
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · Video Games
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76 Chs

Chapter 21 Moving through The Library With a Sentinel Entourage

Dark Pov

As i move through the hallways all the flood are taken care of by the sentinels that surround me making allowing me to conserve ammo for the larger flood forms that will appear further in wth that thought I continue to make my way down the hallway with my sentinel entourage.

As I was making my way I came across a door on the left I know it does not take me to where we need to go to I intended to skip by it [Dark I recommend going into that room] curious as to why she wants to go in I decide to ask "why it's not in the direction we want" her response would determine whether I go in or not [ there is a suppose to be an access terminal inside eventhough we have a map already this place is the library meaning that a lot of data is stored here] her reply is right but this place has the Gravemind meaning that the database here has the logic plague in meaning AIs can be taken control of by the Gravemind "it's not worth the risk this place will have the logic plague which the flood uses to get AI to work with them" I can not afford Destiny turning against me it would be a disaster [ Dark you have no need to fear the system will prevent such a thing and It made me unable to be influenced by external influences so even without the protection of the system I would be fine] her tone seemed to change at the end of that statement as if she was happy.

After hearing that statement I decide to do as she suggests I have time and after looking at the map I have I appear to be on the opposite side to where the Arbiter arrived so I should make it in time but there would not be a second chance to get this data from this library and even if the data is the same on other rings the earlier I get it the better it could help me prepare for future events with that thought I enter the room and see the terminal at the far end the rest of the room looks like a containment room with glass cages that's the only thing to describe them but I know they are not really glass just that the material has similar see through properties but these ones are broken showing that what ever was inside has escaped by the dry green blood it seems like they escape awhile ago but I still make sure to watch my surroundings as I head to the terminal.

Once I was at the terminal I connect my helmet to it as I have done before after I connect Destiny started taking allnthe data as she was doing this " interesting you come for data but only being your own doom" i know the voice the moment i hear it the dam Gravemind " its none of your concern what i am doing so fuck off" i do not want to listen to its mind games thankfully it says nothing else to me but i can imagine that he is tryingbto use the logic plague on Destiny " how is your AI able to resist my logic plague" it seems shocked and annoyed that it can not do anything to Destiny and that gives an idea "Destiny find his access point and cut its stop this thing from using the facility to its advantage" Destiny appears to understand whatbi want to does it but before she completes her task the Gravemind has one last comment "even if you cut my connection I still have my flood forms" before he coukd finish his comment its connection is cut with that I sigh but before I can relax I get a notification from the system

SYSTEM DISPLAY:Hidden Mission Completed

Weaken the Gravemind to make it easier for the Arbiter to complete his mission

Complete one of the below objectives

1. Kill more than 70% of the flood in the library

2. Prevent the Gravemind from using the facility against the Arbiter


100 Divine Points, access to the world traveller function of the system and a Travelling companion

I was shocked at what I saw what is world travelling if it's what I think than that means going to other worlds but the rewards after it gives me an idea of what it does but the next notification makes me sigh


The world travel function will be temporary locked untill the user is finished on the halo ring

I kind of expect this since it would be a problem to use what limited time I have on this after this thought Destiny let's me know she got all the data so I disconnect from the terminal and leave the room with the my sentinels not far behind.

A/N that's it for this chapter the world traveling function will be explained after the MC leave the halo ring since having it here is not helpful but you wonder why it was activated by the quest it was because he made a positive impact by making the Gravemind weaker for the Arbiter which attracted the traveling companion that's what unlocked the world traveling function not completing the quest i hope this makes sense anyway thanks for reading.