
Naruto: Bonds stronger than blood

Three friends are sent into the Narutoverse to mess with the timeline! How will their presence change the story and will they be able to survive this cruel world? ------------------ This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so don't be to harsh on me people haha. I'm always open for critique and hope you all give me some great advices on how to improve myself :) English isn't my nativ language so sorry for any mistake I make along the way and leave a review if you like or hate the story. *I DON'T OWN THE COVER NOR DO I OWN ANY OF THE ELEMENTS IN NARUTO, BLEACH OR ONE PIECE. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S*

NeoXxSLB · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 13: The Camp

[A/N: Hey guys, so I didn't post a new chapter yesterday because I wanted to have a couple chapters as backup. Basicly I'll post a chapter every day except for saturday and sunday from now on. But I'll post one today as an exception because I need you fedback.

And I got a little caught up in it and went a little crazy with the events ^^' a major timeskip is coming in because I felt wasn't enjoying writing them as kids.

And the last thing is, I feel like the powers I gave them are way too op and I kind of regret it because one of them should be enough to beat everyone especially Eichi after learning bankai. So I was thinking of pushing things ahead like Madara/Zetsu and maybe even the Otsutsuki stuff? I like feel that there shouldn't be any real threat to them after the time skip except for the Otsutsuki's so I'm kinda lost right now.]

< following the events of the last chapter >

[Mikoto's P.O.V.]

I was deep in thoughts, thinking about Eichi's words when the sight of our military camp interrupted me.

We had finally arrived at our destination.

I curse my lazy past self for not training enough! I was exhausted from the long travel on foot.

After identifying ourselves at the entrance we went straight to the tent the commander was at present

with Kagami leading us.

We had to identify ourselves yet again before being able to enter the main tent.

Inside various people were arguing with each other around a map, probably trying to discuss the next operation or something like that.

Kagami-sensei said that he would speak with the people in charge while they were focused on him we were to carefully observe the people inside. We had no clue to who the traitor could be so everyone was a possible suspect for now.

Looking around I noticed how big the tent actually was, it had enough space to comfortably host a dozen people and enough furniture to make a temporal office out of it.

"Kagami Uchiha. Team leader of Team 0 here on orders from the Lord Hokage. I believe he informed you of our arrival." Kagami-sensei spoke like a true professional!

"Ah Kagami! Of course! We weren't expecting you this early though.

Nevermind that, please sit down we have a lot to discuss." said a middle aged commander.

He looked around 40 years, what in this world doesn't mean anything. There are people nearly a century old that look barely past 30.

I was looking around trying to not be suspicious at all.

Inside the tent, excluding us, were 7 people gathered. The commander, an Aburame, an Uzumaki, an Inuzuka and a Hyuga. The five being clearly distinguishable not only by their unique traits but also by their clan mark stitched onto their clothes.

The last two were Kumo-nin's, they were probably here to be able to better coordinate with Konoha.

So far I'd seen nothing suspicious and soon the talks between the 7 and Kagami-sensei ended. We didn't really get addressed as they saw us as mere kids.


Once outside the main tent, Kagami-sensei addressed us:

"So any opinions on where we should go?"

"I'd say we make our way to Amegakure. They have been holding on quite well against the combined forces of Suna and Iwa. It'd be in our best interest to not let it fall.

We don't have a set time to return so we should just go there for now and eliminate everyone on our way there and around the village itself. It should not be too difficult with the three of us as long as the whole army doesn't show up all at once." argued Eichi, probably thinking about the secret mission.

Nobody had an issue with this. For the rest of the day we went around the camp socializing as much as possible. Maybe someone would slip up and give us a clue about the traitor?

Speaking of the traitor, the seal on the tongue was the only clue we had for now so as we spoke to everyone we made sure who had one and who didn't.

Eichi warned us to be careful and not make it obvious as it could warn them.

In the evening we gathered in a tent the commander assigned us to to discuss our findings.

It turned out there were at least 3 people in the camp with the same seal on them. Possibly even more.

We weren't able to ascertain if any of the higher ups had one as well. It was quite difficult to try and see the back of someones tongue without alarming them.


The next day we left the camp early in the morning an went to Amegakure. On our way, Kagami-sensei sent one of his raven summons to carry the letter to Tobirama-sensei with all the information they had gathered until now.

We came across many small skirmishes on our journey, we assisted any ally in need and slaughtered any enemy that wouldn't surrender.

I became quite accustomed to killing now, the first kill was really difficult but I don't seem to mind it anymore.

Ryo was like Eichi and didn't have any reaction at all to killing. One had some sort of demon blood and the other was a literal dragon, maybe that's why?

The groups we encountered on our way were mostly small teams composed of chunin level shinobi. Since the enemies were weak for now we decided to fight one at a time.

When it was Eichi's turn he refused saying they were to weak to satisfy him, so I took his share on. It was really helping me a lot fighting these small teams on my own.

Seeing as they weren't really a threat to us, I decide to experiment with a domain I had created.

I was able to create three domains for now. The first one was the search domain, the second was a healing domain. We lacked a medical-nin in our team so I thought it could come in handy.

The third one was still a work in progress. The aim of this domain is to be able to send any incoming ninjutsu back to it's user, like Meliodas' Full Counter.

The progress on this one was really slow as I had no idea how to do that exactly. My aim for now was to try nullifying any incoming attack, but it was easier said than done.

I wasn't the only one using this as training though. Ryo had noticed how his haki, that wouldn't improve anymore no matter how hard he trained, had greatly improved in our fight against Kinkaku.

He realized that in order to take the next step he had to put his life on the line. Now that I think about it, it was mentioned in the manga that haki would bloom the most in life or death situations.

Kagami-sensei would step in whenever Ryo or I were in danger. Ryo was basicly fighting blind and I was testing various ways to nullify incoming attacks with different outcomes afterall.


"Alright let's rest here for a while. We defeated quite a lot of troupes on our way, Mikoto how's your chakra reserves doing?" asked Kagami-sensei.

"I still have about 60% percent left. My mother said that even among the Uzumakis my reserves were enormous." I replied while taking out a bottle of water and a snack out of my bag.

"Good. Now we should first enter Amegakure, a lot of the disappeared shinobi vanished around there so we might find something. I'll be honest I don't like the mission. We have next to no information, we got attacked by some of the people that we were searching for and the prospect of having a traitor in our ranks doesn't bode well with me either..." a gloomy Kagami-sensei said.

Silence befell us, he was right it didn't look well on the outside but the three of us actually had someone in mind. We knew someone that uses the same seals in the original story. Now the question was, was Danzo working alone or did he have accomplices? And what about the the hidden stalker underground, the most likely suspect for that was the black Zetsu.

Eichi broke the silence, his golden eyes shining with determination:

"Kagami-sensei don't worry, we are Team 0 afterall. Konoha's secret weapon was it, right? Haha. We'll find the traitor no matter what."

Kagami-sensei started smiling at Eichi's words. How could he have doubts with a team as confident as ours?