
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 41: Final Preperations

[Fang Yuan POV]

"Follow me," a marine Soldier saluted Fang Yuan as he arrived at the Holy Land. It was a gathering of all the Shichibukai, overseen by the marines. Fang Yuan possessed the wisdom to discern when to unleash his demonic instincts and when to comply with orders. For the time being, he chose obedience, donning the facade of a dutiful Shichibukai. He keenly sensed numerous formidable beings nearby.

'This is the life I desire,' Fang Yuan mused silently as he strolled through Mary Geoise, trailing behind the marine soldier. The opulent surroundings, the absence of constraints, it was everything he'd ever yearned for. But beneath that surface lay deeper desires, ones he scarcely allowed himself to admit.

As he traversed the grand corridors, his thoughts wandered. Beyond mere freedom, Fang Yuan coveted absolute power, the kind that would make the world quiver at his command. Immortality beckoned too, a whispered temptation lurking in the corners of his mind.

Upon reaching the designated room, Fang Yuan stepped inside, his gaze sweeping the assembly of Shichibukai. Doflamingo and Jinbei were notably absent, their chairs vacant amidst the gathering around a central table.

First, Fang Yuan's keen eyes fell upon Blackbeard, the man of darkness himself, indulging in a feast of food and drink. The raucous atmosphere surrounding the gluttonous pirate was undeniable. Nearby, Kuma sat stoically, his visage betraying no hint of emotion. It was evident that his mind had been mercilessly erased a few days prior, leaving behind a cold, emotionless cyborg.

But the gathering held more than just these two figures. Mihawk, the world's greatest swordsman, exuded an aura of quiet dominance, while Hancock's regal posture hinted at her captivating allure. Amongst them, marines of high rank, likely at least Rear Admirals, occupied their own seats and observed the pirates every move.

With cautious grace, Fang Yuan took his seat, his senses finely attuned to every shift in the room's atmosphere. As he settled into his chair, a sense of anticipation gripped him like a vice. It was then that one of the high-ranking marines rose from his seat, preparing to deliver his address.

"Now that all Shichibukai, except for Jinbei, who we imprisoned in Impel Down for his refusal to fulfill his obligations, and Doflamingo, who mysteriously disappeared a year ago, have gathered," the marine began, emphasizing Jinbei's incarceration to send a stark message to the assembled Shichibukai. The unspoken threat was a reminder that defiance was not tolerated.

The marine's voice held an authoritative edge as he continued, "Let me elucidate your pivotal role in the impending conflict." The weight of impending war lay heavy on everyone present.

"You shall accompany us to Marineford and lend your formidable might to the Marines in their clash against Whitebeard!" The declaration rippled through the room, triggering a mix of emotions.

The Marines swiftly organized themselves, forming two lines that converged to create a path. It was a corridor through which the Shichibukai were meant to walk, a symbolic escort to the Marines' warship waiting to ferry them to Marineford.

Having successfully boarded the imposing warship, Fang Yuan couldn't help but marvel at the sheer size and power it represented. The vessel was flanked by multiple escort ships, each brimming with Marines, ready for the impending clash at Marineford. The anticipation hung thick in the salty sea breeze.

As the warship sliced through the turbulent waters, Fang Yuan observed the gathering of Shichibukai, each carrying their own thoughts and motivations into this perilous journey. Mihawk stood at the ship's bow, his hawk-like gaze fixed on the distant horizon. Hancock, radiant and aloof, exuded indifference. Kuma's expression remained inscrutable.

And then, there was Blackbeard. Like a shadow in the night, he seized one of the escort ships. Fang Yuan couldn't help but wonder at the audacity of it all. Blackbeard's ship veered in the opposite direction, charting a course that appeared to lead toward Impel Down.

[Donquixote Vergil POV]

In the heart of Marineford, Donquixote Vergil strode purposefully, his footsteps echoing a cadence of restrained fury. By his side, he clutched his cherished saber, a blade that ranked among the Twelve Supreme Blades. Flanking him were two Vice-Admirals, their presence a formidable shield tasked with safeguarding the Tenryūbito.

