
『Game of the Gods』

A long, long time ago, there was a time when countless gods and transcendent beings fought for the throne of the one true god. This battle shattered countless worlds and caused countless tragedies, so one day the gods agreed to choose one or more representatives, give them some power and let them fight. Our protagonist is one of these representatives, chosen by one of the countless gods to represent him in this interdimensional power struggle. This is how it all began, this is how the game of Gods began. God offered him another life in the world of My Hero Academia, which he accepted. Unbeknownst to him, this drew him into this interdimensional power struggle. At first, he thought that his wishes would allow him to live a quiet life as an overpowered individual in this world, but all that was shattered when a mysterious window appeared. [You have been invited to join the Game of the Gods, player!] Accepting the invitation, he is soon greeted by a chat group filled with some of the best schemers from all the different worlds, chosen by God to be our protagonist's teammates. Can he survive to the end? Will the gods surrender once their representatives have been defeated? Why did 'God' choose this seemingly ordinary man as his representative? Find out by reading 『Game of the Gods』! --- Everything but the OCs belongs to the respective authors! I am not a native English speaker, so do not expect perfect English. I write this mainly for fun in my spare time.

Old_Thief_Heaven · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

Chapter 39: Humiliating Kizaru

"Attention, criminals!" A marine's voice could be heard. "Release the Roswald Family at once!" 

Amidst the chaos, Yuki's gaze turned towards Law, his expression carrying a seriousness that mirrored the gravity of his words. "Law, I have a favor to ask," he stated. "Remove the hearts of the entire Roswald family," he said, the weight of his words a reflection of the magnitude of his intent. 

As the marine's announcement echoed in his mind, Yuki's thoughts were like a cascade of possibilities. 'I'm sure Tenryūbito hearts sell well on the black market, not to mention whatever else they can be used for.' 

Just as Yuki had requested, the surgeon's focus shifted, his movements as precise as a surgeon's scalpel as he carried out the task at hand. The heart of one Tenryūbito had already been taken by him as an insurance policy against possible threats.

The Marine's voice from earlier could be heard again. "An Admiral will be arriving soon," he declared, his words carrying a note of foreboding that was hard to ignore. "I suggest you surrender now! Otherwise, who knows what will happen to you!"

In the midst of the tension, Rayleigh's voice was a thread of resolution, a decision born of prudence and foresight. "I will no longer use this power, so I will entrust the rest to all of you," he declared, his words like a farewell with a hint of wistfulness, "I will only make my life harder if the Marines find out who I really am. 

Tension gripped the room like a vicious grip as the various groups prepared to leave. Yuki's voice was like a command, "Let's go," he said. His gaze swept over the assembled, a silent signal for Law, his crew and All Might to fall in line behind him. And in their wake, like shadows on the periphery, Luffy and Kid as well as their crews followed.

Amid the preparations, the Marines were like hawks perched on the precipice, their attention fixed on the unfolding spectacle. "They're coming out!" The announcement was like a battle cry, a warning that rippled through their ranks with an urgency that mirrored the ticking of a clock. 

"Get ready," the voice that followed was like a battle cry. Their determination was like a fire burning in their eyes.

As the group emerged into the open, the Marines were a hive of confusion and curiosity. Whispers passed through their ranks like a murmur, questions lingering on their lips like an unsolved puzzle. "Who is that guy in front?" The question came out like a whisper, a reflection of their confusion and curiosity as they tried to unravel the mystery that Yuki had presented. The realization that three of the four individuals following him were formidable pirates, each with a bounty of no less than 200 million, heightened their caution. And yet, the identity of the man at the front remained a mystery that held their attention.

In the midst of the brewing chaos, the higher-ups among the marines issued their command. "Mortars fire!" The words were like a decree, a call that set the cannons in motion as they hurled their deadly cargo at the group. The cannonballs were like meteors streaking through the sky set on a collision course.

At that moment, Yuki's thoughts unfolded, each thread representing a path that could be taken. 'Should I flee immediately or should I use this opportunity to test my true strength against Kizaru?' The question echoed in his mind, a dilemma that required careful consideration. The prospect of facing Kizaru, a Logia Fruit user, the lure of gaining experience against such an opponent was undeniable, a chance to hone his skills for the battles that lay ahead. 

After a moment's consideration, he decided to face Kizaru head-on, a decision driven by a dual purpose. The impending clash with the Marines was inevitable due to the Chat Group's mission, and the prospect of gaining insight into the abilities of a Logia Fruit user was too valuable an opportunity to pass up. What influenced him most, however, was the call to battle, the instinctive urge of a Flügel longing for the thrill of combat.

Even as the decision took root, Yuki's gaze shifted, focusing on the small fries that tried to impede their progress. His lack of concern for the fodder was obvious at first glance. In the skirmish that followed, the various pirate crews proved their prowess as they dispatched the obstacles that dared stand in their way.

