
I Over Did It

Two days ago, messengers sent from Morocco delivered a message to all nearby kingdoms requesting help in the war.

A few months ago, Seth had already started pushing the borders of Egypt overseas with the help of the Lord of Waters, Sobek. But, he couldn't do it all on his own.

Especially with him being so far away from the desert where he is at his strongest, he had no choice but to commit a coup d'état.

With him being king, all the gods would follow in his thirst for conquest.

Additionally, with Atum not interfering in the lives of the gods, Seth can do as he pleases as long as he is not excessive in his killing of Egyptian gods.

And right now, even after two months, Seth has shown that he cannot be stopped. He has already conquered a third of Persia. Mainly along the coasts of the Red Sea.

'Why not conquer the land of Canaan?' Some of Seth's closest officers questioned themselves.

'It's closer to our lands,' is another thought they had.

He never even once thought about going to that land. It is a land that the Demiurge will lay claim to. That land was lush and green. Rivers flowed fluidly and tasted sweet as honey.

The fruits and vegetation are bigger and more succulent than any on the rest of the Earth. It is a place also occupied by the Raphaim, grandchildren of the demigods.

He was warned by Atum that the Demiurge is his creator, thus all of their creators.

This reason being the case forced Seth to move his attention onward to the northeastern coasts of Egypt.

His conquering of the Persian lands caused the Roman Empire to band together.

It also caused the Persians to send one of their demigods to conquer the Romans so that they can use their mighty army to compete with Seth's.

What they did not expect was that the Romans only sent 300 of their men, led by their king, into battle and completely decimated them. Though they lost, their strength still lives on in the mind of Xerxes.

They uselessly lost thousands of soldiers and hundreds of monsters. This led to Xerxes having an obsession with conquering all nations under Rome and forgetting his purpose of just conquering the Roman nation itself.

Greece, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Croatia, Syria, France, Libya, Turkey, United Kingdom, Tunisia, Austria, Netherlands, Bulgaria, Algeria, England, and Belgium.

These are the nations that make up the Roman Empire.

Xerxes has been having a hard time gaining any ground. And is now a stalemate. None gained any ground over the other.

The reason Xerxes himself won't go into battle is not only because he thinks himself above the mortals, but really because of the major deterrent Rome has; Hercules.

As of now, the gods do not partake in war with each other. They would simply cause too much destruction. If they do fight, it would have to be in the barren lands in between their territories or in space.

Most of the fighting involves their children or the avatars they imbue with their power.

Hercules, at the border, poses a huge threat to Xerxes who is just a plain young master of a demigod with no real battle experience.

However, a change has occurred at the border. From intel gathered by the spies he's sent out, Xerxes is informed of Hercules leaving the borders of Syria due to some reason not known.

This leads to the current predicament of the Moroccan kingdom.

The Greeks launched an assault on Morocco because they think a sea monster attack on the shores of Spain was done by the Egyptian empire's god, Nun.

And as a result, Zeus sent Hercules across the sea to confront the current king there. Quickly making the death of the king, Hercules sent messengers posed as Moroccans to also kill the kings of other kingdoms to further weaken Egypt.

Horus knows none of this and decides to accept the request for help and use this as a tool to further strengthen his war divinity.

He is a one-man army if equipped with the Blades of Ma'at. His air, light, war, and evolution divinities will ensure he gets stronger.

Nodding to himself, he says to Bashenga, "Alright, I will accept their plea for help. No soldier needs to come. I alone am enough to deal with Hercules."

"Amunet, are you certain that you have acquired enough strength to battle Hercules? Even if you've regained some of your strength, this is a demigod we're talking about," Bashenga says, doubtful of Horus's words.

"I am enough." Horus simply states.

With that being said, Bashenga nods and accepts the words of Horus.

Soon, they're outside of the Royal palace with the elders in tow.

"Okay, are you in need of a survival kit? Anything to help you on your journey? Morocco is a long journey from here."

Horus swaggers away while exuding confidence. Once, at a safe distance away, he turns his head to side-eye the elder who had spoken with a smirk on his face.

"That sounds like a fabulously fun idea…" Horus says to the elder who had spoken out.

"Okay, gre—" the elder is soon cut off by Horus.

"No chance."

Then, charging up the air around him, a grey aura surrounds Horus as he launches himself into the air and flies away while sounding like a terribly loud turbine flying high in the sky.

He left Bashenga and the elders in shock while they simultaneously waved the dust that kicked up away. A few coughed dust as they were too late in their response.


