rubber on the other cable.

It will not blow up it will just short circuit, I know this by heart because I did it twice once in accident the second one to make sure it worked like that. After all its an outdated model by my standards making it easier for me.

As the engine revved up I was out of sight and was standing watching engineers try to see why the engine began revving up even when the cable was set in place which made start a new cycle of electrical current with more power. The noise is deafening and guards turned heads towards that place giving me my chance.

As I walked backstage I kept to the shadows using my little body making it easier, as I learned before. For a fact I know Tony is supposed to not be here since he was recently spotted in a conference in another place. For a fact I know the blueprints have to be stored near here. I could see a mantle covering something, something that has the shape of a giant arc reactor.

Looking around once again I heard the pop of the engine which made heads turn and giving my chance to move. I was under the mantle in seconds looking at it was amazing it's gigantic but useless as of right now. I heard a man yelling. "What the hell is going on? People are already making a mess, and where is Tony?" Looking at the detail of the invention was enough to get the idea in my head, but I need a blueprint. Which are mainly stored in the lab and a copy, in...? Files, but for this to be here and not in California where the story takes place it had to be built here. And to my luck beside the mantle I could see my price, a big desk with a lamp and a design that resembled the arc reactor. If those weren't it, then the words "ARC REACTOR" at the top were just baloney.

People began moving again I walked slowly and saw a chair just below it my stature not tall enough but nimble enough to make it to the table. I moved from the shadows and dashed to the table, I heard someone shout at me. "HEY!" I ignored it and stood on the chair and had my clear look at the blueprints, instructions and notes directly from Howards hands, palladium, copper wire, glass, a conductive material as base and a kick to start the cycle.

Basically I could produce this for energy and from the notes the amperage it creates is off the chains! I could make a battery that would never run out of power. I memorized every detail to heart, every nook, cranny and bent and crumpled pieces. I smiled widely at the invention and it was within my reach. I couldn't take it, but I could memorize it.

"Kid!" I jumped in the scare, almost falling from the chair but a man caught me, the chair causing a ruckus as it fell.

"What are you doing kid?" Obadiah Stane as his badge stated and he looks like a younger Jeff Bridges. 'Oh shit, its that universe… fuck me.'

"Umm I got... lost?" I pulled my most innocent face and used what little cuteness I had.

"Oh really?" He clearly does not believe me.

"... yes." I could only face palm myself from how stupid my answers are.

"And did you get lost standing on top of a chair that has blueprints that are from an invention?"

"It's made by Howard Stark I'm a huge fan, he revolutionized the mechanical enterprises. His researches and published papers are awesome."

"Awesome? So you can understand his gibberish?"

"It's not gibberish! Its smart people talk." I defended my argument not realizing I just insulted him.

"Oh so you're telling me you're smart." I am definitely walking on thin ice.

"I didn't say that, it's just that I like to read about machines since they're better than talking to people. At least machines don't talk or insult me." I didn't expect that to come out, guess my isolation is taking it's effect on my psyche. He looked at me with doubt. "Does this even work?" I asked trying to make myself just a curious lost child. Obadiah is also an ignorant.

"No, it's just light, a really fancy and expensive lamp." 'You're an idiot, this thing has a lot of power.'

"I think it's pretty."

"You know kid." He placed pointed at me. "You like Howards inventions right?" I nodded shyly attempting for him to either give me the blueprints as a gift or for me to leave.

"I'm no one, just a kid who has nothing to her name." I admitted as I looked at the blueprints with longing.

"You're an orphan?"

"Yes, I got abandoned after I was born. I have nothing just things the orphanage hands me down from previous kids I begged here for a whole month to just be able to come here and I'm here because it's my birthday and the entrance is just a dollar." I admitted, it hurt, it's painful that I don't have anything that I can call mine unlike my previous life where I was blessed with many things.

"Then here, a gift for your birthday." He just pulled the blueprints into a roll and stored it into the tube that was sitting beside the table and gave it to me. "And here's a card if in the future you want to work in Stark Industries." He gave me a card and in the back wrote his name and signature.

"Really? Don't you need this for like dismantling?"

"No, the blueprint is just a copy and this was shipped from California. As soon as this is done this will be shipped back."

"When you're older present that card and they'll give you a job. Guard take her from here and let her keep the tube it's a present." and with that he walked away, and in his place stood a guard.

"You shouldn't be here kid, you're lucky he found you snooping around and not me or you would be in deep trouble little lady." I jumped out of the seat and took the hand he offered.

He took me to the expo once again and left me there as he returned to his post. 'Even a better result than what I expected.'

The day couldn't get me down no matter what, I loves the expo even the cheesy movie reel that was of Howard making the inauguration.

As five in the evening rolled around I saw everything and I began approaching the fifth gate and I was so happy. "Hello Cindy, did you get bored?" Sally said as she came along with I think her name is Ellie.

"No, it was amazing. All the inventions and I got this!" I smiled proudly at my gift.

"Ew so weird like you, what is that?" Ellie asked, which I ignored.

"Ellie that's mean you shouldn't insult others. And Cindy what is in it?"

"It's a blueprint for a light." I kept my intelligence hidden behind the child naiveté.

