
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Tranh châm biếm
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50 Chs

Chapter 40: Healing Whitebeard

"Where are you taking us to?" All Might's voice carried a note of curiosity, his gaze fixed on Yuki with an inquisitive expression. All Might's expression held a mixture of intrigue and uncertainty. Beside him, Law's own curiosity was palpable, though he withheld his words, allowing All Might to take the lead.

After they fled from Sabaody yesterday, Yuki took them to one of the nearest islands to sleep the night. This morning, he lifted them into the air again and began flying in a straight line toward the New World.

Just as the island they had sought refuge on the previous day faded into the distance, Yuki's responded with a single word. "Whitebeard!" 

The mention of Whitebeard's name cast a chill over them. All Might's brow furrowed in contemplation, his mind racing to grasp the implications of Yuki's words. 

Yesterday's encounter with Kizaru had ignited a spark of inspiration within Yuki, a notion that had taken root amidst the chaos of battle. The idea of aiding Whitebeard had sprouted in the wake of his clash with the admiral,A decision born out of the fact that he has to participate in the Marineford War anyway, he might as well help Whitebeard out a bit to make his own mission easier.

The process of locating Whitebeard was a task that held no challenge for Yuki, his mastery over magic rendering distances insignificant. He used the power of his magic and made it lead him to the legendary pirate, by letting himself be guided by the threads of fate to Whitebeard. 

"Why do you want to visit Whitebeard?" All Might's words were laden with genuine curiosity. Beside him, Law's curiosity burned with a quiet intensity, his eyes fixed on Yuki as if seeking a glimpse into the depths of his intentions.

Yuki's response resonated with a sense of practicality, his voice carrying a note of logical reasoning. "Since our group of six will participate in the upcoming war anyway, we might just talk with Whitebeard for a bit to avoid confusion during the battle. Honestly, I'm not interested in friendly fire." The words were punctuated with a hint of wry amusement, while his gaze remained steady, fixed upon the horizon as if envisioning the events that lay ahead.

As All Might absorbed Yuki's words, a nod of agreement followed, an unspoken understanding passing between them. The concept of a unified front in the battle to come held a certain appeal.

Law's expression, however, was a mixture of surprise and confusion, a reflection of the thoughts swirling in his mind. The idea of a "group of six" was like an mystery, its meaning eluding him. The words of Yuki and All Might seemed to be at odds with his understanding of the situation, and he voiced his bewilderment. "Group of six? Even if you count me, we are just three. And I don't plan to go to Marineford anyway."

"The other four will come later or are already in Marineford. Don't worry, I won't drag you into it," he assured, his voice carrying a sense of genuine concern. The promise of sparing Law from the impending battle held a certain comfort, a gesture of understanding and respect for his wishes.

"Law, can I go faster?" The words were imbued with a sense of urgency, a desire to push the limits of their current speed. Yuki's gaze was fixed ahead, his eyes gleaming with determination.

He didn't ask All Might because he knew that All Might is stronger than Law, and he concluded that if Law could put up with it, All Might could put up with it.

Law's response was one of mild bewilderment, as they were already traveling at speeds far beyond what any ship could ever hope to achieve. "How fast?" 

In fact, their speed was already surpassing the limits of sound. If Law possessed the knowledge of the scientific principles of the world, he would find himself grappling with the mystery of how he could have a conversation with Yuki when they were traveling through the world faster than the speed at which sound itself can travel.

"Dunno, just wanna try how fast I can fly," Yuki's words held a sense of childlike wonder, a curiosity that ignited his spirit. 

"A bit faster is still bearable," Law said, the words carrying a sense of acceptance tinged with caution. 

The notion sparked a realization within Yuki, a plan that formed within the corridors of his mind. A protective barrier, like a cocoon of magic, wove itself around him, a shield that would withstand the forces of their accelerated flight. 'Ah, probably it's better to do the same with All Might,' his inner thoughts wove a thread of consideration, a decision to extend the same protection to All Might manifested.

