
Men-beast bastard

So my idea is simple. Get Sett from LOL and slap him in to one piece. Enjoy

Gaspart · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
24 Chs


Three years had passed since that fateful clash in the forest, and Sett, now a young man of nineteen, had become a force to be reckoned with. The arena echoed with the resounding chant of "Half-beast! Half-beast!" as Sett calmly made his way toward his opponent.

In those years, Sett's strength had soared to new heights, surpassing all expectations. He had claimed the title of arena champion, a testament to his unwavering dedication and the immense power he possessed. His mastery over Armament Haki had advanced, allowing him to envelop his body in a superior coating of spiritual armor, enhancing his strength and defense. Not only that, but he had also acquired the ability to touch Logia users and imbue his weapons with Armament Haki, his trusted brass knuckles serving as his preferred choice.

But Sett's growth continued further. He had also awakened the power of Observation Haki, although his proficiency in this aspect needed to be honed more than his mastery of hardening. Through this ability, Sett could sense the presence, strength, emotions, and intent of those around him within a medium radius. It provided him with heightened awareness, allowing him to anticipate his opponent's moves and react swiftly.

However, mastering Observation Haki proved to be a more significant challenge for Sett, for his very nature seemed to clash with the requirement of a calm and focused mind. It was difficult for him to maintain the necessary serenity amidst the chaos of battle. Yet, through perseverance and determination, Sett had achieved a semblance of control over this power. Though not as natural to him as hardening, he had learned to harness the potential of Observation Haki, gaining a tactical advantage in his fights.

And then there was the matter of his red lightning. Through intensive training with his mother, Sett had learned to control it and imbue it with his Armament Haki.

The red lightning, a power that had first manifested during that initial clash in the mission years ago, had remained a secret, known only to Sett and his mother. He had chosen to wield this power discreetly, reserving it for moments of utmost necessity and surprise.

But it wasn't just his mastery of Haki that had shaped Sett into the formidable fighter he had become. Thanks to the resources provided by the mysterious Stone organization, Sett delved into the depths of Rokushiki techniques. Among the techniques, he had focused on mastering three: Shave, Sky Walk, and Tekkai.

Shave allowed Sett to move at blinding speeds, his body becoming a blur as he effortlessly outpaced his opponents. With Sky Walk, he had honed the ability to defy gravity, walking on air as if it were solid ground. And Tekkai, a technique that granted him an impervious defense, had further bolstered his already formidable resilience.

In terms of appearance, Sett's attire remained true to his iconic look. His clothes, a mix of rugged streetwear and stylish flair, showcased his unique personality and rebellious spirit. The crimson leather jacket, adorned with intricate patterns and metallic accents, exuded confidence and strength. Beneath it, a simple black shirt hugged his sculpted physique, a testament to his relentless training. His pants, a combination of denim and leather, provided flexibility and durability. And completing the ensemble were his signature brass knuckles, glinting with a fierce determination.

As Sett stepped into the arena, all eyes turned toward him. The whispers of anticipation filled the air as the crowd eagerly awaited the spectacle about to unfold.

The echoes of his name, "Half-beast," resonated in the arena, a testament to his past victories and the fearsome reputation he had earned.

The crowd roared in anticipation as Sett locked eyes with his challenger, a figure of modest stature and wavering confidence. With a slight shake of his head, Sett couldn't help but feel a tinge of disappointment. Another opponent unworthy of witnessing his true strength. Nevertheless, he knew it was time to put on a show.

"You're the number one contender? Hah, I must've really cleaned out the division," Sett taunted, a smirk playing on his lips. He flexed his biceps, showcasing his formidable strength. He strolled towards his opponent, his steps filled with purpose and swagger. As he approached, he couldn't resist taunting his challenger, "But don't worry, I'll make sure you get a front-row seat to witness the beating of a lifetime!"

The challenger, visibly shaken, stammered a response, but Sett scoffed. "Save your breath, my friend. You're gonna need it to pick yourself up off the floor." His words dripped with confidence, backed by the undeniable strength he had gained through years of training and dedication.

And so, the battle began. Sett moved with grace and precision, his punches and kicks resonating with power and purpose. Each blow landed with a resounding thud, sending shockwaves through the arena.

The crowd, captivated by Sett's strength and showmanship, erupted into cheers and chants, their voices echoing his slogans. "The Half-beast man reigns supreme!" they cried. Sett reveled in their adoration.

"They called me 'Sett the Beast-Boy Bastard.' Hah! Now, it's 'Sett the Beast-Man Bastard,'" Sett bellowed, his voice booming throughout the arena. The crowd erupted into laughter and cheers, reveling in his audacity and raw confidence.

