
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
15 Chs

The Journey Begins

Chapter Eight: The Journey Begins

The marine ship cut through the sapphire waters of the New World, its sails billowing against the clear sky. Gulls circled above, their cries mingling with the rhythmic creak of the ship's timbers and the splash of waves against the hull. The sea stretched endlessly around them, a vast expanse that seemed to hold infinite secrets and stories.

Raoul stood at the bow, the salty breeze ruffling his hair as he gazed out over the ocean. There was a sense of freedom in the open sea, a promise of adventure and discovery. The sun glittered on the water's surface, casting a shimmering path that beckoned them onward.

Around the ship, the marines went about their duties with practiced efficiency. Sailors adjusted the rigging and kept a vigilant watch, while others tended to the upkeep of the vessel. The atmosphere was one of disciplined routine, each marine playing a crucial role in the smooth operation of the ship.

Coby leaned against the railing nearby, a book in hand. He had taken to studying marine tactics and pirate lore, eager to prepare himself for the challenges ahead. Occasionally, he would glance up from his reading to share a thought or observation with Raoul, their conversations a blend of curiosity and determination.

Smoker, true to his nature, was often found pacing the deck, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of trouble. When he wasn't overseeing the crew, he could be found in a corner of the deck, smoking his signature cigars and contemplating the mission at hand. His presence was a steadying force, a reminder of the gravity of their task.

Days passed in this manner, the ship a small, bustling world unto itself. The marines formed a tight-knit community, their camaraderie a source of strength as they sailed deeper into the South Blue. The journey was not without its moments of calm beauty: sunsets that painted the sky in hues of orange and pink, nights where the stars seemed to stretch infinitely, and mornings where the world was wrapped in a gentle mist.

Meals on board were communal, a time for the crew to relax and share stories. At midday, Raoul found himself wandering the ship's galley, where the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air. The ship's cook, a burly man with a jovial disposition, served hearty portions of stew and bread.

Raoul sat at a long table with Coby and Smoker, their plates heaped with food. The conversation flowed easily, touching on past missions, the upcoming challenge, and the simple joys of a well-cooked meal. Raoul listened, occasionally chiming in, feeling a sense of belonging he had rarely experienced.

"Enjoy it while you can," Smoker said, taking a puff of his cigar. "Once we catch up to the Red Bull, there won't be much time for leisure."

Coby nodded, his face serious. "We'll be ready."

While enjoying this delicious meal, Smoker took the map of the New World out of his back pocket and placed it on the dining table, then put his finger on the ocean, saying: "We are here now." Then he moved his finger towards an island called Saita, adding; "We do not have much time left to reach Saita. Our main goal on that island is to collect information, so there is no need to involve yourselves in matters that will not help us advance in carrying out the mission." Both Raoul and Coby received these orders with pleasure, and were prepared for all possibilities.

After several days at sea, the lookout spotted land. The island of Saita rose from the horizon, a peaceful haven amidst the vast ocean. As they approached, the details of the island came into view: lush greenery, sandy beaches, and a small, bustling port.

The ship docked, and Raoul, Coby, and Smoker disembarked, greeted by the lively hum of the island. Saita was a serene place, largely untouched by the chaos that often plagued other islands. The presence of marines was strong here, their uniforms a common sight among the townsfolk.

The streets of Saita were lined with quaint shops and houses, their colorful facades giving the island a cheerful, welcoming atmosphere. Market stalls overflowed with fresh produce and handmade goods, and the air was filled with the scent of the sea and the sound of laughter. Children played in the streets, their carefree laughter a testament to the island's safety and peace.

Raoul and Coby wandered through the town, taking in the sights and sounds. They paused at a local tavern, a hub of activity where sailors and townsfolk mingled. The innkeeper, a jovial man with a thick beard, greeted them warmly.

"Welcome to Saita! What brings you here?" he asked, wiping his hands on a towel.

Raoul held up the wanted poster of the Red Bull. "We're looking for information about this pirate. Have you seen him or heard anything about his whereabouts?"

The innkeeper frowned, studying the poster. "The Red Bull, eh? He's trouble, that one. Haven't seen him around here, thankfully. But you might try talking to old Captain Rizzo. You'll probably find him in the café at the end of this street. He knows a lot about the comings and goings around these parts."

With a nod of thanks, Raoul and Coby made their way to the docks. Captain Rizzo, a retired sailor with a wealth of sea stories, proved to be a valuable source of information. He hadn't seen the Red Bull himself but had heard rumors of pirate activity near a cluster of islands to the south.

"Raoul," Coby began, breaking the comfortable silence between them. "Do you think we'll find anything useful here?"

Raoul shrugged, his eyes scanning the busy streets. "We have to try. Smoker's relying on us. Besides, every lead, no matter how small, could be crucial."

This short conversation took place between them while they were walking, and Raoul quickly headed towards a man selling cloth and bought two gray robes from him. Because Coby could not understand the reason for this, he asked; "Why?"

Raoul answered him in a calm tone after extending one of the robes to him; "We will talk to someone who has an old relationship with the sea. It is normal that he will not share important information with the Navy. We will purchase the information if necessary." Coby remained stunned for a while, which prompted Raoul to add; "What?"

At that moment, Coby spoke with a smile after holding the robe; "I'm just surprised. I didn't know you were a person who was good at searching for information."

Raoul continued walking after the robe flounced around his body, saying: "This is nothing, negotiations begin now."

Meanwhile, Smoker had taken a different approach. He scoured the town, speaking to other marines and gathering reports from patrols. His efforts yielded similar results: vague mentions of sightings, but nothing concrete.


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