Then he propelled himself forward. The sensation was a whirlwind of emotions, a blend of exhilaration and awe that swept through his being. The world around them blurred into streaks of color, the rush of wind a symphony that played in the background. As they hurtled through the skies, Yuki's senses were heightened, every sound and sensation magnified by their incredible speed.

Law's voice was a sharp cry that cut through the air, a declaration of both fear and exhilaration. "AHHHH!" he screamed, the sound a testament to the heart-pounding rush of their flight. Beside him, All Might's own voice joined the chorus, a mix of astonishment and disbelief that echoed through the air.

Mach 5000 was a speed that few people could comprehend, a speed beyond the limits of the human mind. And yet, Yuki was flying through this world at such a speed. As he approached his destination, he slowed down without even reaching his full speed.

'Whitebeard, who told you to be so near the Red Line?' The words were a silent protest, a reflection of his exasperation at the inability to fully unleash his speed.

The logical part of his mind chimed in, a voice of reason that sought to quell his irritation. 'Isn't your territory on the other side of the New World?' But Yuki quickly realized that the geographical proximity of Whitebeard's flagship to the Red Line was a logical consequence, a positioning that aligned with the impending events that awaited them.

Seeing a streak of light approaching, Marco rose into the air where Yuki and All Might were. "State your purpose for invading, identify yourself," Marco's voice echoed.

Yuki's response was swift, a declaration that held no hint of concealment. "Yuki Takehara. I'm here to talk to Whitebeard."

For a fleeting moment, a reaction flickered across Marco's features, an expression that bordered on incredulity. The notion of their unexpected visitor seeking an audience with Whitebeard seemed improbable. Yet, the undeniable speed at which they approached was a testament to their capabilities, a realization that prompted Marco to reconsider.

In a shift of perspective, Marco's initial skepticism gave way to acceptance. His posture relaxed slightly, an unspoken acknowledgment that their intentions were genuine. With a decisive nod, Marco's voice carried a command that resonated with authority. "Follow me," he said.

In the midst of receiving Marco's instruction, Yuki's mind was filled with confusion. 'He's not questioning us any further...' However, the missing link quickly revealed itself when his gaze landed on a whitebeard pirate holding a newspaper, a single glance enough to make him understand.

The cover page of the newspaper bore the very image Yuki had captured and sent to Big News Morgans. The headline screamed in bold letters. "Admiral Humiliated by Nameless Pirates." 

Yuki's attention then shifted to another scene unfolding on a different part of Whitebeard's ship. The sight of people clutching wanted posters, their eyes darting between the images on the paper and the figures of Yuki, All Might, and Law. Curious about the bounty the Marines had given them, Yuki took a closer look at the poster.

Wanted, dead or alive, Yuki, 2 Billion 

Wanted, dead or alive, All Might, 500 Million 

Wanted, dead or alive, Trafalgar Law, 300 Million

Amusement danced within Yuki as he observed the reactions of his companions. All Might and Law, their expressions a mixture of relief and exasperation, appeared to be relishing the respite from their air travel. The sight of them kissing the ground of the ship was hilarious, Yuki couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at the scene.

Arriving at his destination, Yuki stood before Whitebeard. As he introduced himself, there was a certain confidence in his voice

"Yuki Takehara," he began, his tone firm and unwavering. "I am here with an enticing proposition. I am here with Trafalgar Law to heal you!"

"Gurararara, do I look like a man in need of healing?" Whitebeard's voice resonated with a mixture of amusement and pride, his words laced with the unmistakable tone of a seasoned warrior. Despite his outward bravado, however, the signs of his condition were impossible to ignore. The intricate network of medical devices that adorned his body were the best evidence of that.

However, the scene took a turn as Whitebeard's sons rallied around him, their protective instincts evident in their united front. Their collective voices resonated with a blend of concern and determination, a chorus of love that urged their father to prioritize his well-being. "Pops," they implored, making him change his mind and listen to Yuki. 

"Law, who I took here with me, has eaten the Ope Ope no Mi and should be able to heal you," Yuki's voice held a steady certainty, his belief in the solution he offered evident in every inflection. His gaze remained fixed on Whitebeard, his eyes unyielding. Yuki was sure that although they had tried many different ways to cure Whitebeard's disease, none of them included being treated by the user of the Ope Ope no Mi.

