
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · ภาพยนตร์
42 Chs

Chapter 29

POV Vega

After my cells are truly and completely saturated. I fly back to earth stoping at the asteroid belt to grab a couple of pieces of space rock. With my heat vision I carve a message for my mom and dad onto them, giving them something other then memories to remember me by.

For the second one using runic magic I draw the runes of listening, amplification, location tracking, and calling. I'll leave this runic rock with the captain, so I can listen in on how events are unfolding back on earth. While I am half way across the universe. The call function is for if things take a turn for the worse I can talk to him.

Done with my little crafting experiment, I enter earth's atmosphere and head to my parents house. When I land outside the compound my heart begins to hammer inside my chest. Trying and failing to calm down. I step inside and my eyes are drawn to my mother. She is in the kitchen cooking, what smells like spaghetti and that heavenly sauce almost makes me float like a cartoon dog.

I can hear my dad snoring on his recliner in the living room, with the TV on what sounds like a WWII documentary. I smile the memories are flashing before my eyes as I walk further into the house. I stop at the kitchen table and say "I'm home."

My mother drops the pan she was cleaning into the sick with a startled yelp. She turns around so fast, I almost think she is a super soldier. She runs to me and grips me in a motherly bear hug. "My baby we were so worried, where have you been? Coulson called and told us you disappeared. What's wrong, why do you have that look on your face?"

After each question came faster and faster. I had to tell her what was going on. "It's fine everything is fine, I just had a meeting with a king I had to attend." I exhale a little and kiss her on the forehead and continue. "I am going to be gone for a while I came to say goodbye to you and dad."

My mother's face has hints of dread creep into it as I continue talking. "Their is a war coming and I have the power to stop it before it happen. When people say I am dead, I most definitely not I'll be on the other side of the universe fighting to keep that war from ever reaching earth." I can literally hear her heart almost stop beating.

I tightly hold her and reassure her, "everything will be alright and while I am gone. That king I met with has guaranteed your protection. I love you and dad with all my soul and I promise, I'll come back to you guys someday." As I finish saying goodbye, I set the rock with a message on the kitchen table. "Tell dad I love him and I'll be back," saying that I walk out side and feeling the heavy emotions almost weighting me down.

I take off into the sky and hover above the clouds. Staying there for a while to calm down, fly to New York City. I am currently sitting on top of the Empire State Building looking down on the city watching the morning sun rise in all its glory.

As I fall into the sweet embrace dreams, trying to get as much shut eye as possible. I am awoken by my hear picking up Iron Man's iconic sound of him flying. I watch him fly into stark towers to confront Loki, everything plays out as the movie Loki acting egotistical. While Stark gives him one of the best lines in history.

Stark is falling out a window and while his armor catches him. I fly to the building to catch debris and make sure no civilians are harmed. After that I keep an eye on Loki and Dr. Selvig, waiting for my moment.

When the portal opens I zig zag all over the city eliminating the foot soldiers, and evacuating civilians to a safe distance. I am waiting for the first leviathan to come through and let the avengers assemble. I can't deprive the world of its greatest heroes, so when they all gather up on the street and pose.

I know my moment is now, with a sonic boom I descend in front of the group. Giving them a wave and throwing the runic rock to cap. I accelerate to the portal, where the first leviathan is showing his ugly mug. With a mighty wind up, I blow that leviathan into meat chunks.

As I am floating on the other side of the portal I see the whole Chitauri fleet, and let me tell you the movie does them no justice. "Well, maximum effort."

My eyes blazed with fiery intensity as I unleashed my Heat Vision upon the oncoming Chitauri soldiers. Bolts of searing heat erupted from my gaze, slicing through their ranks with lethal precision. Their alien armor melted and disintegrated under the scorching assault, sending plumes of smoke and ash into the space.

Amid the chaos, I heard the ominous hum of Chitauri vehicles overhead. My X-Ray Vision pierced through their hulls, revealing the intricate machinery within. With a determined breath, I unleashed a torrent of energy from my eyes, targeting their vulnerable systems. Explosions blossomed in space as the vehicles succumbed to the onslaught, hurtling throughout space in a cascade of destruction.

The space in front of me crackled with energy as I unleashed my Freeze Breath, a torrent of frigid cold that encased Chitauri soldiers and their weapons in ice. Their futile attempts to break free only left them shattering like brittle statues.

My superhuman speed propelled me through the battlefield, my fists a blur as I engaged in close combat. Chitauri warriors surged forward, their alien weapons gleaming with an eerie luminescence. With a thunderous impact, I met their onslaught head-on, my fists striking with a force that shattered their weapons and sent shockwaves through their ranks.

The space was alight with blazing trails as I soared upwards, directly into the path of an enormous Chitauri Leviathan. Its gaping maw spewed forth waves of alien warriors, their numbers seemingly endless. I clenched my fists, summoning every ounce of strength within me. With a resounding boom, I smashed through the creature's hide, carving a path of destruction through its innards. Explosions erupted in its wake as I emerged victorious from the other side, debris raining down like a torrential storm.

Amidst the chaos, a sense of determination fueled my every move. I knew that this was just the beginning, and I was determined to defend earth with every fiber of my being.

The battle raged on, an unending torrent of Chitauri warriors and leviathans relentlessly came at me but I was no longer holding back. My fists struck with the force of a supernova, each punch resonating with a power that shattered the fabric of space itself. With each movement, I unleashed torrents of Heat Vision, reducing Chitauri soldiers to smoldering ashes.

As Chitauri Leviathans descended upon me, I met their onslaught head-on. The sheer force of my blows created shockwaves that rippled through the atmosphere, cracks forming in the very space around me. The Leviathans faltered, their colossal forms buckling under the relentless barrage. With a final, bone-shattering punch, I shattered one of the creatures into oblivion, debris and energy erupting in a brilliant display of destruction.

With the Leviathans defeated, my gaze turned skyward to the Chitauri space station. It loomed like a dark monolith, a hub thar fueled their invasion. My resolve hardened, my eyes gleaming with determination as I unleashed my ultimate technique – the Solar Flare Punch.

Gathering every iota of solar energy within me, I channeled it into a single, cataclysmic blow. My fist streaked through the space, a blazing light engulfing it as I collided with the space station. The impact was a spectacle of cosmic proportions, a shockwave that rippled through the void, shattering the very fabric of reality.

Explosions erupted in a cascade of destruction, the Chitauri space station crumbling under the relentless assault. My Solar Flare Punch bore down upon it, a maelstrom of energy and power that reduced the once-mighty fortress to mere atoms. The very space around us trembled, the shockwaves radiating outwards in a blinding display of force.

As the remnants of the Chitauri space station dissipated into the void, I hovered amidst the wreckage, my chest heaving with exertion. The first battle was won, the Chitauri threat obliterated. I had unleashed the full extent of my power, sparing nothing in my determination to protect Earth.