
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · วิดีโอเกม
76 Chs

Chapter 22 Making My Way to The Mission Objective

Dark Pov

After leaving the room I continue to make my way towards my objective as I do I notice that the flood here are exactly like the game and I have yet to run into any variants that weren't so I means that the ones from the research facility were all created or infected in that facility but why would the Forerunners make new flood unless those flood that have yet to mutate from infected individuals from the current time this means that if enough time passes than these things could appear with that though I realize just how dangerous the flood can get.

After finishing my thoughts I continue and along the way I kill more flood than I can count but there's still along way to go if I do not hurry though the Arbiter will get there only to find no key I need to hurry up. Understanding my time is short I start to sprint my way through the hallways with my sentinels not far behind me shooting any and all flood in range.

As I come to the door that leads to the room where the key needs to be put I find the door is locked and there's no terminal to open it "dam it why is this door locked" with that I sign adding Destiny to find another root but her response makes me freeze [ I found another path but it requires going bellow the room and if your knowledge is right that's where the Gravemind is] today could not get any worse I now have see the Gravemind face to face if the goddess of luck exists she probably has a vendetta against me or something because that place is going to be flood central.

Not having much choice I make my way back down the hallway to one of the doors I passed by. According to Destiny there should be a working gravity lift to take me down than I have to go through 2 rooms which will be crawling with flood but with a sigh I enter and head to the gravity lift as I do the sentinels go to the left wall where theres a large tunnel that looks like it leads to the floor below and the hole is big enough for the sentinels to travel.

After watching them enter the tunnel I jump into the gravity lift and begin my descent to the floor below once I am at the floor notice the sentinels waiting for me at the door as I look the door opens to reveal a spider sentinel but what suprises is it does not attack instead it looks like it's exchanging data with my sentinels "Destiny what's going on" there has to be a reason for this right [ that spider sentinel is different from the others it seems stronger and it also registers as something created by the system which means it's made by a previous user] now this is not what I was expecting does that mean it's on my side.

As I was in thought the spider sentinel approached me " greetings I know you do not have much time but what I am about to say is important the system you have its influence is not limited to this universe once it deems you strong enough it will release the limitations on your world travel function but you will need a ship once you do the system will connect to the ship and modify it to allow it to work with the systems functions before you ask why I am telling you this is because you need to gather allies that you trust before this activates as the first universe jump is mandatory and if you are alone you will not survive but that's up to you my time has pasted I left a replica of my conscience in this sentinel that I designed" this was a previous user but why go through all this to warn me [ Dark the spider sentinel is connecting to this system and it's not the only sentinel connecting there is hundreds] I look at the spider sentinel" as an old user it's my responsibility to ensure those who take the burden ofbtge system are protected for as long as possible with this in mind all sentinels i built using the system are now transferred to you I only ask that you do what I could not" I am not sure what he means and he notices this " I want you to survive and protect those you care about I failed to protect my loved ones and watched them all die I hope you can not suffer the same fate goodbye Dark" with that the spider sentinel flops tobthe ground for a second before standing again.

A/N that's it for this chapter hope you liked it and what do you think of the fact the MC has hundreds of sentinels but if you think it's broken you will understand in the next chapter what these sentinels are and I can confirm they are not going to make the MC op but as I said the next chapter will cover why so with that thanks for reading.