The pause that followed was filled with the unspoken tension of a decision hanging in the balance. And then Marco's voice broke the silence. "What do you want?" He asked, probably concluding that this was indeed a good opportunity to help his captain.

"What I want?" Yuki's voice held a tone of calculated determination, each word a measured step forward in the negotiation. His gaze remained steady, the intensity of his conviction unwavering. 

"Kill a certain Tenryūbito, that coincidentally will just happen to also get into your way in saving Ace," Yuki's words were laced with a sense of purpose, his tone carrying the weight of a carefully crafted proposal. 

As the words settled, a palpable tension lingered, the space between them charged with the energy of a decision in the making. It was a moment that demanded introspection, a pause to weigh the merits of the proposition laid before them.

And then, Marco's voice cut through the stillness, his inquiry a beacon that pierced the veil of Yuki's proposal. "How do you know that?" 

"One of my sources told me that he is the reason behind Ace's execution and that he will be at Marineford at that time, giving me the perfect opportunity to kill him without needing to infiltrate the Holy Land." Yuki's words flowed with a sense of assurance, his tone unwavering in its conviction.

No one in the Whitebeard Pirates questioned why Yuki would want to kill a Tenryūbito, because each and every one of them can think of at least one reason why Yuki would hate that Tenryūbito.

"I still don't get what you get from helping pops when your goal is entirely different." Said one of the less intelligent Whitebeard Pirates. A grin formed at the corners of Yuki's lips, a gleam of amusement in his eyes as he heard the request.

Yuki's response carried a sense of clarity, his words a reflection of the calculated intricacies that lay within his plans. "Simple," he began, his tone carrying a note of confidence, "when I arrive at Marineford, a stronger Whitebeard only benefits me as that means less work for me to do." His words were tinged with a touch of arrogance.

"Gurararara, interesting, I shall accept." Whitebeard's laughter rumbled like distant thunder.

"Law, come here for a second." Yuki said to Law who was still lying on the ground, although he was no longer kissing the ground like before, he was still lying on the ground and was finding it hard to get up. 

When he heard Yuki, he wrapped himself up and tried to stand up with great difficulty, his face showing an expression that said that this short flight was more exhausting than hours of continuous fighting. Then he walked towards Yuki on shaky knees.

"Can you cure Whitebeard?" Yuki asked Law with a serious tone.

"I can try." Law replied and then, under the careful guidance of all the Whitebeard pirates, began to try to cure him, which he did successfully.

In the midst of the unfolding scene, a familiar presence caught Yuki's attention. A flash of recognition sparked within him as he spotted the distinctive figure of a Metal Armor soaring through the air. 'Black Star, perfect timing!' Yuki's thoughts to himself

With a swift ascent, Yuki pushed himself upwards, which propelled him towards the approaching metal armor. "Black Star, here," Yuki's voice rang out.

"I thought we'd meet at Sabaody. Why are you here?" Black Star's response resonated with curiosity, his words laced with a touch of intrigue. His A.I. had alerted him to Yuki's presence, else he would not even have noticed him.

"Plan's changed a bit," Yuki's voice carried a note of honesty. "I just wanted to inform you, but you were flying above, so I decided to intercept you instead." The words flowed from him with a sense of spontaneity.

The two of them boarded the Moby Dick, where Yuki got permission for Black Star to stay with them. Even if they had refused, with Yuki and Black Star's power, it was highly unlikely that the Whitebeard pirates would have been able to kick them out without destroying their own ship.

Whitebeard, who was completely healed at almost the same time, then welcomed Black Star, and after that the Whitebeard Pirates began to throw a party to celebrate their captain's successful recovery. 

For the next few days, Yuki decided to stay on Whitebeard's ship with Black Star, since they didn't have anything else to do, and staying on Whitebeard's ship even allowed them to reach Marineford without having to lift a finger. 

During one of these days, Yuki also teleported Law to his submarine, where Law's crew was already waiting for him.