After flying for approximately 17 hours, Horus flies into Moroccan airspace at a steady speed of 700mph.

It took Horus roughly 14 hours to master his air divinity to 43% and his light divinity to 23%. Which enables him to fly at a blitzing speed of 2000mph and create various constructs made of light and air.

What's more, is that its only his base speed when he flies.

He can fly at a maximum of 4500mph!!!

Along with flying, Horus can create blades of air that cut through trees like cutting salmon with a katana. He also made a variety of other abilities during his time traveling to Morocco.

He also encountered many desert monsters along his travels. He used them as a way to test his strength. Some were proven to be a challenge in the initial stages of his training.

One such animal he had difficulty with was a long, snake-necked, leopard-bodied monster. It was surprisingly fast and could heal almost instantly.

After a long, drawn-out battle, Horus killed it by stabbing his blades into its heart and brain. He continued on his journey afterward.

As Horus is flying, the sound of a roaring engine could be heard from miles away. Many people looked up in awe at the glowing mass flying in the sky.


(Capital walls of Morocco)

Being alert as they are, the soldiers brought by Hercules were able to man the stolen walls effectively.

On the walls, a soldier was at a strange construct similar to a telescope surveying the landscape when he spots a glowing phenomena in the sky. And it was heading straight toward them at a fast pace.

"S-sir, there's something flying and headed in our direction," a young soldier who looks fresh from recruitment says to a man with a scraggly beard and a scar on his nose. One can infer he's the soldier's superior.

"What? What nonsense are you talking about? Let me see!" The bearded man pushed the young soldier aside and used one eye to look inside the strange telescope.

"Oh, Zeus!"

After peering into the telescope, the bearded man turns to another man far down the wall and yells, "Sound the alarm. We're under attack!"

The young soldier looks back at the bearded man confused.

"Sir, what exactly are were dealing with? What is coming our way?"

The bearded man looks more serious than the young man has ever seen.

Looking the young man in the eyes, he says, "There are things far deadlier in this world than Lord Hercules. And that is one of them."

Shocked, he grabs the hilt of his sword with a terrified but determined look on his face. This is an expression only one makes when they are in a life-and-death situation that they will fight to get out of.

Soon, the glowing mass is 100 meters away.

"Brace for impact, men," the bearded man says to the other soldiers on the walls.

As soon he finished saying your words, a flash and boom resounded through the capital of Morocco. Dust and rocks flew everywhere.

After five minutes passed, the dust clears. A figure of a man, glowing in a whitish-grey aura, is seen floating in the middle of a giant hole 50ft in diameter.

The wall itself was constructed to be 100ft in height while being 50ft in length.

"Owwwww. That hurt! I thought I would be durable enough to withstand that force. Especially with my body being stronger than iron." The figure says, holding the mangled remains of his left arm. It was healing at a rate visible. This person is none other than Horus.


That was the sound of an arrow bouncing off of Horus's right temple.

Turning his head in the direction of the arrow, Horus smirks at the brave soldier.

"You just made the biggest mistake of your lousy career."

He then flicks his finger. A small, transparent ultra-thin stream of air hits the man in the head. He looks confused but then coughs up blood as the top of his head falls clean off.

The soldiers watching this scene all looked on in horror as their comrade died so easily.

Some recruits even vomited, not handling this gruesome scene very well.

"Eh? It's that strong? I outdid myself. I wasn't expec—" Horus stops speaking as he hears footsteps.

Noticing even more, each step caused the ground and walls to tremble. The small pebbles on the ground moved with each step.

The soldiers hearing these heavy footsteps, however, rejoice as their savior is here.

"You were showing off in front of us mortals, you trash avatar. How about you show off in front of a god?" A soldier says amidst a chorus of other shouts.

"Heh. So, he's here."

Smirking, Horus floats down to the ground 50ft in front of the gates' entrance and waits for him to appear.

The gates open to reveal a hulking man bare-chested standing at 10ft. On his chest were two sets of claw-like scars that intersected from the battle he had with the Nemean lion.

He sported spaulders covering his shoulders. A helmet made in the design of an open-mouthed lion rested on his head.

Only a greek loin cloth with leather straps adorned his nether region. Open-toed sandals on his feet as the straps wrapped around his shins.

The man in front of Horus was the epitome of what mortal men wanted to be.

He walks in from of Horus. Only a foot separated them.

Looking down he says, "Hello…