"Bastard! I'll kill you! I will skin you alive!" The venomous words escaped Vergil's lips, a torrent of rage that threatened to consume him whole. Today, the last scion of the Donquixote family seethed with an unparalleled fury, his very being ablaze with indignation. His grand proposal had been ruthlessly revoked by the Five Elders, and the injustice of it all clawed at his soul.

A few days ago, Vergil had been informed of Kizaru's humiliating defeat at the hands of a no name, resulting in the failure to protect Charlos, his best friend. Consumed by outrage, Vergil had exploited his authority as a Tenryūbito to strip Kizaru of his rank of admiral and condemn him to the merciless depths of Impel Down. The punishment had been swift and unforgiving.

Today, however, the scene that unfolded before Vergil's eyes was nothing short of bewildering. There, amidst the bustling hub of Marineford, was Kizaru himself, albeit heavily bandaged but unmistakably alive.

With urgency coursing through him, Vergil wasted no time. He reached out to the hallowed halls of Mary Geoise, relaying the shocking news that the marines had defied orders. His communication reached the Five Elders, their response left him deeply dissatisfied, a gnawing sense of unease settling in his heart.

"They really dared to tell me that the admiral is an important asset for the war!" Vergil's voice dripped with rage as he recounted his exchange with the Five Elders. Their response, a shocking rejection of his authority, had stoked the flames of his fury. His anger simmered, threatening to boil over.

"Sengoku, I swear," Vergil's tone was chillingly resolute, his eyes aflame with an unquenchable resolve, "after this war is over, you will become my slave as punishment for daring to go against my orders." 

In the recesses of Vergil's mind, he harbored a calculated plan. He believed that after the war's tumultuous conclusion, Sengoku's star would fade in the eyes of the World Government's higher-ups, forcing the Fleet Admiral to relinquish his position. It was an opportunity Vergil intended to exploit, to exact a revenge that had long festered within him. Sengoku's fate, once and for all, would be sealed.

[Invaders detected!] 

[Initiating forceful bootup!] 

[Host! Prepare for pain as the system installs itself into your soul!]

"Who dares to inflict me with pain," Vergil's thunderous voice reverberated, carrying a potent blend of shock and anger, as he grappled with the mechanical voice resounding within the depths of his mind. It was an intrusion he had never anticipated, a sensation akin to a thousand needles piercing his very soul.

As Vergil's outcry echoed through the hallowed halls, the two Vice Admirals tasked with his protection exchanged bewildered glances. Confusion clouded their expressions, an unsettling uncertainty gripping them as they faced this unprecedented situation. In unison, they turned their gaze towards the Tenryūbito, their voices a synchronized declaration of loyalty and defense, "No one dares to harm the mighty Saint Vergil!"

Just as they uttered those lines, Vergil's world crumbled around him. With a heart-wrenching cry, he collapsed to the floor, his body contorted in agony. It felt as though an inferno raged within him, his mind a battlefield of searing pain.

"Ah! Painful! What is this!" Vergil's anguished scream echoed through the room as he desperately sought the source of his torment, his hands clutching at his chest as if trying to wrench the pain from his very heart.

"Call the doctors!" The urgency in one of the Vice Admirals' voices was palpable, a frantic plea for aid. Without hesitation, his counterpart sprang into action, sprinting with all his might to summon a doctor worthy of Saint Vergil's station. He returned swiftly, a physician in tow, who wasted no time in assessing the stricken Saint Vergil.

With precision, the doctor removed the helmet and clothing that adorned Vergil, leaving him exposed and vulnerable. Every inch of the Tenryūbito's body was scrutinized, a thorough examination meant to unravel the mystery of his suffering and offer relief.

At this point, Vergil's consciousness teetered on the precipice, a fragile thread connecting him to the realm of the living. The pain was unrelenting, rendering him immobile and defenseless. Just when he believed the torment could not possibly intensify any further, it ceased abruptly, as though vanquished by an unseen force.

[System has been successfully implanted!]

The abrupt cessation of pain jolted Vergil back to reality, leaving him disoriented and bewildered. He found himself sprawled on the floor, disrobed. In an instant, his instincts surged to the forefront. With a swift, fluid motion, he rose to his feet, his hand snaking to grasp his trusty sword.

