
Chapter 24

Hello, and sorry for being late.

The official next story will be Star Wars "The Spear of Mandalore".

As well 2 other stories to ease my mind and give you content, they will be updated but slowly compared to Silk and The Spear.

The Eminence in Shadow: "The Light Needed for Shadows".

Food Wars "The Jade Knife".


On another note I never showed how her Outfit was in this site. During her time since Clint up to The Battle of New York


On another note I never showed how her Outfit was in this site. During her time since Clint up to The Battle of New York

At least my transfer to Columbia was easy enough and Tony was kind enough to fund my education with the promise that I work as an internship in Stark Industries under him. He also said that I would get compensation from the ARC Reactor that I made after a month of me telling him about the ins and outs of the small device, and then we talked about how the big reactor I made was now used to power the tower. We did take it apart for improvements and now works better than ever. The Tower should be fully powered for the next 120 years.

July was eventful to say the least, Erica found out about my floor in the tower and wanted to visit. I'm now back to working as a model, Doc Curtis gave me the go ahead as I'm now working part time with a maximum of 20 hours so I don't get stress and symptoms don't act up.

Don't get me wrong, I still wake up screaming or sweating or scared out of my mind... some days are harder to even get out of bed, but slow steps. Doc said that slow steps are needed; I've ignored completely Alana and Mandy because of the shit they did to me. True friends don't do shit like that, Michael even told me how he freaked out when he was home after that day when I got released; now I'm just able to be me. The shoots are fun, I'm less lonely, even when Bruce leaves the city to a small rural house on the countryside.

He said it's training so that Hulk is not a threat to anyone; we have talked about a lot of things. He is actually a really good friend, we're even catching up on some of the TV Shows that we never saw, we began watching Sherlock and we caught up to Breaking Bad and waiting for the next season where it's meant to end next year and Suits which is just starting but it's fun, we tried Walking Dead but got bored. A good one was Friends; I still say that Ross is a bad person.

He thinks Ross is a good person and sweet that he changed eventually and he is a kind person. We argued for the first time, he even got the "WE WERE ON A BREAK" shirt to piss me off. Which he succeeded.

Hell even Tony said "Okay that's enough, I. Am. Going back to LA, when you're done call me." just so he wouldn't listen to us argue about Friends, eventually we said sorry and Tony flew back but he looks tired and the amount of ever increasing coffee cups on the lab tells me he is either getting no sleep because he is going through something or he made a breakthrough.

But that was fun; I'm actually happy that those two became my friends. Tony the ever Tsundere admitted he was my friend which means a lot, oh that's right; I actually really got into anime WHICH Tony is at fault. That went a little like this. "Guys I think if we want to stop The Hulk we would need something big."

"Why would we need to stop Hulk?" I asked, he sighed.

"It's just if we meet another person that can control minds then, we need to be prepared we need the proverbial eventually physical armor to keep everyone safe." He answered by my surprise came from Bruce.

"He makes a good point Cindy."

"I can punch him? Maybe, but I'm not sure if I'll even be there to stop him, you know I'm kinda retired at the moment... so what about a giant robot?"

"Like a drone?" Bruce asked.

"Like a Gundam!" Both of us looked at Tony with a raised eyebrow and a confused stare.

"What's that?" I asked, he just turned around and played a video of Gundam Anime called Mobile Suit Gundam Wing on YouTube.

"That is inspiration and art, called anime." He said with jazz hands.

"That looks really cool." I said, to which I later came home and just typed "anime" in the search bar of google where I began to check out the first ones that appeared. My productivity lowered after that, that day I didn't leave my room I ended up watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood and got hooked to something called Sword Art Online, which it's still coming out and news say it will be 25 episodes, meanwhile I'm watching other animes, to which we began to talk about that as we worked when he was here. Right now he is working tirelessly on prototypes for his suit in different situations. As a friend I'm getting worried because he is at suit number 14, which is a lot mainly because he is making them himself.

Also you may ask how do I know Tony is my friend?.. it's simple. "Tony speaking. How you doing webs?" His voice comes from the other line as I take a swig of water and remove the sweat of my brows from working out.

"Tony, why am I staring at a limited edition Chanel handbag in the middle of the kitchen of my apartment in the tower?"

"It's a gift for your... birthday. Yes that."

"Tony... this bag is pretty cute, but you don't have to buy stuff. You already gave me a necklace and the floor; you don't have to get me gifts." I just noticed what he is doing.

"Are you keeping the bag?" I want to say yes, because that bag is really pretty and goes so well with a few dresses I have.

"NO! If one thing that cartoons and Disney movies have taught me in the recent months. Is that you don't have to buy stuff you have to be there when the times are needed, now I'm going to give this to Jarvis so that it gets refunded."

