
Naruto: Bonds stronger than blood

Three friends are sent into the Narutoverse to mess with the timeline! How will their presence change the story and will they be able to survive this cruel world? ------------------ This is my first attempt at a fanfiction so don't be to harsh on me people haha. I'm always open for critique and hope you all give me some great advices on how to improve myself :) English isn't my nativ language so sorry for any mistake I make along the way and leave a review if you like or hate the story. *I DON'T OWN THE COVER NOR DO I OWN ANY OF THE ELEMENTS IN NARUTO, BLEACH OR ONE PIECE. I ONLY OWN MY OC'S*

NeoXxSLB · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 11: The Future Sannin

< 13/8/33 >


It has been nearly a month since the start of the war. A lot has happened since then.

Kumogakure entered a civil war which ended on the same day it started thanks to Kinkaku and Ginkaku's deaths at the hand of Konoha-nins. As a result both entered an alliance strengthening their bonds.

Somehow the news about the Second Hokage being severly injured reached the ears of Iwagakure. They decided that it would be the right time to launch an attack against the Land of Fire, but the assault was quickly pushed back thanks to Kumogakures quick intervention.

The battle between Iwa against Kumo and Konoha was short but devastating. Not really for the shinobi of the involved countries but the normal people. The civilians were slaughtered and abused by the invading Iwa-nins and even in retreat they made sure to spread as much devestation as possible.

Following their defeat against the alliance, however they formed a coalition between themselves, Kiri and Suna. The three villages, obviously threatened by Konoha and Kumo's alliance, formed their own as a response to the overwhelming might of both hidden villages.


Under the shadow of a tree next to the acadamy were 6 children sitting in a circle.

"My name is Jiraiya! I'm six and I like girls!", after that proud declaration the young boy, with white hair and small red marks underneath his eyes, received a heavy beating from a now six year old Tsunade.

She was now slightly taller and changed her hairstyle from two ponies to a single one.

"Shut it you perv!" The longer Tsunade trained with Mito the scarier she would become.

"Hahaha the poor boy! Tsu-chan at least he's honest!" , said Mikoto earning a punch from Tsunade for siding with Jiraiya.

It didn't take long for Mikoto to regain his joyous self but he had changed nonetheless.

For the past two weeks he had been training and studying as much as possible, he wanted to be useful, to fight side by side with his brothers without the need for protection.

"And you are ?" Ryo smiled at the pale skinned... boy?

"I'm Orochimaru and I'm six like my two arguing team members over there.", he was of course pointing at Tsunade and Jiraiya who were still fighting.

"Don't you need a team leader to be called a team?" asked Ryo innocently tapping his finger against his chin in.

At that question both Tsunade and Jiraiya became sad, even Orochimaru had a hint of sadness in his eyes.

It's true, to be an official team they needed a jounin rank shinobi as their team leader but because of the ongoing war most were sent to the borders to protect the country.

As a result a lot of teams weren't able to get a team leader and Tsunade's team was one of them. They would have to wait for either the war to stop for someone to be ordered to return.

"Ohh this sucks! Why can't people just live in peace?!" exclaimed Jiraiya holding his hand behind his head.

"It's rather simple Jiraiya, you see humans always thirst for what they don't have. And in order to gain what they do not possess, humans are ready to sacrifice a lot. Isn't it ironic? In order to gain something they want, they give up something they have. Haha" said Orochimaru.

"I don't get it, what are they giving up by attacking us?" asked Mikoto naively.

"Their lives." Eichi answered, a little interested in the topic.

But before they could start an in depth discussion about human psychology, Kagami appeared out of nowhere with a flicker.

"Let's go boys, I hope you spent enough time with your families these last two weeks because we got a mission and it might take quite some time before we're able to return."

At Kagami's words Tsunade became visibly sad, lowering her head. The last two weeks had been fun for her, from the moment they became genin they had nothing else to do. They had no team leader yet so they couldn't accept any missions and had to train on their own. It was incredibly boring for her.

But because of their fight against Kinkaku the three boys had been given free time until they had properly rested and healed from their injuries.

The four had been inseparable the last two weeks. They would play together, tell each other stories about their school life and the weird missions they had to take at the beginning.

The last time they spend this much time together was when they were still training under Hashirama before his death.

Seeing the cute blonde's sad face hurt their hearts. At first they thought that since she was going to become the greatest medical-nin in history it would be nice to build up a good relationship with her.

But over time they gradually understood that they weren't just in an 'anime world'. Yes the world was based on the fiction in their world but this world, the one they were living in and all of its inhabitants were real.

Tsunade, Kagami, Tobirama, their parents they were all real people, people that they started looking up to and enjoying their company and love.

"Don't worry Tsu-chan we'll just go, kick everyone's asses out of our lands and quickly end the war! It's easy! Hahaha" Mikoto really had a way with words.

But they gave her confidance and were always able to calm her down. Whenever she saw him he would always remind her of her late grandfather. So much so that after Hashirama's death she even tried to avoid him. Being reminded of her doting grandfather was hurtful for her but with time the wounds started to heal and now the resemblance wasn't hurting anymore on the contrary it gave her peace.

"En!" with a bright smile on her face she nodded.

"Alright let's go the Lord Hokage is expecting us."


< in Tobirama's office >

"Ah you're finally here! How are your bodies? Have you all healed up?" Tobirama asked.

The four of them nodded at the same time before he continued.

"Eichi are you sure? Your body was quite the mess after the fight, I can give you one more week if you need it to recuperate."

The golden eyed boy shook his head and answered:

"No I'm fine thank you. My body does seem a little off though. It doesn't feel bad but sometimes I feel like it's using my chakra on it's own. The problem is I don't know what it's being used for."

To that Tobirama narrowed his eyes, he was thinking about whether to send them to the frontlines or not. He had come to really like the trio, he even considered all of them his nephews. They were the closest thing to sons that he had.

He didn't want to send them to such dangerous places, in the last battle they had nearly died. He still didn't understand how they survived but he wouldn't ask either. They would have told him on their own by now if they didn't want to keep it a secret so he let it slide.

Silence dominated the room. Everyone was waiting for Tobirama to speak.


Fine. Here are the files for your new mission. Don't open it inside Konoha and make sure nobody is around when you do open it.

You have two goals in this mission.

The first is to travel to the Land of Rain and assist the frontlines against the forces of Suna and Iwa. I already informed the commander in charge of your arrival. He'll fill you in on the details, however I grant you full autonomy to decide which battles to enter and which missions to take.

The second one is written inside this folder and is under any circumstances to be kept secret! This one takes priority over the other and I give you Kagami full authority to act in however way you see fit in order to fulfill the mission. Any progress is to be immediately reported back to me and only to me! Use one of your summons to bring it to me.


""Yes Lord Hokage!"" the four shouted as a response.

With a smirk on his face he continued:

"Good. Go make your preparations now. You'll leave in two days!

Oh and make sure to spend time with your families you never know when the next time you'll see them will be."


[A/N: Hey guys! So first things first. I'm having a lot of fun writing the story and I'm really glad that there are some that seem to enjoy it aswell! Thanks for reading and commenting on my story! Aswell as everyone that decided to use a Power Stone to vote for it, I really wasn't expecting that! Thanks a lot!

Now, at first I wanted to keep the original plot of Naruto as base and just change a few things that then spiral into a different ending.

BUT I kinda don't want to do that anymore. The first Shinobi World War (from what I gathered) should only have lasted a couple months but I feel like it would be impossible to justify that so I decided to throw canon out the window and make my own story! Most canon characters will still be born but of course not all of them :)]