"Oh that's nice." Sally said with a smile that I know it's fake and a tone that indicated that she was tired as we reached the bus to return home.

"Finally, Sally can we leave?" The kid that was with Molly complained aloud.

"Yeah, this place is boring. Everything here is so weird like the freak." Molly said in a mocking tone. 'Okay ouch, I know she doesn't like me but shit she's flat out cruel.' Her eyes narrowed on me.

"What is that, did you stole it?" Everyone's eyes turned to me.

"No! I met a man his name is Obadiah Stane and he worked with Howard Stark and he gifted me this." I said defensively, to my surprise her eyes honed in on the tube in my back clear with jealousy and hate.

After everyone walked inside the orphanage it was already six in the afternoon which meant that everyone should take a shower and be ready for dinner. I was smiling wide feeling immense happiness.

"Cindy, I take it you had fun." The matron asked as we walked inside.

"YES! It was amazing! And they gave me this! It's a gift, he also said when I grow up I could work on Stark Industries." I showed her the blueprint and the card he gave me which had the signature and recommendation for SI.

"That's really good for you kid! I'm happy..." With that she walked into the kitchen where the table was empty. I walked behind her; she wants to see the blueprint. I walked behind her and opened the tube and extended it on the table. I could read this like a book, not just from memory.

"It's beautiful." I said without thinking looking at the details of the reactor. I began muttering calculations knowing I could make a small one but it would take me around 2 or 3 years, I began running through memories of things that I could get.

"..dy... indy... Cindy!" A snap of fingers in my face broke me out of my stupor.

"Sorry, I wasn't listening." I said in shame.

"It's alright, you can keep it, but why do you think it's beautiful?"

"Because of the energy it produces, this produces-" She placed a hand in front of me.

"I won't understand, you're smart but you need to stay focused. We don't have resources to be making this types of things."

"You won't have to, I will make sure everything is free." She sighed in annoyance.

"Fine, but you have to keep that thing safe it's your things and you should keep it close to you like the rest of your things. Also you can't do anything that will hurt others, science is dangerous."

"Yes! I will thanks Matron!" I said as I folded the blueprint carefully and stored it in the tube/canister thing.

A few days later I was reading a book on advanced electronics that was for college students. It's a boring read, but it did gave me a certain insight in how the reactor works. I could figure it out, if I had the materials to build it. I also learned to never leave my blueprints without me watching them or under lock. Also I only look at them when I am sure no one else can do anything bad to them. Right now I'm using my head while I keep the tube under lock that has a trunk with all my clothes.

"Hey freak." Molly's voice came from behind me.

"What is that blue thing you had in your trunk? Is it alien talk, are you talking to your freaky alien parents?" I could only groan.

"Maybe she's an alien and her parents left her here, that's why she's so smart, she's just an alien."

"I heard the blue thing are messages." All those things were so... stupid.

"Are you even listening alien freak." Molly placed herself in front of me while pulling the edges of her eyes to make them look asian, like my eyes.

"Yes, but I'm not paying attention to you, it shows that everyone here including you are just an insult to science." I said in a cold tone to get them to get off my face. But to my surprise she slammed the book I had out of my hands.

"Electromagnetic fields and iradation. What is this? More things you alien freak like?" Clearly Molly has beef with me, yet I don't know why.

"Electromagnetic fields and irradiation on electrical impulses, it's a book more advanced than what you will ever read. Go back to your fairy tales." I said as I picked up the book, as I stood up I got a pushed to the ground which made a lot of kids cheer on. I stood up not caring for the shove and made my way to another place.

"You scared... freak." I stopped for a second considering if it was worth punching a kid, but fought against the urge. I kept walking.

"Alien chicken!" Another kid chimed in.

"No, even better! She's a freaky alien chicken!" And so the chants began, I felt tears in my eyes. I began reciting the components for the arc reactor they helped me calm down and look on the bright side. They gave me hope that one day I would be out of this hellhole. I wasn't expecting a horrible thing to happen to me, or how I would face a greater loss in my life.

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Story wise it's well written and technically sound. That said, I don't like it. It reads like one of those Harry Potter fics that just goes on and on about the abuse, misery and self hatred like the author gets off on writing it. It seems to encourage the trend that heroes and main characters can only come from the ranks of the heavily abused, and its simply not a good headspace to be in. The story is largely extreme drama that makes you wonder if this is by the same author of those Turkish dramas your mom likes to watch, it's just too much drama to be likable to me. The mc is also a reincarnate, but is too stupid to think of any get rich schemes when thrown back into time with the mind of a genius... Instead the reincarnation aspect only serves for the extra drama of being a boy reincarnated in a girls body and litterally nothing else. The reason I rated the fic so high was because I rated it for the criteria listed by webnovel to rate on, not my personal likes or dislikes of it. I was initially excited for a good super heroine fanfic, but ended up more surprised that the usual orphanage underage girls pimping, gang rapes and other clichés didn't take place with how far the drama clichés were going and piling up. Then again, I couldn't bring myself to read past chapter 4. It was too much of a drama, angst milk for me to enjoy reading. Life is bad enough. Why make it worse by submerging yourself into drama and angst in your spare moments as well? But that's just me, and why to be fair I didn't bring my opinions and thaughts into the rating itself, only in this text below it.