"... I don't think it can be refunded; maybe I'll just donate it to our modeling agency. Is there something you want?"

"No, Tony. I don't need gifts. What I need is the report of your suit and energy used in a continuous flight for one hour at different altitudes and speed."

"But-" He tried to argue.


"Fine, thanks Webs."

"No problem, Tony, but I do need the information if you want my notes on how to improve your suit." The call ended and I delivered the bag and box with the receipt that made my eyes bug out at the amount.

That month was productive to say the least, but now. It's my first day of class, my clothes kept the baggy motif since they hide what my body looks like and I call less attention to myself. Erica complained about it for around 5 minutes before relenting after me saying that I'm not changing clothes. What does pull my thoughts is that even though I feel happy, my mind sometimes feels like its missing something. As if there is something in me that is incomplete, no need to run away, friends that like the same things I do... my old job. Yet there is a piece of me that yearns to do something that I have no idea what it is? 'Should I take a hobby? What about returning as Silk? My life was kinda stable at the time, am I missing going as a superhero? Is New York a better place when I'm there?

"So how does it feel, coming back to college?" Erica asks me taking me out of my musings.

"Like I'm about to puke." I answer truthfully.

"Pshh, that's normal."

"I don't know about that, I'm just stressed, because people and stuff."

"Relax; you can still be a loner. Besides you're wearing a black hoodie and that screams loner. You can definitely be the second prettiest there if you dressed like in the shoots."


"Yeah; I'm the prettiest after all."

"Yeah I can see it... It's just what can I do if someone speaks to me?"

"It's going to be fine; you're smart to be alone for an hour. Also you have your computer with you, which also reminds me that we have different time for lunch so here, Daddy said to give you this and I kinda forgot because you were with the avengers friends of yours." She handed me a black credit card. "You should know the rule, not to use it on dumb stuff."

"But, I got my own covered by Stark Industries." I did, it was actually the first gift Tony gave me saying "Kid, you need a lot of Calories so here. The tab is on me." And handed me a black card that has SI on the side.

"That is for big amounts of food, try not to go overboard eating." We parked in the available spot which in turn was in a sixth floor. Walking to the edge I remember two years ago of what happened first.

"You know, that I'm here for you right?" She said as she gave me a hug that made me tense up.

"It's not like I'm going to jump this time, it's just... Remember two years ago?" She sighed as she held tighter to me.

"Yes, how can I not? You almost gave me a heart attack." She nudged me lightly to step back. "Come on, were going to be late." I groan as I follow her, we get into campus and we split up. I find try to look forward but it's too hard and embarrassing, so I look from the shoulders down or the floor.

At least I can stare at girls boobs and not get slapped like Erica did to a guy that approached her after a shoot. As I arrive I confidently sit on the front and take out my notebook from my backpack and textbook and lower the hood of my hoodie because that is not permitted in the classroom.

"Good morning class, I notice that some of you did make it after last semester and decided to take class with me again. Also I'm really glad that none of our students were caught in the Battle. Now, today I'm going to give out a test after explaining how grading works." Most groaned I kept quiet and wrote down how grading will work for the semester.

The test was easy, standing up and placing the test on the desk. The professor looked at me. "It's been 8 minutes, you sure you're done? These tests are 30 percent of your grade and I only give six of these." I nodded and moved the paper forward as I felt my face heat up in embarrassment because I can feel gazes on my back.

"Very well." He said as he took the test and began looking over it as I walked back to my seat grabbing my stuff.

"Miss, Moon?" I nodded at his question. "Next time, don't go into the millionths, just the thousands is fine." I nodded at him and walked out.

'Oh my fucking god that was stressful. How can people stare at me?' I thought to myself as I walked towards my next class which is on the next building over.

The rest of the day went by quick; the first day only had a few classes that had a few topics I had to write stuff down to review later on.

The library has a cozy spot for me to "work" on by work I mean playing videogames because Homework hasn't been uploaded to the platform.

"Hey." A figure dropped down in the couch beside me and notice Erica looks tired.

"You look tired."

"I am, this sucks. IT'S THE FIRST DAY AND IT WAS BS!" She groaned as she lied down onto my lap. I smiled and ran my hands through her scalp.

"It's not so bad." I reassured her.

"Its different... I had 2 tests and homework for Thursday, you?"

"I'm already done with Homework for one class; I only had lectures and a test and another homework that hasn't been uploaded."

"Ugh I sometimes hate how smart you are." I extended my tongue at Erica, to which she giggled.

"You ready to go?" She asks as she only turned her head staring at my stomach.

"Yeah, but I'm going to go to the tower."

"Want me to drop you off?"

