
One Piece; A Marine Story!

The story talks about Raoul, a young man the same age as Luffy, and the events begin with his arrival at the headquarters of the new Marineford, aspiring to pass the promotion exam to become Vice Admiral. This event was the beginning of his story, full of confrontations with pirates. But could events develop into something greater? More Chapters; patreon.com/Ayaka0

Ayaka0 · Anime & Comics
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The Pursuit of Information

Chapter Nine: The Pursuit of Information

Raoul and Coby navigated the winding streets of Saita Island, the vibrant marketplace gradually giving way to quieter alleys. The evening air was cool and carried the scents of the sea mixed with the aroma of street food from the nearby stalls. Both marines wore gray cloaks over their uniforms, attempting to blend in and keep their identities concealed.

"Do you think anyone will recognize us?" Coby asked, glancing around.

"Not likely," Raoul replied, his eyes scanning the crowd. "But it's better to be cautious."

They walked past bustling market stalls, where vendors shouted about their wares, trying to make their last sales of the day. The sun was setting, casting long shadows and painting the sky with shades of orange and pink. The two marines moved with purpose, their destination a small café at the end of the street, where they hoped to find Captain Rizo.

"This is it," Coby said as they approached the café. The establishment was modest, with a weathered sign hanging above the door and dim light spilling out from within.

Raoul pushed open the door, and they stepped inside. The café was cozy, with wooden tables and chairs scattered about. A few patrons sat sipping their drinks, engaged in low conversations. The atmosphere was relaxed, a stark contrast to the urgency of their mission.

They spotted Rizo immediately, sitting alone at a corner table. The former pirate was a formidable figure, his broad shoulders and scarred face hinting at a life of hard battles and rough seas.

Raoul and Coby made their way to his table, their cloaks still drawn around them. "Mind if we join you?" Raoul asked, his voice low.

Rizo looked up, his eyes narrowing as he sized them up. After a moment, he gestured to the empty seats. "Go ahead."

They sat down, and Raoul leaned forward, keeping his voice quiet. "We're here about the Red Bull."

Rizo's expression shifted slightly, a flicker of interest in his eyes. "And who might you be?"

"Just concerned citizens," Coby replied, keeping his tone even. "We've heard you might have information that could help us."

Rizo took a sip from his mug, considering their words. "Why should I trust you?"

Raoul glanced around to make sure no one was listening before pulling his cloak back slightly, revealing his marine uniform underneath. "Because we're here to stop something bigger than just one shipment. This is about justice."

Coby was surprised to hear this and intervened, saying to Raoul: "I thought we were trying to hide our identity?" But Raoul answered calmly: "He already knows, from the moment he saw us, this guy knew we were marines."

Rizo raised an eyebrow but didn't seem surprised. "Marines, huh? You're playing a dangerous game. No matter how time and place change, marine soldiers are bad at hiding their identity."

Coby looked at Rizo and asked quietly; "In that case, how did you know we were marines?"

"Because of the smell, you smell like marine." Rizo replied.

"The smell?" Coby asked.

"That's not what we're here to talk about.," Raoul said. "We need to know what you know. Word is there's a big shipment headed to an unknown island, led by Red Bull. We need details."

Rizo sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Alright. There's been a lot of chatter about a major deal going down. The Red Bull is just a piece of a much larger operation. Doflamingo's got his hands in everything, and this shipment is crucial for his operations."

"Dressrosa," Raoul muttered, exchanging a glance with Coby. "This complicates things."

Rizo nodded. "Doflamingo's no small-time player. If you're serious about this, you'll need to be prepared. He's got the World Government and the Shichibukai backing him. All of this may be easier than getting stuck in a problem with one of the most powerful emperors."

Raoul looked seriously at Rizo and spoke in a serious tone; "One of the emperors? What kind of relation could a Shichibukai have with a Yonko…"

Coby frowned. "Wait wait, if he's involved in the black market, that could change things, right?"

"Maybe," Rizo said. "But getting proof won't be easy. You're walking into a nest of vipers."

Raoul nodded. "Thank you, Rizo. Your information could be the key to taking him down."

Rizzo looked at Raoul and said; "Thank you? And am I going to put this 'thank you' in my pocket? You know I don't give this information away for free, right?"

Raoul sighed and took out some cash money from his pockets, then placed them on the table, saying: "Retired pirates like you are supposed to be rich enough than a soldier like me."

As they stood to leave, Rizo gave them one last piece of advice. "Be careful. Doflamingo's not someone to be underestimated. And watch your backs."

They left the café and stepped back into the cool night air. The streets were quieter now, most of the market stalls closed for the night. The flickering street lamps cast long shadows, adding an air of mystery to their surroundings.

As they walked back towards the docks, Raoul turned to Coby. "You did well in there. We've got what we needed."

Coby nodded, though his expression remained serious. "This is just the beginning. We need to get back to Smoker and plan our next move."

Raoul agreed. "Let's hurry. The sooner we act, the better our chances of stopping this."

They quickened their pace, the weight of their mission pressing heavily on their shoulders. The path ahead was fraught with danger, but they were determined to see it through.


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