
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


As he walked out of the ship, the relief washed over him. His eyes scanned the familiar landscape that he had left behind months ago.


The word held a comforting weight, a place of warmth and familiarity. His mother would be waiting for him, he knew. She always had a way of knowing when he would return, even before he knew. Sett marveled at her intuition, but he had long ago learned not to question it. His mother, Mira, was stronger than she showed. Sett knew this deep in his heart.

Sett stepped out onto the familiar dirt path. The sound of his boots crunching on the gravel filled the air as he made his way toward the front door. His mother stood there, her face glowing with relief and joy. Sett couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

"Mira," he greeted, his voice filled with warmth. "I'm home."

"Sett," she replied, her voice tinged with emotion. "I knew you would come back today. It's good to have you home, my son."

Sett's eyebrows raised in surprise, but he quickly pushed the thought aside. His mother's abilities had always amazed him, and he had learned to accept them without question.

Mira stepped closer, her eyes scanning Sett's face, taking in every detail. "You've grown," she remarked a hint of pride in her voice. "And I can see the mark of your journey upon you."

Sett's hand instinctively went to the scar on his face, a reminder.

"It wasn't an easy journey," he confessed, his voice tinged with weariness. "But it was necessary."

Mira nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. She reached out, gently touching Sett's cheek, her touch soothing and comforting. "You've always had a fire within you, my son."

Sett's gaze met his mother's, and he could see the unwavering strength beneath her gentle exterior.

Sett stepped into the familiar warmth of their cottage. The flickering flames from the fireplace cast a soft, golden glow over the room, creating a tranquil ambiance.

"Now come, let's eat. I prepared dinner."

After settling down in their cozy cottage, Sett, and his mother, sat at the dining table, their plates filled with warm, hearty food. The aroma of the freshly cooked meal filled the air, creating an atmosphere of comfort and contentment.

As they savored each bite, Mira couldn't contain her curiosity any longer. "Tell me, Sett," she began, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Tell me about your journey."

Sett smiled, happy to finally share his experiences with his mother. "It was quite an adventure, Mom."

Mira's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Tell me more, dear."

And then Sett talked about the places he saw and people he met. As always, he skiped the parts of his real job and concentrated on the story.

After sharing the story from Sett and Mira, they sat in a comforting silence.

"I have something to show you," Sett said, excitement bubbling in his voice. He held out his hand, his palm. "Look."

As he focused his energy, the aura intensified, surrounding his hand with a subtle yet unmistakable glow. Sett's hand became enveloped in a layer of black armor, a manifestation of his newly harnessed Armament Haki.

Mira's eyes widened as she gazed at the display of power in her son's hand. She reached out, gently touching the radiant light with her fingertips. "Armament Haki," she whispered, her voice filled with awe.

Sett nodded his chest swelling with pride. "Three months of travel, three months of concentrated training."

"You have come so far, my dear," she said, her voice filled with love and admiration. "I always believed in your potential, and now I see it realized."

Sett smiled, a sense of accomplishment radiating from him.

"I just want you to remember there always will be someone stronger than you. Don't stop your training, son. Remember that there are more advanced haki techniques." she tells Sett.

"Yes, Mother, I know it. I still remember when you showed it to me. I remember this feeling and power. Im still far behind."

Mira nodded her head at her son response. She will never let him make his current abilities his ceiling. He has the potential to become the monster of the seas, but he still has a long road ahead. She thought that the current strength of her son would be enough to take care of the treats of Paradise, but before moving toward the New World, he would need to step up his game.

"Mom, there's something else I discovered during my journey," Sett began, his voice filled with wonder. "I awakened a peculiar power that resembles the Electro ability, but it's different."

Mira leaned forward, her eyes wide with intrigue. "Different? How so, Sett?"

Sett paused momentarily, searching for the right words to describe his newfound ability. "Well, it's like a surge of energy that flows through my body, but it has a reddish hue to it. It's not as controlled as Electro, but it's equally powerful."

Mira's brows furrowed slightly as she tried to comprehend the nature of this unique power. "A reddish surge of energy? That sounds fascinating, Sett. How did you awaken this ability?"

Sett scratched his head, pondering his mother's question. "Honestly, Mom, I'm not entirely sure. It happened during a heated battle. My emotions were running high, and suddenly this power surged within me, unleashing itself."

Mira reached out and gently held Sett's hand. "Sometimes, extraordinary powers are awakened in moments of intense emotion. It seems like this ability is a manifestation of your inner strength, Sett."

Sett nodded, appreciating his mother's insight. "You might be right, Mom. It felt like a raw expression of power, like a raging fire within me."

"Show me. I can't tell you what I honestly think without witnessing it firsthand". Sett nodded in agreement, understanding his mother's desire to witness his newfound power firsthand. He stood up from the table and gestured for her to follow.

"I'll show you, Mom. But I must warn you; I haven't fully mastered this ability yet. It can be unpredictable," Sett explained, his voice filled with excitement and caution.

They made their way toward the woods, where Mira's monthly transformation took place under the full moon's light. The air was thick with anticipation as they walked in silence, the moon casting a soft glow through the treetops.

As they reached a clearing in the woods, Sett took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing his energy. He could feel the surge of power within him like a feral beast waiting to be unleashed.

Mira stood in front of him. "Let me test it. Give it all you got."

Sett hesitated, unsure about unleashing his untamed power upon his mother. He looked into her eyes. Concern etched on his face.

"But Mom, I don't want to harm you. I can't control it yet," Sett voiced his worries, his voice filled with fear.

"You don't need to worry. Just show me your best."

Taking a deep breath, he focused his energy again, the red lightning crackling around his fists.

With a determined expression, Sett thrust his fist forward, the red lightning shooting out in the direction of Mira. It traveled with astonishing speed, crackling through the air.

As Sett unleashed the crackling red lightning from his fists, a surge of energy surged forth, illuminating the forest with its brilliance. But Mira, standing steadfast before him, raised her palm in response. With a gentle flick of her wrist, an enormous wave of electric blue energy surged forth, meeting the red lightning head-on.

The clash of the two powers created a spectacle unlike any other. Sparks danced through the air, intertwining and entwining in a mesmerizing display of raw energy. The forest seemed to hold its breath, anticipating the outcome of this extraordinary clash.

Slowly, ever so slowly, the red lightning began to overwhelm the vibrant blue. Sett watched in awe as his power, his unique ability, proved more potent than the familiar Electro.

Mira's eyes widened with surprise and wonder as she witnessed the power of her son's untamed potential. She had always known that Sett possessed something extraordinary within him, something beyond the realm of the ordinary. And now, standing amidst the swirling storm of red and blue, that truth was undeniable.

The red lightning surged forward, breaking through the remnants of the blue wave until it enveloped Mira's outstretched palm. The crackling energy illuminated her face, casting a glow that seemed to come from within.

At that moment, Mira realized that her son possessed a power even more incredible than she had imagined. It was a power that defied expectations, transcending the limitations of what was known and familiar. Sett's red lightning, with its fiery intensity and natural energy, had proven to be a force to be reckoned with.

As the clash subsided the forest returned to its tranquil state.