"Nah, there's too much traffic. I could swing by, but..."

"Come on, I have free time I can take you. The new office is there I can wait there or go to your apartment." She raised her eyebrows twice.

"Fine, let's go." I said as she groaned getting up and closed my new laptop. We walked into the parking lot as we got to the top the trunk opened. My senses went off, the sound of a semi-automatic rifle going off followed by police sirens Erica ducked her head.

"Cindy?" Erica called to me as I walked to the edge following the sound which led me to looking at a police chase with 6 motorcycles and 2 black SUVs. "Cin?"

"A police chase." I pointed at the crossroads 4 blocks away.

"It's okay; you don't have to go... They'll catch them." I gripped my hands tightly enough to draw blood. The need to go and help, to save people... For people to not suffer, but I'm happy-ish, I'm learning to be happy. I'm at a school, yet why? Why? Do I want to go and help? I look at interviews of people who got saved by Silk. The little girl in the wheelchair that sacrificed herself for her family but got reunited with them. The Baker that still wonders where I went.

"Cindy." A hand was placed on my shoulder. Turning towards her she has that gaze of approval. "Go, maybe it's not needed but saving others is part of you. I've noticed that look, like you're missing something."

"..." I didn't answer as I turned and hugged her tightly. "Thank you." I heard a sniff.

"UGG, you're ruining my makeup." She fanned her face. "Right now I don't have anything on my trunk, we got the car washed yesterday and you can't go in your normal clothes they'll rip." I just got the stupidest idea ever. Taking off my hoodie and placing it in the car. Noticing that cameras are not working as they don't move and my senses don't tell me anything.

"Cin? Not again." She groaned as this time I removed my shirt followed by my pants. "What are you doing?"

"A really bad idea."

"I can see that." She looked around as I was left barefoot in my underwear.

"Hah, pink?"

"Shut up." I felt my cheeks warm up as I focused on my fingertips. I remember my talk with Bruce, the fact that I weave never crossed my mind after the discs I only made a spider web when I had to empty my natural web. With a deep breath I fired at my crotch, the pattern came naturally. The center being my crotch moving up to my neck, not breaking focus I did the same to my back. Then came my legs, and lastly my feet, in seconds it hardened.

"Woah." Erica's voice broke my concentration, I didn't notice how detailed this is. My stomach is a web pattern; I look pretty good as my reflection of the window shows me how I look.

Pointing at my face I grimace as I fire. Then keep firing around my arms as they cover a part of my arm and now end up as gloves. Opening my eyes I look back at me as I take a breath which for some reason it's breathable.

"You look good."

"Okay I'm off, this thing only lasts an hour."

"Good luck Cin."

"Thanks sis." My reply came naturally and it seems she was caught off-guard like me.

"Go! You're running out of time." She made a shoo motion as I hugged her quickly again.

"Open a window to the living room when I get home."

"Sure." I took a deep breath, followed by a step, then another, then another as I'm sprinting jumping out the building I feel the rush of wind on my face as my senses feel clear, colors looking vibrant as I can hear cars, people talking, pigeons flying and it all took a pause in my senses, everything stood still as I fired my first webline.

My fingers gripped it tightly, as the swing brought me to the apex of the swing. The second I let go everything resumed, the wind blowing past me as I rise from the street to the top of the nearby buildings, high enough to see the roof. "I'm back." I whispered to myself as a slight smile ran through my face, and then became a grin. "IM BACK!" I yelled out as my descent began gaining speed.

The second I was falling I did a backflip as my senses told me the direction the police went to. Firing a webline to the closest point to get more speed. A grin split my face followed by yell at the top of my lungs "WOOHOO!" As I let go of the web and repeat the cycle, this time as I'm about to crash into a window I adjust my trajectory and instead I'm running in the side of the building a smile never leaves my face as I jump and fire low enough to get to the street level where I can see a group of people looking towards me as I take a few steps in the street in the lowest point of my swing.

I wave at them as I jump aiming to use the closest street lamp as a bar, which in turn made pedestrians stop to scream in joy cheering me on as I grab the pole and using both arms I launch myself forward doing a double backflip shooting another web line while I'm at the end of my jump, only for this time to repeat the same as getting low enough that ends up with me running beside a cab where I can see the passenger is a little girl with a Silk shirt on, she's looking at me with wide eyes as I run beside them. The cab driver is smiling and waves at me, as I run past them since they stopped at a red light waving back as the line launches me upwards and dodging an incoming bus by using my hand on the roof as a springboard. Followed by sticking flipping over another truck.

