
The Son of Marvel

What happens when a random working joe dies on the job, and the poor schmuck doesn't even realize it. That is when this particular putz wakes up from his perceived nap to a completely different perspective and a whole new world to be completely normal. What this guy doesn't realize is that this new world is far from normal. (I am a new writer so bear with me, and because of my American public-school education even though English is my native language. Grammar and punctuation is not my strong point.) No harem and some lite romance elements

UnlimitedRage · Movies
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42 Chs

Chapter 30

POV Captain America

The others and I watched as Vega swooped down in front of the newly assembled Avengers. He was hovering inches off the ground, and waving at us. He then threw a rock at me with weird writing on it, I glanced at it in the palm of my off hand. When I looked up he gave us a smile and a salute.

My heart dropped when I realized what he was going to do. But as I was about to stop him, he rocketed off towards the portal. The only thing I could see was a red streak shooting in towards the unknown.

Stark asked in confusion, "where in the hell is the kid going?" In my mind and out loud I spoke unconsciously, "he is laying down on the wire." Stark turned to me, "why in, gods green earth would he do something like that?"

I glanced at the portal right right in time to see Vega obliterate a leviathan it to a bloody mist. That rained down to the earth below, and I said "that's why, what would you do if you had is powers? He is keeping the major part of that army on the other side of the portal. To protect the innocent lives down here at all costs."

There is a healthy dose of silence that weighs down on the group. Thor then speaks up, "we should worry about any stragglers that creep their way through. Leave the bulk of the armada to Vega he is with out a doubt are vanguard in the battle. Do not take his sacrifice lightly."

I say "Thors right can can't stand around all day. Let's bring the fight to any unlucky soldier that is left in the city." I take a breath to come up with a strategy and I say. "Thor, Stark your on overwatch stay in the sky take out any of their aircraft. Stark if you see any grouping up let the ground team know we will clear the out. Natasha and Clint are with me, we will try to draw them to us keeping the fighting contained."

Everyone gives a nod while Thor and Tony take off blasting any of the enemies they can find. Natasha and Clint form up on my six. While that is happening hulk looks at me with eyes filled with rage and excitement.

As I momentarily think he looks like a giant green puppy. I give him his orders. "Hulk smash," he gives me the biggest scariest grin I have ever seen. With a roar he jumps up to a nearby building and proceeds to clobber everything in his path.

Two hours of fight later we all meet back up in Starks penthouse to arrest Loki. Who is imbedded in the cement floor wheezing. Thor hulls is brother up by the scruff is neck. Thor from god knows where pulls out a set a cuffs and a muzzle to put on Loki. The prisoner secured we head to the roof where Natasha holding Loki's and Dr Selvig are standing next to the portal doohickey.

Natasha tell us how we can shut it down, and we all look up at the portal. I am searching for any signs of Vega and not finding anything. I look at Thor and he shakes his head. Giving me a mini heart attack. I speak the words, that will haunt me for a long time. "Close it, we have no way of knowing what's on the other side. If the portal is open any longer a new threat might come through."

With a heavy heart I watch as the portal closes and say a prayer for the safety of Vega. Hopefully he is out there somewhere smiling down on us.