
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

The First Mission

Chapter Seven: The First Mission

Raoul awoke to the soft light of dawn filtering through the curtains of his new quarters. He stretched, feeling the lingering soreness from the previous day's trials. This morning, however, held a different weight. Today marked the beginning of his duties as a Vice Admiral.

He rose from the bed and glanced at the uniform neatly draped over a chair. The crisp white jacket, adorned with the emblem of the Vice Admirals, seemed to shimmer with an unspoken promise. Raoul dressed with care, feeling the heavy responsibility settle on his shoulders as he fastened the buttons and adjusted his collar. The words "Vice Admiral" on his back felt both empowering and daunting.

As he stepped out of his room, he found Coby waiting in the hallway, looking equally resolute in his own uniform. They exchanged a nod of mutual respect and understanding, their paths now intertwined with a shared sense of purpose.

"Ready for our first day?" Raoul asked, his voice steady.

Coby smiled, though there was a hint of nervousness in his eyes. "Ready as I'll ever be."

Together, they made their way to the main hall, where Vice Admiral Smoker was already waiting. The grizzled officer gave them a curt nod. "Follow me," he said, leading them through the bustling base.

Marines saluted as they passed, the respect evident in their eyes. The air buzzed with activity as preparations for various missions were underway. Raoul could feel the energy, the sense of duty that permeated every corner of New Marineford.

They arrived at Fleet Admiral Akainu's office, the imposing door a reminder of the power and authority that lay beyond it. Smoker knocked once and they entered, finding Akainu behind his massive desk, his expression as stern as ever.

"Vice Admirals Coby and Raoul," Akainu began, his voice a low growl. "Today, you embark on your first mission. Normally, such tasks are handled by two Vice Admirals alone, but given your inexperience, Smoker will accompany you."

He handed them a dossier, the details of the mission outlined within. "Your target is a pirate known as the Red Bull. His bounty stands at 350 million berries. He's been causing many problems in the New World, and he has something to do with the black market, so it's your job to stop him."

Raoul opened the dossier, scanning the information. The Red Bull's crimes were extensive: raiding villages, attacking merchant ships, and generally spreading chaos. His picture showed a hulking figure with a fierce expression, a testament to his brutal reputation.

Akainu's gaze hardened. "This is your chance to prove yourselves. Do not fail."

With a final nod, Smoker led them out of the office. They headed straight for the docks, where a marine ship was being prepared for departure. The crew moved with precision, loading supplies and readying the vessel for the journey ahead. The ship itself was a testament to marine engineering, built for speed and combat.

As they boarded, Raoul felt a mix of excitement and anxiety. This was what he had trained for, what he had dreamed of. Yet, the stakes were high, and failure was not an option.

Smoker took command, his voice carrying over the activity. "We set sail immediately. Our first stop will be to gather intelligence on the Red Bull's whereabouts. Keep your eyes and ears open."

Coby and Raoul nodded, taking their positions. The ship pulled away from the dock, the massive sails catching the wind as they set off towards the Island of Saita, one of the closest islands to the new MarineFord. The sea stretched out before them, a vast expanse of blue that held countless dangers and opportunities.

As they sailed, Raoul took a moment to reflect on the mission ahead. The Red Bull was no ordinary pirate. His bounty alone spoke volumes about the threat he posed. Yet, this was their chance to make a difference, to uphold the justice they believed in.


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