The moment that sirens sound in my ears, I take the fastest route towards said noise and soon enough the familiar lights are bouncing on surrounding buildings. I keep swinging this time I'm staying close to the ground, the second I can see the problem. As 2 black SUVs are driving recklessly through the street as an armored truck leads them, followed by five black bikes with each having two passengers. What surprised me was how the entire street is clear. 'Seems like they have help.' I take note of how the traffic lights are entirely lit up green. The police are actively getting closer to them in between the bullets they're receiving from one end to the other. One is leading the charge against them. The SUV has the NYPD logo on its side as the siren blares. Taking the leap I land on the roof of the NYPD van. Sticking to the roof and crawling to the window, I point downwards to lower the window to which he does. "Silk?"

"Hi officer, so how bad is the situation?" He raises an eyebrow as he looks at me then at the road.

"Stolen armored vehicle, the ones in the bikes stole from two different jewelry store and the SUVs went on a bank heist. We got spread too thin from the battle and construction sites block a lot of roads." He seems pretty honest answering me this.

"Promise to not shoot me?" I ask with a pleading expression on my eyes.

"All units, please don't shoot at Silk." His partner said in his radio.

"Thanks!" I answered back as I jumped and fired a webline from each hand and pulled towards me the elasticity of the lines tensed as I got sent forward faster than before. 'Okay, first goes the armored truck.' I told myself as I swung past the bikes which made them turn to me, with a line to the nearest SUV I land on the roof. The second I land I'm running and jumping at the next, midair I turn and fire at the windshield. The SUV turns on the windshield wipers but it's ineffective and forced to slow down.

I repeat the same process, on the next SUV, only for it to brake the second I'm on top of it. Sending me into the air as I didn't bother to stick myself. As I'm flying in the air, noticing how the bikes are still moving and haven't caught up to the SUV that slowed down. I remember the weaving focusing on my the image in my mind opening my hands I fire and as if on instinct the image comes to life, as I move my fingertips on the moment I'm descending from the launch I extend both arms wide firing at the walls of the two buildings, a net that spans the entire street at the height that I messed up as it only covers half the height I wanted, which high enough for it to cover the height of the SUVs.

Turning and firing a line at the armored truck I get pulled towards the truck, landing on the side of the truck and crawling to the window of the driver I don't hesitate and with a punch to the window I grab the driver and faster than he could reach for his gun I throw him out the window, he could only scream as he got launched in the air. Firing a web at the feet of the guy in the air and to a streetlamp leaving him dangling from the lamppost upside down. His gun fell on the street.

Quickly getting inside the armored truck I'm greeted with a guy that looks in his mid-twenties in a seat in the back cuffed and gagged.

Quickly I fire a webline at the tape on his mouth and remove it. "HOW DO I STOP THIS?" I scream as I grab the wheel steering it away from the cars parked on the side of the road. "Brake!" He screams.


"THE ONE IN THE MIDDLE!" I press my foot on it only for the vehicle to shake and the engine stops, yet we're moving at 50 miles per hour. "DID YOU FORGET THE CLUTCH?"

"I DON'T DRIVE." I yell back as the steering wheel is now really hard to move.

"PULL THE LEVER ON THE MIDDLE!" I pull it and my sense screams to hold on, which I do by sticking to the seat and floor. I was lucky as who I assume is the driver gets sent to the floor the second it stops. I quickly grab him by the back of his shirt. The guy is panting as the truck is now still, carefully placing him down.

"Thanks, I didn't mean to yell. Sorry."

"It's okay, I'm going t-"

"Can you help me out of this cuffs?" He motions to his hands which are behind his back which wiggle. "Umm the guy has the cuffs." I gently lift him up and sit him down again in the same seat.

"Sorry, got to go." Quickly getting out of the truck this time using the door and notice that the guys in the bikes are near the web net I weaved. With a jump and a swing I land between the guys in the bikes as the police are arriving. "So, ready to give up?" I ask in a cocky tone.

"Didn't you retire?"

"Meh, retirement is not for me, I'm still young and pretty." I quip back. as it seems everyone is getting out of vehicles. Each has a gun.

"Okay, put the guns down and I won't have to start punching. LAST. CHANCE!" I scream as I take a fighting stance.

"NYPD! STAND DOWN!" The voice of the officer I talked before is now on the street. Which in turn made everyone either take off their helmets or aim at me. The second my Silk sense goes off I duck as I fire a web at a helmet that was falling. Dodging the five shots by moving as my Silk Sense tells me where is safe. I flick my wrist as I fire a line at the guy farthest from me and jump at him since he has the highest caliber rifle. The shots begin. 'If I remember correctly 18 guys.'

