
อ่านหนังสือนิยาย sui the slime ออนไลน์ - WebNovel


  • Abandonnée par l'Alpha, je suis devenue la Compagne du Roi Lycan

    "Marguerite, tu es l'aînée, tu dois céder à la cadette." Toute sa vie, ces mots se sont accrochés comme une malédiction à Marguerite. Que ce soit son ours en peluche bien-aimé, de jolies robes, des sucreries d'Halloween ou l'amour parental, si Élisabeth demandait, elle devait inconditionnellement tout lui céder. Depuis sa jeunesse, Élisabeth pesait sur Marguerite comme une montagne énorme et l'étouffait. Heureusement qu'elle avait encore un petit ami qui l'avait aimée pendant six ans—Amster, l'alpha de la meute. "Tu seras ma femme et la future luna de la meute," avait-il promis. Jusqu'au jour où elle et sa sœur allaient avoir 18 ans, et que l'amant d'Amster et son compagnon destiné se sont avérés être sa sœur jumelle Élisabeth ! Marguerite a regardé Amster, qui avait dit qu'il l'aimait, embrasser passionnément Élisabeth, et annoncer Élisabeth comme la luna sans une seconde pensée. Le seul soutien émotionnel de Marguerite s'est effondré ; une fois de plus, ce qui lui appartenait avait été arraché par Élisabeth. Pire encore, Amster a même demandé à Marguerite de divertir les invités. Tout cela parce qu'Élisabeth ne savait rien faire d'autre que minauder et s'apprêter. Incapable de refuser la demande de son ancien amoureux, Marguerite accepta cela...

    JQK · แฟนตาซี
  • Global Symbiotes: My Symbiote Is A Slime

    "Waking up from sleep, Ye Feng realized that he had transmigrated to a world where the cities had awakened and the whole world lived in symbiotic relations. Every young person of age would choose a symbiote that was compatible with them. Some people built a symbiotic relationship with the Ancient Great Dragon of the Origins. After they matured, they could shatter the earth with their dragon breaths. Some people built a symbiotic relationship with the Twelve Winged Flaming Angel. After they matured, their sacred light shone upon the world. Some people built a root-level symbiotic relationship with Succubuses. After they matured, they became insanely attractive and charmed the world. However, Ye Feng’s symbiote was the most unremarkable creature, a Slime?! Fortunately, he activated the system and awakened the six great sequences at the beginning! [Perception]: Your ability to sense danger and opportunities is amplified significantly. [Devour]: You can devour any living being that is smaller than yourself to increase the size of your own body. [Split]: You can split your body into smaller parts. Each part will retain part of the initial body’s abilities. [Regenerate]: The recovery capabilities of your various stats are amplified significantly, at the same time your adaptability is increased rapidly as well. [Mimic]: Your symbiote will evolve at an accelerated pace. Every time it evolves, there is a chance that it can awaken a new ability. Watch how Ye Feng’s Slime grows to rule the world in the end...

    Blue Soft Dough · แฟนตาซี
  • Je suis une maman patronne qui veut se la couler douce

    Tout le monde savait qu'après avoir été abandonnée par un homme volage, Mademoiselle Shen était devenue dévergondée et était tombée enceinte sans se marier. Après avoir été chassée de chez elle, elle tomba dans un état de désespoir. La tristement célèbre Shen Ruojing apparut néanmoins au banquet d'anniversaire de la vieille madame de la famille Chu. Tout le monde la raillait. « Ceux qui offrent des millions en guise de cadeau sont à une table, tandis que ceux qui offrent des dizaines de millions à l'autre. » « Mademoiselle Shen, combien avez-vous donné ? » La foule attendait qu'elle se ridiculise, mais Shen Ruojing sortit de derrière elle un adorable petit garçon et dit, « Excusez-moi Madame, à quelle table votre petit-fils aîné va-t-il s'asseoir ? » *** Mère et fils furent admis dans la famille Chu, et Shen Ruojing eut envie de passer ses journées à flâner, mais elle fut rejetée par la famille de diverses manières. « Nous avons des hackers de premier ordre, des maîtres de la musique, des experts en technologie… Tout le monde est renommé dans cette famille. Et vous, que nous apportez-vous ? » Shen Ruojing se caressa le menton. « Eh bien, toutes ces choses que vous avez mentionnées… Je m'y connais un peu en tout. » Ses trois adorables bébés se tenaient à côté d'elle et hochèrent la tête à l'unisson, « Nous pouvons témoigner que maman s'y connaît un peu en tout ! »