In a furious whirlwind, Vergil's blade cleaved through the air, its deadly arc slicing the doctor in twain. Blood spattered the pristine white floors, a grim testament to the consequences of daring to touch the body of Saint Vergil. His voice, dripping with disdain and arrogance, thundered through the room, "Who allowed you, lower creature, to lay your hands upon my sacred body?"

Once again, Vergil clad himself in his garments, his aura radiating an aura of regal indignation. With imperious eyes, he surveyed his surroundings, his gaze penetrating to the very core of those present. A wave of Conqueror's Haki rippled from him, making the soldiers fall unconscious.

"You imbeciles dared to look at my magnificent body!" His voice carried a mixture of disdain and fury as he addressed the unconscious soldiers, his sword poised to strike again if necessary.

"Looks like I need to silence you all for this great crime!" Vergil's proclamation was laced with an ominous finality. His eyes, twin pools of merciless resolve, bore into the hapless souls before him. Slowly, he withdrew his gleaming sword from its sheath, the blade shimmering with deadly intent.

With lightning speed, Vergil executed a devastating strike, his sword cleaving the air with deadly precision. The two Vice Admirals, caught off guard by the sudden onslaught, stood no chance. In an instant, their heads tumbled to the floor, their lifeless bodies crumpling to the ground.

Unperturbed by the gruesome scene, Vergil continued his grim work. He approached the unconscious soldiers sprawled around him, his blade finding its mark in each of their hearts. As he did so, he muttered under his breath, voice tinged with an unsettling mix of curiosity and trepidation. "System it said, does this mean I have now a system."

Vergil's visage, marred by the weight of this revelation, betrayed none of the happiness one might expect from such a discovery. Instead, his thoughts delved into a darker territory. 'In my last life, I read many fanfics with Systems,' he mused, his memories dredging up a deep-seated loathing and pity for such entities. 'But in the end, most hosts were just slaves to the system. Hopefully, it is not one of those.'

[Mission Generated!]

"Great, Just Great! FUCK YOU!!!" Vergil's furious roar echoed through the room as a translucent black screen materialized before him. The very sight of it was a dagger to his heart, a harbinger of his worst nightmare. His emotions surged, a volatile mix of anger, frustration, and despair.

[Mission: Eliminate the Otherworldly Invaders] 

[Details: The self-proclaimed Lord of the Eastern Realm has declared this world to be part of his eastern realm and sent his lackeys to take over the world. Safeguard the world!] 

[Objective: Kill Gu Yue Fang Yuan (0 / 1) 

Kill Sōsuke Aizen (0 / 1) 

Kill Yuki Takehara (0 / 1) 

Kill All Might (0 / 1) 

Kill Klein Moretti (0 / 1) 

Kill Black Star (0 / 1)] 

[Reward: Survival] 

[Penalty: Death]

With begrudging resignation, Vergil's eyes scanned the mission details. The truth, bitter and undeniable, settled upon him like a shroud. He had become a slave to this system, a pawn in a twisted game. 'No reward and the punishment for failure is death, what the hell!' The expletives raged within him, a silent scream of defiance against this cruel fate.

His mind, a tempest of thoughts, grasped for any semblance of solace. 'At least, now I know why All Might is in this world and no longer need to worry about being in a strange crossover world,' he reasoned, but the comfort he sought remained elusive. The gravity of his situation weighed heavily upon him, refusing to be assuaged.

Once again, Vergil's eyes bore into the names of the invaders he was tasked with eliminating. It was a grim roster of foes, most of whom were nothing more than obscure figures in his hazy memory. 'Aside from All Might from my previous life,' he mused, 'I barely know anyone on this list. Sōsuke Aizen, sounds familiar, I think I've heard of him before, but who are the rest?'

A flicker of frustration danced across his face as he ransacked his mind for any recollection of these adversaries. Each name was a puzzle piece, a fragmented memory that refused to coalesce into a coherent whole.

Then, a revelation struck him like a bolt of lightning. Apart from Klein and Black Star, every name on that list carried some degree of fame in this world. A feeling of resentment welled up within Vergil, directed not at the invaders but at the unseen architect of this accursed system. "I swear," he seethed with venomous determination, "when I find you, you are dead meat, creator of this shitty system."