The helmet follows the trajectory as it hits the guy that was behind me in the face the groan of pain gives me a clue as to how he ended up, and the second I'm in front of the guy I got pulled towards a punch to the face and webbed his hands to the ground. "16!" I say to myself as I jump upwards and firing a webline at the building nearby moving out of the line of fire. In the air I fire three web shots at the face of the closest enemies. Firing a line to the ground and pulling, landing between the three of them which couldn't react to my landing as they pulled at their faces in panic, guns discarded.

A punch to the closest one, I take a jump dodging a spray of bullets that came my way. With a full split I kick at two faces, sending them to the ground followed by webbing them to the ground. "13!" My senses go off as I take a step to my right, dodging a pipe to the head to which I had an opening big enough for me to punch him in the face, knocking him out. "12." My Silk Sense warns me as I launch myself to the side into a summersault dodging a shotgun pellets, which now leaves me in front of another enemy with a shotgun that couldn't shoot at me fast enough. Stepping away from barrel, placing my hand near the stock and grabbing the shotgun barrel from below lifting my hand I hit him in the face with it, he tried to hold it steady but my strength and technique overwhelmed him easily. He fell unconscious before he hit the ground.

"YOU BITCH!" A voice behind me says as I throw the shotgun at the man behind me before he could shoot. The gun went off sending the shot to the SUV that is parked there, faster than he could react or aim again at me. I take him down by grabbing his shirt and with a textbook takedown his back crashes into the pavement. "10" I announce as I notice the others are all taking position. To fire at me, my senses go off and no place to run I slide under the SUV and take cover on the other side from the hail of bullets that came at me.

'Well, ain't this a pickle.' I think to myself as the bullets keep pinging against my cover. Looking around I take notice of a metallic trashcan, and the doors of the SUV give an idea. Firing a webline at the trashcan I can hear footsteps as the bullets stop. Ripping the door off its hinges. 'Huh, this is heavy which means its bullet proof.' I jump using the door as cover flicking my wrist the trashcan is ripped from the bolts holding it to the ground and moving my hand its on its way against the five advancing at me. As soon as I break cover bullets ping against my cover, what they didn't expect was the trashcan crashing against all five of them sending them to the ground. '5' I think to myself.

With my shield I send it at them planting my feet on the door and with a double kick send it at the cover they're using with is the other SUV.

The door crashes on the roof which bounces into the street, all three taking cover duck, firing a line at their cover pulling me to land on top the one in the middle, followed by a web shot to the face of the right. While I can hear the third one with an assault rifle lifting it towards me, a back-kick to the gun, the rifle breaks into pieces. The guy panics as he begins to run away from me and towards the police.

Turning around to the final 2 remaining. "And so there were 2." Both only have handguns and are still wearing helmets. Taking my fighting stance ready to fight again, both turn to look at each other and proceed to drop their guns and lift their hands in the air.

In seconds the police are apprehending the suspects, the one that I talked to walks towards me as other officers move to arrest the others.

"Silk, is it really you?" He asked.

"Who else?" I smirked at him.

"Right, forgot about how snarky you usually get."

"Technically they're quips, but meh." My answer comes fast as I shrug my shoulders. More cruisers are getting here as the helicopter arrives on the scene, or maybe it was there the whole time. There is also a news helicopter.

He sighed. "Well, I can't do much. You know the drill." He said with a playful tone. "Silk." His tone doesn't change. "You are under arrest for acts of vigilantism, obstruction of justi-." He makes a shoo motion with his hands. "Go on; get out, not like we can stop you from running away. Also the Ryan the pilot of the chopper is always going on and on about catching you." I turn away as other officers are just ignoring me, others staring. "Silk?" I stop at the sincerity in his voice.


"Glad to have you back." He said as I smiled.

"It's good to be back." I reply as I begin to run the officers step aside as I'm passing by them gaining speed as with a jump I'm getting chased by the helicopter. After fifteen minutes of swinging the Chopper stops as I lose him by using the buildings and train to get away from it, the news helicopter stopped following me a few minutes ago.

It took me another fifteen to swing back home, and another five to get to the penthouse of home, Erica opened the window of the living room. Taking a careful step inside I get hugged. Immediately by Erica. "OH GOD! I was so worried."

"I was good, except at the end, I thought I was dea-" I remove the mask by pulling and breaking it; my gaze lands on the other person in the room.

"CINTHIA MOON BAKER!" 'Oh shit.' Ms. Baker is absolutely pissed as she walks up to me; I flinch and brace myself for the slap and/or punch. But instead I get a hug, a bone crushing hug. "Young lady, you worried me so much!"

"I'm sorry mom, it's just." I mumbled.

"What did you say?" Mother grabs me by the shoulders and takes a step back.

