
A Duelist in Marvel (Yugioh X Marvel)

Shawn a fan of anything duel monsters dies and wakes up in Marvel with a mission find the scattered millennium items and keep the secret of duel monsters and shadow games hidden.

wiz161 · Phim ảnh
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22 Chs

Ch. 3 A Shadow of Doubt

"I am so glad the power is still on," I said to myself with the flatscreen tv in the living room on with the original Jurrasic Park playing while I sit with a bowl of somewhat stale frosted falls I was eating like it was popcorn.

My grandfather's mansion was by all accounts a creepy old house in the wood where Scooby and the gang would run away from ghosts in.

But to me, it was the most comfortable place I could ever be my true home.

Deciding I had relaxed long enough I decided to go through the rest of the house since I have only gone over the ground floor.

The second floor was mostly bedrooms two of which were master the rest were guest bedrooms with two bathrooms on the floor.

But all the rooms were empty having never been used except Grandpas' but he seldom used it performing to sleep in his study.

Walking into the room dust particles filled the air at the sudden movement of the door looking around I found a photo of my grandfather with my grandmother who I knew very little about.

Any time I asked anyone in the family about her they would get a sad look or the mood in the room would immediately change later I would learn she was like my grandfather an archaeologist and historian but was more into the paranormal and conspiracy side of things, unlike my grandfather.

But one day she left for an expedition to Egypt and that was the last anyone heard from her.

Setting down the photo I went up to the third floor the floors that used to be many guest rooms were renovated and changed into one big library.

Walking in the dust-covered shelves and large tables have been untouched some have untouched piles of books.

Memories of reading and playing in this room filled me with a nostalgia I shouldn't have shacking my head I combined to explore.

Just as I was about to leave I got a system notification opening the system while I made my way upstairs

[User has Yet to claim His Reward the Sword of the Obnoxious Celtic Guardian]

"Why would I want the sword of a weak monster besides I don't even know how to use a sword," I said to myself dismissing the notification.

Walking up to the final floor the only room being my grandfather's study.

Walking into the room I could help but notice how clean it was compared to everywhere else as I looked at the large shelves with books and ancient artifacts that probably should be in a museum.

Walking up to my grandfather's workspace a large desk with many drawers I noticed a book open on top getting closer I saw it was his private logs and it was left open.

"That's strange why would Grandpa leave his journal out?" I said the memories of him having the journal on him at all times barely ever leaving it unattended.

"Whoa, this can't be what I think it is," I said seeing the picture of a familiar 7 items drawn on the page.

"Why the hell does Grandpa have drawings of the millennium items scratch that why is there information about them doing in Marvel," I said going over the book and other notes on the table.

Looking over the notes it seems my grandfather was searching for Grandma which led him to go through her notes.

As I continued to read I noticed another notification from the system.


•Find all the millennium items


"Fuck that!" I said already going to press the 'N' wanting nothing to do with those cursed objects but something inside me caused me to pause.

Each millennium item by itself was a powerful artifact that can be devastating depending on the person and how strong their soul or will is to be able to use them.

"If I leave the millennium items out for anyone to find that would be far too dangerous," I said to myself the image of Dr. Doom wielding any or all of the items came to mind and I shuddered.

After weighing the pros and cons and I *sighed* and pressed 'Y'

[Mission: Search for the pharaoh's treasures]

•Find all the millennium items









After looking over the new info I went to close the system when the notification saying that I still had rewards to collect popped up.

Looking at the reward again I just shrugged and claimed the reward and was met with a loud *thud* on the desk in front of me and I looked down at the longsword that appeared.

The longsword itself was around 4 feet along with a bronze crossguard otherwise it looked like any other sword until I grabbed the hilt and a popup appeared.


•Sword of the Obnoxious Celtic Guardian

- Any who wields this blade can not be defeated in battle by overwhelming power.

"Isn't that a little too vague what does overwhelming power mean?" I said to myself as I held the blade 'How am I even supposed to carry this thing around with me,' I thought.

After a while, I decided to go over my grandfather's reacher in more detail and found a large pile of books and papers, and got to work.