    Mr. Yan · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
  • Diary of a Slave to Queen

    *Yuri* Princess X Slave with a hidden identity 'Sui, don't raise your head, and don't let yourself fall for the glamour of the Imperial Harem. Keep your head down and be as invisible as you can.' Those words were Sui's shackles ever since she could remember. This was Sui's mother's last advice before she perished. Living by these words, Sui always showed herself off as a simple servant of the Imperial Harem. From attending to the Concubines to serving the guests, she did all the tasks she was asked to. However, Sui could never curb her burning desire to learn more, and she ended up getting entangled with the one and only Imperial Princess, who had secrets of her own. ______ This is Yuri so enjoy it. The rating will change.

    Holy_mackrel · แฟนตาซี
  • Reborn As A Nephilim: The Rise of A Manaless Prince

    [Webnovel Spirity Awards 2022 Entry] Strength.... That's all that matters in the end. After being abandoned by his own family, and shunned for having no mana in a world dominated by magic, ex-prince Arvell Relas Vispia was forced to live on the streets with whatever meagre money he had left. However, fate had something else in store for Arvell. After meeting the spirit inhabiting his amulet, Arvell gets reborn as a Nephilim. A being that has the powers of a god. Time, Space, Life, Death. All submitted to the authority of a Nephilim. Betrayed by those he once called family, Arvell swore to get revenge. Revenge on all those that mocked him and shunned him as a 'failure.' Revenge on those who betrayed him without a second thought. This is a tale of how a young prince shunned by the world as a 'failure' rises and ascends to the pinnacle of strength. _______________________________________________________________ Hello this is the author here! Please give my new story a read! comments and reviews would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for supporting my book! Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/dNYtjKM63v Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Sleepy_Slime

    Sleepy_Slime · แฟนตาซี
  • Evolution of Slime to Peak

    Do not Read this!!

    WriterMaybeI · แฟนตาซี
  • Je suis secrètement mariée à une célébrité

    « Chéri, je n'en veux plus, je me sens mal... » « Bébé, sois sage, termine ce médicament. » Le bel homme enlace la femme dans ses bras, la cajolant tendrement pendant qu'il lui donne son médicament. Qiao Mianmian tombe sur Mo Yesi, le rejeton le plus estimé de toute la ville de Yuncheng, et finit par passer la nuit avec lui. Après qu'il lui ait proposé des avantages en échange de leur mariage, la nouvelle Mme Mo a soudainement le pouvoir d'avoir tout ce qu'elle a toujours souhaité. « Chéri, j'ai giflé la Reine du cinéma Cheng Feifei aujourd'hui, j'ai été trop loin ? » « Bébé, ta main te fait-elle mal ? Laisse-moi la masser pour toi. » « Chéri, j'ai épuisé la limite de ta carte de crédit, tu es fâché ? » « Bébé, es-tu contente de tes achats ? Dis-moi quand tu as besoin de plus. » « Chéri, je suis fatiguée aujourd'hui, je ne veux pas bouger... »

    Gentle Dance · สมัยใหม่
  • The Slime Sovereign

    Alaric was born a peasant, but he still stood out from the crowd. In the past, he had a different name and lived in a different world. But, 18 years ago, he died and was born anew. In this new world, everyone has the opportunity to awaken a talent at 18 years old! And now, it was Alaric's turn. This should be the start of his story, as a man who had reincarnated! So, what is with this "Authority Among Slimes" talent?! “Slimes?” “The weakest of all magical beasts, those slimes?” “And it’s authority! Not control! The slimes might eat him up if he displeases them!” 'I'll show them all,' Alaric thought. - https://discord.gg/FnwhbmfzFr