"I said I'm sorry mom." I'm taken aback as the words left my mouth. "Mom..." The words feel weird in my mouth, but its not unpleasant like before. "Mom, MOM! MOM!" I yell as I hug her. "I'm sorry mom; I didn't meant to worry you MOM." A sniff calls my attention as I look at her face; she has a smile on her face.

"Yes, Moonpie, that's me. Mom." She cleaned her eyes, as I get another hug from the side.

"FINALLY!" Erica says as she hugs me tighter.

"Thanks... sis." I say consciously as she answers.

"Yup, thats me, YOUR sister." I tear up as I'm actually happy as Mom hugs me again, after a few minutes she we're no longer hugging.

"You made me forget about being mad." Mom takes a step back as she takes a deep breath. "Now, you will tell me what happened? And what did you meant by almost dying."

"It's a figure of speech, so we were on the way back to the car to go to Avengers Tower. But I heard a few police cruisers as a police chase was going on. Soooo I went after them."

"So this is your new suit? We saw it in TV..." Mom said as Erica nodded.

"Well, this is actually the web I make and it dissolves in-" As I said that my suit is dissolving by parts. Which in turn made me look down and noticing I'm in my undies.

"Heh, pink." Erica repeats as I turn around and jump to the second floor and rush into my room. Grabbing pants and a shirt I'm dressed in seconds. As I'm walking down the stairs I can see both snickering.

"So, it was live?" I asked as I try to change the topic.

"Yes, and that reminds me, no jumping to the second floor like that and you know the rules for walking on walls."

"No shoes, yes, I know."

"Hey! They're playing it again on TV." She turns on the sound of the TV.

"Thank you for tuning in right now! We have the exclusive footage, of Silk returning to stop 3 simultaneous heists, the NYPD hasn't stated any declaration. But we have aerial footage of what went down in scene. As you can see it looks like she fought the people behind the attack on several different stores and banks. The police were on a chase but thanks to Silk she helped stopping this criminal organization. With the city still in disarray after the Battle of New York reconstruction is still under way. What everyone is talking about is how Silk is back and stepped up to help the NYPD and New York City as a whole. While we didn't get a statement or a close shot at her new suit we do have some still images from the fight." She said as the sound of my phone ringing brings up my attention.

"Right, Hel-"

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?" Clint sounds angry, which makes me a little jumpy.

"I mean, it's just I was looking and the sounds and I can-"

"No, Kid, you went into something without a plan, without your suit, without ANYTHING to keep you safe." He is angry.

"But I've been training in the gym Tony designed, and-"

"I don't care, we're going to you I'll see you at Avengers Tower at 9."


"Yes, Director Fury just got informed and Natasha is coming as well as Steve."

"Why is every-"

"Also we need to update your training in combat, its too sloppy." Natasha said on the phone.


"No buts, ifs or anything close to that, you're in trouble young lady." He said as he hung up.

"That's not good." I said as I turned to see Mom talking to someone on the phone.

"No, don't worry she's fine, yes I've checked. She's on the phone, not anymore. Moonpie, your dad." He handed me a phone.

"Hi, unc-"

"CINDY! ARE YOU OKAY!" His voice ran out as he sounds worried.

"Yes, I'm good... dad... I'm okay, nothing broken and everything is healed." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank god, I'll see you at home soon."

"Sure, I'll see you here, maybe really late I'm getting calls,"

"WAIT YOU SAID DA-" I hung up the call and turned to my family. "If I'm going out there, then I need a new suit." Which is just in time as I noticed that I now have 4 missed calls from Tony. Opening my phone I notice the text message that says "Tower, now."

"Well, that's not good." I said as I just took a running jump and made my way to the second floor opening my door and grabbing the backpack I have ready to go with clothes.

"I thought I told you about using powers at the house." I stopped in my tracks.

"Also, that bag... you don't have to be ready to leave."

"I know. Mom, it's just..."

"Hard?" I nod my head.

"Then come on, I'll take you there. Grab your key, you'll be staying there right?"


"Good, I'll stay with you let me grab a bag and I'll go with you."

"Me too!" Erica said as she's exiting her room with a backpack on hand. "I never saw your apartment so I kinda want to see it." I smiled lightly as we made our way to the tower. When we rose through the elevator to my floor a voice came through. "Webs, I need you in the workshop and don't bother getting your suit its already here."

"Sure thing, you..." In my attempt to make a comeback against the nickname. "Bucket."

"Bucket? Really, keep working on those." I sigh out loud.

"How does he always win?"

"Because I'm better." ""Debatable"" Bruce and I said his voice came from the sound system in the elevator while I spoke directly to the camera.

"I am in danger! TWO against one, Jay back me up."

"I'm always on your side Sir."

"I'll be there in ten. I gotta just leave a few things in my room." I replied and not even ten minutes I'm walking up the stairs to the workshop after Mom gives the tour of the apartment.

