2022-04-24 09:36

Ok hear me out here, this fanfic is well written, I admit, it has minimal spelling errors and the grammar is good, so that's always a plus.. but I just find it too depressing and miserable, I mean MC is an orphan, almost dies from bullying, gets abused by caretaker, shot at, more abuse, gets kicked out of orphanage, almost gets kidnapped and raped.. It's not a marvel fanfic anymore, it's a fanfic that's bloody part of the Saw franchise.. it's gotten to the point where MC is so abused and traumatised that, she's going to need at least 50 years to get over it and heal..

Liked by 24 people


No cap that’ really sads


Welcome to the life of spiderman. Though the events are a bit exaggerated, it's still good. All you get from reading the chapters are

Other Reviews

Story wise it's well written and technically sound. That said, I don't like it. It reads like one of those Harry Potter fics that just goes on and on about the abuse, misery and self hatred like the author gets off on writing it. It seems to encourage the trend that heroes and main characters can only come from the ranks of the heavily abused, and its simply not a good headspace to be in. The story is largely extreme drama that makes you wonder if this is by the same author of those Turkish dramas your mom likes to watch, it's just too much drama to be likable to me. The mc is also a reincarnate, but is too stupid to think of any get rich schemes when thrown back into time with the mind of a genius... Instead the reincarnation aspect only serves for the extra drama of being a boy reincarnated in a girls body and litterally nothing else. The reason I rated the fic so high was because I rated it for the criteria listed by webnovel to rate on, not my personal likes or dislikes of it. I was initially excited for a good super heroine fanfic, but ended up more surprised that the usual orphanage underage girls pimping, gang rapes and other clichés didn't take place with how far the drama clichés were going and piling up. Then again, I couldn't bring myself to read past chapter 4. It was too much of a drama, angst milk for me to enjoy reading. Life is bad enough. Why make it worse by submerging yourself into drama and angst in your spare moments as well? But that's just me, and why to be fair I didn't bring my opinions and thaughts into the rating itself, only in this text below it.

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