With his signature brass knuckles gleaming under the spotlights, Sett continued his onslaught, taunting his opponents with each landed strike.

As the final challenger lay defeated at his feet, Sett stood tall, "Ooh... you should get some ice on that." As the final bell rang, the challenger lay defeated, battered, and bruised on the mat. Sett towered above him, his expression a mixture of triumph and satisfaction. "Looks like you're not quite cut out for this, kid," he jeered, his voice dripping with condescension.

The crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause, their admiration for Sett reaching new heights. He raised his arms in victory, reveling in the adoration of his fans. In the arena, he was not just a champion but a showman who knew how to entertain and dominate with flair.

The Stone gazed upon the spectacle unfolding in the arena, a satisfied smile gracing his lips. Beside him, the Fox observed Sett's performance with a keen eye, nodding in agreement. "He is truly remarkable," the stone remarked, his voice filled with pride. "Investing in him was a wise decision. Not only do we reap the benefits of the arena's massive funds, but Sett has also proven himself in the treacherous depths of the underworld. It seems our special breed has surpassed our expectations."

The Fox nodded, her golden eyes glinting with admiration and curiosity. "Indeed, he possesses a rare combination of strength and cunning. It is no wonder he has achieved such extraordinary feats. However, you seem lost in thought. Is something troubling you?"

The stone sighed and picked up a stack of papers from his desk; his brow furrowed with contemplation. "There is a matter that requires Sett's attention," he admitted. "It is time to discuss a new deal, one that may shape his future and our own."

The Fox, ever the faithful messenger, knew her duty well. With a graceful bow, she swiftly left the stone's presence to seek out Sett. Her footsteps echoed through the stone corridors as she made her way to the bustling arena.

The Fox approached him with an air of importance. "Sett," she called out, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. "The stone wishes to speak with you. There is a deal that awaits your consideration."

Sett, ever the enigma, glanced at the Fox with a raised eyebrow.

"A deal?" he mused, a spark of curiosity lighting up his eyes. "Well then, let's not keep the stone waiting."

Together, they traversed the labyrinthine halls of the stone's domain until they reached his chamber. Sett entered with a confident stride, his gaze meeting the stone's piercing eyes. "You wished to speak with me?" Sett inquired, his voice filled with a mixture of respect and curiosity.

The stone, his features shrouded in shadows, nodded in acknowledgment. "Indeed, Sett," he began, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "There is an opportunity that presents itself, one that, if handled correctly, could help us play with the higher league. But on the other hand, if we slip just a bit, all that I build and include yourself in this will fall."

Sett listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that every deal had its risks, its consequences. But Sett was not one to shy away from challenges. With a determined look, he met the stone's gaze and spoke, his voice filled with conviction.

"Tell me more," Sett declared, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"Sett, we have received a peculiar request from the depths of the Underworld network," he began, his voice laced with a hint of caution. "Someone has specifically asked for your assistance."

Sett's expression shifted, a flicker of recognition crossing his features. He understood the significance of this request, the gravity of being personally sought out in the world's dark underbelly. The stone continued, his voice tinged with both admiration and gratitude. "Sett, I have always strived to provide you with the freedom to forge your path, to push your limits without constraints. You have consistently surpassed my expectations, impressing me time and time again."

With a nod, the stone handed Sett a set of pinned papers. The contents are shrouded in mystery. Sett's eyes scanned the documents with practiced speed, his gaze increasingly focused. Suddenly, his movement halted, his eyes widening in disbelief. He returned to the beginning of the page, reading the words once more, his mind grappling with the enormity of the situation.

"Are you certain this isn't some sort of prank?" Sett finally spoke, his voice betraying a mix of disbelief and uncertainty. The stone's response was resolute, devoid of doubt. "No, Sett. This is a genuine request from a trusted source."

Sett's gaze flickered back to the stack of papers before him, his mind whirling with conflicting emotions. The proposition laid before him was undeniably the most audacious and outlandish he had ever encountered. To aid in the theft of the Heavenly Tribute, a feat that had eluded countless others, was a notion that bordered on madness.

Lost in thought, Sett wrestled with the weight of the decision before him. The risks were manifold, the consequences dire. Yet, a flicker of excitement danced within his core. This was an opportunity to prove his mettle, to leave an indelible mark upon the world.

As the silence stretched between them, Sett's gaze hardened, determination shining in his eyes.

"But for whom and with who?" asked Sett. And the answer shocked him even more.