"So, how much trouble am I in?"

"Well, media thought you were naked under your new suit."

"I was in my undies."

"Right, so you can't go out, not like you are. But why?"

"Why, what?" Bruce sounds alarmed.

"Why return?" Tony asked as Bruce is looking at the screen intently.

"Its just I saw the amount of police and destruction going on. So I just... went after them because it felt like it was the right thing to do."

"Is this choice yours, you going out there to help? You're not forcing yourself?"

"No. This is me going out there to help, not out attention, or wanting for people to like me... I mean a little for that reason, but helping others is important."

"That's all I needed to hear." He walked up to the workshop as I wasn't too far behind.

"What are you working on Bruce?"

"Well, I'm analyzing your suit, or the one Shield gave you. From what the scans say, this is made out of Kevlar."

"That's good right?" I can't help but take note.

"Yes but, not really. So, we have this suit made of Kevlar and a reinforced spandex. But this is not enough; this is one of a lot of the suits used by Shield. You need-"

"Something better." Tony said as he walked in a tablet.

"But what would be better?"

"An iron suit?"

"Nope, my powers need me mobile and flexible."

"Yes, but you also need to be bullet resistant."

"Not bulletproof?"

"Nope, that's a whole other can of worms. But Banner, what do you have in mind?"

"So, you need something flexible, malleable, bullet resistant, fire resistant and breathable. I'm not an expert on those but I can do a little snooping around for thread and cloth that can fit that description."

"Me neither, maybe I can just ask for another from Clint and-"

"No, this. This is trash. THIS is not useful at all."

"It's not trash it's my suit, and it may be burnt and have a few holes and is really not my size anymore but-"

"Nope, this is final, you're getting a new suit so start sketching a new design on your suit, Banner and I will work on your gear."

"But, my-"

"Out!" I groan as I'm handed a notebook a pencil and a tablet.

The sketches for my new suit are really... basic, but basic is good. I mean, black boots and that lead to my knees having spider heads and legs going up my thighs, it's pretty and cool but I think that was a call for attention. I did do it to feel valued... I got to tell that to Doc.

"What you doing?" Mom says as I'm drawing on my workshop in my floor since I got kicked out.

"I'm thinking about what to do here, for my suit but I don't know what to do. I mean, grey was a big part of the suit."

"Yes, but it was a little too much if you ask me." Mom says as she looks at my drawing and the tablet has a picture of me doing a high five with hulk.


"I think you need professional help."

"But what do you think of this?"

"It's good, but there is something missing."

"Miss Moon, Directo-" Jarvis gets interrupted as the door opens to which Clint looks serious.

"Hi! Clint! So good to-" He just points at the door. "Right, in my defense. Right, I'll stop." I grab everything and we make out way to the elevator, Mom is not coming since it's apparently serious. We make it to the penthouse which has a conference room. Clint eases a bit as he leads me there. "What were you wearing?"

"Well, turns out I learned that I can weave, which is like spiders I can make shapes, I'm not that good but I had to improvise, which surprised me." I replied. "And yes, since I couldn't use my clothes, so I improvised." I avoided my gaze.

"You weaved a suit for yourself which means..."

"Yup, I had one hour and it was stressing." He opened the door which leads to where Fury, Natasha and Steve are talking.

"Natasha, I missed you. Hi Steve, hi Director Fury." Natasha came in for a hug, to which I replied in kind.

"Hi Cindy." She said as Steve just stretched his hand for a shake.

"Evening, Cindy." I shook his hand as Fury nodded at me.

"Soooo- Where's the fire?"

"The fire, is exactly where its meant to be. Care to explain, because I have the world security council, wanting to speak with you... again."

"Well... shi-" A glare from Steve and Clint made me stop. "How much problems are we facing?"

"We? You mean yourself."

"Well, that's not good."

"It never is." Fury said as he walked into the room and proceeded to turn on a laptop. The TVs turned on as he looked over to me, as I put on my mask I take a seat. "Right now we're here." He placed his hand at a waist level. "You went in and stopped a few bad guys, yes the police didn't intervene BUT since YOU said you weren't coming back. The presidential pardon is not in effect. So let's avoid that the issue at hand don't get to here." He placed his hand at his forehead.

"What would happen if-"

"Let's not go there. The world security council called me immediately happened." His phone pinged as he seemingly got a message.

"Actually, one of them is ready. He turned to the laptop. Council Woman Hawley, a pleasure to see you again." The council woman looks clear now, instead of a dark room that barely could tell how she looked. She has blonde hair in a classic bob cut with bangs, which looks really neat at how it's arranged. She's wearing a grey blazer and her entire ensemble is completed with a necklace of two rows of pearls.