With the path cleared, the members of the various crews headed off in different directions, each faction following its own course of action. Yuki's footsteps fell in line with those of All Might. Together, they followed Law.

While they were escaping, Yuki made sure that they crossed the place he wanted them to, and so he led them to Grove 27, remembering that in the manga, Kizaru was there when he first arrived in the Sabaody Archipelago.

In the midst of their progress, a warning emerged from All Might. "I sense a strong presence," His perception was sharpened by the power of Observation Haki. 

There was a noticeable tension as All Might said this, the silence broken by the sudden appearance of a voice that broke the silence. A slender, towering figure stood before them, clad in a yellow-striped suit that was as vivid as it was distinctive.

"Excuse me," the man's voice said in a polite tone of indifference, "if you have a moment, I'd like to ask you something."

"I'm looking for a man named Sentomaru," he continued before adding, as if he had forgotten to mention it before, "Ah, he's one of my subordinates. 

Recognition came like a bolt of lightning, a realization that sent a spark of panic through Law's crew. "Ahhh," a cry erupted as the man was recognized. The figure standing before them was none other than Admiral Kizaru. The panic was like a wildfire, a frenzy that ignited their instinct to flee, a reaction driven by the primal urge to escape the threat that stood before them.

Unlike his crewmates, Law's composure remained intact, his thoughts agitated by the urgency of the situation. The sight of Kizaru was a sight that sent ripples of unease through his consciousness, but he resisted the impulse to flee immediately. 

In the blink of an eye, the scene unfolded like a whirlwind of chaos. Kizaru's movements were like flashes of light, a flurry of swift and deadly kicks that sought to subdue the panicked pirates before him. But his intentions were foiled, his path halted by the unwavering presence of All Might. His arms cloaked in the Armament Haki, the hero met Kizaru's attack head on.

Yuki's gaze remained steady as All Might absorbed the force of Kizaru's attack, Yuki's voice cutting through the chaos like a blade. "I take over from here!" 

Time was like a fleeting whisper, the transition from one to another was seamless and swift. With a single breath, Yuki's intention turned into action.There was no hesitation, no pause for reflection. He propelled himself forward, a force of determination that propelled him towards Kizaru.

As he closed the distance, Yuki's thoughts were like a whirlwind, a calculated plan unfolding in a matter of moments. 'I know that I can't hit a Logia fruit user without Armament Haki, so let me test a theory of mine.' Yuki thought as he covered his whole body with his magic power and tried to hit Kizaru.

Kizaru, his demeanor unwavering, stood poised and unaffected as Yuki's fist flew toward him. The admiral's confidence was obvious, an assurance that came from his Logia fruit. He expected the attack to pass through him like all the others.

"Huh," the word was an exhalation of surprise. The impact that followed was like a revelation, a shock that tore through Kizaru's body. Yuki's fist struck, a blow that defied the logic of this world and sent Kizaru flying. 

As Kizaru's form recoiled from the blow, a realization dawned on Yuki. 'Phew, I was ready to learn the basics of Haki for my upcoming battles against the Admirals,' the thought was like a moment of introspection amidst the hustle and bustle. 'Seems like anything can hurt a Logia Fruit user, as long as it's supernatural in nature,' the conclusion was a given amidst the current battle.

Kizaru, whose body was sent flying by the impact of Yuki's blow, quickly regained his footing. His body transformed into a series of light particles as the Admiral propelled himself forward at the speed of light.

Yuki watched as Kizaru rushed towards him. He bided his time and with a burst of energy, Yuki unleashed his next move at the last possible moment. The space seemed to warp as he used his magic. In the blink of an eye, Yuki vanished from his original position, leaving only an afterimage. At the moment of impact, Kizaru's body hit the ground of the Archipelago, leaving a crater behind.

Yuki then quickly kicked Kizaru from behind with all his might, causing Yuki's foot to directly penetrate Kizaru's body. Despite the direct penetration, Yuki missed all of Kizaru's vital organs as Kizaru was able to adjust his position at the last moment due to his Observation Haki's future vision.

"Spit" The sound of blood hitting the ground echoed across the battlefield. Blood trickled from the wound, staining the ground beneath him. His expression was a one of surprise, a portrait of a man who had never expected to face such a formidable opponent on this mission.

Yuki quickly unleashed a flurry of punches at Kizaru, who countered with haki-infused blows. At first glance, both seemed to be equally strong, but a closer look revealed that Yuki was not using his full strength, only throwing random punches at the Admiral.

'Although Flügel are not that physically strong when taking away the Spirit Circuits, however, the body of a Flügel, just like any other of the six upper races of No Game No Life, is completely made of Elementals, which changes the whole thing. Yuki thought. 'With a body that is a pure amalgamation of Elementals, which equals power, you could say that every single blow of mine has the power to defy logic on its own.'

In the midst of their fierce battle, Yuki's thoughts were a whirlwind of revelation. Every clash, every exchange of blows was a lesson that surpassed the theoretical. The experience of combat was a crucible in which his understanding of his own abilities was formed.

