
Naruto: Bonds stronger than blood

Three friends are sent into the Narutoverse to mess with the timeline! How will their presence change the story and will they be able to survive this cruel world? ------------------ This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so don't be to harsh on me people haha. I'm always open for critique and hope you all give me some great advices on how to improve myself :) English isn't my nativ language so sorry for any mistake I make along the way and leave a review if you like or hate the story. *I DON'T OWN THE COVER NOR DO I OWN ANY OF THE ELEMENTS IN NARUTO, BLEACH OR ONE PIECE. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S*

NeoXxSLB · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
25 Chs

Chapter 12: The Traitor


[Ryo's P.O.V.]

Today was the day we left Konoha on our first official mission. We were tasked to go and assist the forces stationed inside the Land of Rain. Iwa and Suna were getting more and more agressive, the Land of Rain which had been slowly recuperating from the past wars was once again invaded, abused and destroyed by a new war.

I feel really bad for the the citiziens, they had spent over two decades trying to rebuild their country just so it could be once again used as a battlefield by others. At least this time they were somehow prepared, a village called Amegakure was created to shelter all those that were trying to escape and survive.

There wasn't much we could do, Konoha provided support wherever it could but even then we had a war to fight.

After 10 hours of constant running through forrests and small breaks to catch our breath, we finally set up camp for the night while the sun was still high enough to let us see.

After putting up two tents we had diner. We then gathered inside one of the tents to look at the file Tobirama-sensei gave us but not before Kagami-sensei asked me to check the surroundings for any presence.

After confirming that we were alone Kagami-sensei started reading:

"This document is meant solely for Kagami Uchiha's Team 0, if you are not part of said team then the content is not meant for you and reading it's content will make you an enemy of Konohagakure.

If you are Team 0 then the following mission is of utmost importance.

You are to investigate a possible traitor to Konohagakura. During the last couple weeks there has been multiple cases of information being leeked to our enemies. Many of our spies have vanished or been compromised lately. It's as if they are always a step ahead of us.

You are to secretly investigate the disappearance of several Anbusquads in Amegakure.

You'll find pictures of every Anbu we lost contact with in the past two weeks inside the envelope.

Make sure to stay alive at any cost!

Good luck!

Tobirama Senju, the Second Hokage"

The tent fell into silence.

A traitor? Who could it be? Was it Danzo? One of the elders? Or maybe Madara?

"No point in thinking too much about it right now. We lack information and looking at the scroll so does Tobirama-sensei. We can't do anything without information so let's think about it once we're there." explained Eichi seeing that everyone was shocked.

He said all that but I can clearly see that he's deep in thoughts.

"Eichi is right, let's get some sleep. We'll leave tomorrow at first sunshine so make sure to get proper rest you'll, need it.

Mikoto set up some barriers and seals around." said Kagami before leaving for his tent with Mikoto following him.

Left alone with Eichi I whispered to him:

"So... You have a suspect in mind?"

"Nah... I have no clue either. We'll have to actually investigate. *sigh*" he answered lazily.

"I see."

Mikoto entered the tent and we went to sleep for the night.

We didn't need to have someone on watch, Mikoto wasn't the most talented fighter but the same couldn't be said with his ablity to use fuinjutsus.

Maybe it was the Uzumaki blood in him but he really enjoyed learning to combine different seals to create new ones.

He was always a little lazy when it came to training but after the fight with Kinkaku he started to take it more earnestly.

He even came up with a new way to fight using his {Memory Make}. He combined seals with different kinds of barrier jutsus to create a sort of domain.

It was still very crude but the first domain he created was a detection Domain. Once placed he'd be able to create an invisible sphere that would let him feel everyone inside. Once a new presence entered the range of the domain he would feel it and wake up.

That was not all. From the moment I awakened my observation haki I had trained to keep it constantly activated. It was hard at first, I had to consciously use it and every little distraction would brake it. However when I reached the limit of the basic observation haki it became increasingly easier to keep it active through training.

I'm even able to use it while sleeping now. With both Mikoto's domain and my haki I'm sure we'll be fine sleeping without a night watch.


< The next day >

[Eichi's P.O.V.]

After a good nights sleep we resumed our travel towards Konoha's base in the Land of Rain.

On our way something unexpected happenend. A group of bandits tried to ambush us on our way but were quickly discovered by Ryo.

When they noticed that the ambush failed they changed their approach to a direct confrontation.

It was weird, didn't they see our headbands and uniforms? As if mere bandits could defeat a shinobi team.

But now that I could see them clearly, they did look familiar for some odd reason.

Were they send by the traitor? It didn't matter in my mind. Faced with the killing intent of 20 enemies in front of me, made me excited. I was lookong forward to fight, I had a desire for it. Was it because I awakened Zangetsu?

With a bloodhungry smile on my face I told my teammates before anyone could react :

"I got this"

Confidence filled my whole being while I let my lightning chakra flow through my body.

In an instant I vanished, appearing in the middle of the enemy group and with one swing of my blade five people were cut in two. They didn't even realize what happened before they were killed.

"Tsk. You weaklings aren't even enough for a warmup, how disappointing."

But before I could resume my killingspree I heard Kagami-sensei's voice on the sideline:

"Eichi! They are some of the missing spies! Keep some alive we need to interrogate them, they might have some useful information!"

My eyes nearly jumped out of my face. That's why they looked so familiar.

With some simple movements I dodged the incoming attacks killing 2 more while I was at it.

After a couple more dodges the ground suddenly opened beneath 5 enemies trapping them inside the ground with only their head sticking out.

Having already trapped some of them I made quick work of the rest.

When I was finished Mikoto approached me obviously worried:

"Hey, you alright? That was your first kill... or kills?"

Looking at the scene around me all I saw was blood and bodies lying around. I looked down and could see a similar sight on my clothes and sword.

"Yeah don't worry I'm fine. I'm not really feeling anything, they were enemies. If I didn't kill them then they would try to kill us you know." I meant what I said but it really did feel strange that I was fine.

=Of course you're fine, Eichi! This is who you truly are. Someone that thrives in battle! That is meant to live in it! The sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be able to TRULY wield us=

I decided to ignore Zangetsu's voice inside my head and joined Kagami-sensei in his interrogation.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way and let me tell you this, you won't like the hard one.

All of you were declared either dead or missing, so how come you're here very much alive and attacking a Konoha team at that?" Kagami-sensei asked the five trapped men with a sadistic smile on his face.

None of the five said a word. So they chose the hard way?

Seeing as nobody was willing to answer, Kagami-sensei activated his sharingan and trapped them into a genjutsu. Even among the Uchihas, Kagami was a prodigy in the use of genjutsus and was easily able to "enslave" them. His genjutsu would make you think that the one asking the questions was their superior, forgetting all about the enemies they had just faced.

However, even with the genjutsu in place, they didn't utter a single word. But what was strange was that their mouths were clearly moving.

Did they all become mute?

All of a sudden Mikoto passed by my side grabing one of the men's head and opening their mouth.

He turned around said:

"It's no use, they have a cursed seal put on them. They won't be able to reveal anything even if we torture them.

And no I can't undo it I don't know the right seal for this one."

Kagami-sensei decided to copy the seal used on them and killed the remaining five before we resumed our journey.

On the way Ryo slipped a note into my pocket signaling for me to read it:

"Presence underground, strong vitality"


[A/N: I just wanna say goooood damn you people are going crazy with the power stones! Special thanks for everyone voting and commenting I appreciate it a lot!

Also on a sidenote, I'm somehow second best fan of the story? Well apparently Juubito69 likes my story more than I do haha ]