
Ultimate Alpha Male System (Dropped)

Drake Cross, above average looks, new head surgeon at the NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital in New York City, and the Youngest Doctor in the last few decades being only in his early 20’s and having such skill. The heart throb of many nurses because of his age, looks and skills, but was always cold and indifferent to any who tried to come after him. Why? Drake-“3D women are not as great as my Waifus!” He shouted to himself, he was in love with anime women that any real woman couldn’t compare. A Otaku to say the least. ???- “Then do I have a deal for you!” Come watch as his dreams come true going from one anime to next with many women and wives that follow after him as he becomes the next Alpha Male. Worlds 1st World- Monster Musume 2nd World- Rosario+Vampire 3rd World- Corruption of Champions 1 & 2 (Current) DISCLAIMER! You can probably tell this is a very Wish fulfillment type of story, there will be both plot and ‘PLOT’ in the story, if there was a Smut tag, or if there is I couldn’t find it, it would be in this story for sure, there’s gonna be sex, lots of it so don’t be shocked that it happens alright? (8/26/22) SECOND DISCLAIMER! There will be incest, mind you the family he does it with are in one way or another not genetically related to him even though they are his daughters do to reasons explained in the story, if you don’t like that then this story ain’t for you. (9/13/22) THIRD DISCLAIMER! He gets ridiculous amounts of women just like catching Pokémon so a good chunk of his women that aren’t his main wives or lovers are just his sexually full of lust with no real love in it, so if you also don’t like that then we’ll this is still not for you. Also even if he goes to new worlds after the first one there will be a separate space that all his women can come and go to from their worlds to meet his other women and spend time with him even if he’s away from there worlds. Note I don’t have an editor, if there are grammatical mistakes here and there I may or may not go back and fix them later. Also I have 2 other stories that will be my main primary focus so don’t be surprised I post chapters on this one only once or twice a week or maybe not at all during a week depending how I feel Original Cover was from Alpha Lyrae on Pinterest, Don't know if he made the picture but that's where I got it from New front cover is made by 0Nashiro (Edit 6/29/22) I guess I should point this out, at the beginning even if he has the system he doesn’t automatically become an Alpha Male, some people are born into that, but some have to grow into it and develop into ones, people say right now he would be a Beta instead of an Alpha, and that’s true for the most part, it’s not until he meets one of the future girls in his first world that genuinely helps him become and Alpha male, it doesn’t help that no matter how strong he is in the first world most women there are much stronger than the average human so it’s suppose to be hard for him to take the reins without being tossed around like a Ragdoll.

OneMoreScore · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
114 Chs

A Show of Dominance 1/2

Now I got to ask, I'm thinking about Dead by Daylight again and seeing the Plagues lore and that she's the least deserved killer to exist since the entity tricked her into thinking he saved her people from the plague effecting ancient Babylon and thus she kills for it thinking it's the god she worshiped in life when in reality she along with followers and most of the citizens of ancient Babylon all died from the plague and she has no clue that happened, I'm thinking about jumping into ancient Babylon and fixing what happened to save her and make her his because well she was damn hot before her infection from the plague after all.


So I might do that as well.

Also people are asking for finally getting some human women into the ever growing harem and he definitely will when he goes to worlds like MHA, One Piece, Infinite Stratos and the like, and if he does any of the big ones he will have enough points to change the plot so certain things don't happen because there's no need to care about those stories in anyway, example being won't need to care about All for One if All Might wasn't dying from that attack several years prior for example, but there's gonna be plenty more changes than just that though that's just a part I thought of changing after all.

And last thing since I need your guys opinion whether this is done or not, does fucking a futa in her tight pussy and only having him fuck her holes and not the other way around still seem gay to you? Because there's a lot of Futa enemies he will come across that he could have his way with which I'm fine with doing but if you guys don't like that I won't, mind you these girls won't become his main girls in this world unless you guys ask and I obviously get rid of that part of her in the first place in the end.


After that night of love making between me Tamani and our Daughters where I absolutely bred them full.

Bodies laid about bloated full of cum and covered in it as well with seals placed on their pussys to hold all the precious cum from their daddy.

While Tiki, Lala, Kait and Tamani were connected to me at the hip massaging my multiple cocks while holding me close with all of my daughters eyes turning into hearts as they looked at me with deep love and affection.