Just as Vergil's curses were still echoing in the room, the system delivered another message, a cruel taunt that fueled his rage even further. 

[Get to work, useless piece of shit. A worthless chess piece is a dead chess piece.]

The words, dripping with contempt, struck Vergil like a slap to the face. His fury surged to new heights, his teeth gritted in seething anger. "Can't you see me working, you fucking system?" he bellowed, his voice laced with venom.

Yet, even as his anger raged, Vergil's actions remained methodical and ruthless. He continued to drive his sword into the hearts of the marine soldiers, but now his strikes were fueled by an overwhelming rage that had replaced his initial shock and confusion. Each thrust was punctuated by a seething anger that emanated from his very being.

Little, still in Big Mom's territory, now better called Puppet Big Mom's territory, used his Big Mom puppet to assemble the entire Totto Land Grand Fleet and gave orders to set sail for Marineford.

Standing upon the puppet's massive shoulders, Klein's presence was a commanding force. From this vantage point, he directed the assembly of the entire Totto Land Grand Fleet. His orders resounded with authority, rallying the forces to set sail toward the distant horizon, where the ominous shadow of Marineford loomed.

As if summoned by his will, thousands of ships unfurled their sails, one after another, their proud masts and billowing flags a testament to their collective might. At the heart of this formidable armada stood the imposing Queen Mama Chanter, its size dwarfing even the most massive vessels in the fleet. It served as the flagship, a symbol of authority and command. Here, Klein stood, issuing orders with unwavering resolve, his voice carrying over the vast expanse to reach the ears of every sailor, every warrior, every member of the Grand Fleet.

Beside him, an eerie collection of puppets witnessed the unfolding spectacle. The lifeless yet hauntingly realistic figures of Big Mom, Katakuri, Smoothie, Cracker, and Doflamingo stood as silent sentinels beside Klein.

Meanwhile, in Wano Kuni, Kaido stirred his forces into action. The vast expanse of his fleet, an armada as formidable as the mightiest storm, stood assembled and ready. Kaido, the dragon that cast its shadow over the land, had set his sights on a pivotal move.

Kaido's decision had been catalyzed by the shifting tides of opportunity. As he learned of Black Star's departure, he immediately began gathering his fleet. He recognized the impending chaos of the Marine-Whitebeard clash as an opportune moment, one that would divert the marines' attention from other matters. In this calculated maelstrom, Kaido saw the perfect window to achieve his objective.

Within the deepest bowels of Impel Down, Jack languished in captivity. But Kaido saw the current times as an opportunity to shatter the chains that bound his loyal subordinate. A daring rescue mission was set in motion, one that would exploit the chaos of the impending war to free Jack and unleash his wrath upon the world once more.

And so, with a thunderous roar that reverberated through the seas, Kaido steered his colossal fleet toward the tumultuous waters near Marineford, a course set with Impel Down as its destination.

At the same time, aboard the Red Force, Shanks found himself ensnared in a web of bewilderment. Reports had streamed in, each more confounding than the last, revealing that three of the Four Emperors had initiated unprecedented mobilizations of their formidable forces, all converging upon the fateful battleground of Marineford. The news was like a thunderclap, a tempest of chaos that threatened to engulf the seas.

Among these revelations, the arrival of Whitebeard was the most expected, a clash of titans foreseen by many. Kaido had also been anticipated by him. However, it was the unexpected incursion of Big Mom that had blindsided Shanks.

Amidst this whirlwind of uncertainty, Shanks deliberated on his course of action. With the wisdom of a seasoned captain, he made a calculated decision not to intercept either Kaido or Big Mom. Instead, he placed a bet on the volatile dynamics of the Great War, hoping that their convergence upon Marineford might lead to their mutual destruction, a gamble that could alter the balance of power in the world.

"This world has gone crazy!" Shanks muttered under his breath, the weight of his choices pressing upon him. With a resolute demeanor, he issued the command for his crew to set sail toward Marineford, not as a conqueror but as an observer, poised to intervene at the precise moment when the tides of fate called for his presence.