    Reawakening · แฟนตาซี
  • The Slime Farmer

    Desislaf Rimet finds that his father plotted to make him fail the Sacred Trials. He decides: if this world will not accept him, then he will leave the world! In another world full of wonders, moving forward determinedly, he becomes a farmer of slimes. *** Desislaf Rimet is the eleventh son of the Lord of Rimet, the sixteenth child. He has failed the Trials that would make his family proud and cement his station as a noble worthy of his family's name. He discovers that his father plotted to deliberately make him fail and it is the end of all he knows. He cannot be happy in his father's court, and leaves. After all, there's a World Gate conveniently in his father's territory, isn't there? He will leave to see the wonders that await him in another world! Only...the world beyond is more complicated than he imagined. Also, what is this slime? An animal, a vegetable, or some mystery being? *****

    Jin_Daoran · แฟนตาซี
  • Je suis la Méchante dans l'Apocalypse

    La fête de fiançailles tant attendue se transforme en annonce de rupture et en avis d'expulsion de la maison. En une journée, Anna a tout perdu. Elle a accidentellement activé un espace et pris les fournitures de l'entreprise pour se venger. Mais qui aurait cru que des catastrophes naturelles allaient survenir ? Le monde change et les ressources se raréfient. Donc, le style de peinture a changé. Quand d'autres personnes se bousculent pour trouver quelque chose à manger, Anna cuisinait encore chez elle. Quand d'autres personnes se battent pour de la nourriture, Anna était allongée sur son lit en grignotant ses chips préférées. Quand d'autres personnes travaillent dur pour obtenir de l'eau, Anna était confortablement allongée dans sa baignoire. Les parents sont venus frapper à la porte pour demander de l'aide. Anna les a seulement regardés froidement et a craché, "Dégagez !" Son ex-fiancé est également venu, demandant réconciliation et amour. Son nouvel homme l'a mis à la porte et l'a claquée. Il a ensuite regardé Anna d'un air pitoyable. "Chérie, tu ne me veux plus ? Je suis facile à entretenir." Anna a regardé l'homme à l'allure de chiot et l'a tiré plus près avec un sourire sur le visage. . . . Ce n'est que plus tard qu'elle a réalisé que le chiot est en fait un grand méchant loup... Mais les marchandises ne pouvaient pas être rendues ! … Notes : la couverture est une image d'IA. Je l'ai juste un peu retouchée.

    SoraKeith · ไซไฟ
  • Je me suis réincarnée dans un roman et suis devenue la belle-mère cruelle de cinq adorables bébés

    # DOUILLET # OMNIPOTENT # ASSISTANTDECHOC Dans sa vie antérieure, Mo Ruyue était une assassin hors pair. Elle était aussi indifférente que les abysses et avait tué plus de personnes qu'elle n'avait de doigts pour compter. Dans sa nouvelle vie, elle devint la belle-mère cruelle de cinq marmots dans une vallée montagneuse isolée, et ils étaient terrifiés par elle. Dans cette vie, elle décida de changer sa manière de vivre. Elle n'avait que quatre murs nus pour maison ? Ses enfants mouraient de faim au point de n'être que peau et os ? Pas de problème. Elle pouvait tuer des sangliers à mains nues, donc la nourriture n'était pas un souci. Elle était aussi douée en tables de multiplication, et ses enfants devinrent instantanément de grands fans d'elle. Le chemin fut difficile pour passer de belle-mère cruelle à chaleureuse. Puis, son mari présumé mort revint soudainement, maintenant premier ministre de la dynastie.« Divorçons. Donne-moi les enfants, et je te rendrai l'argent. » « Je ne manque de rien, juste de toi et des enfants. »

    Wu Shuangzhou · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
  • I, a Slime, have also dreamed of becoming a great Demon King!

    The vast Dream Sea, atop layers of miracles and magnificence, where Transcendents walk the ascendant path guided by their ultimate longings as if by beacons. The supreme beings wielded power, their greatness shining in all directions, ascending to divinity. But even deities were not the ultimate. They too struggled for greater perfection and ideals, endlessly, within the Void Origin, above the Dream Sea. "So... Your Majesty Ybur, as the most powerful Slime in history, what exactly drives you to become stronger?" Many years later, when faced with the question from a Heavenly envoy, Ybur, who by then stood at the zenith of the Dream Realm as the "World Devourer," recalled the afternoon just after his birth when the Creator had stuffed him down a golden toilet and flushed him into the sewers in one go... After a long silence, he spoke with a heavy tone: "It's the toilet. The golden toilet." The envoy: "???"