And feeling there affection from all of them I realized I didn't want anything bad to happen to them and in fact I wanted my daughters and even my main goblin wives and our daughters as well so I asked the system if it was possible to give them a system just like Arias for this world where they can level up, but not just from beating things in fights, but just like me that they get stronger the more sex they have with me.

(Hosts offspring and wives are naturally stronger than the women of their own races due to being with you and sharing the hosts blood, but there is no issue to give your family members a system native to their world at no cost to you, there done.) it says before giving them all the system of this world.

And while that was being done I finally realized that I leveled up with how long it takes me to level up in this world so that was nice.


Lvl. 201



STR 100/100

END 100/100

INT 90/100 -> 95/100

CHA 90/100

AGI 90/100

Libido 100/100

Corruption ???/???


After applying my stat points and seeing the confused looks in my daughters and lovers faces from a random status window popping up I went to explain what it was and how it will help our family get stronger along with our future daughters as well.

This made them excited and when they heard they will get stronger from sex with me as well as fighting if they wanted I got hungry looks from all my women which just made the orgy start all over again, not that I mind after all.



Several hours later we stopped fucking like animals and went out to get cleaned up, though my cute little sluts of daughters made it so that there pussys would be full of daddy's cum even when pregnant as they always want to feel me inside them.

But being a doctor, yes I'm still a doctor not like I would forget that, I was able to convince them to let that stuff out since it's obvious now that there all pregnant and holding it in is bad for our babies if they don't have room to grow.

It's fine for it to be fill periodically just not constantly or else it could cause problems with there development that I don't know what could be messed with.

So with that we got cleaned up and went to make lunch for them and the rest of the main family of my baby girls and wives including Opala, Zhara and Aria which both Opala and Zhara were looking pretty pregnant now, give it a couple days and they will lay their eggs.

Aria actually has been getting stronger without my help but she is starting to slow down as she has told me she has been running from fights due to her not having better equipment currently.



Lvl. 5


235 gems

STR 16/100

END 16/100

INT 45/100 -> 50/100

CHA 40/100 -> 45/100

LIB 30/100

COR 20/100


Bimbo Body, Bimbo Brains(Null), Elven bounty, Enlightened Nine-Tails(Nullifier), One Track Mind, Pure and Loving, Sensual Lover, Precision, Fertility+, Spellpower (New!), Mage (New!)

Spellpower- The Spellpower perk increases the effects of your spells by up to 50%, needs intelligence of 50 or higher to work.

Mage- The Mage perk increases the effects of your spells by up to 100%, needs Spellpower and intelligence above 50 or higher to work.


Seeing this made me happy for her, but I also realized that unlike Tamani and my other goblin lovers she can't just get stronger from fucking all day like they can, I even asked the system but hers is set in stone and nothing I do can change that which sucks, so I decided to go do something earlier than planned but it was time that I make the Orc Amazonian tribe of women for my own, not just because I want to but also because they are the best blacksmiths and enchanters in this world since Dwarves don't exist in this world at all from what I remember.

"Well Aria and the rest of you, I'm going out for awhile, I plan to get the Orc Amazons to join us." Though when I said that-

"PFFFFFTTTTT!!!!" Several of the older girls along with Zhara, Opala and the Goblin Mothers spat out their drinks and looked at me with bewildered looks.

"Are you crazy?! Those bitches will do anything and everything to hold you there to make you there personal breeding stud after they see any of your skills in strength or sex!" Gilda shouted out in fear because of what they know.

Before the Demons came there were two races that the people of Maereth feared, the Orcs and the Oni as they caused the most terror and destruction across the lands and taking men for themselves to bare there children as there spoils of war with the Oni being worse with the only upside being there low numbers so they couldn't cause widespread destruction but still terrifying in there own right.

Both races are the only ones that the demons haven't had an easy time dealing with but they have cursed there races that they can only give birth to daughters in a attempt to kill off there race, but they can breed with any man just like goblins and give birth to more Orc Daughters at least so they are still a thorn in the demons side that they can't get rid of.

"Ladies it will be alright, the only people that could possibly give me a challenge is either the goddess Maerae or Lethice, so you girls have nothing to fear all I need to do is to give them a show of Dominace after all." I say reassuring my worried lovers.

They don't know the full extent of my powers, but they can feel my body flowing with immense strength so they all believe I'll be fine though they just hoped that they wouldn't do anything to charm their lover and hold me there with their magics at least.

So with that said and kissing my lovers all goodbye I headed through the portal back to the cave entrance before turning in the direction of the plains and making my way there.