As the battle continued, Yuki's perception of the physiology of the Flügel race deepened. It was as if every blow, every strike was a window into the intricate workings of his own body. He could feel the flow of energy as his elementals responded to his commands.

Amidst the chaos of their clash, Yuki's thoughts coalesced into a single truth. "My strength is equal to the number of elementals in my body," he realized. But there was more to his realization than just the correlation between strength and Elementals. Yuki's thoughts delved deeper, exploring the implications of his race. 'As long as even a single Elemental with my imprint remains, I am Immortal,' he concluded.

And then, in a heartbeat, Yuki seized an opportunity. His body moved with instinctive precision, teleporting him above Kizaru in a blur of motion. The force of his kick sent shockwaves through the air, and Kizaru had no chance to react, not even his future vision helped him at that point. 

As Yuki's foot connected with Kizaru, the admiral was sent hurtling towards the ground, crashing with a resounding impact. The ground trembled beneath the force of the collision, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

The aftermath was surreal, almost cinematic in its execution. Kizaru was buried in the earth up to his head. Yuki stood above him, victorious and triumphant, a wry smile on his lips. 

In a flash, Yuki's hand reached into his pocket, taking out a smartphone. With a flick of his wrist, he activated the device, capturing the scene in an instant. The image was printed out immediately using magic.

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Yuki couldn't resist the urge to take the victory a step further. He used his magic once again, creating more of the magic-printed image from before. With precise movements, he affixed the images to Kizaru's head.

"Tomorrow a certain bird will be very happy due to the headline I will gift him," Yuki declared, his voice carrying a mix of amusement and triumph. 

'Experiment successful,' Yuki thought. 'Time to help Law escape.' The urgency of the situation pulsed within him, a reminder that there was still much to be done. Yuki's mind was a flurry of plans and contingencies, each decision calculated with precision.

The admiral's injuries and the chaos of the battle made it clear that killing him would only draw even more unwanted attention. Instead, Yuki saw the bigger picture, recognizing that Kizaru's presence could still be useful in the future. Yuki chose to leave Kizaru humiliated but alive. As he prepared to turn his focus to aiding Law, Yuki's determination burned brighter than ever. Then Yuki seamlessly activated Shift and teleported back to where All Might and Law were. 

"What about the admiral?" Law's inquiry was tinged with intrigue, his eyes locked onto Yuki. The battle had been a spectacle, a display of power that had left Law wondering about the outcome.

In response, Yuki's actions spoke volumes. With a swift movement, he created another of the pictures he had made after the battle. The image held a story of its own, a snapshot of the encounter between Yuki and Kizaru. As he handed the picture to Law, Yuki's voice was laced with a touch of amusement. "I might have overdone it by a bit." The words were said casually. 

"I knew you were strong, but I did not expect you to be that strong." Law's voice held a note of genuine surprise. In that moment, Law's decision to make a deal with Yuki seemed all the more prudent.

"Before I forget it, how about you stay with us in the upcoming days?" Yuki asked.

For Law, the proposition sparked a brief surge of conflict within him. The thought of remaining in Yuki's company held a certain allure. Yet, alongside that allure was a sense of unease.

As the moments passed, Law's internal struggle played out in the subtle shifts of his expression. He contemplated the pros and cons, weighing the potential benefits against the risks that came with such an arrangement. The prospect of being forced to comply tugged at the corners of his thoughts, a reminder of the unpredictable nature of Yuki's actions.

Ultimately, the decision was made. Law's voice held a touch of resignation as he responded to Yuki's offer. "I accept the proposal." The words carried a sense of acquiescence, a surrender to the circumstances that had brought them together. 

The sun began its slow descent, casting hues of orange and pink across the horizon as the day came to a close. For Yuki, the hours that followed were a lull in the storm of events, a brief respite from the chaos that had unfolded. As the world continued to turn, he found himself navigating the aftermath of their clash with Kizaru and the choices that lay before him.

Amidst the stillness, Yuki fulfilled his promises with a sense of duty and resolve. He watched as Law's crew departed, his gaze lingering on their retreating figures. Yet, amidst the exchanges and farewells, Yuki's focus remained steadfast on another promise he had made to himself, one that involved the dissemination of a certain image. With a touch of magic, he sent the photograph of himself and the defeated Kizaru to Big News Morgans, setting into motion the ripples that would soon spread through the world of One Piece.

As the day drew to a close, there was now a tension in the archipelago that he could not ignore. The decision to leave the Archipelago was made, a means of avoiding the brewing storm that threatened to engulf them. And so, as the Archipelago faded into the distance, Yuki flew through the air. Beside him, the presence of Law and All Might, which he carried with a telekinetic magic. 

In the midst of the movement, Yuki's eyes fell upon a ship on the horizon, a ship adorned with the emblem of the Marines. As the ship sailed towards its destination, Yuki's eyes fell upon a sight that aroused a sense of curiosity in him, a heavily bandaged Kizaru.