    Winter Snow Thousand Cat Lanterns · สมัยใหม่
  • Vampire Plunderer System

    In a world where one's super powers meant everything, Lucian Sanguinis was nothing short of a failure. Born into one of the most successful companies in the country, his life was almost guaranteed to be an easy and relaxing one. However the peaceful times didn't last for long. Ever since the day Lucian's parents went missing, things seemed to only progressively get worse. His superpower was classified as f-tier trash, and his family company was going up in flames. Even Lucian himself was starting to lose hope of ever saving his family's business. However that fateful day changed everything... The day he got his 'system'. [Quest: Drink Blood] Quest Completion Requirements: - Drink 100% of a mortal's blood. Quest Duration: - 24 Hours Quest Completion Rewards: - Victim's Power Quest Fail Punishment: - Death So what if his ability was considered useless? He'll just plunder those of others! _______________________________________________________________ Hello this is the author here! Please give my new story a read! comments and reviews would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for supporting my book! Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/dNYtjKM63v Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/Sleepy_Slime

    Sleepy_Slime · สมัยใหม่
  • Amor Sui

    Amor Sui (Self Love) Noun Regard for one's own well-being and happiness. --------------------------------------------------------- Sofia Cervi is the CEO of the company 'SC Modelling Agency'.She is hardworking and always dedicated to her work. Sofia believes that money can solve everything and it's the most important thing needed to survive. Her goal is to achieve more than she has. (25) On the other hand, Leonardo Fabio is a kind, caring, and down-to-earth person. He loves his family, finds peace in nature and music, and adores children. Leonardo believes that everyone is special in their own way. His dream is to start a family of his own. (27) What will happen when two complete opposites meet? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Started:05/07/2021 Finished: My work is original so if you copy or steal my content I will take legal action! ==========================================

    _thxtweirdo_ · สมัยใหม่
  • Reincarnation of The Slime Lord

    "We're talking about world destruction if I use my full power" Parker sighed "Well, as for me, I've never gone full power in my entire life" Lukas said "And Lukas is stronger?" Over powered MC- Sure thing here Strong acting weak- Sure thing This isn't harem please, it's more of action and magic and less romance. Lukas, the slime Lord got reincarnated into the future where ancient magic has nearly gone extinct. He also discovers that his slime clan had been eradicated by ice dragons! Lukas, alongside a fiery commoner and a former cult member, they uncover secret plots to resurrect the ice dragon Lord. As Lukas and his companions face off against dragons and mysterious forces, they soon realize that far greater threats are looming, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance.

    ARCADIAN · แฟนตาซี
  • A Slime in MCU

    What happens when a marvel and tensura fan dies and accumulates karma. He reincarnates, of course. Our MC died in a random stabbing incident, along with the stabber. He ends up meeting the Death God, who grants him 2 wishes and a choice to reincarnate in a reality of his choosing. Read now to follow the adventures of our MC, travelling in the MCU as a slime from Tensura. Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel Characters or "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime" characters. This is a pure work of fiction. I apologise in advance if I hurt any viewers' morals or views. I started this work as a procrastination project. Had this idea in my head for a while, before i saw a similar story to this one on this site. I have taken some inspiration from that novel, but most of the content is OC. There is no harem or cheesy romance in the book yet, but i might change that in the future, i don't know. I am a decent fan of the MCU, havent read the comics and my understanding of the MCU is shallow. The plot may defer from the original, but i'll try to keep it as close to the original. First time writer, English is NOT my first language. Constructive Criticism encouraged. Cover Image not Mine. Credit goes to creator of the Image (I believe it is Toei Animations) Thats how i believe the character is going to look in his human form.

    DaoistLeon · สมัยใหม่
  • The Genius Slime Tamer (SLIME?)

    Well-child prodigy dies. Gets a system..... Follow his journey to being the strongest being alive. With his followers and his Right-hand Slime? ------------------------------- Have you ever experienced death? How about death trying to save a bunch of people you don't care about? Just because you are smarter and more talented they try to friend you is that right? Then don't help you in the face of death. Just wanted you for your money... ------------------------------- I found this picture online because it matched the description of our protagonist. If this art belongs to you then message me on discord and we can discuss it in private about it.

    Dark_SnowMan · แฟนตาซี

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