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Halo: Project Praetorian

Firstly, I love the Halo series. I've read some of the books but I'm not a lore god so there will probably be things that don't quite make sense. But I will do my best to make these fit in. Secondly, this is my story so I'm taking some creative liberties with it. One such liberty will be the possible addition of enhanced prosthetics from things like the Cyberpunk Universe. Another is that the main character is stronger and faster than nearly everyone he comes across. He is a lab grown super soldier meaning his genes were modified every step of the way to make sure he is the best of the best. Lastly, The Praetorians are a new faction to the Haloverse created by Dr. Carl Hopkins, an ex-ONI researcher who worked on the Spartan program with Dr. Kathrine Halsey. After he tried to tell ONI there was a better way to go about the Spartan Program and they ignored him so he copied the research and fled, creating The Praetorians. As I’m sure you’ve guessed I don’t own Halo or any of its supporting assets. I do however claim the Praetorians and all of their Equipment as my own. Now please enjoy. ------------------------- Praetorians don't die. Our brains are cloned before every mission so that if we die we get cloned and our brain is restored. Everyone says Spartans don't die, well Praetorians can't die. Not because we are any better than them. Because top brass won't let us. Praetorians don't die. We are immortal warriors.

Sobol_Zoloto · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Tail of a star

In a galaxy not far away, a captivating tale unfolds, transporting us beyond the realms of humanity. Captain Panora and her intrepid crew embark on a momentous adventure aboard the legendary starship, the Starforge. However, their voyage transcends the boundaries of mere exploration, propelling them into an extraordinary odyssey through both space and time. As guardians of their feline race, known as the Rau, hailing from their homeworld bearing the same name, Captain Panora and her crew unwittingly awaken a dormant and ancient machine intelligence. The consequences of their inadvertent action become apparent, thrusting them into a race against time that will determine the fate of the entire galaxy. Amidst the chaos unleashed by their accidental awakening, the Starforge suffers critical damage, leaving Captain Panora and her crew stranded in the vast expanse of space. Cut off from their home and unable to find a way back, they must grapple with the harsh reality of their situation. Within the immersive narrative, the crew of the Starforge confronts formidable challenges, their skills and resolve tested to their limits. From interstellar battles to enigmatic cosmic enigmas, they navigate treacherous celestial landscapes, all while striving to survive and find a means to return to their beloved Rau homeworld. As they unravel the mysteries of the ancient machine intelligence, Captain Panora and her crew uncover a glimmer of hope—a potential solution that could not only save themselves but also restore balance to the galaxy. Yet, time is of the essence, and every decision they make carries tremendous weight. Will Captain Panora and her devoted crew overcome the perils that await them? In a gripping tale that melds science fiction, suspense, and unyielding determination, they must summon every ounce of their courage and resourcefulness to not only save themselves but also ensuring the survival of their species and all those who call the cosmos home. ------------------------------------- There are more chapters coming as i finish editing them. Support me at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Tailofastar

Stefan_Hellhager · Sci-fi
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Mirror: Ancient god of Mirrors

The Earth lay in a state of formlessness, devoid of power and life. It was a desolate realm, lacking even the concept of reality. The world existed as an expanse of emptiness, an endless void and space where nothing could dwell. For thousands of years, time flowed swiftly, yet the Earth remained unchanged. It seemed as though it was cursed by time itself, trapped in a stagnant existence akin to an ancient vessel. But then, from the depths of cryostasis, someone awakened. An ancient aura descended upon the Earth, instantly overwhelming everything within its reach. Though there was nothing within the void, it began to split and crack under the weight of this indomitable force. The darkness in the sky churned and swirled in response to the unbearable aura emanating from the mysterious figure. Standing amidst the vastness of outer space, the man gazed upon the planet of blackness. The darkness that enshrouded the Earth was oppressive and stifling. Change was necessary, something needed to shift. This being was short in stature but possessed a muscular build, and had a face concealed by thick darkness. His visage was hidden, for anyone who beheld it would be consumed by the truth of his being. But there was no one to witness it. The universe appeared to be in a state of laxity, with no external force capable of altering this fact. And then, with a sweeping motion of his hands, the void and space were torn asunder. A formidable shockwave rippled through the fabric of existence, dividing the waters that had compressed into a single form. It became evident that this seemingly boundless water had been compressed in such a manner. However, every power has its limits, and it was possible that the waters were truly bottomless. Yet, the man's power concealed that fact. Swirling black tendrils streaked across the expanse, severing the darkness and reducing the endless abyss to a sky pit. The sky pit, a supernatural realm, devoured anything that ventured into its depths, condemning it to eternal loss. As land emerged, celestial bodies materialized out of the blue. The sun, the moon, and other planets revealed themselves. The being did not create them; these celestial entities had been concealed, only to be unveiled by the manifestation of his mighty powers. The sun cast its radiant light upon the newly formed planet. And as the planet took shape, life mysteriously appeared. Plants, animals, and eventually humans came into existence. Once again, the being ventured into outer space. He unleashed his powers, creating a formless energy known as "Mirror," which flooded into the sky pit. The Mirror energy possessed reflective properties, harking back to the days of the gods when the being himself had been an unrivaled, peerless youth. He had the ability to create Mirror energy, and those who absorbed it could reflect their own powers back upon themselves. Mirror was the miracle of the universe. From Mirror energy, he bestowed unique Aspect abilities. Fourteen ranks were meant to be unlocked, but only seven were unlocked by the most individuals. Upon inheriting the Mirror energy, they became Seekers. Their souls were engraved upon reflecting mirrors, rendering them immune to the corruption that could potentially invade their beings.

Peterson_89 · Fantasy
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14 Chs