(2 Days Later)

[You have completed all your daily mission]

[1,800 Gems]

I gave myself a thumbs up as I lay on the stone floor of the back porch having finished the new daily missions.

[Daily Missions] (Completed)

•20 Half-Cut sword swings


•20 Full-Cut sword swings


•20 Horizontal cut


•20 Thrust lunge


•Do 20 pushups


•Do 20 Situps


•Do 5 minutes of stretching


•Finish all daily quests


Standing up I felt the numb pain in my body start to disappear as I sat down placed my sword on the table and I drank a bottle of water.

For two days I had done nothing but research and completed my daily missions and I still wasn't even halfway to getting Duel Runner.


•Custome Duel runner


-Let's rev it up with your very own Duel Runner a turbo duelist's best friend and partner a modified motorcycle that allows a due list to duel at high speeds.

[7,300 Gems]

"I have to do two more days of daily missions to get enough gems," I said to myself looking up at the sky I just accepted it when a pop-up appeared.

[Mission: Time to Duel]

•Complet the mission


•Complete a Gate


•Defeat a legendary Duelist


"Well that's convenient," I said but it had been a while since I got the system and I haven't been opened [Solo mode] so opening the main screen I opened the tab.

[Solo mode]


-Number of Gates available '1'

•Legendary Duelists

-Number of Duelists available '3'

Out of curiosity I selected [Legendary Duelists] and saw who was available and I felt my eye twitch.

[Legendary Duelists]

•Weevil Underwood




•Rex Raptor


"These third-rate background characters are considered Legendary Duelists," I said to myself trying to remember what I knew about the three.

Weevil uses an insect deck Rex uses dinosaurs and Bonz has a zombie deck but that was about it hell one of them is killed in the second arch of the show.

Going back and opening the [Gates] tab I looked at the five options and was intrigued.


•Power of the Old Gods

-To understand the power of the old gods you must understand your power's origins in the shadows-

After reading the description I couldn't help but feel a little nervous at the unknown but excited at the possibility of learning more about Duel Monsters lore then.

[Would you like to enter the Gate?]


After thinking for a moment I press no and went back to have a quick duel since it has been a few days and I haven't even used my Blue Eyes deck.

[Legendary Duelists]

•Weevil Underwood

[Would you like to Duel the spirit of Weevil Underwood]


'So I'm not dueling the character but their sport that's interesting to know,' I thought as I pressed 'Y' and for a few moments, nothing happens.

"Ok now I'm confused is this thing broken," I said looking around.

???: "Perhaps the problem is you need some patients I would be happy to teach you," a familiar voice said, and looking out into the backyard stood Weevil Underwood himself.

"That's. . .this is. . ."I was literally left speechless I thought I was going to fall unconscious or something but no a Yugioh character was now standing in front of me.

???: "Speechless I see well that's not surprising are you perhaps a fan perhaps you want an autograph instead of a duel," he asked mockingly and that snapped me out of my stunned mind.

"You're the last person I would want an autograph from now are we going to talk or are we going to play?" I asked my duel disk extending.

*HeHeHe* "I thought you'd never ask," his duel disk extends.


[Turn 1]

Shawn: 4000 C:5

Weevil: 4000 C:5

Weevil: "Since you're a rookie ill let you go first," he said and I felt a pang of nature but gave a wicked smile looking at my hand.

"Thanks but it's your mistake I active the effect of Dictator of D. and special summon it by sending a Blue-eyes white dragon to my graveyard," I said and in a flash of blue light Dictator of D. appeared.

<Monster- Dictator of D.>

<Atribute- Dark>

<Level- 4>



Attack- 1200

Defense- 1100

Weevil: "W-wait did you say Blue-eyes that's impossible!?" he asked panic in his eyes and I smiled.

"Yep would like to see it activate Dictator of D. and send the spell card Rage of Blue-eyes to the graveyard to summon Blue-eyes white dragon from my graveyard," I said and raised my hand into the air.

Dictator of D. raised his blue-eyes horn and blew into it the sound it made caused blue lightning to spark out of it, the clear blue sky became a stormy grey.

"𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙛 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙪𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙤𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙢𝙞𝙚𝙨 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝘽𝙇𝙐𝙀-𝙀𝙔𝙀𝙎 𝙒𝙃𝙄𝙏𝙀 𝘿𝙍𝘼𝙂𝙊𝙉," I said my voice echoing out and from the sky like a comet it appears.

<Monster- Blue-eyes white dragon>

<Atribute- Light>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 3000

Defense- 2500

*RROOAARR* letting out a roar the ground cracks and splinters nearby trees are on the verge of snapping in half.

Weevil: "Im-impossible only one person in all of Duel monsters has that card I can't believe it," he stuttered out.

"Well start believing I set another monster face down and two card face down and end my turn your move Weevil," I said.

[Turn 1]

Shawn: 8000 C:0

Weevil: 8000 C:5 +1

Weevil: "I draw *Hehe* well too bad for you all that set up for nothing I active the spell card Raigeki and destroy all your monsters," he declared and began to laugh wildly.

From the sky, the grey clouds above are brightened with Golden electricity and then in a flash of gold.

*KRAKAKAKOOM* "An enormous bolt of lightning came down almost throwing me onto my back looking up the field was covered in dust.

Weevil: *Hehehe* "So much for your precious Bl-," his voice died in his throat as the dust was blown away from a flap of Blue-eyes wings "Thats impossible how is Blue-eyes still on the field," he questioned.

"Thanks to my trap card The Ultimate Creature of Destruction I can target my Blue-eyes and it can't be destroyed and is unaffected by card effects," I said a Weevil cringed at my explanation.

Weevil: *Grrr* "I set one monster face down and set two cards face down and end my turn," he said I raised my hand.

"Now that you ended your turn I activate the effect of The white stone of legend which is if it's in my graveyard at the end phase I can special summon one Blue-eyes monster from my deck," I said and a card glows a d extended from my deck.

"𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣 𝙬𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙨 𝙞𝙩𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙛𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙗𝙮 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙙𝙚 𝘽𝙡𝙪𝙚-𝙚𝙮𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙗𝙮𝙨𝙨 𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙜𝙤𝙣," I chanted and in a burst of blue and purple light the dragon appears.

<Monster- Blue-eyes Abyss dragon>

<Atribute- Light>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 3000

Defense- 2500

"And with my dragon being special summoned I can add to my hand one ritual spell card and add one level 8 or higher dragon monster," I said, and two cards extended from the deck and I added them to my hand.

(A/N: I suggest playing Fang of critics ost if you want)

[Turn 2]

Shawn: 8000 C:2 +1

Weevil: 8000 C:2

"Thanks for the duel Weevil but with this draw this duel is over I active the ritual spell chaos form and I send Blue-eyes Abyss dragon to the graveyard to ritual summon Blue-eyes Chaos Max Dragon," I said.

In front of me, a giant gate appeared and Abyss Dragon got flew into it and disappeared causing the doors of the gates to open.

"Come and witness a new god be born from chaos Blue-eyes Chaos Max Dragon," I shouted the dragon appeared.

<Monster- Blue-eyes Abyss dragon>

<Atribute- Light>

<Level- 8>



Attack- 4000

Defense- 0

"Next I banish abyss dragon giving all my dragons an extra 1,000 attack points now go Chaos max Dragon chaos blast!" I said.

Weevil: "We'll it doesn't matter I won't take any damage since my monsters are in defense position," he said only to frown when he saw my smile.

"Oh did I forget to mention when Chaos Max dragon attacks a defense poison monster you take double the damage!

Weevil: "What no this-"

Weevil: 8000 -8,800 =0

Chaos Max leaned back and unleashed a barrage of blue lasers and unleashed a powerful beam from its mouth.

The monster on Weevils field is evaporated

Weevil: "NOOOO," he screams only to evaporate as well as the blast destroys him and everything behind him.

[Turn 2]

Shawn: 8000 -Winner

Weevil: 0 -Losser

"Oh shit did I just kill him no wait he wasn't the real one so I'm ok," I said but then I looked at my surroundings and the devastation that I unleashed.

"Well shit," I said unaware of the grander consequence of what I had done.