
Marvelous Grandmaster

Young man struck by lightning woke up with memories from the Star Wars universe during the old republic era. After several decades of battle alongside his friends and companions, he made the ultimate sacrifice to stop Vitiate’s final act of desperation. But his story did not end there like he expected. “I’m alive? Hold up this is earth. HAHA I’M BACK!” “Tony Stark is scheduled to give a weapons test in-“ “Wait...What?” “Well...Fuck.” {This fanfiction will also be posted onto Royalroad under the same name, HuntingFate.}

HuntingFate · ภาพยนตร์
41 Chs

Chapter 4 - The Start

Eight sith acolytes swarmed out of the now damaged landing craft and immediately began cutting down republic troopers. With each swing another body dropped to the ground. Mikael took the opportunity while they hadn't noticed him and rushed forward from the shadows of the ruins. In but a blink of an eye he crossed the hundred yards gap sliding to a halt just past the closest acolyte.

Almost immediately the remaining acolytes turned their heads in his direction as they saw their fellow acolyte fall to the ground in two separate pieces one atop the other. With a loud crack as the ground shattered under his feet, Mikael leaped towards the nearest pair of acolytes before they could gather themselves. And with lightning speed before they could even respond he decapitated one as he spun around the body as it began to fall and stabbed the other with a reverse grip behind him keeping his eyes trained on the remaining five acolytes before him.

The five acolytes soon regained their wits as they simultaneously charged him. Mikael deflected one blade into the ground behind him as he delivered a roundhouse kick to the first acolyte. The harsh sound of metal crunching rang out as his boot met the armored helmet launching the acolyte right towards a nearby ruined wall. The body smashed through scattering rubble everywhere before rolling to a stop unmoving. Mikael thrust out his left hand as a wave of force shot forward tossing back another acolyte as they tried to attack him from behind before he quickly jumped into a sideways corkscrew dodging between two incoming high and low saber strikes. As he landed he immediately swept his saber across his front to deflect an incoming thrust as he spun around to the back of the final acolyte before delivering a fatal strike cleaving the sith from shoulder to hip.

Mikael quickly recentered himself as he waved his hand pulling one of the fallen lightsabers to his grasp and activated it. The crimson blade lit up the side of his face as he then took a defensive stance. The three sith charged together and the four combatants entered a dance of deadly blows. Mikael constantly deflected their strikes, frequently he would block one lightsaber only to maneuver it to block a second while he himself block the last attacker. His blades a flurry of red and violet as he held the three sith at bay as their emotions grew stronger with each strike.

He knew he needed to end it soon. His eyes caught one of the other lightsabers one the ground and as he continued his defensive stand, he willed the free saber to him across the surface of the ground. As he blocked another two strikes simultaneously, the third acolyte charged forward to stab him. But just as he came into range to strike, a hiss rang out that stopped him cold. His helmet dropped as he saw another free floating lightsaber, crimson blade activated right through his heart. Rain began to fall on Korriban just as the sith crumpled to the ground, their arm outstretched as though he was reaching for a hand that wasn't there.

Mikael pushed forward throwing his final two attackers back. Their boots dug grooves into the now wet sand. With a flash of speed Mikael advanced on his opponents. His dual lightsabers swinging faster and faster as the two acolytes struggled to defend themselves. Mikael could feel the force flowing through him as he continued onward. His sabers cut through the air and rain so quickly that one could even see an empty pocket in the downpour centered around him. Then one faltered and in that very instant a violet blade swept past sending a heading spinning into the air. And an instant later a second head rose to meet it.

Mikael stood there in the rain catching his breath. He looked over the corpses littering the wet sand and felt a wave of nausea come over him. He shook his head forcing it away and took a deep breath before turning his vision towards the star port and started to run in that direction. The force pushing him forward he cover the mile distance in but a matter of seconds. He scanned the port and fortunately found a still intact ship. A BT-7 Thunderclap, not the prettiest ship but it was functional and more importantly it had hyperdrive.

He boarded the ship and as quick as he was able he took to the stars. Exiting the atmosphere he watched as swarms of transports moved towards the planet. He weaved in between incoming fire while returning fire of his own as he flew past the port. He saw another ship leave the hanger bay of the station but as he moved to join them he felt a tremor in the force. A cold sinking feeling in his gut and he knew exactly what it meant, his master had fallen. He shove the feelings aside, there were more urgent matters at hand than grief. Together with the other ship he activated his hyperdrive engine together they vanished from the view of the empire.

Mikael and Satele soon reunited again aboard a republic cruiser. But the reunion wouldn't last long, after sharing a moment to grieve the two would again split to two separate paths. Satele joined the republic trooper Jace Malcom to lead the republic forces as a Jedi Knight against the growing threat of the empire. While Mikael simultaneously sought out more training and knowledge while attacking key strategic points as Jedi Shadow. Both would in time establish their own reputations and fame. Satele as the Grandmaster of the order and we'll known military leader and Mikael as the powerful Jedi Master that was able to stand toe to toe with the most powerful Sith Lords.

Within the next several decades while Satele was leading the troops and fending off the empire, Mikael was striking from the shadows and destroying them on influential target at a time. While Satele acted as the republic's greatest guardian, Mikael became its greatest warrior, its greatest avenger.

Alright one more flashback to go. Then It’s back to some marvel shenanigans. Essentially I just wanted these chapters to show what we WAS capable of before he returned to the modern day and a short summary of what his life was like in the old republic. Essentially war and war and more war. Not much of a life I know. Probably have some more dialogue the next chapter. It’s kind of bled over from a vision into memories at this point.

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