"Director Fury I thought the hologram technology would be ready by now." Her British accent is palpable as she speaks.

"I believe its-"

"The holograms are supposed to be installed this weekend and by next Tuesday Tony and I would be working on this." I interrupted; Fury narrows his eye which made me flinch.

"Cynthia, I'm glad to see you in good health."

"Thank you councilwoman... is it okay to ask if you can call me Cindy?"

"Yes, love. I actually got here early because I wanted to chat with you. Director, can you leave us the both of us?" He nodded not before narrowing his eyes at me, he left but not before he pulled everyone out Clint gave me shoulder a squeeze as Natasha mouthed 'Be careful'. I nodded and smiled.

"Council woman Hawley, umm... hi."

"Hello, Silk. I wanted to speak with you because of 2 things." She said as she looked at me. "Right now, Pierce and Rockwell want you in Shield for recruitment and use you like they used Captain America."

"So selling bonds, or are we talking about recruiting me so others join... or are we talking about strapping me into a table and trying to get more super soldiers. The last one can't happen we tested my blood and ran a few simulations and let me tell you unless you want someone's DNA to dissolve into goop and blood turn a funny looking yellow I'd rather not be cloned or cause someone dying."

"The first two actually the last one will make those 2 angry."

"Why did you want to speak with me Councilwoman?"

"Right now, you may not know this but your existence makes every man in power cower in fear. Because they don't want to accept that there is a woman stronger than Captain America out there."

"So they feel threatened that I'm strong?"

"You are one of the many up and coming female empowerment symbols, I was one when I got my position in politics. But you are the new generation, so be mindful of your appearance. The suit you used to help you were practically naked."

"I'd not say that... also I wasn't showing cleavage or too much."

"Love, you used web that looks like bandages."

"... At least I used light pink... I mean, still using light pink."

"Which brings us to the issue at hand, you need a new suit."

"We're working on one, I mean I was sketching one, but I'm not sure about a few things."

"The grey was good, but too much for my taste."

"You sound like a fan Councilwoman."

"I am a huge fan, I pressured Fury back then to find you and put you in the right track, why do you think the feds never came for you?"

"Then thank you, very much for that."

"No problem, now tell me you had an idea." I showed her the sketch and the original, we spent around an hour talking. "Maybe its time to change a bit, not too much as people confuse you for another. Lets try removing the grey from the entire suit I made it so that it only reaches the around your belly button and if you're going for a more mature you can extend the black." She said as I sketched, what she recommended, which actually looks pretty good.

"I like the idea, of the gray staying what if the webs that cover the front are now black and red, with the S connecting everything."

"Don't loose the spider motif, maybe the thighs can have the spider legs like your previous one."

"Also shoulders, two for each, for the eight legs and the gloves can have the fingers with red, instead of having them out and about."

"That's a lovely idea. Silk, I kind of want to see how you would look like in it."

"Well, the issue is we're still researching on what materials to use but I was thinking on Kevlar but Tony said no-"

"Ladies are we interrupting anything? Councilwoman Hawley, I thought we agreed on the meeting to be at this hour not before."

"Oh sod off, Rockwell. We're having a private girls talk and since Silk is now going back in the public. She needs a new suit since her last one was destroyed and right now is working as an Avenger which works for us. Since Silk here is in need of a suit we would be footing the bill.

After all right now she is a symbol of feminism and empowerment; imagine what would happen if she were to suddenly start promoting joining the US army."

"Yeah... can't imagine that. Silk, would you be so kind to fetch Fury and the rest?" I nodded and ran towards the door, the meeting began with me explaining why I had to go in and help. Why I had to use the makeshift suit, one of the good things about this is that they will be paying for my new suit.

"I think that is everything that we wanted to cover. Miss Moon, by Friday, the U.S. President will be on New York City, he will be giving your presidential pardon to ease the population. Then you will announce how you'll be working alongside the NYPD and NYFD for training."


"With that we end the meeting, have a good day." The meeting ended as the call ended.

"Well that was a mess and a half." I sighed as I leaned back on the chair and began to spin, Natasha walked up to Fury.

"Sir, Brown is on the move. He was spotted in Switzerland."

"What did the Interpol said?"

"They're on route but not fast enough."

"Monitor who goes in and out of the borders, if we can get him. Do we know why he was in Switzerland?"

"Not yet, tech companies have been notified. From his profile he was after the tech of Chitauri that Switzerland labs wanted to research."

"Who's Brown?"

""No one."" Natasha and Fury answered immediately.

"He's a Terrorist and tech thief." Steve answered.

"He's our problem so don't go looking for trouble, not like he can get into the U.S." Famous last words.